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I've taught hundreds of students in my 20+ years as a college and university professor.

I also
have a daughter who just started her first semester in college, and a son who will be joining her
in a couple of years.
In reflecting on my experiences, I came up with some pointers that I truly believe will help you
succeed. These are tried and true. I have uttered them millions of times to a wide array of
students, including my own children.
I often think "everyone knows this stuff" but many times that is not the case. So brace yourself;
you may find this makes you yawn. Yet so many people do not do these simple steps to succeed
in college.

1. It's the syllabus, stupid!

OK, everyone knows this, I presume. But, why does everyone avoid this boring but effective and
simple piece of advice? When you receive your course syllabus, study it carefully for
assignments and due dates. In a traditional semester, most college professors do not begin testing
for about four weeks. This time, early in the semester, is when a student should jump all over a
research paper, case study or group project. Don't wait until mid-semester to begin a major
project. I tell my daughter to visit with her professors before the semester to ask for a draft of the
syllabus if they are willing to share one. Think of how much pain and anxiety you can save
yourself (and others) by starting now!

2. Exams, in most cases, will not be like the ones you took in
high school or dual-credit community college.
Too many students make the mistake of sticking with their high school study methods. Most
university exams will push your critical thinking and application skills. While memorization may
be a component of your tests, don't rely on that method alone. Certainly you'll be required to
memorize facts. However, believe it or not, most professors expect that you'll actually follow the
objectives for each chapter and lecture. Find out what those objectives are and know them by
practicing them. In my experience, nothing replaces active learning by writing out your answers
(more on this soon).
And don't stop there. When you know the objectives well, make up your own questions on the
material. Think self-made study guide. Then, when you master that information, trade your study
guide with another student (or within a peer learning student group). Are there case studies in the
chapters? Do them we expect you are working on these, so you should expect to find content
from them on your exams. Students can't do enough of active learning for exams!

3. Visit your professor and graduate instructors.

Don't be a professor stalker or brown-nose special but go see them enough to let them know
you care about their courses. Share interesting things you find on your own that relate to the
class. I teach clinical microbiology and infectious disease, among other courses. I love when
students send me links that relate real-world events to what we are studying. You might even find
that he or she will use this information in class or on an exam. How great is it that you are
contributing to the course development. Yes gasp! others might think it's strange when you
speak up in class. But believe me, we remember those who take part in class discussions. Most
professors love to talk about their research or current events, but when we only hear the crickets
chirping, we move right on through the coursework.
Meghan Colvin, a Clinical Laboratory Science major at Texas State University, works with
Professor Gerald Redwine on a clinical chemistry analyzer. She writes: "As a freshman, I quickly
realized that office hours were my best friend. This was an opportunity for me to get to know
professors and get one-on-one attention when I needed it. Professors often know about
scholarships and opportunities available to students, and by meeting with them you can learn
about these and even be guided during the application process. I believe that part of my success
in college was due to my drive to know my professors but also their willingness to take time out
and assist me. Most of my peers are afraid to go speak to professors because they might think
they are stupid, but really professors want you to do well as much as you do."

4. Be alert for what your professor writes on the board,

course blogs, emails or other interactions during the lecture
or outside of the formal coursework.
I tell my students that when I stop and write something down on the board, it's about 99 percent
guaranteed to be on an exam. Watch for mannerisms that might give you a hint for their emphasis
of material on an exam. For instance, does the professor become animated over a particular
topic? I have the habit of saying "hint, hint" when I discuss something I think is very important
to their exam. It's frustrating when a professor actually tells students that "this will be on the
exam," and many students still don't know that information.

5. Writing matters yes, even the grammar counts!

Most professors expect you to know how to write. They expect you to be able to express yourself
clearly in writing. I place a great deal of emphasis on clear writing in my courses, whether on an
exam or paper. If you struggle in this area, then don't wait until the project is due. Most
universities have writing laboratories. Our university actually has a writing assistance center that
allows students to turn in assignments for feedback and editing: everything from grammar and
idea development to proper citation style and bibliography style.
If you have a former teacher or colleague who is a solid editor, have them look it over and give
you feedback. Did you know that expressing your ideas verbally and in writing is at the top of
the list for what an employer wants with a new employee? It matters yes, even spelling. When

a student asks me if spelling matters in our profession, which happens to be clinical laboratory
science, I tell them this story:
Suppose your loved one is going in for surgery. The surgical orders were thrown together without
any regard for spelling. Ureter, urethra, and uterus misspelling means the wrong surgery! The
same goes in most professions unless you are majoring in Texting. (Plz, r u kidding me? OMG!)
The written word still matters.
Clearly, your resume and job application will be critical in seeking employment. First
impressions matter, and often, that first impression could very well be your resume or an email.

6. Your mom was right social skills and good manners are
where the rubber meets the road.
When you send your professor an email or text or call them on the phone, use proper etiquette.
Don't scrawl an email that is horribly constructed. In college, first impressions are often made by
your written communication. This is especially true in large undergraduate classes, but it can be
just as true in small upper level classes. Do you really want to present yourself as someone that
can't write a sentence? Or someone who doesn't even takes the time to draft a clear email or
letter? I have a colleague who will not even reply to sloppy emails from students. When they ask
him why he hasn't responded, he tells them he receives hundreds of emails every week and
expects more than a hastily written note.
When you do receive assistance (think letter of recommendation, a job reference, or even some
great advice), a handwritten thank you note will be something they remember for a long time. By
the way, this is also a great idea after a job interview even if you don't get the job!
I also know that most professors and colleagues in general appreciate emails and thank you notes
at later dates to let them know how their assistance helped you get a job or special award. My
mom made us children hand write thank you notes so often that it's just natural for us. It's a
wonderful habit practice it often and share it with your children; it's one of the greatest gifts to
give and receive.

7. Do more than what's expected!

"Do more than what's expected!" Here, the officers of the Clinical Laboratory Science Student
Society at Texas State pose with Professor Rodney E. Rohde, CLS Chair and Advisor to the
society: (Left to right) Johanna Sanchez (Secretary), Binh Pham (Treasurer), Meghan J. Colvin
(President) and Jazmen B. Myers (Vice President).
Oh, how I dread the question, "What do we have to know for the exam?" I often tell my own
children this sad but true statement. I tell them that if they are just mediocre in most college
courses, they will stand out in a good way. What I mean is that it seems we have all allowed
mediocrity to be the new excellent. Don't become happy with mediocre. Go above and beyond
what's expected. Instead of asking what's going to be on the test, offer to lead a discussion in
class over a topic. Lead a study group and ask the professor if he or she would like to supply you

with study topics. Dare to read your textbooks and assignments and ask questions during class.
It's true you get so much more out of it when you put more into it. As the late Robin Williams
proclaimed as the English teacher in Dead Poets Society, "Let us hear your yawp!" Be great, not

8. Surround yourself with great mentors.

This could very well be the best advice I can give anyone, whether it's to finish your PhD or
succeed in everyday life. This means you have to be willing to be mentored. I have crossed paths
with so many great mentors in my life; I am overwhelmed with the blessings. A mentor might be
one of your professors. It might also be your dormitory resident, or an academic advisor, or
someone not associated with the university. I have mentors from all parts of my life, and each of
them know when to listen but also when to push me when I'm making excuses about why I can't
or won't get something done.
Our university has a formal mentoring program known as Bobcat Bond, but I try to tell every
student I interact with that I'm willing to help mentor them. In some cases, this might mean that I
realize I'm not the right mentor but I can try to find them one. The important thing is to surround
yourself with peers and colleagues you admire who will listen, encourage you and push you to be
great even if that means telling you things you don't want to hear or believe about yourself.

9. Time is truly precious, so don't waste mine or yours.

This is a tough one not only for new college students but for professionals already practicing in
their fields. I have interviewed many of my former very successful academic students. Of all the
answers I get about how they were successful, this one resonates with most students. "I treat my
academic setting (whatever that means) like it's my full-time job."

Read more stories by Professor Rohde

10 tips to finishing your PhD faster

The hidden profession that saves lives

A secret weapon for preventing HAIs

For instance, most students take 12 to 15 hours in a semester. In reality, this means that for a
typical three hour college class, one is in class for three hours that week (e.g. one hour on a
MWF or one and a half hours on a TTH). So, this means if one is taking a 15 hour load in a
semester, they are in class roughly 15 hours per week. Even in a heavy science major with a ton
of laboratory time, students still have major blocks of non-class time. So why not use that time
like it's your eight-hour day at a job? You are in class some days for two or three hours and other
days five or six. When you have a block of time between classes, instead of heading back to the
dorm for a nap or a three-hour lunch, find a quiet spot and get busy studying or doing some of

that active learning I mentioned earlier. If you truly put in that time, you often can have a bit
more free time in the evenings. Certainly, one should enjoy college life, but not at the expense of
your grades.
This is a very tough thing for most people. But show me the organized student and I'll show you
a strong student who will go far in life. And if you need assistance with time management,
organization or study skills, find help on campus or with a mentor. I've literally taught students
how to manage their time. It about tough choices, but they are very doable. Discipline is
something one can learn with practice.

10. If you have to work, try to limit the hours. Better yet,
find a student worker position on campus.
My daughter is working on campus as a student worker. The beauty of working on campus is that
often you will find that when work is slow, they encourage you to work on your school work.
Imagine that getting paid to do your homework! This relates to organizing your time (#9).
Instead of surfing Facebook or texting for two hours, do your math homework or get started on
that essay. In my office, where multiple students work, I actually tell them if they are not
working for us, I expect to see them working on homework. I know many students can't find
work on campus and may have to work many hours to support a family. But if you are a
traditional student and can find that campus job, it's a great way to have "skin in the game" and
be surrounded by academics that might just turn into one of those mentors I mentioned. It's also a
great way to build references for future career paths.
When I'm wearing my "Dad hat," I try to explain to my daughter and son that earning your own
money builds confidence and independence. My parents did it with us. They believed the old
adage of "no free lunch" as well as the importance of understanding early in one's life the value
of customer service. Dad used to tell us that no job is beneath a man. I began working in the 8th
grade at a full-service gas station and later I picked up a second job in high school as a paid
intern in the receiving and shipping department with M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Science
Park which influenced my future college major and career choices. It was a great job because I
was delivering packages to every research laboratory so I got to meet scientists in the field of
cancer research. The point here is that working as a student gives one perspective for the real
world. It also gives one the opportunity to find early mentors that can strengthen your work ethic
and understanding about a future career. Thanks Mom and Dad!

11. Try to find internships and other paid or non-paid

opportunities to gain work experience with your career
Sometimes these are a natural part of the major. For instance, in our Clinical Laboratory Science
major, our students are required to complete five different hospital clinical rotations, so it's
something the student has provided for them. In other areas, it could be a competitive internship
you apply for, or it may be something you volunteer for in the community. In many universities,

professors are looking for undergraduate research help. Jump in volunteer! It will make a huge
difference in your future career and opportunities while boosting your prospects for success in
the academic world.
Here's another reason you might want to consider an internship get paid while earning college
credit. When I was a junior during my undergraduate degree, I was able to take an actual summer
college course for credit by completing a ten week internship. In fact, it was at the same place I
had worked in high school (#10) at a Cancer Center. I spent ten weeks working in a research
laboratory honing my skills in cell culture and aseptic technique. It was great to get both a
paycheck each month and finish the summer with a three-hour credit towards my major. But, the
real perk of this internship was I found a wonderful mentor who would become a constant source
of encouragement and help during my master's degree.
So what, right? You may have nodded your head and said "blah blah" or "yadda yadda yadda"
while reading this professor's and father's advice to you. I can even see my little girl rolling her
eyes as I write this, right Haley girl? LOL (oops, bad grammar!)
But, I'll say to you what I always say to my own kids: Follow some of these simple pieces of
advice, and you'll be on your way. Success is mostly about hard work and perseverance. When I
look back on my life, I can remember my father telling us that "hard work never kills a man, so
outwork everyone." Brains and intelligence are important, but persistence in the face of hardship
is what gets the job done.
Good luck and get started!

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