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3-5 days

3 days of hitting major body parts

0-2 days of full body workout

Back and Biceps Day:

310 wide grip push-ups
310 wide grip pull-ups
310 chin-ups
5 sets of Incline Dumbbell Curl: 12-10-10-8-8
3 sets of Concentration Curl: 12-10-8
3 sets of Hammer curls: 12-10-8
5 sets of Romanian Deadlift with Dumbbells: 12-10-10-8-8
3 sets of One Arm Dumbbell Rows: 12-10-8
3 sets of Wide Grip Lateral Pull-downs: 12-10-8
15 Minutes of HIIT Training (30 second sprint 90 second walk)

Chest and Triceps

310 standard pushups
310 bench dips
310 diamond pushups
5 sets of Dumbbell Bench Press: 12-10-10-8-8
3 sets of Incline Dumbbell Press: 12-10-8
3 sets of Decline Dumbbell Flies: 12-10-8
5 sets of Dumbbell Triceps Extension Pronated Grip: 12-10-10-8-8
3 sets of Seated Bent-Over Two-Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extension: 12-10-8
3 sets of Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment: 12-10-8
15-Minute HIIT Training

Shoulders and Legs

3x15 Air squats
3x10 Air lunges
3x10 Wide grip pull-ups
5 sets of Machine Shoulder Military Press: 12-10-10-8-8
3 sets of Dumbbell Front Raises: 12-10-8
3 sets of Dumbbell Shrugs: 15-15-5
5 sets of Back Squat: 12-10-10-8-8
3 sets of Leg Press: 12-10-8
3 sets of Leg Extensions: 12-10-8
15-Minute HIIT Training

Bodyweight Exercise
*This can be implemented up to 2 days*

3x5 pull-ups
3x10 push-ups
3x15 air squats
3 sets of Standard Bench Press at 65-75%: 15-12-10
3 sets of Front or Back Squats at 65-75%: 15-12-10
3 sets of Barbell Rows: 15-12-10
3 sets of Arnold Presses: 15-12-10
(Can do 1 set pushups then 1 set air squats then 1 set pull-ups etc. etc.)
5 sets of 20 push-ups
5 sets of 15 air squats
5 sets of 10 wide grip pull-ups

Back and Biceps Exercises:

Wide Grip Push-ups
Palms at 90 degrees
Elbows Extended
Body flat
Wide Grip Pull-ups
Palms forward
Wider than shoulder width
Pull up until bar touches lower bar and shoulders
Neutral Grip on parallel grips
Bring chin above your hands
Incline Dumbbell Curl

Concentration Curl

Romanian Deadlift with Dumbbells

One Arm Dumbbell Rows

Hammer Curl

Wide Grip Lateral Pull-downs

Chest and Triceps Exercises:

Bench Dips

Diamond Pushups

Dumbbell Bench Press

Incline Dumbbell Press

Decline Dumbbell Flies

Dumbbell Triceps Extension Pronated Grip

Seated Bent-Over Two-Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Triceps Pushdown Rope Attachment

Shoulder and Leg Exercises:

Air Squats

Air Lunges

Wide Grip Pull Ups

Machine Shoulder Military Press

Dumbbell Front Raises

Dumbbell Shrugs

Dumbbell Squats

Leg Press

Leg Extension

Body Weight Exercises:

Standard Bench Press
Front or Back Squats
Barbell Rows
Standing position
Arnold Press
1 arm at a time
Use kettlebell
Twist and shout

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