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Bill Nursing Practice

Posted by ramzkesrawan on 02/09/2009

Definition and Purpose of Nursing Practice

Nursing is a professional services form an integral part of health care. Based on

science and nursing tips addressed to individuals, families, groups, and
communities both healthy and sick that covers the entire process of human life.

The practice of nursing is an independent action of nurses in collaboration with

the client system and other health professionals in membrikan nursing care
within the scope of authority and responsibility at various order services,
including nursing practice individually and in groups

Setting the implementation of nursing practice aims to provide protection and

legal certainty to the recipients and providers of nursing care. Maintain and
improve the quality of nursing care provided by nurses.

2.2 Importance of Nursing Practice Act

There are several reasons why the Nursing Practice Act is required. First, the
reason philosophy. Nurses have given a great contribution in improving health.
Nurses play a role in providing health services ranging from government and
private services, from urban to remote rural corners and borders. But such
devotion in fact has not been matched with the provision of legal protection,
even tend to be the object of the law. Nurses also have a scientific competence,
attitude rational, ethical and professional, high spirit of dedication, disciplined,
creative, skillful, virtuous and able to uphold professional ethics. In addition, this
Act has a purpose, a clear scope of the profession, the profession absoluteness,
common interests of various parties (communities, professions, government and
other stakeholders), a balanced representation, optimization of the profession,
flexibility, efficiency and harmony, universal, justice , as well as equality and
suitability interprofesional (WHO, 2002).

Second, legitimate reasons. 1945, Article 5, states that the President holds the
power to make law with the approval of the House of Representatives. Also Thus
Act No. 23 of 1992, Article 32, explicitly states that the implementation of

treatment and care based on science or medicine or nursing, can only be carried
out by health workers who have the expertise and authority to do so. Medium
Article 53, states that health workers are entitled to legal protection in carrying
out duties in accordance with the profession. Moreover, article 53 that health
workers in performing their duties are obliged to adhere to professional
standards and respect the rights of patients. On the other hand technically
enacted Decree of the Minister of Health Nomor1239 / Menkes / SK / XI / 2001
concerning the Registration and Practice Nurses.

Third, sociological reasons. Community needs for health services, especially

nursing services is increasing. This is due to the paradigm shift in the delivery of
health services, from the medical model of care focused on the diagnosis and
treatment of disease, health paradigm to a more holistic view of disease and
symptoms as information and not as the focus of service (Cohen, 1996). Besides,
people need nursing services that are accessible, quality nursing care as an
integral part of health care, and obtain legal certainty to the granting and
administration of nursing services.

Nursing is one of the health professions in the world. As a profession, of course,

the service provided must be professional, so that nurses / nurses must have the
competence and meet the standards of nursing practice, and considering the
professional code of ethics and morals so that people receiving care services and
good-quality keperwatan. But if we look at the current reality, the world
keprawatan in Indonesia are alarming .Fenomene "gray area" in various types
and levels of existing nursing and other health professions is still difficult to

Based on the results of the study (MOH & UI, 2005) indicate that the there are
nurses who make a diagnosis of the disease (92.6%), making prescription drugs
(93.1%), carry out treatment measures within and outside the health center
building (97.1%), antenatal care (70.1%), do a delivery assistance (57.7%), carry
out the task of janitor (78.8%), and perform administrative tasks such as
treasurer, etc. (63.6%).

In emergencies like this is called the "gray area" is often difficult to avoid. So the
nurse whose job is in addition to the client for 24 hours while the client
emergencies often have no doctor on duty. This makes the nurse forced to
perform medical procedures that are not authority for the safety of the client.
Actions taken without any delegation and guidance of physicians, especially in
the health center has only one doctor who serves as the manager of the clinic,
often give rise to situations that require nurses to act treatment. This
phenomenon must have often encountered in various health centers, especially

in areas tepencil. With the transfer of this function, it is certain functions of the
nurse will be abandoned. And of course this does not get legal protection
because it is not accounted for in a professional manner.

Then phenomena weaken public confidence and the rise of legal guidance on the
practice of health professionals including nursing, often identified with the failure
of the health care efforts. Only nurses who memeuhi requirements licensed
nursing practice.

Currently the insistence of all elements of the Nursing Act nursing will need
higher. The above description is quite describe how important the Nursing Act
not only for nurses themselves, but also for society as a recipient of nursing care.
Ever since the implementation of the National Workshop on Nursing in 1983
which stipulates that nursing is a profession and nursing education are at higher
education, various ways have been made in advancing the profession

In 1989, PPNI as nursing organization in Indonesia began to fight for the

establishment of the Nursing Act. Various important events happening in the
business success of this Nursing Act. In 1992 disahkanlah therein Health Act
recognizes that nursing is a profession (Health Law No.23, 1992). This event is
important, because the previous recognition that nursing is a profession merely
expressed in government regulation (PP 32, 1996). And the proposed new
Nursing Act was passed into the Bill of Nursing in 2004.

We need to know that to make a law can be reached by two ways namely
through government (1945 Article 5, paragraph 1) and by the Parliament (State
Legislature). For nearly 20 years PPNI fight keperawtan bill through the
government, in this case the MOH. Funds expended were not small. But the
reality today is on the order of Nursing bill 250s on National Legislation program
(Prolegnas), which exist in 2007 was on the order of 160 (PPNI, 2008).

Obviously knowledge of the importance of Nursing Act is absolutely necessary.

This is related to the status of the House of Representatives which is the
Institute, so that discussions are conducted is a problem that is happening in the
community. Therefore, the intellectual to the public of the importance of the
Nursing Act was included in the agenda of Parliament.

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