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By Nathan L. Dayberry

The proton and neutron are held together by what is understood as the strong nuclear force are of similar
mass and rotate much faster than the electron that orbits the nucleus. I will begin at the point of rotation
where the proton is in direct line with the electron and the neutron is opposite of the proton. This is the
phase when the atom pulsates its gravity, Gravity is created by the attractive force from the electron to
the proton with the neutron being positioned opposite of the proton. The neutron neutralizes the line of
gravitational field from continuing past the nucleus leaving only a field of attraction with a direction
from the electron to the proton or from the outside of the atom to the center. This is why all atoms have
an attraction field we call gravity.
Neutrons are attracted to a gravitational field while protons are not and the attraction of the neutron to
the gravitational field is stronger than the negative and positive attraction between an electron and
proton. The proton and neutron are both rotated by the following process. The neutron rotates around
the proton by being pulled toward the gravity field which is created when the electron is in direct line
with the proton. At this point the neutron has been pulled in and rotated in direct line or in between the
electron and proton neutralizing the graviton field as described earlier. At this point the 3 components
are not in the proper alignment to create the graviton field and the only active force is the attraction of
the negative electron and the positive proton. This attraction now causes the proton to be pulled and
rotated around the neutron until it is in direct alignment with the electron with the neutron now opposite
of the proton and in alignment to generate the graviton field and the cycle repeats itself.
How the electron orbits the nucleus
As discussed earlier we now understand that the alteration of attraction and gravitational forces cause
the neutron and proton to take turns being pulled around each other which is why these two components
also referred to as the “nucleus” rotate. The electron is held in place within the atom by the attractive
force with the proton. As noted earlier the nucleus spins at a much faster rate than rate of speed the
electron orbits the nucleus. The proton will attract the electron while at the same time rotating 180
degrees or half circle within the nucleus and as the electron attempts to follow the proton in this half
circle rotation it also gives the electron a slight circular or orbital movement around the nucleus in the
same direction in which the nucleus rotates. After the 180 degree point of rotation the attraction between
electron and proton is blocked by the neutron being in between the two and is neutralized for a very
brief moment at which time the electron continues in its last trajectory which is an orbital path. The
nucleus rotates back into position to attract and keep the electron in orbit around the Atom. This explains
why the electron will only stay in orbit and will not collide into the nucleus. The combination of
attracting forces and gravity are constantly being switched on and off to achieve movement without the
consumption of energy and this is how the atom works finally revealed in detail for the first time. This
also explains why gravity compared to most forces is so weak, gravity is not a constant force but a
pulsates at a rate so fast it feels constant. It only sends its gravity pulse once for every 360 degree
rotation of the nucleus.

Further details to support this explanation of how gravity works.

Anti matter has the opposite effect of gravity that is why although there are large amounts of anti matter
in space we do not see catastrophic collisions of matter and anti matter. They repel each other. In anti
matter the electron is in the nucleus with the neutron and the proton orbits the atom. When the proton
aligns with the electron the neutron is also on the opposite side. Just as I described with normal matter
gravity goes in the direction of the electron to the proton. This explains why anti matter has anti gravity
and supports this explanation of what gravity is and how it is generated. Stating that gravity is made
because mass of objects bend space and time unfortunately is not only a mere observation without
explaining how it works, it is not correct because we know that anti matter does not exhibit gravity it
actually repels other matter away from it.

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