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Unit Name

Total Number of Lessons


Topic 5: Electricity and Magnetism

18 (15 teaching hours)

Topic 5.1: Electric fields

Number of Lessons

Essential Idea
When charges move an electric current is created.
Nature of Science
Modelling: Electrical theory demonstrates the scientific thought involved in the development of a microscopic model
(behaviour of charge carriers) from macroscopic observation. The historical development and refinement of these scientific
ideas when the microscopic properties were unknown and unobservable is testament to the deep thinking shown by the
scientists of the time. (1.10)
Learning Objective
(Skills, Content and Knowledge)

Teaching Methodology


Electric field
Coulombs law
Electric current
Direct current (dc)
Potential difference

Applications and skills:

Identifying two forms of charge and

the direction of the forces between
Solving problems involving electric
fields and Coulombs law
Calculating work done in an electric
field in both joules and electronvolts

Transferring energy from one

place to another (see Chemistry
option C and Physics topic 11)
Impact on the environment from
electricity generation (see
Physics topic 8 and Chemistry
option sub-topic C2)
The comparison between the
treatment of electric fields and
gravitational fields (see Physics
topic 10)

Aim 2: electrical theory lies at the
heart of much modern science and

Identifying sign and nature of charge

carriers in a metal
Identifying drift speed of charge
Solving problems using the drift
speed equation
Solving problems involving current,

Students will be expected to apply Coulombs
law for a range of permittivity values

Lesson 1 Charge, Coulombs Law and

Electric Field
1. Students view pre-made video of charge
distributions and electric force vectors (arrows
displayed on +ve force sensors) and make
inferences about electric forces.
2. Students use PhET Charges and Fields sim
to gather
data and create graphs of:
a) electric force v distance (r) between
b) electric force v 1/r2
3. They deduce a value for the Coulombs Law
Lesson 2 Mapping Electric Fields
Experiment using a grid taped onto the
bottom of a water-filled plastic box and using a
multimeter functioning as a voltmeter to
measure electric potential at various locations
around different-shaped metal electrodes to
map equiptential lines and then infer the
direction of the electric field lines.

Aim 3: advances in electrical

theory have brought immense
change to all societies
Aim 6: experiments could include
(but are not limited to):
demonstrations showing the effect
of an electric field (eg. using
semolina); simulations involving the
placement of one or more point
charges and determining the
resultant field
Aim 7: use of computer simulations
would enable students to measure
microscopic interactions that are
typically very difficult in a school
laboratory situation

Online simulations:
PhET Charges and Fields


1 cm grid sheet, plastic box about
40 cm x 25 cm with about 25 cm
tall sides, water, teaspoon of salt,
multimeter, metal electrodes of
different shape (straight bar,
circular, a points)
Task Sheet:
5.1 Mapping Electric Fields

Lesson 3 Current & Potential

Students explore the nature of an electric
current and potential difference using PhET
a) Battery Voltage
b) Battery-Resistor Cicuit
They fill-in the gapps & complete questions in
the two ppts:
What is Current and Voltage?
How Does Current Flow
Lesson 4 Problems involving Current,
Potential Difference & Charge
Students complete examination-style
questions involving electric current, potential
difference & electric charge.


What is Current and Voltage?
How Does Current Flow?
Online simulations:
PhET Battery Voltage
PhET Battery Resistor Circuit
Task Sheet:
Current and voltage


Topic 5 Student Workbook

Links to Theory of Knowledge

Early scientists identified positive charges as the charge carriers in metals; however, the discovery of the electron led to the
introduction of conventional current direction. Was this a suitable solution to a major shift in thinking? What role do paradigm
shifts play in the progression of scientific knowledge?
International Mindedness (Reference to Local, National and World Issues)
Electricity and its benefits have an unparalleled power to transform society.


Topic 5.2 Heating effect of

electric currents

Number of Lessons

Essential Idea
One of the earliest uses for electricity was to produce light and heat. This technology continues to have a major impact on the
lives of people around the world.
Nature of Science
Peer review: Although Ohm and Barlow published their findings on the nature of electric current around the same time, little
credence was given to Ohm. Barlows incorrect law was not initially criticized or investigated further. This is a reflection of the

nature of academia of the time, with physics in Germany being largely non-mathematical and Barlow held in high respect in
England. It indicates the need for the publication and peer review of research findings in recognized scientific journals. (4.4)
Learning Objective
(Skills, Content and Knowledge)
Circuit diagrams
Kirchhoffs circuit laws
Heating effect of current and its
Resistance expressed as R I = V
Ohms law
Power dissipation
Applications and skills:

Drawing and interpreting circuit

Identifying ohmic and non-ohmic
conductors through a
consideration of the V/I
characteristic graph
Solving problems involving
potential difference, current,
charge, Kirchhoffs circuit laws,
power, resistance and resistivity
Investigating combinations of
resistors in parallel and series
Describing ideal and non-ideal
ammeters and voltmeters
Describing practical uses of
potential divider circuits, including
the advantages of a potential
divider over a series resistor in
controlling a simple circuit
Investigating one or more of the
factors that affect resistance

Teaching Methodology and Resources


Although there are nearly limitless

ways that we use electrical circuits,
heating and lighting are two of the
most widespread
Sensitive devices can employ
detectors capable of measuring
small variations in potential
difference and/or current, requiring
carefully planned circuits and high
precision components

Aim 2: electrical theory and its
approach to macro and micro effects
characterizes much of the physical
approach taken in the analysis of the
Aim 3: electrical techniques, both
practical and theoretical, provide a
relatively simple opportunity for
students to develop a feeling for the
arguments of physics
Aim 6: experiments could include (but
are not limited to): use of a hot-wire
ammeter as an historically important
device; comparison of resistivity of a
variety of conductors such as a wire at
constant temperature, a filament lamp,
or a graphite pencil; determination of
thickness of a pencil mark on paper;
investigation of ohmic and non-ohmic
conductor characteristics; using a


The filament lamp should be

described as a non-ohmic device;
a metal wire at a constant
temperature is an ohmic device
The use of non-ideal voltmeters is
confined to voltmeters with a
constant but finite resistance
The use of non-ideal ammeters is
confined to ammeters with a
constant but non-zero resistance
Application of Kirchhoffs circuit
laws will be limited to circuits with
a maximum number of two
source-carrying loops


resistive wire wound and taped around

the reservoir of a thermometer to relate
wire resistance to current in the wire
and temperature of wire
Aim 7: there are many software and
online options for constructing simple
and complex circuits quickly to
investigate the effect of using different
components within a circuit
Lesson 1 Circuits & Circuit Diagrams
a) Students view PowerPoints or teacher
presents them to class.
Students make at least TWO different series
and parallel circuits. They:
1. Draw a circuit diagram for each circuit
2. Investigate the effect of adding extra
load elements (bulbs) to each type of
circuit by taking measurements of
current and voltage at strategic


Lesson 2 - Ohms Law; Ohmic & NonOhmic Conductors

Investigation: By varying voltage and
measuring resulting current in each
students create grahs of Current-Voltge
characteristics of the these components:
Filament lamps (non-ohmic)
Nichrome wire in crushed ice-water mixture
LDR (light dependent resistor)


1. How do you build and draw an
electrical circuit?
2. What different types of circuits can
you have?
3. Electricity 01
Task Sheet:
Types of Circuits
Lab transformer/rectifier units
Electrical leads
Light Bulbs (identical)
Voltmeters and ammeters or
Transformer/rectifier units, connecting
wires, filament lamps, nichrome wire,
thermistors, LDRs, desk lamps, ice,
beakers, small plastic balloons for
water-proofing thermisters

Lessons 3 & 4 - Practice I.A.

Investigating a Factor That Affects
Double lesson where students plan, gather
data and write a practical report on an
investigation into a factor that affects the
resistance of conductor
Lesson 5 Kirchhoffs Current &
Voltage Laws
(i) Students watch YouTube videos on:
Kirchhoffs Voltage Law (Loop Law) &
Kirchhoffs Current Law (Node Law)
(ii) Students use PhET Circuit Construction
Kit (D.C Only) to make examples of circuits
illustrating each of the two laws. They take
screenshots of each example and post into a
word doc.
(iii) Students complete worksheet of circuits
problems that require use of Kirchhoffs
Lesson 6 The Potential Divider Circuit
& Its Uses
Experiment - The Potential Divider
Students use a fixed and a variable resistor
in series to make a potential divider circuit
and investigate the effect of:
(i) Changing the supply voltage (VS)
(ii) Changing the resistance of the variable
Students use PhET Circuit Construction Kit
to make and analyse potential divider
Students analyse screencast of potential


Nichrome wire, Hot water baths, ice, lab
transformer/rectifier units,
thermometers or temperature sensors,
connecting wires, switches, metre rules,
30 cm rules, micrometer screw gauge &
Vernier calipers

Youtube Videos:
Kirchhoffs Voltage Law
Kirchhoffs Current Law


Multimeters, fixed resistors, variable
resistors (rheostats or potentiometers),
connecting wires, variable output power
Data Analysis Worksheet Potential
Worksheet the Potential Divider Circuit

divider circuit investigation and complete

Data Analyis Worksheet Potential Divider.

Links to Theory of Knowledge

One aim of the physical sciences has been to give an exact picture of the material world. One achievement of physics in the
twentieth century has been to prove that this aim is unattainable. Jacob Bronowski. Can scientists ever be truly certain of
their discoveries?
Links to the Learner Profile (Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded,
Caring, Risk-Takers, Balanced, Reflective)
The learners will use their analytical/creative thinking skills in accomplishing the assessment and activities given to them.


Topic 5.3 Electric cells

Number of Lessons

Essential Idea
Electric cells allow us to store energy in a chemical form.
Nature of Science
Long-term risks: Scientists need to balance the research into electric cells that can store energy with greater energy density to
provide longer device lifetimes with the long-term risks associated with the disposal of the chemicals involved when batteries
are discarded. (4.8)

Learning Objective
(Skills, Content and Knowledge)

Teaching Methodology and Resources


Internal resistance
Secondary cells
Terminal potential difference
Electromotive force (emf)

The chemistry of electric cells (see

Chemistry sub-topics 9.2 and C.6)

Applications and skills:

Investigating practical electric

cells (both primary and
Describing the discharge
characteristic of a simple cell
(variation of terminal potential
difference with time)
Identifying the direction of current
flow required to recharge a cell
Determining internal resistance
Solving problems involving emf,
internal resistance and other
electrical quantities



Students should recognize that the

terminal potential difference of a typical
practical electric cell loses its initial value
quickly, has a stable and constant value
for most of its lifetime, followed by a
rapid decrease to zero as the cell
discharges completely

Aim 6: experiments could include (but

are not limited to): investigation of
simple electrolytic cells using various
materials for the cathode, anode and
electrolyte; software-based
investigations of electrical cell design;
comparison of the life expectancy of
various batteries
Aim 8: although cell technology can
supply electricity without direct
contribution from national grid systems
(and the inherent carbon output issues),
safe disposal of batteries and the
chemicals they use can introduce land
and water pollution problems
Aim 10: improvements in cell
technology has been through
collaboration with chemists

Lesson 1 Primary & Secondary Cells

Students watch videos on:
(i) Electrochemistry
(ii) Cells & batteries


Youtube Videos:
Cells & Batteries
Bozeman Science Electrochemistry

Lesson 2 Experiment: Internal

Experiment to gather data and construct a
graph that can be used to find the internal
resistance of a used primary cell.

1.5V cell with large internal resistance
(voltage reads 1.0V or less), variable
resistor (rheostat), transformer/rectifier
unit, connecting wires, 2x multimeters

Lesson 3 Discharge Characteristics of

a Simple Cell

Youtube Videos:
Lithium Ion Cells Charge And Discharge

Lesson 4 Solving Problems Involving

Electrical Cells, EMF & Internal Resistance
Students complete examination style
problems involving electrical cells, emf &
internal resistance.

Topic 5 Electricity & Magnetism Student

Links to Theory of Knowledge

Battery storage is seen as useful to society despite the potential environmental issues surrounding their disposal. Should
scientists be held morally responsible for the long-term consequences of their inventions and discoveries?
International Mindedness (Reference to Local, National and World Issues)
Battery storage is important to society for use in areas such as portable devices, transportation options and back-up power
supplies for medical facilities


Topic 5.4 Magnetic effects of

electric currents

Number of

Essential Idea
The effect scientists call magnetism arises when one charge moves in the vicinity of another moving charge.
Nature of Science
Models and visualization: Magnetic field lines provide a powerful visualization of a magnetic field. Historically, the field lines
helped scientists and engineers to understand a link that begins with the influence of one moving charge on another and leads
onto relativity. (1.10)
Learning Objective
(Skills, Content and Knowledge)

Teaching Methodology and Resources


Magnetic fields
Magnetic force
Applications and skills:

Determining the direction of force on

a charge moving in a magnetic field
Determining the direction of force on
a current-carrying conductor in a
magnetic field
Sketching and interpreting magnetic
field patterns
Determining the direction of the
magnetic field based on current
Solving problems involving magnetic


Magnetic field patterns will be restricted to

long straight conductors, solenoids, and bar

Only comparatively recently has

the magnetic compass been
superseded by different
technologies after hundreds of
years of our dependence on it
Modern medical scanners rely
heavily on the strong, uniform
magnetic fields produced by
devices that utilize
Particle accelerators such as the
Large Hadron Collider at CERN
rely on a variety of precise
magnets for aligning the particle

forces, fields, current and charges

(includes parallel current-carrying

Aims 2 and 9: visualizations
frequently provide us with insights
into the action of magnetic fields;
however, the visualizations
themselves have their own
Aim 7: computer-based simulations
enable the visualization of
electromagnetic fields in threedimensional space
Lesson 1 Force on Charges Moving in
Magnetic Field
Guided simulation investigations using:
1. John Travoltage
2. PhET Charges and Fields, and
3. PhET Electric Field Hockey
4. Lorentz force modelling activity


Lesson 2 Force on Current-Carrying

Eduweblabs Simulation Investigation
Magnetic Force
Experiment: Magnetic Force on CurrentCarrying Conductor Using Electronic Balance


Online simulations:
PhET John Travoltage
PhET Charges & Fields
PhET Electric Field Hockey
Force on Moving Charges in
Magnetic Fields
Ramp, steel ball bearings and
marbles, cardboard representations
of magnetic fields, plasticene blocks
to elevate side of cardboard B
fields, scenario cards.
Horseshoe magnet or two bar
magnets, long thick copper wire,
electronic balance, connecting wires,
voltage supply.
Magnetic Force Experiment Sheet
Eduweblabs Magnetic Force
Simulation Task Sheet & Data Sheet

Lesson 3 Force Between Parallel

Current-Carrying Conductors
Experiment using alfoil strips for currentcarrying conductors or wires and 12 V battery
Worksheet Problems involving Forces
Associated with Current-Carrying Conductors.


Lesson 4 - Lesson on Reviewing Topic 5

Various activities possible:
Students could compete in teams on quiz
format tasks; they could write examinationstyle questions and swap with peers, etc.


Roll of Alfoil, scissors, connecting
wires, cardboard, stapler OR
Long thick insulated wires, retort
stands, bosses and clamps, 12V
Various Who wants to be a
Millionaire pp; Worksheets; Past
paper questions.

Links to Theory of Knowledge

The investigation of magnetism is one of the oldest studies by man and was used extensively by voyagers in the Mediterranean
and beyond thousands of years ago
International Mindedness (Reference to Local, National and World Issues)
Field patterns provide a visualization of a complex phenomenon, essential to an understanding of this topic. Why might it be
useful to regard knowledge in a similar way, using the metaphor of knowledge as a map a simplified representation of reality?

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