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MTH 221 Week 1 Individual Assignment Selected Textbook Exercises

Complete the 10 questions below.
Ch. 1 of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics
o Supplementary Exercises 7, 10
Ch. 2 of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics

o Exercise 2.1, problems 3

o Exercise 2.2, problems 17
o Exercise 2.3, problems 1
o Exercise 2.4, problems 1
o Exercise 2.5, problems 4
Ch. 3 of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics
o Exercise 3.1, problems 2
o Exercise 3.2, problems 3
o Exercise 3.3, problems 2

MTH 221 Week 1 DQS

DQ 1
Consider the problem of how to arrange a group of n people so each person can shake
hands with every other person. How might you organize this process? How many times will
each person shake hands with someone else? How many handshakes will occur? How
must your method vary according to whether or not n is even or odd?

DQ 2
There is an old joke that goes something like this: If God is love, love is blind, and Ray
Charles is blind, then Ray Charles is God. Explain, in the terms of first-order logic and
predicate calculus, why this reasoning is incorrect
DQ 3
There is an old joke, commonly attributed to Groucho Marx, which goes something like this:
I dont want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member. Does this
statement fall under the purview of Russells paradox, or is there an easy semantic way out?
Look up the term fuzzy set theory in a search engine of your choice or the University
Library, and see if this theory can offer any insights into this statement
DQ 4

After reading Chapter 1 in our ebook, what is the difference between combinations and
permutations? What are some practical applications of combinations? Permutations?

MTH 221 Week 2 Individual Assignment Selected Textbook Exercises

Complete the 10 of the following 12 questions.
Ch. 4 of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics
o Exercise 4.1, problems 7
o Exercise 4.2, problems 16
o Exercise 4.3, problems 5
o Exercise 4.4, problems 14
o Exercise 4.5, problems 5

Ch. 5 of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics

o Exercise 5.1, problems 8
o Exercise 5.2, problems 5
o Exercise 5.3, problems 8
o Exercise 5.5, problems 2
o Exercise 5.6, problems 3
o Exercise 5.7, problems 6
o Exercise 5.8, problems 5

MTH 221 Week 2 Team Selected Textbook Exercises

Complete 3 questions below. Please review the rubric posted in week 1 for math problems.
Have one team member submit to their assignment tab. Submit a certificate of originality for
this assignment.
Ch. 4 of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics
Exercise 4.3, problems 12a, & 15

Ch. 5 of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics

Exercise 5.1, problem 8

MTH 221 Week 2 DQS

DQ 1
Describe a situation in your professional or personal life when recursion, or at least the
principle of recursion, played a role in accomplishing a task, such as a large chore that
could be decomposed into smaller chunks that were easier to handle separately, but still
had the semblance of the overall task. Did you track the completion of this task in any way
to ensure that no pieces were left undone, much like an algorithm keeps placeholders to
trace a way back from a recursive trajectory? If so, how did you do it? If not, why did you

DQ 2
Describe a favorite recreational activity in terms of its iterative components, such as
solving a crossword or Sudoku puzzle or playing a game of chess or backgammon. Also,
mention any recursive elements that occur.
DQ 3
Using a search engine of your choice, look up the term one-way function. This concept
arises in cryptography. Explain this concept in your own words, using the terms learned in
Ch. 5 regarding functions and their inverses.
DQ 4
A common result in the analysis of sorting algorithms is that for n elements, the best
average-case behavior of any sort algorithmbased solely on comparisonsis O(n log n).
How might a sort algorithm beat this average-case behavior based on additional prior
knowledge of the data elements? What sort of speed-up might you anticipate for such an
algorithm? In other words, does it suddenly become O(n), O(n log n) or something similar?

MTH 221 Week 3 Individual Assignment Selected Textbook Exercises

Complete the 10 of the following 12 questions.
Ch. 7
o Exercise 7.1, problems 5, 6
o Exercise 7.2, problems 2, 9
o Exercise 7.3, problems 1, 6
o Exercise 7.4, problems 1, 8
Ch. 8
o Exercise 8.1, problems 12, 20
o Exercise 8.2, problems 4, 5

MTH 221 Week 3 Team Selected Textbook Exercises

Complete 3 questions below. Please review the rubric posted in week 1 for math problems.
Have one team member submit to their assignment tab. Submit a certificate of originality for
this assignment.
Ch. 7
Exercise 7.4, problems 12a, & 13
Ch. 8
Exercise 8.1, problem 20

MTH 221 Week 3 DQS

DQ 1

What sort of relation is friendship, using the human or sociological meaning of the
word? Is it necessarily reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, or transitive? Explain why or why
not. Can the friendship relation among a finite group of people induce a partial order, such
as a set inclusion? Explain why or why not.

DQ 2
Look up the term axiom of choice using the Internet. How does the axiom of choice
whichever form you preferoverlay the definitions of equivalence relations and partitions
you learned in Ch. 7?

DQ 3
How is the principle of inclusion and exclusion related to the rules for manipulation and
simplification of logic predicates you learned in Ch. 2?

DQ 4
In Example 7.36, the author provides an example using PERT. MS Project is a
software program for project management. How do you think the programmers of MS
Project apply the learning in Chapter 7 to their algorithms?

MTH 221 Week 4 Individual Assignment Selected Textbook Exercises

omplete the 10 of the following 12 questions.
Ch. 11 of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics
o Exercise 11.1, problems 3, 8
o Exercise 11.2, problems 1, 12
o Exercise 11.3, problems 22
o Exercise 11.4, problems 14
o Exercise 11.5, problems 4

Ch. 12 of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics

o Exercise 12.1, problems 7, 11
o Exercise 12.2, problems 6
o Exercise 12.3, problems 2
o Exercise 12.5, problems 3

MTH 221 Week 4 Team Selected Textbook Exercises

Complete 4 questions below. Please review the rubric posted in week 1 for math problems.
Have one team member submit to their assignment tab. Submit a certificate of originality for
this assignment.
Ch. 11 of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics
Exercise 11.1, problems 6, & 16a
Ch. 12 of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics
Exercise 12.1, problems, 7, & 11

MTH 221 Week 4 DQS

DQ 1
Random graphs are a fascinating subject of applied and theoretical research. These can
be generated with a fixed vertex set V and edges added to the edge set E based on some
probability model, such as a coin flip. Speculate on how many connected components a
random graph might have if the likelihood of an edge (v1,v2) being in the set E is 50%. Do
you think the number of components would depend on the size of the vertex set V? Explain
why or why not.

DQ 2
You are an electrical engineer designing a new integrated circuit involving potentially

millions of components. How would you use graph theory to organize how many layers your
chip must have to handle all of the interconnections, for example? Which properties of
graphs come into play in such a circumstance?

DQ 3
Trees occur in various venues in computer science: decision trees in algorithms, search
trees, and so on. In linguistics, one encounters trees as well, typically as parse trees, which
are essentially sentence diagrams, such as those you might have had to do in primary
school, breaking a natural-language sentence into its componentsclauses, subclauses,
nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, and so on. What might be the significance
of the depth and breadth of a parse tree relative to the sentence it represents? If you need
to, look up parse tree and natural language processing on the Internet to see some

DQ 4
In Section 12.4 we learn about the Merge Sort algorithm; it is more efficient that the
Bubble sort we learned about in Chapter 10. Doing some research on the Internet can you
find a sorting algorithm more efficient than the Merge Sort? If you find one please describe
it and list your reference.

MTH 221 Week 5 Individual Assignment Selected Textbook Exercises

Complete the 10 of the following 12 questions.
Ch. 15 of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics
o Supplementary Exercises, problems 1, 5, & 6
o Exercise 15.1, problems 1, 2, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 14, & 15

MTH 221 Week 5 Learning Team Research Presentation

Submit the final Research Presentation.

Please review the rubric posted in week 1 for the team project
Have one team member submit to their assignment tab
Submit a certificate of originality for this assignment
MTH 221 Week 5 DQS
DQ 1
How does Boolean algebra capture the essential properties of logic operations and set

DQ 2
How does the reduction of Boolean expressions to simpler forms resemble the traversal
of a tree, from the Week Four material? What sort of Boolean expression would you end up
with at the root of the tree?

DQ 3
The introduction of Chapter 15 in your book introduces you to two founders of Boolean
algebra and its applications (Boole and Shannon). After performing some research, share
with the class some practical applications of Boolean algebra. Please cite your source.

DQ 4
In review of the material you have learned over the past 5 weeks which element has
made the biggest impression on you? What element do you think you can use in future
work or school applications?

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Learning Assignment ,Dqs

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