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Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127 ± 144

Using cointegration analysis for modeling marketing interactions in

dynamic environments: methodological issues and an empirical illustration
Rajdeep Grewala,*, Jeffrey A. Millsb, Raj Mehtab, Sudesh Mujumdarb
Department of Marketing, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 99164-4730 USA
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Received 6 June 1999; accepted 2 February 2000


The authors argue that cointegration analysis is an intriguing development for analyzing marketing interactions in dynamic environments.
Methodologically, the use of cointegration analysis requires statistical tests to determine whether this technique is appropriate for the system
under investigation and, if it is appropriate, other statistical tests are needed to interpret the results. The authors collate a set of statistical tests
and techniques to advance a comprehensive methodological framework that utilizes cointegration analysis to examine marketing interactions
in dynamic environments. The framework is useful for analyzing marketing parameter functions with time-varying coefficients to investigate
the relationship between market performance (e.g., sales, market share), marketing effort (e.g., advertising, sales promotion), and
environmental conditions (e.g., market growth, inflation). The authors illustrate the utility of the framework for the famous case of Lydia
Pinkham Medicine Company (LPMC). D 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cointegration analysis; Marketing interactions; Dynamic environments; Lydia Pinkham Medicine Company

1. Introduction Since the path breaking paper by Granger (1981) and the
subsequent conceptual and methodological developments
At the nucleus of marketing research and theorizing, lie by Engle and Granger (1987), cointegration analysis has
marketing interactions. Marketing interaction mechanisms become an integral part of non-stationary time series ana-
determine the relationship between marketing performance lysis. Murray (1994) provided an intuitive explanation of
(e.g., sales, market share), marketing effort (e.g., advertis- cointegration. Murray (1994) uses the analogy of a drunkard
ing, personal selling), and environmental conditions (e.g., walking her dog to explain the notion of cointegration. The
growth rate, competitive activities). Typically, researchers drunk and her dog wander aimlessly, but make sure that they
use market response models to investigate marketing inter- have an eye on each other and do not separate by more than
actions in order to examine the behavior of markets and a certain distance. Thus, even though both of them do not
predict the impact of marketing actions (Hanssens et al., know where they are going, they do know that they are
1990; Leone, 1995). Given the importance of marketing going together. In a way, the drunk and her dog are
interactions, scholars have proposed various methodological cointegrated. Formally speaking, two or more non-station-
frameworks to model these interactions (cf., Wildt and ary variables, which are integrated of the same order, are
Winer, 1983; Gatignon and Hanssens, 1987). Recent meth- cointegrated if there exists a linear combination of these
odological advances in econometrics concerning cointegra- variables that is stationary. Specifically, cointegration ana-
tion analysis provide a new technique to analyze these lysis involves time series data and multi-equation time series
interactions. In this paper, we utilize recent advances in models, allowing for systematic and random parameter
econometrics concerning cointegration analysis to illustrate variation, with two or more variables.
a framework for analyzing marketing interactions. Marketing researchers have used multi-equation time
series models to investigate various phenomena. For exam-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-509-335-5848; fax: +1-509-335- ple, such models have been used to study the interaction
3865. between the structure of marketing function (brand vs.
E-mail address: (R. Grewal). category management) and competition (cf., Zenor, 1994;

0148-2963/01/$ ± see front matter D 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 8 - 2 9 6 3 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 5 4 - 5
128 R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144

Curry et al., 1995); advertising and price sensitivity (cf., tion analysis requires that all data series under investigation
Eskin and Baron, 1977; Krishnamurthi and Raj, 1985); to be integrated of the same order, which implies that one
advertising, temperature, price, and consumer expenditure has to perform statistical tests on the data series under
(Franses, 1991); advertising, price sensitivity, and competi- investigation to make sure that the system under investiga-
tive reaction (Gatignon, 1984); advertising and product tion is suitable for cointegration analysis. In addition,
quality (Kuehn, 1962); advertising and product availability drawing conclusions from the estimation results of coin-
(Kuehn, 1962; Parsons, 1974); advertising competition tegration analysis requires more statistical tests. The main
(Erickson, 1995); advertising expenditure and advertising objective of this article is to demonstrate a comprehensive
medium (Prasad and Ring, 1976); advertising and prior methodological framework for analyzing multi-equation
sales person contact (Swinyard and Ray, 1977); advertising time series data using cointegration analysis. Such a frame-
and personal selling (Carroll et al., 1985); competitive work is of considerable interest to both marketing scientists
behavior (Hanssens, 1980b); sales force effectiveness and and marketing managers, as better understanding of mar-
environmental hostility (Gatignon and Hanssens, 1987); keting interactions is of interest to both parties. Both are
integrated marketing communications (cf., Beard 1996; interested in marketing interactions because they want to
Hutton, 1996); persistence modeling (Dekimpe and Hans- know what drives marketing performance. Our framework
sens, 1995a,b); and consumer confidence (Kumar et al., provides both parties with tools and a systematic method to
1995) among others. study these interactions. Further, a comprehensive and
In most cases, conventional multi-equation time series consistent framework makes it easy to identify unifying
analysis involves the use of Vector Autoregressive (VAR) principles that aid in empirical generalization and advance-
models with two or more stationary variables (cf. Hamil- ment of marketing science (cf., Bass, 1993, 1995; Bass and
ton, 1994; Enders, 1995). Typically, one differences non- Wind, 1995). Finally, such a framework would be useful
stationary difference variables to make them stationary for pedagogic exposition.
and then uses them in a VAR model to investigate To achieve our objectives, we survey recent develop-
underlying data generation mechanisms (cf., Curry et al., ments in the econometrics and time series literature to
1995; Dekimpe and Hanssens, 1995b). Differencing non- collate a set of statistical tests and estimation techniques,
stationary variables results in loss of information (cf., which are useful in exploration of marketing interactions.1
Enders, 1995). Cointegration analysis provides a metho- Based on our literature review, we illustrate the usefulness
dology for analyzing non-stationary variables, without of cointegration analysis in marketing and provide the
making them stationary, thereby preventing loss of infor- rationale for expecting specific type of behavior from
mation due to differencing. various marketing variables. Furthermore, we demonstrate
Examples of marketing systems with non-stationary the proposed framework to model marketing interactions
variables, which are related to each other and, thus, would for the famous case of Lydia Pinkham Medicine Com-
benefit from cointegration analysis are plentiful. For in- pany (LPMC).
stance, in a typical diffusion of innovation setting, where a
new product is replacing an existing product, the sales of
these two products, promotion and advertising spending, 2. Methodological framework and conceptual
along with sales of competing products, are likely to move underpinnings
together and thereby be cointegrated. In addition, cointegra-
tion analysis is a useful tool to examine sales force effec- Marketing interactions, by their very definition, imply
tiveness (cf., Gatignon and Hanssens, 1987) and in that interactions among several marketing effort variables,
understanding the implications of various pricing decisions along with their interaction with environmental variables,
and strategies on marketing performance (cf., Curry, 1993). determine marketing performance. Further, when firms take
These explications for application of cointegration analysis decisions concerning marketing effort, they may take mar-
in marketing are by no means exhaustive and are meant as keting performance into consideration. In addition, environ-
mere illustrations of the usefulness of cointegration analysis ment interacts with both performance and effort to further
in investigating marketing interactions. complicate matters. For example, the time of the year and
Marketing researchers are just beginning to use coin- advertising expenditure in the previous month together
tegration analysis to study marketing interactions. Specifi- determine sales which in turn determines advertising ex-
cally, a couple of studies (Baghestani, 1991; Zanias, 1994) penditure this month which in turn influences sales. Multi-
examine the advertising ± sales relationship and Franses equation modeling helps in capturing this dynamic behavior
(1994) has studied the sales of new products. These studies
and our illustrations demonstrate the utility of cointegration 1
We choose the statistical tests that in our opinion are most
analysis; however, the intricate nature of theoretical re-
appropriate. We do not claim that these are the only or universally the
search on cointegration limits its use. Our primary objec- best statistical tests for the purpose. Our objective is to provide and
tive is to summarize theoretical cointegration literature to illustrate the steps of our framework and not to determine the goodness of
facilitate its use by marketing scholars. Utilizing cointegra- one test vis-a-vis another.
R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144 129

in the market place. In Appendix A, we present a typical Uncovering these aspects of the data generating mechan-
multi-equation model, which captures the dynamics of isms, provides information whether the variables being
marketing interactions. studied are suitable for cointegration analysis or not. Sub-
To capture marketing interactions in a cointegration sequently, in the next two tests, i.e., cointegration test and
framework, we propose a nine-step framework to investi- estimation techniques, we use the results from the first four
gate the complex system represented in the two equations steps to model the interactions between environment, effort,
we present in Appendix A (Fig. 1). In the first four steps of and performance variables. Finally, in the final three steps,
the framework, i.e., unit root test, structural break test, unit i.e., Granger causality, variance decomposition, and impulse
roots with structural tests, and reconciling the results from response functions (IRFs), we use the inputs from the
the two unit root tests, we are concerned with determining cointegration results to uncover interrelationships between
the data generation process of each individual variables. the variables under investigation. In the remainder of this

Fig. 1. Methodological framework.

130 R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144

section, we enumerate on each of the nine steps in our structural breaks, like the exogenous oil price shock of
framework and provide reasons for expecting certain beha- 1973, most of the macroeconomic series are either sta-
vior by marketing performance variables, marketing effort tionary or trend-stationary. If a series is stationary or trend-
variables, and environmental variables. stationary, cointegration analysis is not an option. Clearly,
it is important to account for structural breaks when
2.1. Unit roots2 modeling economic time series to identify modifications
in the data generation process. As Perron (1989) demon-
Dekimpe and Hanssens (1995a) operationalized the strated, overlooking structural breaks might mislead con-
concept of stationary and evolving markets based on the clusions concerning the underlying data generation
unit root tests. The unit root tests examine each time series process, which may lead to model misspecification and
to determine whether the mean, variance, or autocorrela- wrong conclusions.
tion of the underlying data generation process for each of There are two major issues concerning structural breaks.
these variables increases or decreases over time. A time The first concerns the time when the break has its effect on
series whose mean or variance or autocorrelation either the underlying data generation process: immediately after
vary over time or are not finite might be non-stationary the event of interest or after a certain lag. Typically, either
and may have a unit root. Classical linear regression of the two cases is possible. If the event of interest is high-
models requires data series under investigation to be profile (e.g., oil shock of 1973), we might expect an
stationary and if this assumption is violated it leads to immediate change. For low-profile interventions, like the
the problem of spurious regression (Granger and Newbold, actions of competitors or reprimand by federal agencies, the
1974). Further, cointegration analysis requires all series structural change might be delayed, as the information
under investigation to be non-stationary. Hence, it is needs time to diffuse through the social system (Mahajan
important to identify, initially, the order of integration of et al., 1990).
the data generation process. The second issue concerns the nature of the break. One
One could hypothesize many marketing variables to be can expect the mean of a series to change, or the slope of
non-stationary based on their data generation process (De- the data series to change, or changes in both mean and
kimpe and Hanssens, 1995b). For example, the vast litera- slope. An example of change in mean would be high-
ture on diffusion of innovation suggests that the sales profile shocks, though this effect might be temporary.
figures for a successful new product will grow during its Interventions due to sales promotions or federal legisla-
initial years (cf., Mahajan et al., 1990). Further, one can tion's fall in this domain. Changes in slope might be a
expect price of some products to increase over time, perhaps result of federal regulations, competitive interventions, etc.,
due to inflation, and thereby be non-stationary. In addition, which need time to implement and diffuse through the
it is possible that price of some products decreases over time social system. For instance, let us say that a federal agency
due to experience curve effects (Bass, 1995), thereby issues a cease and desist order. The effect of this order
representing a non-stationary data generation process. could be gradual as information diffuses through the
concerned social system (Mahajan et al., 1990). Finally, a
2.2. Structural breaks successful new product introduction by the competitor can
instantaneously reduce a firm's sales (change in mean) and,
The structural breaks represent a point or an interval in in addition, after the instantaneous effect, the influence of
time, which denote modifications in the underlying data the new product may gradually erode more sales (change
generation process. The modifying agent is usually an in slope).
extraneous event. For example, structural breaks in sales The time of structural change and the nature of the
might be due to interventions of federal regulatory agencies, change are interesting in and of themselves. In addition,
as in the case of tobacco industry, where federal regulations these univariate tests shed light on modifications in the data
on how and where to sell tobacco products are plentiful (cf., generation process for the time period under investigation.
Rogers, 1994; Economist, 1996; France, 1996). Other ex-
amples of structural breaks include competitive new product 2.3. Unit roots after incorporating structural breaks
introductions and new generation of products (cf., Norton
and Bass, 1987, 1992; Mahajan et al., 1993). Perron (1989) found most macroeconomic data series to
While analyzing 14 macroeconomic time series, Perron be either stationary or trend-stationary after incorporating
(1989) provided a startling finding that after correcting for structural breaks. Traditional unit root tests (cf., Dickey
and Fuller, 1981; Phillips and Perron, 1988) do not
compensate for structural changes. Thus, it is possible
In the remainder of Section 3, we elaborate on the rationale for that these traditional tests find unit roots in stationary
expecting specific behavior form marketing variables. The statistical
aspects of these tests and estimation techniques are discussed in Section
process due to structural breaks. Hence, it becomes
4, where we illustrate the framework for the famous case of Lydia important to account for unit roots after incorporating
Pinkham Medicine. structural breaks.
R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144 131

2.4. Reconciling unit root tests before and after stationary. Various estimation procedures, such as Johan-
incorporating structural breaks sen's MLE, Box-Tiao, and OLS, are available to estimate
the rank of the cointegrating vector (which equals the
The main reason to perform unit root tests after incor- number of cointegrating vectors) and the cointegration
porating structural breaks is to overrule the possibility that a relationships. Typically, Johansen's MLE (we use this
structural break may be causing misperceptions concerning method in our illustration) performs well with reasonable
the stationarity of the variables under study. Further, there large sample sizes (cf., Johansen, 1988; Hargreaves 1992).
exists a possibility that the unit root tests before and after Once we have obtained the VAR and/or VECM parameter
incorporating structural breaks may not agree. If the results estimates, we use these estimates to uncover the interactions
agree then we establish robustness of the findings. If the among the variables in the system. Specifically, we use
results do not agree, Perron (1989) suggests that one should Granger causality, variance decomposition, and IRFs to
proceed with and estimate models with the results from both study the dynamic system.
unit root tests.
So far, we have laid down the steps to investigate the 2.7. Granger causality
underlying data generation process of each individual data
series and have not examined the interaction between these We expect marketing effort to determine marketing
data series. One can use the results from these steps to performance, in the words of time series literature, market-
formulate an appropriate model for further investigation. ing effort Granger causes marketing performance. Often the
Further, if we have two or more non-stationary time series, time paths of the two variables, marketing effort and
there is a possibility that these variables may be cointe- marketing performance, might show that the two variables
grated. In such a case, we must proceed with the coin- move together, e.g., both increase and decrease together. A
tegration tests, otherwise a VAR with stationary variables possible conclusion is that marketing effort is determining
is appropriate. marketing performance. However, one can also argue that
the firm is determining marketing effort based on marketing
2.5. Cointegration performance. After all, constant advertising to sales ratio
strategies are quite common (Erickson, 1991). How do we
In this step, we decide whether cointegration analysis is determine whether effort is determining performance, or
appropriate or not. If the variables under investigation are performance is determining effort, or both are determining
non-stationary and integrated of the same order, cointegra- each other? Granger causality can help determine this.
tion analysis is mandatory. It is important to identify a
cointegrating relationship between non-stationary variables 2.8. Variance decomposition
because such a relationship implies an equilibrium between
these variables and overlooking this equilibrium results in The decomposition of forecast error variance throws light
misspecifications in the error term (cf., Enders 1995). For on the effect size, i.e., how much of the forecast error
example, we expect marketing effort to influence marketing variance of the focal variable is being explained by the
performance, and for some products, we expect both types variables of interests. For example, it helps to answer
of variables to be non-stationary, e.g., in high-growth questions like how much of forecast error variance of sales
markets. Hence, we expect marketing effort and marketing is being explained by marketing effort and how much is
performance to be cointegrated. being explained by environmental variables.

2.6. Estimation 2.9. Impulse response functions

We propose the use of standard VAR and Vector Error After giving a shock to a particular variable in a system,
Correction Models (VECM) to estimate the relationship we use IRF to trace the time paths of all variables in the
between the variables under investigation. If some variables system. For instance, if we give a 10% shock to a firm's
are non-stationary, but are not cointegrated, then one has to advertising (in other words, we increase/decrease the firm's
difference them in order to make them stationary. Subse- advertising expenditure by 10%), we use IRFs to answer
quently, we use these differenced transformed variables to questions such as: Does the shock to advertising have a
estimate a VAR. Further, if one has cointegrated variables, delayed effect on sales? How long does this effect last?
one can estimate either a VAR in levels (i.e., with variables What is the likely effect on the sales of competitor's
that have not been differenced), or VECM (cf., Toda and product? What is the likely reaction of the competitor?
Yamada, 1996). To sum, the last three steps of the nine-step framework
However, before estimating a VECM, we have to deter- provide insights into the interactions between the variables
mine the cointegrating relationship that we can use as an under investigation. They aid in understanding the influ-
independent variable in the VECM. This relationship is a ence of marketing effort and environment on marketing
linear combination of the cointegrating variable and is performance and also help to uncover any feedback from
132 R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144

performance to effort and/or environment. For the purpose tonic and tablet forms, was fairly stable over this time
of illustrating the framework, we examine the famous case period.3 Newspaper was the primary advertising medium
of LPMC. used by the company and the media allocation remained
fairly stable for the duration of the study.
The primary role of advertising in the marketing strategy
3. Research setting: the LPMC of LPMC, the lack of competitors, and the availability of
detailed data result in a rather unique natural experiment for
We choose the LPMC to illustrate our methodological studying the advertising ±sales relationship, with minimal
framework for two reasons. Besides easy access, we choose variation in other variables (such as price, advertising
this database because two recent articles (Baghestani, 1991; medium, etc.). The uniqueness of the LPMC experience
Zanias, 1994) have examined this database using cointegra- has led to an extensive literature analyzing the database.
tion analysis and we wanted to demonstrate that important Beginning with Palda (1964), who estimated the Koyck-
underlying dynamics of the market process may be missed if type distributed lag models using OLS, a host of researchers
one overlooks one or more of the steps of our framework have applied increasingly sophisticated time series methods
(e.g., structural breaks). to study the LPMC data.4
Palda (1964) provides a detailed review of the circum- Recently, Baghestani (1991) uses cointegration analysis
stances that led to the disclosure of advertising and sales to investigate the advertising± sales relationship for LPMC.
figures of LPMC. He also reviews the pertinent aspects of He found that the advertising expenditure and sales figures
the history of LPMC. This section first traces the relevant of LPMC are cointegrated in the order of one and, therefore,
events that throw light on the advertising strategy of LPMC estimated an error correction model (ECM) to capture the
(drawing mainly from Palda, 1964). short-run dynamics and long-run equilibrium conditions.
The primary product (nearly 99% of sales) of LPMC was Zanias (1994) replicated Baghestani's (1991) results and
a vegetable compound patented in 1873 alleged to cure a went on to show that forecasting with an ECM was more
wide variety of ills related to ``women's weakness.'' The accurate in comparison to previous models. Further, Zanias
company relied solely on advertising as a means of promo- found bi-directional Granger-causality between sales and
tion (Palda, 1964), changing the advertising copy only three advertising of LPMC.
times in the 54-year period. The aim of the advertising copy Despite their state-of-the-art application of (Baghestani,
was to stimulate primary demand (Palda, 1964). Of the three 1991; Zanias, 1994) modern time series techniques, the
advertising copy changes, two were due to orders issued by results from these bivariate cointegration analyses could be
governmental regulatory agencies. The first of the two copy misleading for the following two reasons. First, one cannot
changes came about in November 1925 when the Food and be sure that the results do not suffer from bias due to omitted
Drug Administration (FDA) issued a cease and desist order. variables, which could impact sales. In accordance with the
In 1938, the Federal Trade Commission had new objections law of demand, price is one such variable. In addition, the
to the then existing form of advertising of LPMC, which health of the economy is likely to influence demand and
resulted in the second copy change in 1940. Winer (1979) thereby sales. In order to remedy the omitted variable bias
succinctly summarized the advertising copy positioning and to investigate the impact of price and the economic
strategy for LPMC as ``universal remedy'' for the period environment on sales, we include GDP to capture the level of
1907 ±1914, ``relief for menstrual problems'' for the period economic activity and unemployment rate to utilize business
1915 ±1925, ``vegetable tonic'' for the period 1926 ±1940, cycles in addition to advertising expenditure and price.
and ``universal remedy'' again, for the period 1940 ±1960. The second potential shortcoming, concerned with the
In addition to these copy changes, LPMC followed an political ± legal environment, is that of the changes in
aggressive advertising strategy under Lydia Gove, who took
over as director of the company in 1925. This streak of
aggressive advertising (which started in 1926) reached its 3
From 1915 ± 1917, the price of the product in the liquid tonic form
peak in 1934 with advertising to sales ratio of 85%. The and the tablet form was US$7.28 and was increased to US$9 and then
then president of the company, Arthur Pinkham, took US$10 in 1918 and 1930, respectively. In May 1947, the price of the liquid
objection to the huge expenditure on advertising, resulting form of the product was increased to US$11 and then to US$12 in January
1948. The price for the tablet form of the product was increased to US$9.67
in a court case. This led to relatively lower levels of
in June 1948, to US$10.30 on March 1956 and finally to US$11 in
advertising from 1936. Schmalensee (1972) estimated that November 1956 (see Palda, 1964, p. 39).
on average advertising was set at 64% of sales for the period 4
These include Clarke and McCann (1973), Houston and Weiss
1926 ±1936, whereas it was around 46% of sales for the (1975), Caines et al. (1977), Helmer and Johansson (1977), Kyle (1978),
other years. Weiss et al. (1978), Winer (1979), Hanssens (1980a), Mahajan et al., 1980,
Erickson (1981), Bretschneider et al. (1982), Harsharanjeet et al. (1982),
The vegetable compound did not have any close sub-
Heyse and Wei (1985), Magat et al. (1986). It is not our objective to survey
stitute available for the time period (1907 ± 1960) under the entire stream of research that this database has generated. Our analysis
investigation, thereby ruling out any competitive advertising is based on two recent articles (Baghestani, 1991; Zanias, 1994), which
effects (Palda, 1964). The price of the product, available in utilize the techniques we explicate in this paper.
R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144 133

advertisement copy, which were required due to the regula- recommended to test for the order of integration of time
tions by federal agencies, namely FDA and FCC. Resolu- series data.7 The augmented Dickey ± Fuller (ADF) test, a
tions by such federal agencies are applied standards of what generalized form of the Dickey ±Fuller test, is useful for
the concerned agency conceives to be of public interest and testing for unit roots after incorporating appropriate lags.
these resolutions reflect issues of not only political ± legal The following ADF equation is estimated:
nature but also reflect cultural ± social values (Palamountain,
1955). We expect these mandatory advertisement copy X
Dyt ˆ a0 ‡ ytÿ1 ‡ bi Dytÿi‡1 ‡ "t …1†
changes to influence the sales of LPMC and model these iˆ2
as constraints imposed by the legal environment. This
surfaces in the statistical analysis in the form of structural where is the coefficient of interest. If we fail to reject H0:
breaks in the parametric model estimated. In light of this, = 0, then the equation has a unit root, i.e., the underlying
we test for structural breaks and incorporate the detected data generating process is non-stationary. However, it is
breaks into the cointegration analysis.5 possible that the equation has more than one root. Dickey
and Pantula (1987) suggest that one could use the Dickey±
Fuller test recursively on successive differences of the
4. Statistical analysis concerned variable to detect multiple roots. While using the
Dickey± Fuller tests, one must ensure that error terms are
In this section, we use cointegration analysis to examine uncorrelated and have constant variances. Phillips and
the impact of deflated GDP (RGDP), unemployment Perron (1988) developed a similar procedure to allow for
(UEMP), and deflated price (RPRICE) on both deflated milder assumptions about the distribution of the error
advertising (RAD) and sales (RSALES). In addition, we terms. Note that the null hypothesis of non-stationarity
investigate how advertising and sales influence each other in forms the basis for both the Dickey ±Fuller test and the
the presence of these three variables. In the case of LPMC, Phillips ±Perron test.
the price of the vegetable compound remained fairly stable We utilize the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and
for the period under investigation, but the price in real terms Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) as fit statistics for
was changing. It is the price in real terms that truly reflects determining appropriate lag lengths. For RSALES and
the cost of a product; therefore, we use real price as an UEMP, both AIC and BIC gave two lags as appropriate.
explanatory variable.6 As the nominal price was fairly For the other three variables, there was no agreement
stable, one could view RPRICE as instrumenting inflation- between the two criteria. As the goal is to find proper
ary pressures. To eliminate any spurious correlation due to relationships between variables, we took a conservative
inflationary effects between advertising and sales and to perspective and used the maximum of the appropriate lag
remain consistent across variables, we deflated both adver- length indicated by the two criteria.8 Hence, we use lag
tising expenditure and sales revenue. The consumer price lengths of three, four, and four for RAD, RPRICE, and
index (base year 1967) was used to deflate advertising, RGDP, respectively.
sales, and price, and the GDP deflator (base year 1967) was We present the results of the unit root tests in Table 1.
used to deflate GDP. The results show that the five variables are all integrated of
order one, i.e., they are I(1), processes and, therefore, the
4.1. Unit root tests system seems appropriate for cointegration analysis.9 How-
ever, Perron (1989) found 14 macroeconomic time series to
If a non-stationary time series yt can be made stationary be either stationary or trend-stationary after correcting for
after differencing it d times, then yt is said to be integrated of structural breaks. In line with the evidence presented by
the order d (denoted as yt  I(d)). Tests suggested by Dickey Perron (1989), we went about testing for structural breaks in
and Fuller (1981) and by Phillips and Perron (1988) are our five time series.

4.2. Structural break tests

Note that we recognize that there is no way to be certain that one does
not have an omitted variable bias. However, when theory suggests that For the LPMC, two possible events, besides the Great
specific variables are important (e.g., environment in the case of LPMC), Depression, are suggestive of structural breaks. The first
one should attempt to, at least, control for them. In the case of LPMC,
literature on marketing interactions suggests that we need to account for the
environment (cf., Wildt and Winer, 1983; Gatignon and Hanssens, 1987).
Based on this literature, we investigate the advertising ± sales relationship See Hamilton (1994) and Enders (1995) for thorough expositions.
for LPMC and control for the environmental effects. We estimated the concerned models with the lag lengths suggested by
The vegetable compound was available in two forms, namely tablet both AIC and BIC and got results similar to those from the conservative
and tonic. The price for both these forms was similar for most of the time perspective.
period under investigation (see Footnote 3). In our analysis, similar results Nominal values of advertising (AD) and sales (SALES) were also
were obtained for both prices. For parsimony, we report results only for the tested for unit roots. Like Baghestani (1991) and Zanias (1994), these two
price of tonic. series were found to be I(1).
134 R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144

Table 1 4.3. Unit root with structural breaks tests

ADF and PP tests for unit roots
An intercept term was included in all the tests.
The Perron (1989) test for unit roots in the presence of a
RAD RSALES RPRICE RGDP UEMP structural break in period t incorporates structural change in
ADFa ÿ8.52 ÿ6.09 ÿ7.86 0.83 ÿ12.03 the period t = t + 1 and tests the following three null
ADF (trend)b ÿ15.48 ÿ14.59 ÿ13.55 ÿ6.85 ÿ11.89 hypotheses against the appropriate alternatives. The first
ADF (differenced)a 707.75 170.81 ÿ26.11 248.95 269.55
PPa ÿ8.37 ÿ4.64 ÿ3.54 0.47 ÿ9.32 null hypothesis is of a one-time jump in the level of a unit
PP (trend)b ÿ11.36 ÿ7.61 ÿ5.94 ÿ7.34 ÿ9.25 root process, and has the alternate of a one-time change in
PP (differenced)a ÿ36.15 ÿ32.53 ÿ35.99 ÿ36.15 ÿ26.91 the intercept of a trend-stationary process.
Critical values for ADF and PP at 5% level of significance is ÿ15.7 H1 : yt ˆ a0 ‡ ytÿ1 ‡ m1 DP ‡ "t …2†
for OLS autoregressive coefficient (Hamilton, 1994).
Critical values for ADF and PP at 5% level of significance is ÿ22.4 A1 : yt ˆ a0 ‡ a2 t ‡ m2 DL ‡ "t
for OLS autoregressive coefficient (Hamilton, 1994).
where DP represents a pulse dummy variable. DP = 1 if t = t
+ 1; DP = 0 t 6ˆ t + 1. DL represents the level dummy
variable and DL = 1, when t > t.
The second null hypothesis is of a permanent change in
is the two advertising copy changes initiated by the
the magnitude of the drift term vs. the alternate hypothesis
intervention of federal agencies. The first of these two
of a change in the slope of the trend.
advertising copy changes came in 1925 due to a cease
and desist from the FDA. The second copy change was H2 : yt ˆ a0 ‡ ytÿ1 ‡ m2 DL ‡ "t …3†
in 1940, when the FCC had objections to the existing
A2 : yt ˆ a0 ‡ a2 t ‡ m3 DT ‡ "t
advertising copy of LPMC. The second potential struc-
tural break may result due to the streak of aggressive where DT represents a trend dummy. DT = t ÿ t, if t > t; DT
advertising strategy followed from 1926 to 1936 by Lydia = 0 if t  t.
Gove. We incorporate these structural breaks in our The third null hypothesis involves a change in both
analysis as suggestive of the interventions by the legal the level and drift of a unit root process, and has the
environment. The years when LPMC had to change its alternate of a permanent change in level and slope of a
advertising copy due to federal regulations can be used as trend-stationary process.
suggestive of structural breaks in the advertising and
H3 : yt ˆ a0 ‡ ytÿ1 ‡ m1 DP ‡ m2 DL ‡ "t …4†
sales series.
Alternatively, some scholars suggest that one should let A3 : yt ˆ a0 ‡ a2 t ‡ m2 DL ‡ m3 DT ‡ "t
the data determine the time of structural change (cf.,
Hansen, 1992). We followed Hansen's (1992) recommenda-
Perron (1989) provides t-statistics for testing each of
tions and found structural breaks in the advertising and sales
the above three hypotheses. These test statistics vary with
agreed with the dates suggested by the FDA and FCC
the ratio of time until the structural break to the total time
interventions. These findings support the conjectures con-
period under investigation. We conducted unit root tests
cerning the importance of the legal environment.
for the three hypotheses for each of the five variables in
We used Hendry's (1989) version of the Chow test,
our study (see Table 2 for results). RAD contained a unit
which relies on recursive updating of the residual sum of
root, with its first difference, i.e., D1RAD, being trend-
squares to test for structural breaks. The test was per-
stationary with one time change in the intercept.10
formed recursively for break in all time periods. Fig. 2
RSALES also contained a unit root with its first differ-
shows the plot of t-values for this recursive test. As is
ence, i.e., D1RSALES, being trend-stationary with one
evident from the figure, there were two breaks in both
time change in the intercept. RPRICE contained a unit
advertising and sales. Advertising had structural breaks in
root with its first difference, i.e., D1RPRICE, being trend-
1925 and 1934, while sales had structural breaks in 1925
stationary with permanent change in both the slope and
and 1938. These dates agree with the advertising copy
the intercept. Whereas, both RGDP and UEMP were trend-
changes due to federal regulation and Lydia Gove's ag-
stationary. RGDP was trend-stationary with permanent
gressive advertising strategy.
change in both slope and intercept, whereas UEMP was
We also performed the recursive structural break test on
trend-stationary with one time change in the intercept.
the other three variables. RPRICE had one structural break
in 1933, RGDP had two structural breaks in 1931 and 1938,
and UEMP had one structural break in 1930. As expected,
the Great Depression seems to influence the breaks in these 10
Following standard convention in time series literature, we denote
three variables. Subsequently, we used these structural the difference variables as Dn[VariableÿName]. Thus, the first difference
breaks in Perron's (1989) test for unit roots in the presence (i.e., n = 1) of RSALES would be D1RSALES and the second difference
of structural change. would be D2RSALES.
R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144 135

Fig. 2. Structural breaks in advertising and sales.

136 R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144

Table 2
Unit root test with structural breaks
Variable Year of break L* t-statistic hypothesis 1 t-statistic hypothesis 2 t-statistic hypothesis 3
RAD 1925 0.35 ÿ1.79 ÿ2.64 ÿ3.17
RAD 1934 0.52 ÿ1.80 ÿ2.59 ÿ3.61
D1RAD 1925 0.35 ÿ3.61 ÿ3.61 ÿ3.90
D1RAD 1934 0.52 ÿ3.98a ÿ3.62 ÿ3.93
D2RAD 1925 0.35 ÿ5.67b ÿ5.50b ÿ5.69b
D2RAD 1934 0.52 ÿ5.53b ÿ5.50b ÿ5.45b
RSALES 1925 0.35 ÿ1.50 ÿ3.72 ÿ3.11
RSALES 1938 0.59 ÿ2.26 ÿ3.17 ÿ3.09
D1RSALES 1925 0.35 ÿ4.18c ÿ3.79 ÿ4.32a
D1RSALES 1938 0.59 ÿ3.94a ÿ3.83 ÿ3.89
D2RSALES 1925 0.35 ÿ5.03b ÿ4.92c ÿ4.98b
D2RSALES 1938 0.59 ÿ4.76b ÿ4.89b ÿ4.70c
RPRICE 1933 0.50 ÿ0.11 ÿ2.83 ÿ0.03
D1RPRICE 1933 0.50 ÿ3.34 ÿ3.30 ÿ4.39a
RGDP 1931 0.46 ÿ2.22 ÿ3.61 ÿ4.24a
RGDP 1938 0.59 ÿ2.11 ÿ3.71 ÿ3.91
D1RGDP 1931 0.46 ÿ4.48b ÿ4.58b ÿ4.46a
D1RGDP 1938 0.59 ÿ4.95b ÿ4.55c ÿ4.90b
UEMP 1930 0.44 ÿ4.23c ÿ2.89 ÿ4.59c

* L is computed as the number of years till present (i.e., test date) divided by the total number of years.
Significant at 1% level.
Significant at 2.5% level.
Significant at 5% level.

To summarize, after incorporating structural changes, for cointegration. Let Xt be a vector of n variables all
there were three I(1) variables, namely RAD, RSALES, integrated of order d, i.e., I(d). Estimate a vector A of size
and RPRICE and two trend-stationary variables, RGDP and n such that
UEMP. Note that the finding concerning the two macro-
A0 Xt ˆ et …5†
economic variables is consistent with that of Perron (1989).
If et is integrated of order d ÿ c, where c  1, then the
4.4. Reconciling unit root tests before and after incorporat- variables in the vector Xt are said to be cointegrated of
ing structural breaks order c.
Baghestani (1991) and Zanias (1994) used the Engle and
Our unit root tests showed all variables to be I(1) Granger (1987) procedure to test for cointegration between
processes, whereas after compensating for structural breaks advertising and sales of LPMC, which are both I(1). Further,
we find the three firm level variables, viz., advertising, they found the two variables to be cointegrated. Enders
sales, and price, to be I(1) processes, but the two macro- (1995), among others, points out that the inherent weakness
economic variables, GDP and unemployment to be trend- of the Engle and Granger methodology is that it relies on a
stationary. To investigate all possible scenarios, we decided two-step estimation procedure; as a result, the inferences for
to test model with five I(1) variables and a model with three the second step depend on which error term from the first
I(1) variables. step is used in the second step. Thus, it is possible that
depending on the choice of the error term one could either
4.5. Cointegration tests find the variables to be either cointegrated or not cointe-
grated. Enders (1995) recommends using Johansen's (1988)
In general terms, if there exists a stationary linear methodology, which relies on the relationship between the
combination of two or more variables, all of which are rank of a matrix and its characteristic roots.
integrated of the same order, say d, i.e., they are all I(d), Johansen's method is a multivariate generalization of the
such that this linear combination is integrated of order I(d ÿ Dickey± Fuller unit root test. Eq. (6) depicts this general-
c), where c  1, then these variables are said to be ization.
cointegrated. Cointegrated variables share a common sto-
DXt ˆ …A1 ÿ I†Xtÿ1 ‡ "t …6†
chastic trend (Stock and Watson, 1988).11 Engle and Gran-
ger (1987) proposed a straightforward methodology to test where Xt and "t are the (n  1) vectors of variables and
errors, respectively, DXt represents Xt in first difference, AI
is a (n  n) matrix of parameters, and I is an (n  n)
See Hamilton (1994) and Enders (1995) for a thorough exposition of identity matrix. The tests entail estimating the rank of (A1
issues relating to cointegration. ÿ I ), which equals the number of cointegrating vectors. In
R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144 137

practice, maximum likelihood estimation is used to obtain Table 3

Cointegration tests: Johansen's methodology
these cointegrating vectors and the ltrace and lmax statistics
are used to test for the number of characteristics roots l Trace l Max l Max
different from unity, which gives us the number of l Trace hypothesisa statistic hypothesisa statistic
cointegrating vectors (Johansen and Juselius, 1990). These Three-variable system
tests rely on the ordering of the characteristic roots (li) and r  2, r > 2 0.98 r = 2, r = 3 0.98
r  1, r > 1 9.89 r = 1, r = 2 8.91
Eq. (7) provides the estimates of these statistics for r r = 0, r > 0 43.78b r = 0, r = 1 33.89b
characteristic roots.
Five-variable system
r  4, r > 4 0.72 r = 4, r = 5 0.72
ltrace …r† ˆ ÿT ln…1 ÿ ^li †
r  3, r > 3 7.45 r = 3, r = 4 6.73
r  2, r > 2 15.98 r = 2, r = 3 8.53
lmax …r; r ‡ 1† ˆ ÿT ln…1 ÿ ^lr‡1 † …7† r  1, r > 1 32.59 r = 1, r = 2 16.61
r  0, r > 0 75.88b r = 0, r = 1 43.29b
where li is the estimated value of the characteristic root
and T is the number of observations. The ltrace test has the Null hypothesis is stated first, then after the ``comma'' alternate
hypotheses is stated.
null hypothesis of the number of distinct cointegration b
Significant at 1% level.
vectors being less than or equal to r against a general c
Significant at 5% level.
alternative. The lmax statistic tests the null hypothesis that
there are r distinct cointegrating vectors against the To incorporate these findings of structural change and the
alternative that there are r + 1 cointegrating vectors. cointegration between advertising, sales, and price, we
Johansen and Juselius (1990) have provided the critical tested various specifications for the five variable system in
values for these statistics. a VAR framework with error correction components
We estimated the ltrace and the lmax statistics for two (VECM). Now we discuss these models.
possible scenarios. First, after incorporating structural
breaks, we found the three micro time series (advertising, 4.6. VAR and ECM
sales, and price) to be I(1) and, therefore, we used these
three series as the non-stationary series. We present these VAR analysis is a symmetric simultaneous equation
results in the top half of Table 3.12 As is evident from these system. In general, a VAR system can be written as:
results, there is a possibility of one cointegrating vector, i.e.,
there exists one linear combination of these three variables iX

which is stationary.13 Second, tests on the data generation Xt ˆ z ‡ i Xtÿi ‡ Jt …8†

process for the five variable system14 indicate the possibi-
lity of three cointegrating vectors (see the bottom half of where Xt is an n-vector of variables, Z is an n-vector of
Table 3).15 constants, i is an n  n matrix of coefficients, Jt is an n-
vector of error terms, and m is the appropriate lag length. If
any of the variables are non-stationary, then it is possible to
difference or de-trend these variables before estimation to
The cointegration vector obtained by maximum likelihood estima-
tion is (see Johansen, 1988 for details): RADÿ0.473  RSALESÿ37.062
make them stationary. If two or more variables are
 RPRICE. cointegrated, then we include an error correction term (the
Though we find one cointegrating vector, it is not the same as that of linear combination of the cointegrated variables which is
Baghestani (1991) and Zanias (1994). First, with n variables, there is a stationary) in the structural VAR analysis as an independent
possibility of finding n ÿ 1 cointegrating vectors. Thus, Baghestani (1991) variable, which gives us the appropriate VECM. A VECM
and Zanias (1994) could have only gotten one cointegrating vector whereas
we could potentially get two or four (depending on the model) cointegrating
can then be written as
vectors. Further, the cointegration vector for Baghestani (1991) and Zanias
(1994) had two terms (i.e., advertising and sales) whereas the cointegrating ^ tÿ1 ‡
DXt ˆ z ‡  i DXtÿi ‡ Jt …9†
vector in our case has three (i.e., advertising, sales, and price) or five (i.e.,
advertising sales, price, GDP, and unemployment) terms.
There is general agreement that the unemployment series is where tÿ1 is a vector of error correction components (i.e.,
stationary (cf., Perron, 1989). In the current data set, we found
unemployment to be integrated of order one. We conjectured that this
the cointegrating vectors) and DXt is a vector of first
was due to the Great Depression years. Testing for structural breaks differences of the variables under investigation.
indicated that there was one structural break in 1930. After correcting for There has been a debate as to which of the above
the break, as proposed by Perron (1989), unemployment was found to be specifications is appropriate. Until recently, the Johansen
trend-stationary. Nevertheless, for the time period under consideration approach was popular and was used to determine cointe-
unemployment is non-stationary.
The cointegration vector obtained by maximum likelihood estima-
grating relationship between variables under investigation.
tion is: RAD ÿ 0.386  RSALES ÿ 2.333  RPRICE + 1.478  RGDP ÿ Subsequently, one would rely on these tests to estimate a
13.682  UEMP. VECM. However, recent works by Toda (1995), Toda and
138 R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144

Table 4 of the data, but this is likely to be small in comparison to

Lag length test
the potential biases resulting from pre-testing (especially
Here, we report AIC followed by BIC.
since unit root and cointegration tests have been shown to
Model RAD RSALES RPRICE RGDP UEMP have low power for relatively small data sets).
Model 1: VAR with structural breaks in levels In accordance with the above mentioned literature, we
Lag length 1 11.890 12.064 ÿ0.055 6.235 2.054 adopt a pragmatic approach and consider inferences from
12.714a 12.888a 0.694a 6.909 2.504
Lag length 2 11.593 11.906a ÿ0.282a 5.932a 1.843a both a VAR in levels and from a VECM specified accord-
12.809 13.122 0.858 6.767a 2.451a ing to the results of preliminary unit root and Johansen
Lag length 3 11.458a,b 12.041 ÿ0.184 5.949 1.846 cointegration tests. The extent to which the results from
13.078 13.660 1.358 6.952 2.617 these approaches coincide will provide some indication of
the confidence with which we can draw conclusions from
Model 2: Three-variable cointegration
Lag length 1 10.844 12.077 ÿ0.035 6.244 2.032
the data.
11.743a 12.976a 0.789a 6.993 2.631a Based on the above reasoning, we consider three
Lag length 2 10.581a 11.930a ÿ0.312a 5.949a 1.879 different configurations. First, is a VAR in levels with
11.873 13.222 0.904 6.861a 2.638 the appropriate structural break for each of the five
Lag length 3 10.590 12.058 ÿ0.199 5.971 1.855a,b variable system. Second, is a VECM with the cointegrat-
12.286 13.754 1.420 7.051 2.781
ing vector comprised of advertising, sales, and price, the
Model 3: Five-variable cointegration three variable found to be I(1) after incorporating appro-
Lag length 1 10.126 11.994 ÿ0.033 6.247 2.086 priate structural breaks. Third, is a VECM with the
11.024a 12.893a 0.791a 6.996 2.686 cointegrating vector comprising the five variables. In the
Lag length 2 9.962a 11.915a ÿ0.271a 5.944a 1.879 remainder of the article, we refer to these models as
11.254 13.206 0.944 6.856a 2.639a
Lag length 3 9.964 12.063 ÿ0.159 5.955 1.867a,b
Models 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
11.659 13.759 1.459 7.034 2.793 Before estimating the ECMs, we tested each model for
the appropriate lag length (see Table 4 for results). As is
Optimal. evident from the table, a lag length of 1 or 2 was appropriate
We checked for lag length of 4, but 3 was optimal.
in most cases. In fact, we estimated the models with lag
length of either 1 or 2 and obtained similar results. For
Phillips (1993), Toda and Yamada (1996) and Phillips parsimony, we report the results with lag length of 2.
(1995) have shown that this approach may not be reliable,
especially when less than 300 observations are available, 4.7. Granger causality tests
which is true in our case. Toda (1995) demonstrates that,
particularly with small data sets, inference concerning The test for Granger causality in a VAR is to determine
Granger causality can be more reliable if drawn from a whether the lags of one variable enter into the equation of
VAR in levels form, because pre-test estimator biases are another variable. In the case of a VECM, where we have
avoided. There may be some inefficiency due to the need cointegrated variables, Granger causality requires the addi-
to include enough lags to capture the non-stationary nature tional condition that the speed of adjustment coefficient

Table 5
Granger causality
A. Granger causality results: F-tests
Model 1: VAR with structural breaks in levels
RAD Granger caused 6.00a 10.92a 0.69 1.64 0.54
RSALES Granger caused 2.12 7.46a 0.93 4.15b 2.34
Model 2: Three-variable cointegration
RAD Granger caused 20.01a 16.50a 12.43a 1.91 1.42
RSALES Granger caused 0.41 0.76 0.05 2.72c 1.96
Model 3: Five-variable cointegration
RAD Granger Caused 18.41a 15.09a 11.21a 11.36a 13.11a
RSALES Granger caused 1.19 1.57 0.81 2.72c 2.16

B. Granger causality: speed of adjustment coefficients

Model 2: Three-variable cointegration ÿ1.287a ÿ0.037 0.001 ± ±
Model 3: Five-variable cointegration ÿ1.365a ÿ0.494 0.000 0.003 0.001
p < 0.01.
p < 0.05.
p < 0.10.
R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144 139

(beta coefficient of the cointegrating variable) to be different Table 6

Forecast error variance decomposition Ð results after 40 periods
from zero. We used the likelihood ratio test to verify
All figures in this table are percentages.
whether the lags of one variable enter into the equation of
another. We present the results for the three models in Table Model RAD RSALES RPRICE RGDP UEMP
5A and the results for the speed of adjustment coefficient for Model 1: VAR with structural breaks in levels
the two VECMs (last two models) in Table 5B. RAD variance 35.24 46.71 4.34 1.80 11.90
As is evident form Table 5A, for Model 1, the VAR in RSALES variance 6.19 74.51 3.63 12.47 3.20
levels, advertising is Granger caused by sales, whereas decomposition
sales is Granger caused by GDP. The results for the two
VECMs show that advertising is Granger caused by all the Model 2: Three-variable cointegration
RAD variance 64.99 6.21 8.63 9.89 10.28
variables in the cointegrating equation, i.e., sales and price
in Model 2 and sales, price, GDP, and unemployment in RSALES variance 16.06 39.39 24.40 13.39 6.76
Model 3. In addition, for Models 2 and 3, the speed of decomposition
adjustment coefficient is significant only for advertising. In
order to understand the size of the impact of the macro- Model 3: Five-variable cointegration
economic variables on sales and advertising we now turn RAD variance 78.91 0.51 4.22 13.99 2.36
to decomposition of forecast error variance and IRF. RSALES variance 7.56 46.03 25.69 15.29 5.42
4.8. Variance decomposition and IRFs

Decomposition of the variances of the forecast error is

helpful in understanding the interrelationships amongst the unconditional variances. Table 6B displays the results from
variables in the system. The forecast error variance decom- the Choleski decomposition of the 40th period forecast error
position has information on the proportion of movement in a variance for advertising and sales for the three models under
series due to innovations in the series itself and innovations consideration. For Model 1, VAR in levels, advertising, and
in other series. IRFs demonstrate how one variable reacts to salesÐtaken togetherÐaccount for about 81% of forecast
a shock in another variable. Plotting the IRFs is a practical error variance in advertising, whereas unemployment ex-
way to visually represent the response in one series to a plains 11.9% of advertising forecast error variance. In sales,
shock in another series. 74.51% of forecast error variance is explained by sales
To compute variance decomposition and IRFs one must itself, but the most important variable besides sales itself is
write the VAR process in its equivalent Vector Moving GDP. In fact GDP explains over two times the forecast error
Average (VMA) form (Sims, 1980). That is, the VAR Eq. variance explained by advertising, i.e., 12.47% vs. 6.19%.
(8) can be written in its equivalent VMA form16 As far as the three-variable cointegration model is con-
cerned (Model 2), advertising mainly explains itself
Xt ˆ m ‡ A"tÿi …10† (64.99%) with GDP and unemployment together explaining
iˆ0 nearly 20% of forecast error variance in advertising. For
sales, besides sales itself, price (24.4%) seems to be the
The mechanics behind variance decomposition is straight- most important variable. Here again, GDP and unemploy-
forward. Taking the conditional expectation of Xt + 1 after ment, taken together, explain more forecast error variance in
updating it by one period in Eq. (10) gives sales than advertising, i.e., 20.15% vs. 16.06%. For the five-
Et …Xt‡1 † ˆ a0 ‡ a1 Xt …11† variable cointegration model, the results are similar to the
three variable cointegration model. Advertising (78.91%)
where a0 and a1 are estimated coefficients. We can subtract explains the bulk of its own forecast error variance, but the
the expected value from the actual value at period t + 1 to second variable is GDP (13.99%). For sales, besides sales
obtain a one-period-ahead forecast error. In a similar itself, we again find price (25.69%) to be the most important
manner, we can compute forecast errors for n periods in variable. Again, the superiority of GDP over advertising in
the future. In the VMA form of the model, Eq. (10), the explaining the forecast error variance in sales is demon-
second term on the right hand side gives the n forecast error, strated (15.29% vs. 7.56%). We now discuss the IRFs.
i.e., i"t + n ÿ i. Putting restrictions on the VAR system The elements in the matrix A1i in Eq. (10) are called
decomposes the forecast error variance. impact multipliers. The impact multipliers, taken together,
Both variance decomposition and IRFs are sensitive to form the IRF. We plotted the IRFs with upper and lower
the ordering of variables in the VAR but the decomposition 90% confidence bounds obtained by Monte Carlo integra-
of forecast error variance converges over time to the tion estimates of standard errors (see Doan, 1992 for
details). The IRFs were consistent across models. In Fig.
3, we present the IRFs of interestÐthe response of adver-
Again, see Hamilton (1994) and Enders (1995) for details. tising and sales to 10% shock. As is evident from these
140 R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144

Fig. 3. Impulse response functions of interest. (a) Model 2: shock to advertising response sales lag. (b) Model 2: shock sales response advertising lag. (c) Model
3: shock advertising response sales lag. (d) Model 3: shock sales response advertising lag.

IRFs, a 10% shock to advertising results in sales instanta- 4.9. Discussion

neously rising by about 9% with the effect dying out in
about two periods. A 10% shock to sales has a similar As in previous research (Baghestani, 1991; Zanias,
impact on advertising. 1994), we found advertising and sales to be integrated
R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144 141

of order one. In addition, we find price, GDP, and depression took some years to set in. The two breaks in
unemployment also to be integrated of order one. Further, sales were in 1925 and 1938. The break in 1925 coincided
we find two structural breaks in both advertising and sales. with the first federal reprimand, whereas the second break
The structural breaks in advertising are in 1925 and 1934. is at the end of the aggressive advertising streak by Lydia
The first structural break coincides with the first federal Gove. We do not observe any impact of the second federal
regulation against LPMC. The second break seems to be a intervention in 1940, perhaps, because the product had
result of the depression and it appears that the impact of already acquired a negative reputation. The one break in

Fig. 4. Time plots of advertising and sales.

142 R. Grewal et al. / Journal of Business Research 51 (2001) 127±144

price is in 1930 and, as expected, coincides with the weak effect of advertising on sales, as the environmental
great depression. variables explain more forecast error variance than advertis-
After incorporating structural breaks, the unit root tests ing. The IRFs show that advertising does have a short-term
suggest that the order of integration of advertising, sales, effect on sales, but the effect of sales on advertising is much
and price is the same. Even though the order of integration stronger. This leads more support to the thesis that advertis-
of advertising and sales remain the same after incorporat- ing levels were determined based on sales.
ing structural breaks, the breaks alter the data generation
process for the two series. This is evident from the time
plots of advertising and sales (Fig. 4) and is confirmed by 5. Conclusion
the Perron's (1989) test.
We identify one cointegrating vector, but this vector is Modeling of marketing interactions is important for
comprised of advertising, sales, and price and not advertis- both marketing researchers and marketing practitioners.
ing and sales as in previous research (Baghestani, 1991; With the growth in availability of single source data (cf.,
Zanias, 1994). Further, unlike the previous two research Curry, 1993) time series modeling is becoming more
endeavors, we find that advertising does not Granger cause important for both academicians and practitioners. We
sales. It seems, at least in the case of LPMC, that the LPMC borrow from the recent literature in time series on
executives determined the advertising levels by relying on multi-equation modeling to collate a set of econometric
previous year's sales. However, advertising did not signifi- tests and estimation techniques necessary for the use of
cantly influence sales. Perhaps, this insight explains the cointegration analysis. Cointegration analysis will aid in
second structural break in advertising. As the advertising the analysis of dynamic marketing interaction models and
levels were based on sales, the advertising expenditure was help in uncovering the underlying dynamic process. The
decreased when the depression had a significant influence framework provides guidelines as to the steps necessary
on sales. The variance decomposition results confirm the for the use of cointegration analysis.

Appendix A. Multi-equation model

where Aijk(L) is the polynomial in the lag operator L. We can write Eq. (A) as:

PE1 ˆ A ‡ AP P ‡ AE 1 E1 ‡ AE 2 E2 ‡ AE E ‡ "
where PE1 is the ( p + e1)  1 vector of pperformance variables and e1 endogenous effort variables; Pis the p  1 vector of
performance variables; E1 is the e1  1 vector of endogenous effort variables; E2 is the e2  1 vector of exogenous effort
variables; E is the e  1 vector of environmental variables; and "is the ( p + e1)  1 vector of error terms. Further, A is the ( p +
e1)  1 vector of constants; Ap is the ( p + e1)  p matrix of coefficients; AE1 is the ( p + e1)  e1 matrix of coefficients; AE2 is
the ( p + e1)  e2 matrix of coefficients; AE is the ( p + e1)  ematrix of coefficients.
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