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Volume 7, Issue 3
Fall 2013

Fall Newsletter
Lyme Dis-ease
Inside this issue:
Lyme Continued

Lyme continued

H.B. 612

Spec ial poin ts of in terest:

This information has not been

evaluated by the United States
Food and Drug Administration or
the United States Department of
Agriculture. These comments and
or general comments are not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure
or prevent disease or any medically diagnosed condition.

Please check with your health care

provider before taking any supplements.

Most of the supplements mentioned in this newsletter are

available through this office as an
in-stock item or via a special
order. Please inquire as to availa-


Over the past decade,

I have had more people come through my
offices with Lyme
related issues than I
care to count. Some
of them had medical
diagnoses, some
were misdiagnosed
numerous times and
some had been totally
dismissed by the allopathic world. I am
hoping to address
some of this in this
fall newsletter. This is
by no means a definitive report on the
issues related to what
is referee to as Lyme Lyme Spirochete
Disease. What I hope
to do in these few
pages is provide a simplified
released by the Center for
look at a very misdiagnosed
Disease Control and Prevenand under reported issue and
tion, approximately 300,000
provide a few suggestions for
new cases of Lyme Disease
options. To begin with, I am
are reported each year in this
also speaking from expericountry. That figure is about
ence as twice I have been
ten times higher than the
Lyme positive and twice, I
officially reported number
have removed the spirochete
indicating that this issue is
from my body.
vastly being under reported.
To start, I feel that some
For those who think Lyme is
background and understandone issue or one infection, I
ing of Lyme is important, as it
need to extrapolate this out
has now been fairly well esand define what Lyme is.
tablished that chronic infecIn 1982 Willy Burgdorfer,
tion is an underlying factor in
Ph.D. discovered the bactemost chronic illness. Diseases
rium responsible for the infecsuch as Parkinsons, Multiple
tion: the spirochete, named
Sclerosis, chronic fatigue, and
after him, Borrelia burgdorgastritis as all of these are
feri. This is a cousin to the
examples of chronic infecspirochete that causes syphitions. In a lot of these labels,
lis, in fact the two organisms
Lyme Disease appears to be a
look almost identical under a
major player.
According to recent statistics
Spirochetes are double mem-

brane bacteria
which are usually
long and helically
coiled. They are
able to propel themselves by means of
an axial filament
which coils lengthwise between the
inner and outer
membranes along
the length of the
bacterium. This
causes a twisting
motion which allows
the spirochete to
move fairly rapidly
acting like a corkscrew and inserting
itself into host cell
structure, to hide in
a variety of body
tissue, and this is the reason
it creates such a wide range
of multisystem involvement.
Borrelia burgdorferi does not
just exist as a spirochete; it
has the ability to live intercellular as an L-form and
also encoated as a cyst
form. These different morphologies explain why conventional treatment is so difficult
and recurrence of symptoms
occurs after the standard
allopathic treatment of antibiotic protocol.
Research into syphilis in the
early 1900s showed that the
causative agent had a unique
lifecycle which when under
attack from antibiotics or the
immune system, caused the
spirochete to change into
spore form. Recent research
has shown that the Lyme
Disease spirochete has a
similar lifecycle producing

Page 2

True words are not

always pretty; pretty
words are not always

spore and cysts form when

under threat. This may be the
reason for the persistent and
chronic nature of the infections and co-infections associated with Lyme Disease.
Much recent research confirms what homeopaths have
long stated that many of the
diseases that plagued our
forefathers were never completely eradicated, but suppressed to be expressed in
various forms later in the
persons life or in future generations. It is my understanding
that during the Napoleonic
Wars, the massive casualty
among the French were attributed to some of the infections associated with what is
now referred to as Lyme. The
Russians did not experience
the massive casualty rate due
to using a form of homeopathy to boost the immune system to this issue.
The Lyme disease bacterium
has a weird feature for survival, it can exist without iron,
while most other living organisms require iron to make
protein and enzymes. Instead
of iron, Borrelia burgdorferi
uses manganese thus eluding
immune system defenses that
destroy pathogens by starving
them of iron in the body.
Thanks to the field of biochemistry and microbiology,
we now know that there are
five subspecies of Borrelia
burgdorferi, more than one
hundred strains in the United
States and three hundred
worldwide, many of these
strains have developed resistance to various antibiotics.
Most people assume that the
only way for Lyme to be transmitted is through the bite of a
tick. However, this bacteria
can be spread by other insects including mosquitoes,
spiders, fleas and mites. Fewer than a quarter of all Lyme
diagnosed individuals ever
recall of getting a tick bite. For
those of us who spend vast
amounts of time outdoors, in
the woods, fields and forests,
it is not uncommon to get an
insect bite and not realize it
as we are also getting

scratched and scraped by the

surrounding vegetation. With
that understanding, I have
seen reports that only three
percent of Lyme infected persons ever develop the famous
bulls eye rash. Again, making
it harder to detect the moment of infection and harder
to start some form of treatment to address this condition.
To add even more insanity to
this puzzle, ticks usually
transmit more than the Borrelia organism. They can simultaneously infect you with Bartonella, Rickettsia, Ehrilichia
and Babesia. Any or all of
these organisms can travel
with Borrelia burgdorferi and
each causes and creates a
different set of symptoms and
symptomology. When a person is Lyme infected, they
almost always have additional
infections and or coinfections .
Many Lyme positive people
who battle this issue on a
daily basis appear to be normal and healthy, and this is
part of the underlying reasoning for Lyme to be labeled as
a silent illness. These people
look good and during a routine medical examination and
blood work, everything appears to be fine, but their
internal experience is a completely different story. The
statistical number of undiagnosed and misdiagnoses is
typical for many Lyme positive
individuals because conventional labs are not good at
detecting the causative agent
or its co-infection pathogens.
Add that to the story that physicians have been sold that
Lyme does not occur out of
the Northeastern United
States, when in fact it is in all
states and worldwide.
With Lyme the most disabling
symptoms are always the
invisible ones and due to all
of the co-infections creating a
large array of constant symptoms, this creates a massive
mimic of disorders such as
multiple sclerosis, arthritis,
Parkinsons, chronic fatigue
syndrome, fibromyalgia, ALS,
ADHD, and even Alzheimers

Now the big question is how
does an individual know if
they have Lyme with so many
factors involved. Some of the
initial symptoms may be flu
like symptoms with fever,
chills, headache, stiff neck,
achiness and fatigue and if
this situation is not addressed
at this point, it may lead to
arthritis, face palsy, nervous
system and heart problem to
name a few of the hundred.
To make matters more stressful, allopath's who belong to
the Infectious Disease Society
discredit chronic Lyme and
will usually only prescribe a
course of antibiotics for four
weeks. Once again, not addressing the presenting issue
and or the underlying issues
with this condition.
I am under the opinion that
long term use of antibiotics
for this issue and or any issue
is not a smart decision and
that other options should be
considered first and foremost
prior to damaging the beneficial bacteria in the body, setting up the system for massive fungal overgrowth that
are common with Lyme issue
as well as exacerbating the co
-infections and related issues.
Natural items exist to help
address and assist with Lyme
and the other issues that are
common with Lyme and its
While some people report
success with a course of long
term antibiotic therapy, there
are massive risks associated
with this strategy. To begin
with, the risk of developing
antibiotic resistant infections
and diseases is increased,
antibiotics kill off all bacteria
in the system both good and
bad. That in turn makes it
virtually impossible to maintain optimal gut health without rigorous attempts to reseed the gastric system with
massive amounts of friendly
bacteria and most people
simply do not do this part of
the equation. We also need
to look at the fact that the
Lyme organism can exist in
three different forms, the cyst

Page 3

What the world needs

is not dogma but an
attitude of scientific
Bertrand Russell.

the spirochete and the L-form

making it really good from
hiding from the antibiotics. In
addition to this factor, a large
percentage of people who
have Lyme issues also have
sensitivities to alcohol, medications, antibiotics and perfumes. In this situation, one
usually has a defect in the
methylation cycle of the genetics. The methylation pathway is the detoxification pathway in the body and the process of what cleans the toxins
out of the system. In a large
percentage of cases, most
Lyme positive persons have a
methylation issue and this
makes it very hard for them to
respond to conventional Lyme
treatment, especially those
presenting with neurological
symptoms and symptomology.
In a lot of the clients I have
seen in the office this is a
contributing factor to their
problems and a large percentage of these issues also have
a heavy metal component
that is blocking the metabolic
pathways. Again, all part of
the reason that Lyme related
issues are not a simple one
item fixes everything case.
This is where one has to look
at so many variable that the
conventional allopathic world
When we look at blood tests
for Lyme disease and Lyme
related issues, it opens a
completely different set of
issues as most Lyme blood
tests are unreliable as indicators of the Lyme infection in
that the spirochete has found
a way to infect your white
blood cells. Most lab tests rely
on the normal function of
these cells to produce the
antibodies they are measuring and if it is the white blood
cells that are infected, they
will not respond to produce
the antibodies the lab is attempting to measure, add this
to the issue that if the white
blood cells are infected, they
do not respond to an infection
in the body appropriately. This
is one of the factors that
those suffering the most from
a Borrelia infection, the less

likely that this will be detected

on the standard blood tests.
In most cases, in order for a
Lyme test to prove useful, the
person must go through some
form of treatment first. Once
the immune system starts to
respond normally, then and
only then will the antibodies
present in the conventional
laboratory tests.
If your conventional Lyme
blood laboratory test came
back with a positive IgM antibody reading then the person
must consider this to indicate
a positive confirmation of
active Lyme in the body. Once
again a large percentage of
allopath's will dismiss this
reading and tell the person
that they do not have an active infection in their body.
Instead they will usually tell
the person that it is a false
positive and not to worry.
Again, dismissing the person
and the problem.
Due to a process known as
antigenic variation, the proteins on the outer surface of
the Lyme organism move
around, causing your body to
see this germ as new and
different even if it has been
living in the person for years.
This is in turn what causes
the positive IgM result even
years after the initial infection
of Lyme occurred and this
process is often referred to as
epitope switching.
With all of this information
presented, it is one of the
contributing factors that I will
only use one specific laboratory for Lyme testing for my
clients who want a definitive
laboratory test done. The reason I use this specific lab is
that they test the outer surface protein bands and can
often detect Lyme while almost all the conventional and
standard blood tests can not.
The lab I prefer also tests for
a few strains of the coinfections such as Babesia
and Erthlichia. Again, providing the person being tested
with additional information on
what is actually going on with
their body and helping to provide that information to help

assess and decide on a

course of action in addressing
the Lyme issue.
When I look at the majority of
people showing up in my offices with Lyme and or Lyme
related issues, several items
are almost always present as
well. The first being some
form of a heavy metal toxicity
and the second being a massive form of fungal overload.
When one is working with a
person with so many issues,
conditions, infections, coinfections and symptoms, a
large umbrella is needed to
help assess and deal with the
problems at hand and addressing one item and not
several in most cases actually
increases issues and does
not decrease the issues. Once
again, this has been my experience from working with
Lyme issues in clients and in
most cases, the ones who
follow the suggestions that
are presented, follow the ideas that we share and do the
things that are needed can
get a complete reversal of all
issues, infections, coinfections and related using
diet, herbs, supplemental
modalities and realizing that it
will take a few years of dedicated effort, but, the end result will pay off.
That stated, a few items that
have helped people are increasing the probiotic load to
help offset the detrimental
effects of the large dose antibiotics that some people have
been on. Adding a spice like
Curcumin to the diet to help
with inflammatory processes
has helped. Cleaning up the
parasite, bacteria, fungal and
virus overload in the body as
well as improving the detoxification pathways has also
Just remember, there is no
one approach fits all in this
instance, it is all related to the
individual needs of that person and all work must be
done on an individual basis.
Working with a competent
practitioner is the only way to
get results.


Dwayne Haus, N.D.
P.O. Box 621,
Abington, PA. 190010621
Offices located at:
1578 Old York Road,
Abington, PA. 19001
The D-Stress Station.
111 Boal Avenue,
Boalsburg, PA. 16827
Dr.Stephen Banko.
8009 Creedmoor Road,
Raleigh, NC. 27613
On line at:
or on Facebook:
Dwayne Haus, N.D.

Pennsylvania House Bill 612 update.

On Wednesday the 2nd of
October the Pennsylvania
House of Representatives
voted to send a bill to license
some naturopaths to the PA
Senate where the bill is now
sitting with the Licensure
Committee. 33 members of
the Republican party agreed
with my associates at the
Pennsylvania Traditional Naturopaths Association, the
American Naturopathic Medical Association and the PA
Medical Society as well as me
to name a few that this was a
bad piece of legislation that
was discriminative, arbitrary
and capricious, was restrictive
to the freedoms of choice for
the citizens of the Commonwealth and would in turn put
several hundred natural
health practitioners out of

So many factors in a license bill

of this nature have popped up
in other states and in turn have
been proven to be bad for business, bad for the consumer and
restricting of a persons right to
choose who and what they want
to utilize for their own health
care needs. With this stated,
please contact the members of
the Pennsylvania State Senate
in Harrisburg and ask them to
terminate House Bill 612 that is
currently in the Licensure Committee and to in turn protect the
rights of the consumers, business owners, practitioners and
all the citizens of the Commonwealth. For your rights, freedoms and choices could be
seriously harmed and destroyed
if a piece of legislation of this
nature is ever passed and
signed into law by the Governor.

For additional information on

H.B. 612, please feel free to
contact my office and discuss
this matter with me not only
as the President of the Pennsylvania Traditional Naturopaths Association, but as a
practitioner and citizen of the
Commonwealth. For my professional practitioner colleagues, a closed group exists
on Facebook under the Pennsylvania Traditional Naturopaths Association and if you
request to join as a professional colleague, you will be
able to keep updated on this
and other Pennsylvania legislation that effects all of us in
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

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