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Dylan Tehrani

Professor Wertz-Orbaugh
UWRIT 1103
14 January 12, 2016
The Holocaust
The holocaust was a very well known, and tragic event in history. A lot was documented
from this time and is still well preserved today in museums. Many people do not like to discuss
details about the Holocaust because of how morbid it was, however, it is still taught in schools
because this event should not be ignored. Almost every year of school, I was taught more and
more about this awful event because its very important to be educated with the history of the
world. Its very sad to hear that nearly 6 million Jewish people died in the Holocaust. Jewish
people were moved out of their homes all over Europe and were placed in concentration camps.
In these camps, millions of Jewish people were tortured and killed just because of they were
Jewish. In 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany and with this power came
unethical treatment of the Jewish people. Once Hitler gained power, concentration camps began
to appear in Germany and boycotts on Jewish products began. Soon after, laws were created that
attacked the culture of Jewish people and discrimination continued.
Its very sad to look back on this moment in history and honestly its confusing as to why
people will follow a crowd and do what their leader says. I do not think that the people that
supported Hitler genuinely agreed with what he says, instead, I believe that Hitlers speeches
were very persuading and he had a certain confidence about him that any nation would want their
leader to have. When such a large group of people agree with what a person is saying, many

people with subconsciously conform to what the rest of society is doing. This is how momentum
begin in the Nazi regime, power in numbers. Once there was a solid gathering of people all
fighting for the same cause, persecution of Jewish people, it was obvious that they were a threat
to the world. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Regime started to attack neighboring countries, while still
maintaining their anti-Semitic beliefs. Adolf Hitler began to create ghettos to segregate the
Jewish people from others and from there, people were sent to capture them and send them to
concentration camps. The only purpose for these camps was to eliminate Jewish people. This is
by far a twisted moment in history because of how large-scale this unethical treatment of a group
of people has been. In no way does anyone have a right to criticize people of different
background, nor is it acceptable for a country to declare areas for a certain group of people.
In an effort to stop the Nazis from continuing the spread of corrupt, anti-Semitic beliefs
onto the rest of the world, new treaties were created that limited the boundaries of Germany. As a
result of Nazi Germanys aggressive ways, they invaded Poland which began WWII. There is a
negative effect on the world when Adolf Hitler gained power because now he made it a global
effort to eliminate Jewish people. This man has shown no remorse for the Jewish people and has
dedicated his cause to the elimination of them. If such a movement was created from this mans
words, imagine what good could have come if his message was positive and non-threatening. He
really could have helped Germany and maybe even the world but instead, he had evil intentions
and began the mass murder of millions of people. As the end of WWII approached, these
concentration camps started to become liberated but the damage could never be undone. It is a
very awful moment in Germanys history and the history of the Modern world. The ripple effects
from this event are still reverberating in society today as a result of the nationwide acceptance of
the persecution of the Jewish people. There is no doubt that anyone questioned about this event

would say that it could have been one of the most unethical moments in history because of how
the Jewish people were treated at these camps. Sadly, many did not live through the gas
chambers and constant labor and were not saved from these camps, but instead, have passed
away at the hands of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Regime. Its important to not ignore what has
happened in Nazi Germany, instead, it should serve as an example of what evil people are
capable of when given power.

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