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Osteoarthritis rarely occurs before 40, but affects most people after 60.

Sometimes it is so mild as to be
unnoticed. Women have it three times as often as men.
For information on rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, and gout, see their respective articles.
Here is a brief comparative overview:
In osteoarthritis, the cartilage at the end of bones wears down and produces rough, hard, edges of bone
which cause trouble. This generally begins after 40, and 16 million in the U.S. have it.
In rheumatoid arthritis (which see), the cartilage at the end of bones is destroyed, and is replaced with
scar tissue. Then swelling occurs, and the joints may eventually fuse together. While osteoarthritis only
affects individual joints, rheumatoid arthritis ultimately affects all synovial joints in a person's body.
This problem usually begins between 25 and 50, and 3 million in the U.S. are afflicted with it.
Gout (which see) produces extreme pain, usually starting in a big toe (or other smaller toe or finger
joint). This generally does not begin until 40 or after, and 1.5 million experience it. Over 90% are men.
The spondyloarthropathies affect the spine, causing pain, stiffness, joint fusion, and changes in posture.
The most common is ankylosing spondylitis (which see). These difficulties generally start between 20
and 40, and afflict a total of 2.5 million. Men have it over twice often.
Infectious arthritis is the result of viral, bacterial, or fungal infection within a joint (most frequently
bacteria or fungi, especially from candida [which see]). The infection can come from injury, surgery, or
disease. There are body aches, chills, and fever, along with throbbing pain in the affected joint. The pain
and infection may spread to other joints. It may strike at any age, and 100,000 in the U.S. have it.
The following suggestions will help one deal with a variety of arthritic conditions:
Arthritis is the result of a complex of nutritional deficiencies.
A dietary calcium/phosphorous ratio of 2:1 is ideal, yet can only be attained by taking
calcium supplements (see "Bones, Strengthening"). Meat is especially bad; it has a ratio of
1:12 (organ meats, such as liver and kidney) is 1:44. So the more meat you eat, the more
calcium you need. It is as simple as that.
In addition, there is all the acid purines and uric acid in meat. Eventually this
hodgepodge of acids collects in the joints, to such a degree that the bone is eaten away, the
bursa becomes inflamed, etc.

The sulfur-containing foods (asparagus, eggs, garlic, and onions) helps repair bone,
cartilage, and connective tissue, and aids in the absorption of calcium.
Eat green leafy vegetables, whole grains, oatmeal, and brown rice. These supply vitamin
Eat fresh pineapple frequently. The bromelain in it is good for reducing inflammation. It
must be fresh, since freezing or canning destroys the enzyme.
The most beneficial vegetables include celery, parsley, potatoes, alfalfa, wheat grass,
garlic, comfrey, and endive.
The most beneficial fruits include bananas, pineapples, sour apples, and sour cherries.
Foods containing the amino acid, histidine, include wheat, rye, and rice. Histidine helps
remove metals, and many arthritics have high levels of copper and iron in their bodies.
Eat some form of fiber, such as oat bran, rice bran, flaxseed, etc.
Vegetable juice therapy is especially helpful for arthritics, and especially for those with
rheumatoid arthritis.
Repeated juice fasts of 4-6 weeks are recommended, along with about 2 months of an
extremely nourishing diet. The alkaline action of raw juices and vegetable broth dissolves
the accumulation of deposits around the joints and in other tissues.
Green juice, mixed with carrot, celery, red beet juice, and vegetable broths daily, are
specifics for arthritis and other rheumatic diseases.
Drink raw potato juice. Slice a potato, with the skin on, cut it into thin slices and place in
a large glass. Fill the glass with cold water and let it stand overnight. Drink the water the
next morning on an empty stomach.
Potato juice can also be made in an electric juicer. Make it fresh, dilute it 50-50 with
water, and drink first thing in the morning.
Milk, wheat, eggs, corn, and pork have been shown to produce arthritic symptoms.
Vitamin C is necessary, to prevent the capillary walls in the joints from breaking down
and causing bleeding, swelling, and pain. Vitamin C is vital to joint health.

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