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Succinct Rule Summaries for Healing, Diagnosis, Treatment, Bleeding, Crippling, Infection,

Poisons, Hazards and Diseases

summarised by Aleph
Healing - pg 148/149, 2e core
Wounds are represented mechanically by the health levels dealt. These are grouped together for the
individual wounds - the 3 bashing health levels representing a broken arm will be treated as a single
entity for the purpose of any treatment, healing or magic applied to it. Once all the health levels
associated with the injury have been recovered, the injury is healed and the character no longer
suffers wound penalties for it.
Exalted and similar heal Bashing damage at 1 level/3 hours rest. Lethal damage depends on what
health levels are being healed. Double all recovery times if the wounded character is active walking around, wearing armour, working normally or doing anything more strenuous than bed rest.
-0 levels each take 6 hours
-1 levels each take 2 days rest.
-2 levels each take 4 days rest.
-4 levels each take 1 week rest.
Mortals are slower to heal, and recover from Bashing damage at 1 level/12 hours rest. Lethal
damage again depends on what health levels are being healed. Again, double all recovery times if
the wounded character is active.
-0 levels each take 1 day rest.
-1 levels each take 1 week rest.
-2 levels each take 2 weeks rest.
-4 levels each take 1 month rest. These are an exception to the normal rule, and simply cannot be
healed while active. Bed rest is required for them to mend.
Aggravated damage cannot be soaked naturally or healed by most kinds of magic, but heals at the
same rate as lethal. Armour provides an aggravated soak equal to its lethal soak.
Diagnosis - pg 137, 2e core
Diagnosing a patient is a dramatic action lasting five minutes. It is a Perception/Medicine roll at
Difficulty 1 for external wounds, 2 for internal. Success reveals how many levels of each type of
injury the patient suffers.
Illness is more variable in the Difficulty to diagnose, and is based on distinctiveness of symptoms
rather than severity of the disease. Common cold, infected wounds and bubonic plague are all
Difficulty 1, whereas cholera and smallpox would be Difficulty 2 and yellow fever would be
Difficulty 3. Only extremely rare and/or magical illnesses have a diagnosis Difficulty greater than 3.
Sickness effects from Charms or magic set the Difficulty to diagnose at the Essence of the caster.
Failure to diagnose leaves the physician unable to treat the ailment. Communicable diseases can be
contracted through diagnosis without (and sometimes even despite) precautions being taken.
Treatment - pg 137, 2e core
Healing cannot generally be sped up without powerful magical drugs.
Internal surgery, such as to remove parasites or tumours, has a minimum Difficulty of 5 and
increases rapidly with procedural complexity. Such surgery takes at least three hours per point of
Difficulty and inflicts (Difficulty) unsoakable dice of lethal damage on the patient.
Crippling injuries caused by a Charm must be diagnosed before being treated. The Difficulty is the
Charm-user's Essence, and the Difficulty to treat is the Charm's (Essence+Ability).
Bleeding - pg 151, 2e core
Exalted and similar make a Difficulty 2 Stamina/Resistance roll to draw their wounds shut.
Mortals require medical aid to staunch wounds. A successful Wits/Medicine roll is needed at
Difficulty (health levels dealt by injury) to close a wound. Strenuous activity will reopen it.

Bleeding wounds inflict one level of unsoakable lethal damage every (Stamina) minutes until death.
Notes: Spirits and similar do not suffer from bleeding.
Crippling - pg 152, 2e core
Mortals who suffer 4+ levels of L or Agg damage from a single injury suffer a disabling wound.
Even when healed, wound penalties and restricted movement continue to apply as if they remained
Surgery to repair crippling injuries requires an Intelligence/Medicine roll with Difficulty equal to
the levels of damage inflicted, taking two hours per health level. This surgery re-inflicts the same
number of levels of lethal damage as the original wound, which are unsoakable and run the usual
risk of infection, but heal normally.
Maiming can be aimed for with a called shot at -1 external penalty by any character with a crushing
or bladed weapon. If the blow would kill the target. the attacker may instead inflict as many levels
of lethal damage as desired by mangling/amputating a selected part of the victims body.
Notes: Exalts do not suffer Crippling wounds, and will always heal back to perfect condition. Only
Aggravated damage leaves lasting scars, though even these typically fade with time. Severing a
body part is the only way to prevent Exalted from healing it back naturally.
Infection - pg 151/152, 2e core
Special case of Disease rules (see below)
Virulence: 3 (normal battlefield conditions) or 4+ (tropical climate, dirty weapons, putrid undead
claws, etc.) Subtract 2 for Exalted and similar. If a wound is sterilized with alcohol within an hour
after it is received, Virulence drops to 2. If cauterized within an hour, no Virulence check is
required, but the character suffers one level of unsoakable bashing damage from the minor burn.
Untreated Morbidity: 1 (cumulatively increases by one per day after the first). Botching the roll or
the Morbidity rising higher than (Stamina+Resistance) means death over the next (Stamina) days at
a -4 penalty unless magical aid is given. Success throws off the infection.
Treated Morbidity: Special (as Untreated Morbidity, but stops increasing once successfully treated).
Penalty: While fighting an active infection, mortals suffer a -2 internal penalty to all non-reflexive
actions as a result of fever and discomfort.
Difficulty to Treat: An Intelligence/Medicine roll must be made at a Difficulty equal to the current
Morbidity. Requires drugs costing Resources 2 or a successful Difficulty 3 Perception/Survival roll
to gather the required plants. If successful, the Morbidity stops rising, and remains static as long as
successful treatment rolls are made daily.
Exalted and similar subtract two from the Virulence of any infection. The Morbidity starts at 1 and
does not increase, even without treatment. Once the character beats the Morbidity, they throw off
the infection.
Notes: As long as a wound receives swift treatment and remains bandaged until it heals, characters
need check against the Virulence only once. Otherwise, new rolls must be made every time the
character exposes the wound to possible contagion.
Poisons - pg 130, 2e core
Damage: Maximum damage per dose of poison/Interval between each die of that maximum being
Toxicity: Stamina/Resistance Difficulty to downgrade damage from A to L, L to B or B to none (+2
for mortals unless Poison has M tag). L tag means it deals levels of damage, not just dice.
Tolerance: Safe dosage/purge interval
Penalty: Internal penalty when Tolerance is exceeded, applies as long as the poison is present in the
victim's body.
Notes: Multiple doses increases the max damage, but it still only does one die per interval, it just
does so for twice or thrice as long.

Hazards - pg 131, 2e core

Damage: Damage rolled/interval full damage is rolled at
Trauma: Equivalent to Toxicity, M tag assumed. L tag means it deals levels of damage, not just dice.
Notes: No Tolerance or penalty. Unlike poisons, damage can be soaked, though generally not with
Diseases - pg 350, 2e core
Virulence: Stamina/Resistance Difficulty to avoid infection
Morbidity: Stamina/Resistance Difficulty to survive the disease. Use Untreated without a healer (or
if the healer fails), Treated if healer is successful.
Difficulty to Treat: Difficulty of the Intelligence/Medicine roll to treat illness.
Notes: The Difficulty to Treat is also the Difficulty to manufacture a talisman against a disease or a
draught to cure it. A successfully made draught allows Treated Morbidity rolls even without a

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