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Scoala Gimnaziala Sf.

Limba Engleza

Name: Constantin Dana
Date: 20th of February 2014
School: Scoala Gimnaziala Sf Andrei
Grade: VIII F (L1)
No. of students: 21 students

Level: Intermediate
Textbook: Reward Intermediate
Topic: Lesson 23: Valentine
Time: 50 minutes
Location: The classroom

Type of lesson: Teaching Vocabulary and Reading

Functions: to initiate discussion
Skills: Reading, Speaking, Writing, Listening
Lesson aims:
- to develop students reading skills
- to develop students speaking skills
- (talking about Valentines Day and its significance)
- apple, rose, onion, moon, heart, spanner, ring, strawberry, chrysantheum, snake
- honest, direct, aggressive, cruel, possessive, faithful
- jealous, angry, cynical, sarcastic, passionate, unfaithful
Procedures: Individual work, Pair work, Group work
Aids: Blackboard, Textbook
Specific competences:
- to use properly, in various contexts, words and phrases related to the main concept
of the lesson Valentines Day
- to use the adverbs from past lessons by giving examples
Teaching methods: Conversation, dialogue, exercise, explanation
- Initial: Homework check-up
- Continue: Through activities and error correction
- Final: Through oral and written feed-back and homework


Activity 1

Scoala Gimnaziala Sf. Andrei

Limba Engleza

Organizing the class

Checking the homework
Aim: to create a proper atmosphere for teaching the new lesson
Method: conversation, dialogue
Teacher (T) greets the students (Ss) and asks questions.
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss-T
Timing: 3 min
Activity 2
Warm-up activity
Aim: to familiarize Ss to the new topic
Method: conversation, textbook, notebook
The T explains that the topic of the lesson is love and romance.
Ss are asked to say if the words in the box are symbols of love in their country
Interaction: Ss-Ss; Ss-T; T-Ss
Timing: 7 min
Activity 3
Aim: to prepare for reading
Method: dialogue, explanation, conversation, textbook
The T asks the Ss if they know what St. Valentines Day mean and what are the
customs on this occasion
The T also asks if this custom exist in our country and if not, is there anything
Interaction: Ss-T; Ss-Ss; T-Ss
Timing: 5 min
Activity 4
Reading and understanding a poem
to develop the skill of reading for general understanding (gist)
to read for main ideas
Method: conversation, dialogue, explanation, textbook
The Ss are asked to read the poem for the main ideas. The purpose of reading is to
distract them from worrying about the difficult vocabulary.
The T gives the Ss some time to read the poem. (Reading time)
Interaction: Ss-T; T-Ss; Ss-Ss
Timing: 5 min

Activity 5
Discussion and debate

Scoala Gimnaziala Sf. Andrei

Limba Engleza

to prepare for listening
to focus on the main ideas of the poem
Method: conversation, dialogue, explanation, textbook
The Ss are asked to discuss the statements and to say if they agree with them
The Ss will solve this exercise in pair work.
Interaction: Ss-Ss; Ss-T; T-Ss
Timing: 5 min
Activity 6
Reading and understanding
to encourage Ss to react to the poem
to present the vocabulary in the box
to present adjectives describing reactions
Method: conversation, dialogue, explanation, textbook
The T asks Ss to find words under the headings romantic, unromantic.
After they suggest a word, they are asked to explain the reason for their choice.
The Ss are asked to look in the vocabulary box and decide the poets attitude
towards her lover.
They are going to solve this exercise in group work.
Interaction: Ss-T; T-Ss; Ss-Ss
Timing: 10 min
Activity 7
Listening activity
Aim: to practice listening for main ideas
Method: conversation, dialogue, explanation, notebook, CD
The T explains Ss that they are going to hear two people discussing the poem that
they read earlier and their reaction to the statements in Vocabulary and Reading,
activity 5.
Ss have some time to listen to the CD and if they do not understand the first time,
they are going to listen a second time.
Interaction: Ss-Ss; Ss-T; T-Ss
Timing: 10 min
Activity 8
Aim: to provide consolidation of language so far
Method: conversation, explanation, dialogue
The T asks Ss to write a short text using the words learned in this lesson for next
time in 100-120 words regarding Valentines Day.
Interaction: T-Ss
Timing: 5 min

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