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grown up duty
suspicion Sura
according to capacities
similarity right
endless needs
attain to - strive
peace of mind peace of heart
psychological balance
individuals groups
accurate truthful
application Quranic verses
call for monotheism
comprehensive righteousness
saving from injustice
disbelief aberrance
Questions and answers
? 1. What is the duty of every Muslim

to read the one hundred and fourteen sura of the Quran.

? 2. what should Muslims read

the one hundred and fourteen sura of the Quran.

?3. How many suras are there in the Holy Quran

One hundred and fourteen suras.

? 4. Which sura does The Holy Quran begin with

It begins with surat Al Fateha.

?5. Which sura does The Holy Quran end with

It ends with surat Al Nass.

? 6. Is it the right of every Muslim to read The Holy Quran

Yes, it is.

?7. Are all Muslims equal un capabilities

No, they aren't.

? 8. Are all Muslims equal in understanding The Holy Quran

No, they aren't.

? 9. Can all Muslims read The Holy Quran

Islamic Islam and the Holy Quran Unit

No, they can't.

?10. Is The Holy Quran essential for all Muslims

yes, it is .

? 11. Do Muslims get peace of mind and heart on reading The Holy Quran

yes, they do.

?12. Do Muslims attain to psychological balance on reading The Holy Quran

yes, they do.

?13. What does psychological balance result in

It result in reading the Holy Quran. and harmony with others individual and groups.

? 14. How can Muslims achieve peace of mind and heart and psychological balance

Through reading the Quran.

?15. What do Quranic Verses, Muslims should apply call for


?16. From what can the Quranic verses save the Muslims

They can save Muslims from injustice, disbelief, aberrance and suspicion.

?17. Who can be saved from injustice, disbelief, aberrance and suspicion

The righteous, pious and faithful Muslims.

?18. Who should read the Holy Quran

Every Muslim: man, woman, grown up and young.

souls sublime
reviewed nourished
purified revitalized
sins faults
stains material
progressive impede
right procession
virtues light
meekness peacefulness
keen on tolerance
vitalized restored
the pleasure of Allah looking forward to
Questions and answers
? 1. Where do Muslims' duties and rights meet

In reading The Holy Quran

?2. How does reading The Holy Quran affect Muslims souls

It makes them nourished, revived and revitalized.

?3. How does The Holy Quran affect Muslims body

All bodies are purified from faults, sins and the material stains.

? 4. What impedes a Muslims' progressive procession of life

Faults, sins and the material stains.

? 5. What does a Muslim aim at in life

He aims at right, light, virtues, values, peace, peacefulness, meekness, tolerance

and righteousness.

6. Can a Muslim do without right, light, virtues, values, peace, peacefulness, meekness,
, , , , , ,
No, he can't.

? 7. What should Muslims do

They should be careful enough to keep on reading The Holy Quran.

? 8. Why should Muslims read The Holy Quran

To have themselves restored to themselves and to have their souls revitalized and
their bodies purified.
? 9. Do good Muslims keep on reading The Holy Quran

Yes, they do.

?10. Is it essential l recommended for Muslims to read The Holy Quran

Yes, it is.

? 11. What do true Muslims look forward to

They look forward to having Paradise and the pleasure of Allah .

seal approached
scripture heavenly
the seal prophet revealed
sublime the seal Apostle
prerequisites container
infrastructures cornerstones
features concepts
dimensions traces
luminously collectively
qualities point out
merits properties
ideal traits

Questions and answers

? 1. How should The Holy Quran be approached
As the seal Heavenly Scripture revealed to the Seal prophet and Apostle Muhammed
(PBUH) .

? 2. What is the Seal Heavenly Scripture

The Holy Quran .

? 3. Who was The Holy Quran revealed to

Prophet and Apostle Muhammed ( PBUH ) .

? 4. Who is the seal prophet l Apostel

prophet Muhammed ( PBUH) .

? 5. Is the Holy Quran a sublime container

yes, it is .

6. Does the Holy Quran contain great values, sublime principles, Islamic Teachings,
infrastructures and concepts of faith, features, traces and dimensions of
? Righteousness
/ / /
yes, it does .

7. What points out the qualities, properties, merits of the ideal righteous, pious and faithful

)The values and teachings of Islam. (The Quran

? 8. What should the Ideal Righteous, Pious and faithful Muslim have

Good intentions, words and deeds .

9. Should the Ideal Righteous, Pious Muslim have good intentions, good

? words, good deeds

Yes, he should .

10. How should the Ideal Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslim's intentions, words and
?deeds be

They should go harmoniously with all Verses of The Holy Quran.

luminously highly elevated

formulate collection
essence unique
crown haloes
power spiritually
luminously providing
the truest the purest
pollution-free fuel
onward ensure
procession efficient
motion light
enlightenment the least
failure disappointment
frustration depression
stagnate stagnation
hinder hindrance
Questions and answers
? 1. Which position do the contents of The Holy Quran have

It is such a Sublime, highly elevated and luminously illuminated collection of
values .

? 2. What formulates the very essence of a Righteous, Pious and Faithful Muslim's entity

Values, principles, teaching and concepts .

3. What does the Sublime collection of Values, principles , teachings and concepts
? Righteous, pious Believers with

With luminous haloes

? 4. How does the collection motor the Believers' hearts

) (
Spiritually and luminously .

? 5. What does it provide the Believers' hearts with

The truest and purest pollution-free fuel .

? 6. What sort of fuel does it provide the Believers' hearts with

Pollution-free fuel .

?7. Is this fuel the truest and purest one? Why

Yes, it is because it ensures the Believers' onward procession .

? 8. Is this fuel pollution free

Yes, it is .

? 9. What does this fuel ensure

It ensures the Believers' onward procession .

10. What ensures efficient motion, the Believers' onward procession, light, enlightenment,
? guidance

The truth and pure pollution-free fuel .

11. Do Believers suffer from aberrance, failure, disappointment, frustration, depression,

? hindrance

No, they don't .

? 12. Are Believers happy, satisfied, balanced, moderate

Yes, they are .

miss recommended
spiritual meal life-giving
recitation namely
correctness accuracy
Quranic verses skillfulness
seeking worshipping
judgment support
Questions and answers
1. What are the Righteous, Pious and faithful Muslim recommended to
? do

To recite the Holey Quran .

? 2. What are Righteous, Pious and faithful Muslims recommended not to do

Not to miss the life-giving spiritual Meal .

? 3. What is a Believer's life-giving Spiritual Meal

The recitation of the Holy Quran .

? 4. How are Believers' hearts fed, nourished and revitalized

Through the recitation of the Holy Quran .

? 5. How should believers recite the holy Quran

Through the heart not merely through the tongue .
Mr. Emad Elagamy (7) The Present

? 6. What should the recitation of The Holy Quran include

It Should include accuracy, correctness and skillfulness added to the true .

? 7. What should believing Muslims apply

All the Quranic verses that call for Monotheism.

? 8. Whose help, support, guidance, pleasure, reward should Believers seek

None but Allah ( Glory be to him ) .

? 9. Whose pleasure, judgment, reward, light, guidance should Believers aim at

None but Allah ( Glory be to him ) .

meditatingly thoughtfully
a general bird's eye
access aimful
aims meanings
thorough the Quranic verses
meditation intensive
unveiled approached
lustrous drawing
coexistence outline
Questions and answers
? 1. What is the duty of every Muslim

To recite The Holy Quran thoughtfully and meditatingly .

? 2. What should every Muslim do

Every Muslim should recite The Holy Quran thoughtfully and meditatingly .

? 3. What should a literate Muslim do

He Should listen to the recitation of The Holy Quran .

? 4. Is it good for a Muslim to read The Holy Quran hastily

No, it isn't .

? 5. Is it good l recommended for a Muslim to read The Holy Quran thoughtfully

Yes, it is .

? 6. Is it necessary for a Muslim to read The Holy Quran with contemplation ? why

Yes, it is . To have an aimful access to The Holy Quran , the real meanings and the
genuine aims of
The Holy Quranic Verses .
? 7. How are the aims of The Holy Quran approached l unveiled
Mr. Emad Elagamy (8) The Present

Through the thorough and intensive meditation of all the Quranic verses .

? 8. What draws an outline of all virtues, values, principles, teaching and concepts

The genuine aims of The meaning of The Holy Quran .

9. What ensures a Muslim's happiness, harmony, peaceful coexistence with others,

? guidance

The sublime virtues, values, principles, teaching and concepts of The Holy Quran .

thorough moreover
luminously thoughtful
regain nourished
balanced to lead a happy life
calling for conflict-free
peacefulness equality
togetherness tolerance
collectiveness solidarity
aberrance altruism
spleen injustice
fanaticism grudge
selfishness self-love
Questions and answers
?1. How is a Muslim's heart nourished, fed, alimented
/ /
Through the thorough and thoughtful understanding of The Holy Quran .

? ?2. How is a Muslim's soul nourished, fed, alimented

/ /
Through the thorough and thoughtful understanding of The Holy Quran .

? ?3. How is a Muslim's body spiritually nourished, fed, alimented

/ /
Through the thorough and thoughtful understanding of The Holy Quran .

? 4. What does the deep understanding of The Holy Quran lead to

It Leads to a happy, balanced , and conflict- free life .

? 5. What type of life is a Muslim's

A happy life .

? 6. Is a Muslim's life happy, balanced, conflict- free

Yes, it is .

? 7. What does The Holy Quran call for

It calls for faith, justice, equality, love, peace, peacefulness, tolerance,
togetherness, solidarity,
collectiveness and altruism .
Mr. Emad Elagamy (9) The Present

? 8. What does The Holy Quran fight

It fights disbelief, aberrance, injustice, hatred, spleen, grudge, fanaticism, self-love
and selfishness .

?9. Does The Holy Quran fight, disbelief, aberrance injustice

Yes, it does .

Best Luck
Mr. Emad Elagamy
The mother of the Believers

Lady Khadeeja Unit 8


The Present Mr. Emad Elagamy
Mr. Emad Elagamy (10) The Present

on account of longed rightly

believe in marry esteem
managed her business honour rank
led a happy life position native city

Questions and answers

?1- How is Lady Khadeeja Bint-khuwalid known in history

Mother of the believers.

? 2- Why did Lady Khadeeja gain the honour of being Mother of the believers
" "
because she was the wife of the prophet .

? 3- Who was the first person in the world to believe in Allahs seal prophet

Lady Khadeeja Bint-khuwalid.

? 4- Who was the first person in the world to embrace Islam

Lady Khadeeja Bint-khuwalid.

?5- Why is Lady Khadeeja always given the highest esteem / position / rank
/ /
Because she was the first person in the world to believe in Allahs seal prophet and embrace

? 6- Who did the people of Mecca call The honest


7? How did Muhammad manage Khadeeja's trade


? 8- Who did many rich Meccans long to marry

Lady Khadeeja.

? 9- Who did Lady Khadeeja prefer to marry ? Why

Muhammad because he was honest .

the advent of Islam

praise creator
the will of Allah support 'the cave of Hira

the support of Allah the power of Allah

the vast universe

power the guidance of Allah
Mr. Emad Elagamy (11) The Present

Idolatry worship

Monotheism- based procession safe

paradise orienting steady

Questions and answers
? 1- How was Muhammads belief before the advent of Islam

Muhammad didnt believe in idols.

? 2- What did the Arabs worship before Islam


? 3- Where did Muhammad spent much of his time

In The cave of Hira .

? 4- How did Muhammad spend much of his time in the cave of Hira

He spent much of his time there thinking and looking around the universe .

? 5- Who created the universe ? the mankind ? the earth

Allah Glory be to Him .

? 6- Why did Allah create the Jinns ? The mankind

To worship Him.

7? Who purified Muhammads heart

Allah Glory be to Him .

? 8- Who prepared Muhammad to the greatest message

Allah Glory be to Him.

? 9- How was Muhammads heart filled up with heavenly light and Guidance

It was through The light, The Will, The Power, The Support and the Guidance of Allah

awe angel at length
learned highly cultured comforted
speculation scriptures attentively
sublimity thoughtfulness stability
discretion goodness profundity
Mr. Emad Elagamy (12) The Present

embraced nobility positiveness

well versed calmed him down pacified
profound account scholar
objectivity balance good- heartened
transparence comprehensiveness prudence
moral courage might frankness
Questions and answers
? 1- What did Allah will to come true

His light , His Guidance and His Mercy.

? 2- Who willed His light l Mercy l Guidance to come true

/ /

? 3- Who did Gabriel visit in The Cave of Hira


? 4- Where did Gabriel visit Muhammad

In The Cave of Hira.

? 5- What did Gabriel do when he visited Muhammad in the Cave of Hira

He embraced him several times and revealed the first verses of the Holy Quran.

? 6- Who was Waraqa Ibn-Nawfal

He was Khadeejas cousin . He was a highly cultured.

7?What did Waraqa Ibn-Nawfal do

He listened carefully to Muhammad and said that Muhammad will be a prophet.

? 8- Which rare sublime qualities did Lady Khadeeja have

Sincerity ,truthfulness, balance in thinking , wisdom , stability, sublimity,
intelligence, prudence.

? 9- What is the seal religion

Islam the religion of virtues , values and principles .

? 10- What does Islam call for

virtues , values and principles .

characteristics traits readiness
devoted selected appreciation
unwilling ill- treated shared

consequently revelation splendid

contradicted reverence grieved
Mr. Emad Elagamy (13) The Present

efforts reward denied

Questions and answers
? 1- How was Lady Khadeeja Bint-Khuwaylid on that remarkable day? Why

The happiest wife on earth . because her husband was selected by Allah .

? 2- Was Lady Khadeeja always on Muhammads side

Yes , she was.

? 3- What did Allah send to Lady Khadeeja

Allah sent His Blessings to her.

? 4- What will Lady Khadeeja have in Paradise

She will have a home in Paradise.

? 5- When did Lady Khadeeja die

Ten years after the revelation.

? 6- What was the reaction of Muhammad when Lady Khadeeja died

He grieved deeply for her death .He never forgot her . He always spoke of her with
love and respect.

7? How did Muhammad grieve for the death of his wife Lade Khadeeja

He grieved deeply for her death.

? 8- Who believed in Prophet Muhammad when people disbelieved him

? 9- Who trusted Prophet Muhammad when people contradicted him

? 10- Who helped Prophet Muhammad when people denied their help

Lady Khadeeja .

? 11- What did Lady Khadeeja do to the prophet

She believed in him and devoted her life to his service and to his help.
She was always on his side comforting , encouraging and supporting him .
She shred all his cares and pains.

relate - victory
a trade expansion
wresting racing
Islamic Khalid : The Sword of Allah Unit 9
Mr. Emad Elagamy (14) The Present

instructions prominent
position at hand
stationed the spoils
Questions and answers
1) Can anyone relate the events that led to the victory / the expansion of
Islam without mentioning
?the name of the famous Muslim leader, Khalid Ibnul- Waleed
No, he can't .

? 2) What was Khalid Ibnul- Waleed

He was a famous Muslim leader .

? 3) Who was Khalid's father

He was Al- Waleed Ibnul-Mughira .

? 4) Who was Al-Waleed Ibnul- Mughira

He was one of the richest men of Quraysh .

? 5) Did Khalid have to learn a trade like other young men ? why
No, he didn't . Because of being a son of a wealthy man .

? 6) When did Khalid Ibnul-Waleed come to be known as a prominent fighter

At the Battle of Uhud .

? 7) Was he Muslim at that time

No, he wasn't .

? 8) Who was he fighting against at that time

He was fighting against Allah's Seal and Apostle Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) .

? 9) What was Muslim archers' fatal mistake at the Battle of Uhud

That they forgot prophet Muhammad's instructions when the victory was at hand and left their
and hurried to collect the spoils .

? 10) Where was Khalid Ibnul-Waleed stationed

Behind the Muslim army .

? 11) Was he stationed behind the Muslim army

Yes, he was .
? 12) Did Khalid Ibnul- Waleed seize the opportunity
Yes, he did .

? 13) Did Khalid attack the Muslims

Yes, he did .

? 14) Were the Muslims completely defeated
Mr. Emad Elagamy (15) The Present

Yes, they were .

tact desolate -
interpretation barren
replace represented
Questions and answers
? 1) Who fought against the Muslims
Khalid Ibnul-Waleed .

? 2) Who did Khalid Ibnul-Waleed fight against

The Muslims .

? 3) How did Khalid Ibnul-Waleed fight against the Muslims

With courage and tact .

? 4) What drew the Prophet's attention to Khalid Ibnul-Waleed

His courage and tact .

? 5) Who talked to Khalid's brother Al-Waleed

Prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) .

? 6) What did he say

He said that why faith had not conquered the heart of that brave man .

? 7) What did Al-Waleed tell his brother Khalid

What Allah's Prophet had said .

? 8) What did Khalid have after a few nights

A wonderful vision .

? 9) Who did he see in the wonderful vision

He saw himself .

? 10) How did he see himself in the wonderful vision

wandering in a desolate land .
? 11) Where did he see himself wondering
In a desolate land .

? 12) Was there any plantation in the desolate place

No, there wasn't .

? 13) Was there any water in the desolate place
Mr. Emad Elagamy (16) The Present

No, there wasn't .

? 14) How did he see himself suddenly

He saw himself leaving the barren desert and entering a vast area of green land full of
vegetation and
fruit .

? 15) What did he see himself leaving

That barren desert .

? 16) What did he see himself entering

A vast area of green land .

? 17) How was the vast area of green land

Was full of vegetation and fruit .

? 18) What did the green land represent

Faith .

? 19) Where did Khalid travel then

To Medina .

? 20) What did he do

He met Allah's Prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) and declared his Beleif in Islam .

the sward of Allah military
renegades conquered Mecca
resisting claimed
triumphant vigorously
Mr. Emad Elagamy (17) The Present

Questions and answers

? 1) How was Khalid Ibnul-Waleed from that day

He was one of the greatest soldiers in the Muslim forces.

? 2) What did he take part in

In several battles .

? 3) What did he show in the several battles

He showed outstanding courage and skill .

? 4) Did he show outstanding courage, skill in those battles

Yes, he did .

5) What made Allah's Seal Prophet and Apostle Muhammad ( peace be upon him ) call
" Khalid
? " The Sward of Allah
His military skill .

6) What made Allah's Seal Prophet and Apostle Muhammad appoint Khalid the leader of
one of
? the four armies that conquered Mecca
His military skill .

? 7) Which leading part did Khalid play after Prophet Muhammad's death
A leading part in the battles against the renegades .

8) Did he play a leading part in the battles against the renegades / those who claimed to be
? prophets

Yes, he did .

9) Who did the first Caliph, Abu Bakr Al Seddiq, send to assist the army that was heading
?for Iraq
Khalid Ibnul- Waleed .

? 10) What happened immediately after Khalid's arrival

several battles took place .

? 11) What does the spread of Islam in Iraq owe a great deal to
To the bravery and skill of Khalid Ibnul- Waleed .

? 12) Was Khalid Ibnul- Waleed brave, skilful, great

Yes, he was .
? " 13) Who was " The Sward of Allah
Khalid Ibnul- Waleed .

? 14) Was he successful, victorious, triumphant

Yes, he was .
Mr. Emad Elagamy (18) The Present

succeeded spears

self-denial submitted
generations loyalty
Questions and answers
? 1) What did Khalid Ibnul- Waleed go on fighting for
The glory of Islam.

? 2) Did he play a leading role in the Battle of Yarmouk

3) Did he prove that the most powerful weapon was the deep faith of the fighters in the
Battle of
Yes, he did .

? 4) Were the Muslims troops able to achieve victory over the Roman army
Yes, they were .

? 5) Did the Muslim troops have the same number as the Roman army
No, they didn't .

? 6) Did the Roman army have the same numbers as the Muslim troops
No, it didn't .

? 7) When did Abu-Bakr Al-Seddiq die

During the Battle of Yarmouk .

? 8) Who succeeded Abu-Bakr after his death

Omar Ibnul-Khattab .

? 9) Who was the second Caliph

Omar Ibnul-Khattab .

? 10) What did he send to Abu- Ubayda Ibnul-Jarrah

A message .

? 11) What did he order him to do

To replace Khalid Ibnul- Waleed in the leadership of the Muslim army .
? 12) What did Abu- Ubayda do then
He kept the news from Khalid until the battle was over .

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