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curated by Giuseppe Savoca

from May 12 to June 11, 2016

A partire da gioved 12 maggio 2016, lo spazio espositivo Burning Giraffe Art Gallery ospita la mostra Ecce
Animal, dellartista Otto DAmbra (Milano, 1978, vive e lavora a Londra), riedizione riveduta e ampliata
dellomonima personale tenutasi nella capitale britannica nel mese di marzo. Composta da circa venti opere,
alcune delle quali realizzate appositamente per loccasione, la mostra offre lopportunit di entrare in contatto
con lestro tecnico e il talento creativo di uno degli artisti emergenti pi versatili e apprezzati del vasto panorama
londinese. Illustratore, stampatore e tattoo artist tra i pi in voga a Londra, Otto DAmbra apre, nel 2013, il White
Elephant Studio, dopo numerose esperienze in diversi ambiti creativi e la laurea presso lAccademia di Brera. I
lavori in mostra offrono unefficace esemplificazione della variet di tecniche che lartista padroneggia con
estremo talento (dallacquaforte alla puntasecca, passando per la linografia e i disegni a inchiostro su carta),
immergendo lo spettatore in unatmosfera surreale, in cui nulla come appare a un primo sguardo. Dietro al
dettagliato e minuzioso realismo grafico che contraddistingue i lavori dellartista, si nasconde unaffascinante
capacit di scovare e ricreare relazioni inaspettate tra gli esseri viventi, utilizzando la potenza simbolica degli
animali per costruire delle metafore morali, tanto efficaci quanto sintetiche, capaci di mettere a nudo le
contraddizioni della societ umana evolutasi (o involutasi) nel suo stadio digitale. La mostra, a cura di Giuseppe
Savoca, un invito a osservare la realt attraverso lo sguardo attento e critico dellartista, e il suo filtro creativo
in grado di creare potenti icone, figure emblematiche che si specchiano in se stesse dando vita a una collezione
di postmoderni stemmi araldici, surreali e simbolici al contempo, capaci di rapire immediatamente lo sguardo
con la loro estrema raffinatezza tecnica e di trattenerlo offrendogli un nuovo punto di vista, arguto e ironico, su
di una societ in cui ogni animale in relazione simbiotica ed evolutiva con gli altri e di cui lartista stila i nuovi
orizzonti ibridi.

Starting on Thursday, May 12, 2016, Burning Giraffe Art Gallery will host the exhibition Ecce Animal, a solo show
by artist Otto DAmbra (Milan, 1978, lives and works in London), a revised and expanded re-edition of a show by
the artist held in the month of March in the British capital. Made-up of more than twenty artworks, some of which
created especially for the occasion, the exhibition offers the opportunity to get in touch with the technical skills
and creative talent of one the most versatile and appreciated emerging artists from the broad London art scene.
Illustrator, printer and tattoo artist amongst the coolest in London, Otto DAmbra, opened, in 2013, the White
Elephant Studio, after many fruitful experiences in many diverse creative fields and a Major in Set Design at Brera
Fine Art Academy, in Milan. The exhibited artworks offer the perfect synthesis of the wide variety of techniques
mastered with extreme talent by the artist (from etching to dry-point, linography and ink drawings on paper),
immersing the spectator in a surreal atmosphere where nothing is what it looks like at a first glance. Behind the
detailed an minute graphic realism which characterizes the artists works, lies the fascinating ability of unearthing
and re-creating unexpected relations between living beings, utilizing the animals strong symbolism to visualize
a series of moral metaphors, as effective as they are synthetic, able to expose the many contradictions of a society
evolved (or involved) to its digital stage. The exhibition, curated by Giuseppe Savoca, is an invitation to look at
reality through the attentive and critical eye of the artist and his creative filter able to give birth to powerful icons,
emblematic figures which mirror themselves transforming into a collection of postmodern heraldic coats of arms,
both surreal and symbolic, that immediately catch the spectators gaze with their extremely refined technical
execution and then hold it by offering a new witty and ironic point of view on a society made of animals in
symbiotic and evolutionary relation one to the next, of which the artist drafts the new hybrid horizons.

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

Monday Morning
ink on paper
cm 100 x 70

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

Ego, 2015, ink on paper, cm 100x70

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

Beauty and the Beast, 2015, ink on paper, cm 70 x 100

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

The Heart Breaker, 2015, ink on paper, cm 70 x 100

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

Points of View, 2015, ink on vintage newspapers, cm 70 x 150 (triptych)

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

ink on vintage newspapers
cm 150 x 70 (triptych)

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

App Generation
Etching on paper
Limited edition of
15 cm 50 x 35

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

Behind the Beauty

Etching on paper
Limited edition of 15
cm 50 x 35

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

Etching on paper
Limited Edition of 15
Cm 50 x 35

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

First Date
Etching on paper
Limited Edition of 15
cm 50 x 35

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

This is London
Etching on paper
Limited Edition of 15
cm 50 x 35

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

Everyone Dies
Etching on paper
Limited Edition of
cm 50 x 35

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

Etching on paper
Limited Edition of 20
cm 50 x 35

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

Etching on paper
Limited Edition of 20
cm 50 x 35

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

Music Evolution
Linocut etching on
Limited Edition of 20
cm 57 x 38

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

Modern Anatomy
Drypoint etching on paper
Limited edition of 20
cm 75 x 35

True Hurts
Drypoint etching on paper
Limited edition of 20
cm 75 x 35

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

Yourself, linocut on paper, limited edition of 30, cm 50 x 70

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

The Thinker
Linocut on vintage
Limited Edition of 30
cm 63 x 43,5

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

Half Beauty

Linocut on vintage
Limited Edition of 30
cm 63 x 43,5

BURNING GIRAFFE ART GALLERY | Via Eusebio Bava 8/a, 10124, Turin (Italy) | | tel. +39 (0)11 5832745 | mob. +39 347 7975704

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