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1'l.S. purchased the National Library of Scotland

at the Roseneath Sale in Edinbur

November 1940

Transcribed A. McKerral

KintYre Antiquarian Society No. 143/4

1'1 . S. II c c. No. 1 2 7 4 Nat ion a 1 L'i bra r \' n t S cot lan d

1 ')

1678 Compt made wi.t h Dugald and .Iohn" Campbell

Chamberlains and ffactors of Kintyre


Kilcolmkill Parish

Charge Silver Rent


TIle 4 rne r k l and of Nachriemore possest be Ra_lsto_une for 19 years

after Whitsunday 1667



The 1 merkland of Rernu l Lch tr possest be Lachlall_ Nclntai~:J0uE

during his lifetime pays 060:

The 1 merkland of Remulwachtrich possest be l"ach_!_cl:_n Nc:l'L~i_Ll for

19 years after Whitsunday 1666 pays 044:13: 4

The 2 merkland of ffecchaig sett to Mr. John Cunnisone4 for 17

years after Whitsunday 1672 106:13: 4

The 1 merkland of Knockstaplemore sett to Alexr. Reid for 19

years after Whitsunday 1671 060:

(Note: The Rent of this room is 100 merks but there is 10

merks given down for service. Thir are commonly called the

9 merkland of Machriemore.)

The !f me r kl.and of Ca r s k.o y Lephenbeg & Clenaclul Lch tr i ch pays 200

Lib wh e r o f deduced during my Lords pleasure 66: 13:{f ,;0 rests 133: 6: 8

(No t e : 'I'h i r !{ me r k l.and s , a r e se t t to )~~rl __ _I"lfr_~~~_L]~ f () r ] 9 , years

atter the Decease of NellI 0 McNelll pn Tacksman thlrof lor

the s ume of 233: 6: 8 besides Teinds ~1uH.lIre C, p r es and s .

The 4 merkland of earen Laelt and Inehea sett to John McNeill


for 19 years after Whitsunday 1671 pays 150:

T11(' I, rne r k.Larid of .i Llmor o !\chnas:JViI & C] elldTTiu]] s o tt to

Lauchlan McNeill dur 19 years after Whitsunday ]671 133: 6: 8

Th i r a i.r corrrnonl y called t h« 12 me r kLaud f Ca r ske 'I'lie

fishing of Car sett to t h said La u c hla n D pays] Barr:

Salrnoncl. )


']:he 5 merj,z.8 51: 4d ] and of Cou] Le Long a r t Dal ichcnm~gl:t and Glenadulwachtrlch seLt to ArchIbald and James s tor]9

~----~----,-- -

years after Whit. 1678 23]:

The 8sh 4d land of Enandownane sett to John McMillan for 19

ears after \>Jhit. 1671

033: 6: 6

The 3 mk 8sh 4d land of Kilcolmkill Machriechastell and Glaiclz po s s e s t be l~Cl~_E;_~_o_l~TH~ for 21 years after \<JhitsundClY 1669 and pays yearly 140 pound but there is deduced yearly

d u r e in a ,L~111E"C;_ __ ()l21_'}_2Y_:~ lifetime for Kilcolmkill 23:6:6 se' rests 1]6:13: 4

The 2 me r k Land of Strone and Ba Ll ema c umb r a y po s s es t by ~l.':'_C:umbr_;_l_)'

for ]9 veal'S after Whits. 1671 pays 106:13: 4

The merklancl of Muckloch sett to John Hendrie for the said

space pays 050:

The 1 merk 8sh ~d land of Catteclillmore and Lepenchavir sett

to the sd , Ar_c:_!:l___Iv!_(:_gile~hri_§__t_ for the space f o r s d 090:

The 8sh 4d land of Ballemakillchonnele sett to McIlchonel1ie

for the space forsaid

033: 6: 8

The 8sh 4d land of Ballemakviccar sett to John McViccar space

forsd 033: 6: 8

The 2 merkland of Machriesbegg sett to Ralsto~!2 for 21 years

after Whitsunday 1669 053: 6: 8

The 5sh 10d land of Ineingey & Pubill sett to :!_CJ_~n __ ~ampb~~l:_ for

19 years after Whit. 1671 pays 030:

The 3 merkland of Bal1emeanach Keirfuar & Ballivrenane sett to

McIlmalein for 19 years after Whit. 1670 pays 150:

·0 d . J 9

The 2 8h lanel of Cartloskein sett to J_J_u_g__~_Cl!_l1_fl_b_~LL for . years

aft E' r Wh it. 1 6 7 3 pay e s () 6 8 :

The ~ merkland of Dailvraidan and Cartveanwachtrich sett to

Arcl/ NcNeill for 19 years after Whitsunday 1671 pay es 078: 13: L~


The 20~;11 Land of Le ph en s t r a sett to Malam (,oie) !kOSr~(-:_l1_C~g for

19 years after Whitsunday 1671 payes 086:

(This Room was a 2 merkland but being spoild the water is

sett at the extent of a 20sh land as to public burdens only.)

The 2 merkland of Kerrcmeannich and Gartvaich sett to John

McNachtan for the said space 120:

The 205h land of Br;'lck.l cd s e t t to John fkConachi.c for 19 ears

-- -------.-,-.--~-.-- -_- ---_ ... _-----

after Whitsundi1Y 1609

063: h: 8


The 1 merkJand or Bor iJlbeg sett t

for 1 9 L' a r s art e r h'h it. 1 6 7 1

Duncane Bane McMillan

0"+6: j 3: "

The I merkland of Knockstappillbeg

17 vears after Whit 1673

sett to James More

8 _ tor


The 2 merkland of Kileruan sett to Rand & Charles McAlasters

---.------~.---~--------.-.----.-----.--.-.--- -

for lb Lank in ~1.S.J years after \.Jhit.

088: 6: 8

The '} nur k la u d of Br une rLk i n set t to RaJ s t. own for 21 v e a r s it f t r Ivh j t. 1 (, 6 (J p a v s


The 2 merk 5stl 10d land of Arnot InicokaiJ]och Drumnarinoch Da i.Lsme r r i Ll and Laggandavc> s e t t to l2_\~!,_~l_d _ _f_a_l1lp~_clL for 19 v ea r s after \Jhitsunday 1673 p a y e s


The 1 merkland of Gartveanichtrich sett to Pat. McViccar space



The 1 merkland of Kepprogan sett to Lachlan~JS_c1_~is_!1_ space forsd 044:

The ~erkland of Ormsarie being a part of Saddel19 Lands sett

to l2_ug_~_c~npb~U for 19 years after Hhitsunday 1671 p a y e s 043:

Summa totalis Silver Rent of the parish of Kilcolmkill

Extends to 2744:

And there is in this parish 62 merk 8sh 4d land qt pays Teind Multure & pressands.

Kilblaan Parish

Charge Silver Rent

The 5 mkld of Kildavie sett to B:_Cll~t0U11~ for 21 years after

Hhit. 1669 200:

The 5m 6sh, 3d land of Eredull Gartnagerroch Lonachan & Glenna-

h e r v i 0. set t to _~c:_~_c:_!1E~_n_~ for 19 years after Whitsunday 1671 pays 236: 13: 4

The 1 me r kl.a nd of Sockoch possest be .l'\_ngu_,~_Ca!~_p]?__~ll during the 3el. space'

046:13: 11

fl J ] 1 f d . ] , . fl· d

'1 e me co. K a i 11 til g set t to D o n 1,1 c 1 _ c n e ] r or t 1 C S 3 l space


The 4 mk I d of Cristolach s et t to 0~J_l_~_l__11_c~~_(c;_~_l_~ for 19 y e a rs after

\vh it. 1 673 160 :

T'ne 9 mk . Ish. 3el land of Pol\-lil 1 ing Do un gl as K LLb I ann /:, J n cb - narrcvll without the Gleeh sett to Ralstoune for 21 years after I,!h its. I 669 p a ,,;

376:13: ()



The 2 rncrkland of Glennarnucklocll sett to Alex' Bruce for 17

years after Whitsunday 1673 pays

1 on.

The I me r kLarid o I Glenmurrell sett to J~l_l2__I)_l'2_ugl_a_~ for 19 years

aft e r Hh it. 1 6 6 7 pay s O 4 0 :

The 20sh. land of Kerranrnore sett to Archd McNeill for 19 years


after Whitsunday 1668 pays 051: 4:

The me r kl.and of Ke r r anbc g sett to ?v1alcolm McPhili for the sd. space pays

on:)' 8

The 2 mkl d . of B]arphern and Co r pb e vn sett to p_l_)E~_l_~ __ !J_cTav_2~_11 for 13 ye i.r s after i.Jhit. 1677 P3YS 60 pd. years [yearly] for

the first 3 years and 100 merks yrly therafter. 068:

dslO Il

Nota: he heis the multure & pres quat for the first

3 years.

Th 4 k I d f E . k & G ] k . . M L" 1 . 1 2

e m _ a "rrerlC ,art_os'an pertalnlng to CLClerln

pays of ffew duty

Not~~ the 1/2 mkld of Altnabodowie is wadsett to Skipnish with Knockreochmor.

053: 6: 8

Summa Charge Silver Rent of Kilblaan parish is


Nota: There is in this parish 37 mk. 1 sh. 4 d land that pays presents & Multure and 57 mk. 8 sh. 4d land that pays Teinds but to deduce the pressants & multure of Blarphern & Corphern for this year & the other two years immediately following.

Kilchevan Parish

Charge Silver Rent

The 4 merkland of Terarois12nd the 1 merkland of Lergiebane wasdett to Lachlan McNeill ~ under reversion of 3000 merks


being forehand rent ps


The 4 merkland of Glenrea and Auchnacorvie sett to the sd. 1~Cl.llC__l_lJ_<l_1_1~ for 15 years after Whit. 1666 p s


TJle 4 merkland of Knockhantriernore & 5 mkld of Losat & Glenhantie wadsett to the sd. Lachlane for 21 years after Whit. 1668 under

Reversion of 5000 lib. P3YS


The 2 me r k l a nd of Lo c ho r ad e Ll s e t t to :J~ll_l2___Ivl_l:!:J_ei}J for 19 years

a f t e r \.Jhit. 1671 ps 100:

'II" 1 1 1 -, . I t., -") 1 1 5J -

1C l_ rne r kic or- Ka Lcb e van s e t t to Co .. [-oores re .t.c t

for 14

yea r s aft e r "..]1-1 it. 1 670

133: 6: 8


Th e 3 me r k l and 0 Dr um l enu b Le & St r a t c h t r i ch wa d s e t t to umq ll

.l olrn Clerk under Rev er s i.on r 4000 mo r k s ps


The 2 mkland of Bellegrcgan parked for the coal horses except SLracrn s e t t t o A'l ex r . f f o r r e s t e r

033: 6: 8

TIle J merkJand of lnnanmore sett to John McConachie for 19 vears

after Whit. 1671 ps

066: 13: 4

The 8 sh , 4d land of Ln anb eg s e t t to Dun. Nc Co n a c h i e fo r the

said space ps 053: 6: 8

The 2 mkld of Kilchubanich seLt to Gilb. McLartie for 19 years

after hlhit. 1671 pays 120:


The 1 merkland of Lagnacraig sett to Arch McViccar for the

said space 50 lib wherof deducted 25 merks for service so rests 033: 6: 8

o f to A1c>xr. 16 9

The 1 mkld Straichtricll sett L ftorester for 1

years after Whit. 1668 pays 053: 6: 8

The 4 merkland of Ba1legrogan & Crackaig sett to Archd McNeil]

space forsd

173: 6: 8

The. 2 merkland of Belloch sett to John Cunningham17 for 19 years after hlhit. 1671 ps.

133: 6: 8

The 2 merk1and of Achachork sett to Robt. fforrester sapce forsd 100:

The 3 merkland of Glacknahawell sett to Dun. McWilliam sp. forsd 140:

The 2 merkland of Knockhantiebegg sett to lno. McConachy for 19 years after hlhit. 1673 reserving to my Ld. ii aiker of the ground III

t he r o f for the salt pans now possest beli __ ~_rovm & pays by the



TIll" 8 sh . 4d land of Keillipoll being a pt. of Saddels lands sett to ~cl_C'_b_:_J1cNejll for IS years after Whit. 1668

The 1 mk.ld of Achnasheishag s e t t to Q_llx~ __ ~ampb_l~~~ for] 9 years a ft e r i-JhH. 1669

022: LI:


The 21Wkld of Tradigill being a pt. of Arrisart sett to Hellebeeth 0 for 21 years after Whit. 1669 ps


Summa Silver Rent of Kilc11evan parish extends to


In this parish 47 mk. 8 sh. 4d pays teind Mu]turn & pr e s sd s & the 2 mkld of Balegrogan is deduced this r.


Kil c h e r a n Pa r ish

Tlle 2 1/:2 me r k land of

Ki.lchrist & Ochteran sett to Lachlan

------ -~-

1668 ps

1 ") i) ~


:r c N e:i 11 f (I r 15 \' e drs d f t ET W11 it.

--_---_ .

With 200 loads of peats.

Tlle 1 mer k land fforcester for

of Nether Wigi11 or Carvachie 19 years after \.Jhit. I6n p s

t sett to Rob


The other mkland therof

possest be Robt HcEcherine


053: h: 8

The !+ me r kI and of KU a I t e r \011 it. 16 (; 9 p co

. li 'It 19 r

CWl1dl1 sett to ArCll1 IJ)On lor

19 years


The 2 merkland of Soskin sett to Alexr fforrester wt the 3


merkland of Knockriochbegg for 19 years after Whit. 1668 ps

Nota thir Lands of Strawachtrich are wadsett to the sd. Alexr under Reversion of 4000 merks the rent to be


deduced for 1678.

306:13: 1+


The 1 merkland of Arrenarroch possest be him for stock and

teind during the said space pays


The 2 merkland of Auchnaclogh years after Whit. 1673 ps With 60 load of peats.


possest be Qug _Campbell for 19

083: 6: 8

The 3 1/2 merkland of Ballimeanoch Kildallag Knockrioch &

Molmartin wadset to }ohn _Ca~pbe_!._~ under Reversion of 3000 merks 040:

The 20 sh. land of Glenramskillmore possest be George and John

Camph~l for 19 years after Whitsunday 1671 ps 060:

The 2 mer k.Land of Achachoan set t to l_l)l1_~ampbell l'lelforts son for the said space pays 100 lib hut there are 20 merks deduced for service yearly so rests

086:13: 4

The mc r k l a nd of Kilcheran sett to .f\..:l_~xr __ Al!._an for 19 years after Whitsunday 1671

066: ]3: 4

The 4 Cleebs and old manse which belonged to Kilcheran parish sett to the said Alexr for the time forsaid & pays

Notd in lieu of thir gleebs my lord has given the minister the 2 merkland of Glenramski1lmore formerly possest be the sd'lI~l_e_x_r _ _!-\_l_~_;_llj and he pays the t e Ln d multure, & p r e s s an t s & 2 doz. roultrie for a half merkland and [or the Gleebs.

026:13: 4

The 2 mo r k la nd of Ballenabraid s e t t to Sandra after v111it. 1674

p s 100 :

The 2 lTIl'rkland of Bollenatone sett to Col, HcEchrine for 19

.-----~-~--~------ .. ---~.-----.-.-

\' ear s a [ t c r \:ih it. 1 67 !; . 080 :


The 21/2 mc r k l a n.i of Knoc k r i o chmo r e and Ar r en a s k av i ch

1/'2 mer k.Land of Al t n.abodow i e in the parish of Kil b La an


\v t h e

wad s e t t

The 2 merkland of IV}] its U 11 cl a v 1 6 7 1 p s

to the .f,al~~_,(Jf S];:_L_pni~l under reversion of 4000 me r k s 6, ps 135:

to Arch d ~kN3bh


for 19 years after


'I'l ~ '; 1 'I d - E'l 1 1 1 ,21, J d D , .

le J I "- me r x ia nc o r rta nc awa r r par c e o b v my.or S 1 r ec t t.o n

e x c e p L t h d t pa r t t 11 e r 0 f q ch (~_ilc ll!'_:i,::;,~_J".1_c Ll,ch2::"i,111C: pus se s s e s and

is dedu ed to him for

ing the park.

The I merkland of the Castell sett to Mr. Thomas dur e i n g pleasure and pays fur it. and his a i.k.e r s

053: o : 8

The 3 me r k l a nd of c r o s s a l I s et t to ~1~j()_~_<_l~_Ca~~~E9_ell for 19

years after Whitsunday 1671 pays 240:

The 3 merkland of Lochhead being sett for 80 aikers at lib 4

the aiker yearlie deducing Haj()_~~amEbelD_ 2 a i k.e r s Inde 312:

Nota to charge two hens 2 duzon eggs & a geese upon each

2 aikers of the sds. Lands seing they pay no multure teind nor pressds.

The two merkland of Kilbryde and Kynochan sett to Donald McNachtan for 19 years after Whitsunday 1671 ps


The 5 merkland of Ki~~elan Pennygowne and Clenramskillbeg ffewed to McEachrine and pays

066: ]3: 4

Summa Silver Rent of the said parish extends to There are 46 1/2 merklands in this parish that pay Teind Multure & pressands.



Kilmichal Parish

Charge Silver Rent

'I'he 3 rnerkland of the Backs being il pt. of Skeirche.inyie parish sett to John Heln re for 19 years after Whitsunday J G7] ps


The I merkland of Arois possest after Whitsunday 16G6 ps

or)]: 6: 8

The 3 mk 8 stl 4d land of Skerblengorie possest be Alexr 1 for I 9 yea r s aft e r Wh it. J 6 7 I


170 :


is assi

to t.h i s tack.

The 2 mkld of Kilmichcll of BallevJjl1in t r a c h \tib it. I 669 p s y r I y

the 2 mk i d of t, \!ill ert to Col. Halket

dT1d t h« 2 mk1.d for 21 years from

280 :


TIle 4 mc r k.l and

.") 5

of Irr ummo i r s e t.t to David 1'100re"- for 200 lib

wherof deduced during mv lords pleasure 140 merks rests

106: 13: 4

The 4 me r k l a nd of Craig sett to Q_ugiiId___~3mpb~I_! for 19 years after Hl1it. 1673


The 2 me r k l.and of Ba Llew iLl i ng i ch t r i ch s e t t to the s d . John ell for the said space

"""----~---""--- "-"

083:13: 4

The :) merklancl of Askamilbeg pays

133: 6: 8

The 3 me rkl.a ud elf Ba r r a s k amilI s et t tu T2_tl~1":__~-"1!,I~p_l)~} during his lifetime and thereafter to ~EdstoU"l~: for 21 years after ~.,

1669 120:

The 9 merkland of Darlachan Claghkeyle & Lesragan possest be

J:l_ect_<=l_t'_Hc_~ill for 18 years after Whit. 1672 ps 333: 6: 8

The 3 merkland of Ballegregan pays 120 lib. weh is allowed to MCij_~E_~Campbel~ during his lyfetime.

The 6 merkland of Machriehanish sett to Hellebeeth for 21 years

after Whit. 1669 ps 26 249:

With 2 duzon of Rabbits yearly

The 32~erkland of Askamilmoir payd 160 pd qrof deduced to James

Brown during his lifetime 40 pd. so rests 120:

Summa Silver Rent of Kilmichell parish 2044: 6: 8

There is in this parish 57 mk 8sh 4d land that pays teindis including Lergies 7 merkland & 46 merk 11 sh 4d land that pays multure and pressands.

Kilehowslan Parish

Charge Silver Rent

The 3 mkld of Crossiebeg and Kilchowsland the 8 merklands of Smeribie and Claekfeyn and the 4 merkland of Hallimeanoch sett to R:J]stown(,_ for 21 years after vJhit. 1669


The 4 merkland of Pennyver ranska~~ c r o i s h Kilcheclan and Al t Ln te r a f f e and the 2 merkland of Kildonane all years after \-lhit. 1669 pa Co

the 8 merkland of Ardna-

the 2 merkland 2~ Belloehger for 19


The 3 merkland of Gartgryl1inc years after 'vJhit. 1662

(' for l8


The 6 mkl.d of and Dr umga rvi c e t t to Cal dwc l I for ]9

years a f t er Villi t. 1667 pays 200:

with 2 Be s scapes.


The 2 me r k La nd of \</.,-,:adiJl s e t t to ~0~,~e_;-;_ CCl_nlJ)~ell for 19 ve a r s after t'Jhit. 1672 pays 16() lib .. q r o f t hr- r i s a Ll owd yearly f o r service 20 merks rests

Summa Silver Rent of the forsd parish of Kilchows1an extends to 1946 lib 13 sh 04d. Deduceigg the Silver

Rent of U il1wacl1trich wad s e t r to l_)ug ~_0_ll~ElJ_~}_l w i t h

the lands of Saddell 146:13:4 rests

There are 44 merkland in this parish that pays Teind Including l'laka s 2 rnerk l.aud a n d 42 mer kl arid that p a v s ~lul t ur e [, p r e s s a n t s .

Kill e a n Parish

Charge Silver Rent

The 4 rnklel of Corputch~BP and the 4 merkland of Clengart sett to ~aj or _._l_9Jm_ Campbe~ for 19 years after Whit. 1671 & pays for it

And for Clengart 200 lib wherof deduced yearly conform to the

tack 29:16: rests

The 4 rnerkland of Margrnonach sett to Duncan McTavish for 19 19 years after Whit. 1671

The 5 merkland of Beachmore set t to _Ar~ingibbOl:!:. for ]9 years after Whit. 1669

The 4 merkland of Crubastill sett to Lach. McNeill bowie for


]9 years after Whit. 1671


The 2 rnerkland of Killigruoir sett to Lowp e for 19 years

after Whit. 1671 pays

The 8 me r k l.aud of Barr sett to ~leXr __ L£.(Hrc:'_~t:_er for 19 years Whit. '69

The 2 mcrkland of Achatadowie 1 mklcJ of Blair J mkld of Amrnot set t to An gy s Sll1_1_l) b ~_h_l for 1 9 yea r s aft e r Itih it. ] 6 71 pel Y s

The 2 mer k l a nd of KfLma Lua g s e tt to _!_v_,,::_r __ li~l1_1_\::_E'~_r for the s d , space p ay s 100 lib q r o f 20 .nk s deduced y e a r Ly conforrn to the tack rests


his lifetime & pays yearly



146:13: 4

316:13: 4



133: 6: 8




086: 13: 4


The 3 mkl d of j',elJoch sett tOj2!:1_I1Ej_l_cl-,\~cJJ_E'_i~1) for 19 years after

\-1h it. J 6 7 1 pay s 1 2 O :

- . t

Nota this is wadsett to Rob late Baillie of

CJasgow under reversion of 2 the rent qrof being

80 lib is deduced yearly.



5 merkland

of i"'1ungastil1 s e t t to James

. 32 Bannatlne



so ~ space pays

166:13: 4

The 2 mkld of Glenkcrdoch space pays


sett to Alex ffarrester for the sd


Entred for the few duty of the 8 mkld of Crossaig Sperasaig Crinnae & Crytbriden disponeit to _~ClL0~Campb_el~ of Elyths\0Qod p a y s vearly

\.Jith 4 Bolls multure me a Ll with the t e i nd s used & wori t .


d The 4 merkland of Kilmorrie of Saddell lands sett to umqll Arch

(:,~g~_C:arrl"p_~)~l_l for 19 years after Hhit. 1666 pays J60:


The 3 mkI d of Ach a Le i sk an s e t t to Al_ex_ffOl:rester:_ for 19 years

after Whit. 1871 pays 160:

The 20 sh. land of Drumnamuclloch sett to Arch. McNeill for the

sd. space pays

073: 6: 8

The 4 mkld of Putachan sett to Charles McEachrine33 for the sd.

space pays 186:13: 4

The 20 sh land of Monequhyll sett to Hector McNeill for 18 years

after Whit. 1672 pays 026:13: 4

It pays no personage teind nor multure.

Swnma of this parish is 2552:

There is in this parish 72 mkld qt pays pressants

70 1/2 pays Multure and the Teinds of the parish is to be charged be itself.

S~~'irchenyie Parish Charge Silver Rent

The 4 mkld of Kill iocra sett to Charles l'1c~Cl.£~l_ril~_ for 19 years

a f l e r Wh it. 1 6 7 1 18 6 : J3: (f


The 1 mkld of Corne] Lch s e t t to Hellebeeth [or 21 years after

HhiU;uncl. 1669 pays 050:

The I sh 8el land of Ballf?alargymore & the 3 merkland of Drum

a nd La r g Lebe g s e t t to Co J'\obt. 11 for 19 years \,]hit.

1671 210:

The 2 J/2 mk.ld of Elal1cndl',1aick s e t t to ~_ugll__-,~lc_C_t~ll_c:J_c_h for 19 ve a rs after vJhit. 1671


The 3 ml: 10 s h Ld , o I Langd Ki 1 rnahoe & Bo r d ad ow set t to .l o b n

11 for sd. spa e pays 187 . 10 sh but during the tack

_--'"_~_ -_""

is deduced year]v {j/+ 15.b. so remains

'3: 10:


spouse in Lx c amb i on of her Ly f e r e n t r t of Strcindoull the io rrnc r r e n t being 2DO me r k s q r o I a l l.owd to the said Dug( for service 25 merks vear]v for the first 17 VC$rs of the 19 vears tack qch is anteri~>r to~ the last agreement' ,/ his w i f e whi~h tack is to stand in case she die before the expyreing therof and pays yearly

clureing her


DO] :] J: 4

The 8 rne r k 6 s h Sd Land of I\i 1\\101 r ow Tangyi.stdul Llggalgarvic ~, c: art g r u 11m", 11 \v:1 d set t t D C~!:ilE~e_? __ _l'1_c_~~'~~:llEjT1Y lind err eve r s i on o f

3000 me r k s & p.ry s vcar]\' ;)]3: h: 8

The.!~ mc r kla rid of Bal.1ivean Kllockn~Sour s Dr um l.e a being a p a r t of Sa d d e l I lands sett to §,~,)~~t_hba~ , for 21 years after Whi l-

sunday 1673 ye a r s and pays 380:

The 9 merkland of Bra§~lie Barmolich Craigmoir & auchinbreck fewd to ~L~en~arr-.:~l_E:_~~ pays


Silver Rent extends to


There is133 mk 11 sh 8d land that pays Multure & pressants and my L( has right from Ch. McEachrine to the teinds of 3/4 of the sd. parish qch is~charged b-;; itself.

Deduceing the stipend due to the minister as formerly.

Saddell Parish

Charge Silver Rent

Entred for the ffew duty of the Mains and Castell of Saddell with the miin therof the 1 mk 8 8h 4d land of Ulladillnakeyle the 2 merk land of Laphanmoir the 2 mkld of Groistill the 20 8h ld. of lffernane the ! mkld of Kil~ichell t~e 20 ~~ l~nd of B~adifernane wad s e t t to J?yg ~Carnpbe~_l Ba i l.I.e of Kf.n t yr e w i t h the 2 mkld of Ulildillwachtrich in the parish of Kilchowslan under reversion of

25000 merks pays yearly of money 200:

With the haill teinds Multure & pressants formerly charged.

d The 4 1/2 mkld of Tortastill and Lephencharach sett to Arch

C_~11.I'_l1_C:}} for 13 years after Whit. 1666 pays 225:

d ~

to the sd. Arch foy Ij years

The 20 sh 1.and of aft C' r \<Ih it. ] 6 7 ]

gg s e t t


Summa Silver Rent few duty and rent of the parish

Th('H' 1:3 l,'l rnk R s h L,d land that pays t'lulture & t c ind s and 19 mk 8 811 4d that pays prcssand including the 4 I!Ikld or a d d e l L.



Rests ~_()_b_~1_~amon~t_ for his house barn 0< yard of Horse sheets 1 of

powltric 6 of eggs 2 duz. 013: 6: 8

Res t s tl_u_gll_ Al La n f (l r 11 ish a II s e k i 1 nan d y 3 r d 0 f H 0 r s e she e t s 1 of powltrie 6 of eggs 2 duz.


Arch McOnloa for his

2 of

vard of

powltrie 6 of eggs 2 duz.

Re s t s l'~l_t:_~~~_V__._i__~_C'_C_l_~ for his h o u s e & yard part 1'1 posses t be himself 13 lib 6 : 8 and for the house & smiddie sometimes possest be Jno. Dickie 15 lib. inde

Of Horse sheets 1 of poultrie 1 d 1/2 of eggs 6 duz.

Re s t s Capt_.____(';eorge Campbel138 for his house & yard

Of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 duz but he pays the last year of the tack 50 mks.

Rests John Douglas39 for his house & yard Of Poultrie 6 of eggs 2 duz.

Rests for umqll John Clerks40 house & yard

Of horse sheets 1 of poultry 6 of eggs 2 duz.

Rests Dugd MCDugd for his house & yard

Ofho-rse- sheets 8 of poultrie 8 of eggs 2 d.

Re s t s :t!_aJ co]~ McArtllUr for his house yard barn & kiln Of Horse sheets 1 of poultry 6 of eggs 2 d.

Res t s J ohn~Jiurray for h is house yard etc. of powltrie 1 of eggs 4 d.

Rests Alexr Allan for his house


Of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 d.

Rests John 11ie for his house & smiddie

Of horse sheets I of poulrrie 6 of eggs 2 [doz?]

Rests Alexander Bruce for his house and yard 10 lib & for the house p_C;-~-s;_;:-st-CbZ'l~i;l~--wher in tol1__clSl_c:_f~~:1rl pretended I1gh t 8 1 ib

as also for t he house ki.l.n and yard POSS(~st be urnq ~:b_o~~~

\-i_e_~r~ barns [bairns] 20 lib all set to the said !:\_L'::':X"cl_ll_~_er for 9 'lears inde

or horse sheets 2 of poultrie 18 of eggs 6 d.

Nota it is informed that the tack of this three

tenements beares only twenty e t pound of tack

duetie and therefore this is to ~? cleared by

looking one I ori] Lo r d s Double'" of !-~_le_>:~_n_t1_E:_r:

Bruce his tack of Thoma s \~e(Cir hou s e a nn o ]673

-~ --~------~~~-.-----.~--,-

~:JFt:~n t he Dw L il' L 5 a 11 ("d w r o n g & char


026:13: 4

013: 6' S

028: 6: 8

016:13: LI

026:13: 4


013: 6: 8


016:13: 4




Res r.s John f f i.n

for his house & yard

OlD; 00: oo

of fJoultric 6 of eggs 2 D.

Rests Neil Miller for his house and yard


of horse sheets 1 of poultrie 6 of eg~s 2 d.

Rests William Hood for his house & yard

- ---~~-----~-- ---._-----

of fJoultric 6 of eggs 2 d.

0]6: 00: OCl

Rests Donald Hood for h is new h o u s e ,md t h er three> houses ,',

v a r d

Of, 3 : o« : 08

or horse" sheets 2 of pou lt r i.c 18 of eggs 6 D.

Res t s.L<:)~~_J'i_'.:_J\j~~e for 11 is house 1:, ya r d

of horse sheets 1 of fJoutlrei 6 of eggs 2 d.


Rests Archibald McNeill for his house & Yard of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 D.


Rests William Kelburne for his house of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 D.


Rests John tvlcKinlay footman for his house payable to p~onald _li.Cl.9_d_ be his tack during sd. John's lifetime 3 lib 6 sh 8d

Nota the t e neme n t sometyme possest be _D~CJ_£l_~l.~ Dar~o_l:.b is set to Qonald McNeilassyounge~ for 1 lib 13 sh 4d with poultrie & eggs and after the Decease of ~E),~l'Ic:.lS~ he is to pay 5 merks yeirlie with the casualities but the money rent is not to be charged untill Martimess 1667 and the poultrie & eggs are to be charged then being of money

of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 d.


Rests Major John Campbell for the house and yard which was possest be MiIlichowll


of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 d.


Rests !)_:.mal_c!__lj.<::.Neil_~ for his house & yard of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 d.

006: 13: 04

Re s t s ~21_gus s.:.~I!IP_~_E:.l.:.!. for the house which was possest be Mc!.:.~r_-: t Lch


of poultTie 6 of eggs 2 D.

Re s t s i\_1_E2:~22.9~~0alllJ~~eJ_L & VI_a_lter _~;ib~ equalJ y for the te~zment

h ou s«: & yard s orne t yrne p o s s c s t he the Cornmi.s s n r of 1<1ntvre 040:00:00

of horse sheets 2 of pouLlric 2 of eggs 4 D.

Nota to remember that !'\_l_l"_~~I2.ci_<2_r __ (~amp])211 rests 20 1 ib for his part of this tenement sjnce 1666 & the poultrie s t nee the d il teo f the 5; \l b m i :::; sin n [, ~.'c"_! t <::_r:..'<:i.:ilj_12 is top a y the half of the 40 lib & casualjeies early since the

sel. subrn i s s i o n .


of poultrip I D. of eggs 4 D.

Rests Alexander Dun b a r fen the U·Jl) tenements 11,,,,, p o s s e s t be him 010:00:00

Rests Nicolas Todd for his house & yard

of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 D.

Id. he rests for another tenement set to him for 19 years after \",h i. t . I h 73

of horse sheets I of pou]trip 6 of eggs :2 n.

006: ] 3: 04


Rests And r ew Dickie for the: nevi ho u s e & v a r d 005:0[):00

of poultry of eggs 2 D.

Rests Robt. McHutcheon for his house and yard of poultrie of eggs 2 D.

Rests AIE_'xand_er CampbE:'11_ for the new house to be built bv him of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 D.

Rests John _!1cWillic1_lTl for his house & tenement formerly ffewed and now set to him for 19 years after Whit. 1673

of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 D.




Rests John McNeill for his house & tenement be the same


of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 D.

sett 008:00:()O

Rests Job_n Sti~lil~g_ for his house & tenement set to him for 31 years after Whitsunday

of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 d.

Rests Donald McNiven for his house


of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 D.

Rests \-i_~1~l__~<J_n_1_ __ ~!-!:~~_ for the tenement whe r e i.n t o McNachtan pretended right set to the sd. William for 19 years a ter Whit. 1673 and payes 16 lib wherof deduced during his servjce 8 lih so rests

of horse sheets 2 of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 D.

The maltman's house Aiker & kiln of Campbeltown set to Ma or John Campb e Ll for 19 years after Whit. ]671 for 100 me rk s ~l~is-h-Ts-i~~--is discharged during the tack.

Nota the Balies aikers set to the sd. Ma or John for the sd. space and payes yearly 6 bolls bear 2 duz pou trie & 4 geese. All is to be charged with the pressands of Kl?tyre.

No t a t.h e r is 60 foot of waste ground ab ov e umq - - T_l!~O_rnc1_ Vleirs tenement set to !\_le);a_r_1_~_c::~_fl_()r~E(~s_t_E'_r: for 21 years after Lt sund a v 1674 for lO mr k s poultric eggs and a horse ~;heet ~lilk is all discharged for the first seven eares this being the f f i.f t h .

He s t s for t 11 e h 0 \l S e set to Iso be J 1 \.J j I 1 s ( H) l'

o f horse sheets 1 of PouI t r i e ') d.





Donal McWilliaffis houses

OOC) : 13 : O~

of poultri 6 of eggs 2 d.

Thls 1S tu be enquired for since 1667.

Hosts ~nald _ _C=13!_l~ for the wes t [wa s t.e? ] ground betwixt f~1_<:l_r_Ec:_\' Dickies and Eb i r na c.ou i.r set to him for 19 v e a r e s after \~hitsunddV

I 73 006:13:0~

of poultrie 6 of eggs 2 d.

Sumrnd Silver Hl'nr of the hnllsec; of Campbclto\,Jl1extcnds tel


Summa turalis of North and South Kintyre including Sadc1ell Skci r ch cnvi.c Arr o s a t and Camp bo l I t own houses extends to

the s o ume of 17043: 03: O!I


Impris to be allowed to the Compters this year for their service


Allowed to the officers of South and North Kintyre this year for their service


A~low~3to the G~rdiner of Campbelltown this year for his flaIl but he 1S to have a sufficient man with hbn


Id deduced the rent of Boi11s44 3 merk1and of Askamu1beg until1 there be a comqting [compting?] persued


Id allowed to t h o 1_:Ej_~d_~f_ _ __l\_~l.Ei_sown yearlie for 19 years year lie for 19 yeares after Whitsunday 1669

Id a Ll.owd to T:.'_i~_~_S_5?_:~:_Eob_eLt_ Camp\.)_~~) for the benefits of his tack of Ballivean & others yearlie for 13 years this being the sixth



ld deduced to ~_lf:'_){~l_l1_C_1__r~ __ f_~o_E~E'.::s_t~f'_E for a years rent of 4000 Merkes at this MartimC'ss for whi c h he 11('8 a wadset right upon the Lands of Sheskinc, Knockr:Lochber; and Strawilchtrich



So rests clear silver rent of North and South Kintyre and Campbell t own houses the :';OU111(' of


Nota it is to be,

t o Col _1 ~ ~lt~nz I e s q

ered that

Lord hes given bond

K i 1 c he ran Eel 1 0 c h f r 1675 so that there .i s

!~OO() }clerkE's b eari.n infeftment upon the rent t h e i r o f after I~hi ts un

160 lih resting at this termE.



Entered of

46 pres sands

according to ane pressand upone ilk four

merkland of the haill lands contained in the rentall & comnt beforemen(tione)d extending to 408 m. 3 sh. 4d lands deducing the lands that payes no pressant viz the half merkland of

Al t nabodow i.e the 3 rne r k land of Lochhead the 1 me r k La nd of Arenarrich the half merkland of Elandavar the 3 merkland of Askomelbeg the 4 merkland of Saddell the g merkland of Ballegregan and the 8 merkland of Crossaig new ffewed to Hlvlhs-

wood being in all 22 merkland and ilk pressand be estimat to

7 lib ]0 sh. for 386 merkland 4 shil. 4d land indo 723:15:00

Nota the pressands of the 8 merkland of Corpheyn charged here are to be deduced to the compters for the years 1677, l678, & 1679.

Entered for 23 dusson and a half poultrie and 94 dusson of eggs charged on the houses of Campbelltown at the converted prices

inde 050:19:00

Entered for the 80 Aikers of Campbelltown ilk two aikers payand

a geese two hens & 2 duson of eggs so rests 39 geese six duson and a half of hens and 78 dusson of eggs charged at the converted

prices inde 029:05:00

Entered for the baylies aikers of Campbelto~l for 2 duson poultrie & 4 geese at the converted proces inde


Entered for 16 geese 14 duz. poultrie & 2 duson of capons charge~ on the milnes of Kintyre conforme to the particular accomp 167] lnde


Mair for the 4 Gleebs of Kilchearan and pendicle thereof two dusson of Poultrie lnde


Smmna Silver rent for the pressands of Kintyre



And this is attour 2 loads of straw or hay upon ilk

merkland of Kintyre can forme to the new sett extends to 760 loads.



Entered of dry multure according to eight pecks meall ffor ilk maekland of the particular lands within the parishes beforemen (tione)d. entending to 401 mk 3 sh 4d lands inde

Entered for the miln of Machrimore Entered for the m iln, of KilcohTnan [for the m i.Ln e [, croft of Lo c hh e a d fIo r the rni.Ln e of 'I'e nri i e

ffor the milne of Barr

Surun.i Charge j\lul t ur e Neall and lvJj In c s of Kintyre 318 boll ]0 pecks


Allowed to the Gardiner of Campbelltown this year for his service

Allowed to the lJ_i_l_~d of Ralst_o"W_l1_ for the first fifteen years of this tack for 1669 exclusive

Summa Discharge

So rests Multure Meall and Milnes of Kintyre


Entered for the teinds personage & vicaridge of the parishes of Killcolumkill Kilblann and Kilcheran in South l~ntyre being iB9 all 169 me r k La n d and ane half including San~~E;_ & McEacherns lands. Charged at ten merks the merkland except the ~6rkland of TLr f e r gu s which pays bolls & brocks as North Kintyre and except the 2 merkland of Ba5{egregan which is in Md Lords hands for the use of the Colliers so rests to be chard in this accompt 163 merkland and a half merkland at ten merks the merkland inde

200: 10:00

20:00:00 14:00:00 40:00;00 12:DO:OO ~lO:DO:UO

Boll s Pecks
286 10 j_ib:sh:d 1090:00:00

Id. for t h e v Lc a r ad g e and b r o ck.s o i the 4 mer k l a nd of 'I'Lr f e r gu s

at (+6 shill 3d the me r k l.and Ide 0009:0h:()S

En t e r ed for the vicaradge b r o ck s and small t e i.nd s of the h a ilI parish of KiJcheran being 46 merkland attaur Elandavar at 46

sh:LUing 3el the mr- r kLa nd .i ud e 0107:06:08

Entered for th vicaradgc bro ck s & sma Ll t eind s of the parish of K'i l ru i.c helI heing 37 me r ks 4 s h 3d land including Lergios

7 merkland at 46 shilling Bd the merkland

.i rid e



Entered for the vicaradge brodks and small teinds of

Kilchowcland being 44 merkland at 46 shill Sd the merkland inde 010 :13:04

Entered for the vicaradge brocks & small teinds of the parish of Killean at 46 sh Sd the merkland ilk merkland of 44 merlkand & 40 shill. the merkland of 54 merkland and eight merks for the

personage of Crossaig


Entered for the vicaradge of the parish of Kilchenyie being reckoned in 36 mrk 5 shill land beside brae of Glencaradell being 9 merkland whish is reckoned for 37 lib for personage

iud e

Summa Charge teind money of Kintyre extends to


Allowd the stipend of the three kirks of South Kintyre inde

Allowd the Ministers stipend of Kilkerrarr, Kilmichell and Kilchowsland

Allowd the Ministers stipend of Killean

Allowd the Ministers stipend of Kilchenyie

Summa Discharge

So rests teind silver


Entered for the teind meall of the 4 merkland of Mirfergus

ffor the meall of the parish of Kilcheran being 46 merkland

at one boll meall ilk merkland iude

Entered of teind meall & bear for the hail] parish of Kilchenyie this year reckoned at 35 merks 4 sh land payand the

personadge teinds jnde

Summa Teind Meall
















Entered o[ t bear for the parish of Kilmichell being 57 mrk

4 sh Sd land at one boll bear each merkland inde 57:05 & 3 pts peck

Entered for the parish of Kilchowsland being 44 merkland at one

boll bear each merkland inde 44 bolls

Entered of bear for the haill parish of Killean 148 bolls

Entered [or the bailies aikers of Campbelltown of bear 006 bolls

Summa Charge teind bear

') r- 5· t 11 c k. 3d k

~_) )0 s _) p s pt pee r


Allow for the Minister of Kilcheran, Kilchowsland & Kilmichell their stipend

Summa discharge

20 bo I I s
36 bolls
56 bolls
199 bolls 5 pecks 3d pt. peck Allow for the Ministers stipend of Killean

So rests teynd bear


Entered for the ffew duetie of the Lands of Mackerrioch, Kilmoshenichan, Gartnogoback, Knockmurell, Blastill, Eden, Lonlachna, Isle of Sanda, Penyseirach, Aucharoy, and Culreachan being in all 22 1/2 emrkland payes

lib :sh: d 0360:00:00


Entered for the annuity of Lergies lands & for the ffew duties of Dara anno 1678


Entered for the tack duetie of the salt panns and coal heughs set to t he Cornp t er and Alexandec_lS_orr~~~~2"

of salt 20 bolls.


Summa Totalis of silver rent of North and South Kintyre including brocks & small teinds Sandas ffew cluetie Lergies annuities and salt panns silver tack cluetie extends to




or malt
of b e a r
of sa 1 t
of peets
of horse
and 372

199 020

550 loads


3 pt peck

sheots 30 or 30 shill. for the peice at my Lords option 6 olns in every sheet

of and straw 760 loads

of rabbits 2 dusson

of salmond one barrell or 15 lib therefore. uf bee: SCdpes :2

[In a different ink]:

That the Rental written on this and the fourteen proceeding pages is

a just coppie of the Rental of Kintyre for the year one thousand six hundred seventy eight as the same is set down in the late Earle of Argyle's Rental Book for the siad year is attested by me Archipah<-!_~ampbelJ:_ Notar publick

at Inveraray the Tenth Day of March 1719 years.

Arch. Campbell

r . s 52

No lUS Pub .

Reference Notes

1. :r2_ugald Campbell of Lindsaig obtained from the Earl of Argyle a Charter of the lands of Saddell in 1677 confirmed by King Charles in 1678. Baron Baillie of Kintyre.

2. John Campbell of Kildalloig had a Charter of the lands of Kildalloig from the Earl of Argyle in 1674.

3. The Laird of Ralston: Wm. Ralston of that Ilk.

4. Minister of Killean. See Paper by Rev. D. J. Macdonald in Kintyre

Antiquarian Society Papers.

5. Brother of Ha_1co~ HcNe_i}] of Ca r sk e y . He died in 1685. Sec tombstone

in Kf.Lc o l rnk i.Ll,

6. ,~~I_l~~~E? __ ~)Tn~ex of Cullilongart obtained a charter of the lands of K'il.c.o l mk Ll l from the Bishop of Argyll in 1682. The first charter of these lands was to l_)_I:l~l_C_;}_Il__g~mey_ ill 1622 and from the then Bishop.

7. Descendant of the old family of the Harpers to Clan donald. To this f aru i ly belonged fl_al~_(_J_1}2!___l2C:__()_E>!]_E:':2~(~_g Hinister in K'i lkevan in Ih)'j.

8. l:~u_~_r, probably of Rowa Ll an ,


9. \0Len and nOh' this became p a r t of Sacldcll ('<)ula net be determined.

10. Presents, extra rents.

J I. Qu it or d i s c ha

12. McEachran of Killellan.

1 "

) .

\i-,1_l_t_"::_r __ C_~~mp!>t~ll of Sk i prie s s had a charter from the LuI of Ar g v l e of

the lands f Sk e s s and others and the of t h Cast] e of

Sk ipu e s s . The c h a r t e r of which there is dated 13th December 1670; sasine

t 0 11 i scI des t s o n l~n g LI_~ _ __C:_Cl_l_l1E.l~~~Ll .

is a copy in the Na t i o n al Li.b r a r v 31st 1671. The succession was

14. La£l2Ll_fl_lir:_N_~_:~l in Terrarois had a charter from the Barquis of Argyll"

of the Ll me r kla n d of Lo s s e t 1667. His wife's name is given as l'1i12:_g__i1_rE.'_t McAlister and succession was to go to their heirs male.

15. Colonel Robert Muir or Moore was one of the tacksmen in the original


Plantation of 1650-51.

16. See Ardingibbon. Al.ex " Forrester was probably a brother of _jI,_r-_ng~~_()_rl~' Had -;;;_lsc~KI:;-;-;::kriocflbeg in W~~dset~(l677).

17. In some other papers described as "of Boghouse," a place in Lowland Scotland not identified.

lB. Hill of Beith in Renfrewshire. John Cunningham of Hill of Reith had the tack of Machricllanish and Trodigal. Arrisart or Arrisett was an old estate of the McNeil_J~s of Gigha and later of the :t1_a_~~(m_c~l_d_s. It

passed into Lord Lorne's hands in 1632. It comprised Machrihanish,

Trodigal, Clochkiel, & Lochsanish.

19. Fo_rrest~_r_ of Arngibbon in Pert.hshire (or Ardingibbon). To this f arn il y the Kintyre Fo r r e s t e r s belonged. They were descended from _Sir __ _!)_1l_l_l_c~a~12 E_ores~ClrE? who in t he r e i gh of James IV had a charter to the lands of

Skipness with the keeping of the fortalice. Sir DUTIcan was the King's


20. Stock was the entire crop before separation of the teinds.

21. Enclosed for animals.

22. r cnt l.y ;] 'lawyer. In a s a s i n e ,signed at Campbcltoun on 15th Dec.

1674 b('for~ the Baile of Kintyre he witnesses as Mr. Thos. Orr notary.

23. Hc Ea c h r an of Kf lIe lan :

the f arni l v were for c en t r ies 1'1airs of South

Kf.n t y r e .

2L1. Of Pirfarrane in Fif hire. An associate and f e l Low pr is on e r or

H d :1 s ton s . ~'J 0 d r cn~J f s His t C) r v .


25. Probably f Rowallan but uncertain.

26. In his

ricultural Survey of Argv]]shire (1793) Dl~.~o_j1_I_l__ Sm_i_t_l'

of Ca mpb e l.t own r ema r k s : "the on rabbits on the continent of Argvllshire are in a small island in Lochow, used as a warren

the Duke of Argvll .. a tract of hilly sandy soil at Machri-

hanish Bav near Itown, might he profitab occupied as a

wa r r en i " -p. 269. Did the Ha ch r i han i sh rabbits die out during the intervening century, or was the Rev. Doctor mistaken?

2 7 . Pro b a b 1 y _C_clJ:l!:_L1_i_rl__J_i1~:n_<=:_§ __ !~r:_~'J-,'1 a f Sal t c () a t s who sup p lie d s 11 .i P P .i 1I g r C! the P a r l i am en t d u r in g t 11 e war sin t h (' \.,r est .

28. A'ltLn t a r r e if in 1636 Rental. A'li n t u r ve in 1751 Roll. Pe nn yv e r (anska?): Probably same as Penniver & Isca in Valued Rent Roll 1751 .

29. The Laird of Dunlop: James Dunlop of that Ilk - See Robertson's Ayrshire Famil ies. _Gir:~~ll rnu t have been a member of his f ami} y, but could not be traced.

30. Executed for his share in Argyle's Rebillion in 1685. See "Inveraray Papers" by D. C. Mactavish.

31. Macalister of Loup.

32. Probably a ~ann~tyn~ of Kames in Bute.

33. lJsually l'1~:Ea(:.ben. !=harles l'1cEachine of Tangy was Lord Lo r n e IS factor for the Skeirchanyie lands in 1633-36. More information is required about this family.

34. John Cunningham of Hill of Beith.


James Maxwell of Southbar in Inehinnan


Paisley. In Kilkenzie eemetary there

inser ipt ion: "Here lyes~_ohr:t_MaxVJ_~~!_ Argyle 1677 and in the 77 year of his Q_U_f1l-_(J_E Son to the Laird of Carnkirk." Dunlop arms.

parish in Renfrewshire near is an old stone with the

of Southbar who dyed in

age. Al so here lyes ~~::,~x_9 _ _fl_d~E It bears the Maxwell and

') 6 . ~\_r_c_}_1_~b_~_l~l_(~;lInp~l2_t_:_1J: 0 f C; 1 en ca r r a d ale who wa skill ed a t I nv e r lac hy in

1645 and buried in Sadde1J. Old Statistical Account of Saddel1.

37. There is a copy of his charter of the Saddell lands in the National

L'ib r a r v , It is dated 8th August 1677. Sasine dated 2lst t 1677.

38. A Cov~nanter. See

11 Sasine for some particulars ahout him.

39. He,,] wa s tenant of the Hill of Lochhead I n 1666.

Drurnlcmble, probably and h a d a merchant f,~ business in

of the century. His second wife was Bajlie of Kintvre.

C1 s o n , wa s f cu a r of Irr urn lc-mbl c , b e Lt own during the cl.o s i.n ears

a d ter of ell,


41. douhle = copv. The phrase means ,\ I e x a n d (' r B r u CC e 's t it c l: . "


Head of t h e Commissary or Ec c Le s i a s t i.c a I

identified. During the first of


Individual not

office \\1,:lS held

iscopacy 1606-1639 the

43. Fiall = wages.

11 received two charters

ti 1]

~!!-l. Bovl l or Ie of Ba Ll o chma r t Ln .

(1 land a t Lochhead, \-Ja L etc. :in 1

He h':'lS s u c c eed e d in this estate

his grand cia

t c r F L n j 1 ] :1

46. Extra rents. Orignally a symbol of feudal homage. G3elic "tuarasdai1."

4 7 . See the references to "Duik I s straw" in the Compt Book of !i_CI_J:_<:,_o_LlTl McNeil of Carskey.

48. Ronald McDonald, Laird of Sanda.

49. Hc Ea c h r an of K'i Ll e Lan .


That is as is the usage in levied at a merkland rate. these were drawn as teind called Rental Bolls. The

North Kintyre where the teinds were not Brocks is an old word for teinds when sheaves. When converted into meal they were teinds had apparently been valued in South

Kintyre but not as yet in North Kintyre.

51. This reference to coal winning is interesting.

52. Notarius publicus. He has signed also at the hottom of each page of the Rental.


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