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Volume 9, Issue 3.

Fall 2015 Newsletter



Native American Herbs.

As we enter this fall season, we are experiencing
more mold growth from the
accumulating foliage, stagnant air from transitioning
indoors, not getting as
much sun exposure and
consuming a diet of less
fresh seasonal fruits and
vegetables. With this in
mind, this inclusion of
some herbs to help stimulate the bodies immune
system may be in order.
Instead of covering a host
of standard Western herbs,
I figured it might be a bit
more interesting to cover
some of the herbs that the
Native Americans in North
America used for health
and healing. Lets face it,
the indigenous people did
not have access to Nyquil
as it never hit the market
until 1966, or Tylenol as it
ever arrived on the scent

untill 1955 or Benadryl as

it never showed up till
1946. So, what was used?
Perhaps a simple walk in
the fields and forests would
provide an answer.
Alfalfa: for use with arthritic, bladder-kidney,
bone issues as well as
strengthen the immune
Aspen: the inner bark used
as a tea to address fever,
cough and pain.
Bee pollen: energy boosting, aid digestion,
increase immunity.

ing with diarrhea, reduce

inflammation, sore throat
relief as well as inflamed
gums and mouth ulcers.
Buckwheat: lower blood
pressure, blood clotting and
diarrhea relief.
Cayenne: pain reliever,
joint inflammation, digestive issues, blood stop for
Chamomile: nausea, intestinal problems, irritability
and anxiety.

Beeswax: mixed
with herbs for a
Birch: bruises,
wounds, burns,
skin issues.
Blackberry: help-

Mullein , ready for harvest.

Newsletter delivery update

Please note that effective
with the 2016 newsletter, a
print version will no longer
be available. The newsletter will still be published
quarterly however, it will
only be available via a PDF
email version. Therefore, if
you are currently receiving

this newsletter via USPS,

please contact me to arrange for email delivery.
This change is being implemented instead of raising
office fees to the clients.
The added savings from
printing, mailing and related will benefit the clients

Inside this issue:

and help us keep the out of

pocket increases that we
are incurring easier to absorb. Please let me know
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an email address for you.

Special points of interest:

Native American Herbs continued



Immune brain

Brain immunity continued

This information has not been evaluated by the

United States Food and Drug Administration or the
United States Department of Agriculture. These
comments and or general comments are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease or
any medically diagnosed condition.
Please check with your health care provider before
taking any supplements.
Most of the supplements mentioned in this newsletter are available through this office as an in-stock

Native American Herbs Continued.

Echinacea: fever reducer, infection
fighter, antiseptic actions, colds,
coughs and flu related symptoms as
well as an immune stimulant.
Elderberry: colds, flu, cough, immune stimulation.
Fennel: cough relief, sore throat,
digestive, cold remedy, headaches,
eye strain.
Ginger: digestive, antiinflammatory, circulation aid, colds,
cough, bronchitis, joint pain.


Goldenrod: chest congestion, bronchitis,

colds, flu, sore throat, inflammation and
an antiseptic wash.
Honeysuckle: bee stings, skin infections,
headaches, colds, sore throat and antiinflammatory.
Hops: digestive issues, muscle aches,
sore throat, toothache.
Licorice: coughs, colds, sore throats,
toothaches, adrenal support.
Mullein: inflammation, coughs, congestion, lung issues.
Passion flower: anxiety, muscle pain,
burns, insect bites, skin sores.
Peppermint: digestive issues, calming,
chest issues.
Red clover: inflammation, increase circulation, respiratory issues, improve immune system.
Rose hips: excellent source of REAL
Vitamin C, colds, flu, cough, digestive
issues, antiseptic and inflammation fighter.

Rosemary: muscle pain, increase circulation, metabolic increaser.

Sage: insect repellant, digestive issues,
sore throat, colds.
Spearmint: colds, cough, respiratory issues, diarrhea, stimulate blood circulation.
Valerian: muscle aches, calming and or
sedative effect, pain.

most of the plants mentioned, different parts of the item have different
uses. It could be the root, leaf, bark,
stalk, stem or fruit. And in the case
of some plants, different parts have
different uses that are not related to
the uses for the other part of the
plant. The healing properties of the
herbals could be derived as a salve,
a tea, a poultice or a herbal preparation. Once again this varied from
location, resources available and
season. All of these products can be made
at home for use with the family and provide an option to a store bought chemical
overload preparation. Feeding the body
with a substance that can help stimulate
health and healing versus utilizing more
energy to try and assimilate is why the
natural remedies have been used for thousands of years.

When one considers making a herbal

preparation, they should have worked
White Pine: chest congestion and respirawith a knowledgeable source for instructory issues.
tion on preparation and usage. This is
where it truly pays off in knowing who,
This list is by no means complete. It is
what, where, when and why. Without a
just a few of the many herbs, plants and
good knowledge, one could actually do
trees that are still utilized in the indigemore harm than good and more damage
nous healing repository. As with the Chithen treatment of the issues at hand. If
nese and Western training for herbalists,
you know what you are
so much of the knowledge
doing, the rewards will
is passed from one generaThis is the truth: herbs heal the spiritual body. be immense.
tion to the next with oral
Herbs heal the aura, the subtle vital energies
history, story, antidote and
Herbal remedies continof the physical body. The wholeness of our
hypothesis. When one exue to play a valuable role
plants heal our spiritual bodies and reflect to
plores the origin of the use
in helping keep the body
and how it came into beour physical needs. ~ Hanna Kroger.
healthy. Plants are actuing, the medicine man
ally food that our body
would state that it came
needs and requires for the correct minerfrom a vision. In fact, a large percentage
als, vitamins and nutrients.
was trial and error and observation. In

This herb has a reputation of calming the
heart, reliving anxiety, reducing menstrual cramps, reliving hot flashes, increasing appetite and yet, most people have
never used it. A quick look at the references and one sees listings for it used as a
cooling and relaxing nervine that is commonly used for the physical and emotional heart. With the main article on Native
American herbs, we need to understand
that physical and emotional are not segrePage 2

gated and that the heart is

more commonly associated
with emotional and spiritual
qualities. Motherworts actions show us the connection
between the physical and
spiritual heart as it is often
used when there is a rapid,
fluttering or pounding heartbeat associated with anxiety Motherwort.
or nervousness. Providing a

calming effect without overly

sedating. There is no better
Herb to drive Melancholy
Vapors from the Heart, to
strengthen it, and make a
merry cheerful blith soul. ~
The English Physician Nicholas Culpeper 1652.

FAL L 20 1 5 NE W SL E T T E R

Toxic Garlic?
A large percentage of the garlic on the
to them coming in form a country like
One can usually recognize domestic garshelf today is imported from China. This
China. As a consumer one is trying to
lic even if the place of origin is not listed
garlic is usually chemical laden and
avoid purchasing products that pose a
on the bin or packaging.
bleached. Approximately 80 percent of
health risk such as laid out in this snippet.
The easiest way to spot domestic garlic
the garlic sold in the world is grown in
Several options exist to avoid exposing
China. The United States imported aponeself to the overload of heavy metals,
proximately 139 million pounds of
Some of the root mass is usually
garlic in 2014. Checking labels and
left on the bottom of the bulb.
one will notice that a large percentage
American garlic is actually a
of the garlic labeled as organic is
heavier product when one compares
imported from China as well. In an
the bulbs. Go ahead, place them on
interview with Henry Bell of the Austhe scale and compare bulb to bulb.
tralian Garlic Industry Association,
The density is there from not being
the majority of garlic coming out of
dehydrated in transit for months in a
China is sprayed with chemicals to
storage facility or shipping containinhibit sprouting, to whiten the garlic
bulbs as well as fungicides to kill off
any insects. He also states that it is
The flavor is usually much
common practice to put untreated
Garlic from the field.
stronger, or it has a more intense
sewage on the garlic fields as a fertigarlic smell.
lizer. If the Australian Government is
now questioning the imported garlic
toxic poisons, fungicides, bleached prodWith this in mind, some of the local farm
quarantine period, then one has to ask if
ucts and related questionable sourcing of
markets have domestically or locally
the United States is even doing anything
produced garlic available and some of the
to see that a bacterial overload on a prodfarmers even leave the stalk attached to
To start, growing garlic at home if one
uct such as garlic is enough. Looking at
the bulb for consumption.
has the space is not that hard. Several
the use of a product such as Methyl Brogood books are available
Once again, it is actually a
mide that is used to fumigate, and the
on garlic growing to
buyer beware situation and
known health implications of its use and
Shamans develop a friendship with the
make it easier for a novone can not always trust
consumption, then one has to question if
various plants that inhabit the territory the large grocery store,
ice. Garlic can be grown
the garlic they are using is actually
in a flower pot inside for where they live and work, and thus, they large health food store or
healthy for consumption. As was docuthose with limited space. build an intimacy so that the plant itself related to be providing you
mented with the use of Methyl Bromide
If growing ones own is
a healthy choice in prodin the strawberry fields, exposure poses a
will communicate. ~ Steven Farmer. ucts that are imported
not an option, then one
respiratory problem, central nervous sysshould make sure the
from a country such as
tem issues and in prolonged contact,
garlic they are purchasing comes from a
death. Add this component to the use of
reputable grower and or a reputable counraw sewage and the documented overload
Know where your food comes from and
try. In the United States, California is one
of heavy metals in sewage and one has to
avoid the derogatory issues.
of the largest states to produce garlic.
question again what really is being sold

Immune system and brain connection link acknowledged.

A recent University of Virginia Health
Systems paper was published stating
something a lot of us in the health field
have known for ever. In a stunning discovery that overturns decades of textbook
teaching, researchers have determined
that the brain is directly connected to the
immune system by vessels previously
thought to not exist. The discovery could
have profound implications for diseases
from autism to Alzheimers to multiple
VO L U M E 9, I SSU E 3 .

sclerosis. We believe that for every

neurological disease that has an immune
component to it, these vessels may play a
major role (Jonathan Kipnis, Ph.D., lead
researcher). Hard to imagine that these
vessels would not be involved in
[neurological] disease with an immune
component. REALLY? The scientists
are starting to see what the natural health
community has been saying all along
when it is suggested that putting toxins

into the body

will in turn
effect thinking,
immunity and
related health
problems. Perhaps the lab
rats are smarter than the

Caption describing picture or


Page 3


Dwayne Haus, N.D.
P.O. Box 621,
Abington, PA. 19001-0621.
Offices located at:
1578 Old York Road,
Abington, PA. 19001
Dr.Stephen Banko.
8009 Creedmoor Road,
Raleigh, NC. 27613
On line at:
or on Facebook:
Dwayne Haus, N.D.

Web Site.


Brain Immunity continued from page 3.

The UVA report indicates that the brain
is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to
exist. That such vessels could have escaped detection when the lymphatic
system had been so thoroughly
mapped through the body is surprising on its own, but the true significance of this discovery lies in the
effects it could have on the study
and treatment of neurological diseases ranging from autism to Alzheimer's disease to multiple sclerosis. It changes entirely the way we
perceive the neuro-immune interaction. Instead of asking, How do
we study the immune response of
the brain? Why do multiple sclerosis patients have immune attacks? now we can approach this
mechanically. Because the brain is
like every other tissue connected to
the peripheral immune system
through meningeal lymphatic vessels.
When we look at one of the most

prevalent issues effecting a large percentage of my clients and that is the spirochete infection labeled as Lyme disease
and all the co-infections, mimicking of all

Nerve signal transmission

sorts of dis-eases and the neurological

and muscular connection, it appears that
the medical researchers are backing up
what we have been describing and are
now looking at ways to connect the
dots. What has to be addressed with
this news is that I have already been
helping clients with neurological
issues and by addressing the whole
body, by helping make sure the gut
and brain are talking to each other,
by removing overloads in the body,
the clients have been getting healthier. Clean out the offenders from
the body, feed the body the correct
material to promote proper immunity, stimulate the cells to do proper
cell signaling and all of a sudden the
body starts to respond in a positive
way. Perhaps, it is time the blinders
were removed and people stated to
see that real options exist for neurological and muscular labeled diseases and that all they have to do is get
the body to work as it should without the toxic overloads.

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