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Chapter Quiz for "Chapter 2 - Plate Tectonics: A Scientific Revolution Unfolds"

Scores for student "Richard Torres- Vanessa Hinojosa"

30 out of 30 points. 100.0%
1. The lithosphere is thickest under the oceans and thinnest beneath the contin
+ Correct: false
2. As plates move apart, the gap between them is filled with molten rock called
+ Correct: magma
3. The region where oceanic lithosphere descends into the asthenosphere is call
ed __________.
+ Correct: a subduction zone
4. Which of these plates is the largest?
+ Correct: Pacific
5. Earth s rigid outer layer overlies a zone of weaker and hotter material known
as the:
+ Correct: asthenosphere
6. Which one of these mountain belts was NOT formed by a continental collision?
+ Correct: Andes
7. When divergent plate boundaries continue to operate within a continent, the
landmass may __________. Select ALL that apply.
+ Correct: develop a rift valley
+ Correct: split into two smaller continents
8. New oceanic crust is created at divergent boundaries at a rate of about:
+ Correct: 5 centimeters per year
9. Earth s rigid outer layer is called:
+ Correct: lithosphere
10. Transform faults occur where plates slide past one another and generate new
+ Correct: false
11. The theory of plate tectonics holds that the outer rigid layer of Earth is
broken into about a dozen major segments called shields.
+ Correct: false
12. Most of the largest plates __________.
+ Correct: contain large amounts of both oceanic and continental crust
13. Most volcanic island arcs are located in the __________.
+ Correct: western Pacific
14. Most divergent boundaries are located:
+ Correct: along oceanic ridges
15. At convergent plate boundaries, two plates __________.
+ Correct: move together
16. What layer of Earth allows the plates to move?
+ Correct: asthenosphere

17. Which of these water bodies was once a rift valley?

+ Correct: Red Sea
18. Older oceanic lithosphere is cooler, thicker, and denser than young oceanic
+ Correct: true
19. Great earthquakes can be generated at transform fault boundaries.
+ Correct: true
20. At divergent plate boundaries __________.
+ Correct: new lithosphere is forming
21. Whenever a slab of oceanic lithosphere converges with a slab of continental
lithosphere __________.
+ Correct: the oceanic lithosphere descends into the asthenosphere
22. According to the theory of plate tectonics, plates interact mainly ________
+ Correct: along plate boundaries
23. When an oceanic plate and a continental plate converge, a(n) __________ is
formed along a subduction zone.
+ Correct: oceanic trench
24. What is the main factor that triggers the formation of magma when a cold sl
ab of oceanic lithosphere is subducted?
+ Correct: the subducting slab supplies water to a wedge of hot mantle rock ther
eby lowering its melting temperature
25. At divergent plate boundaries, two plates __________.
+ Correct: move apart
26. Most volcanic island arcs are located near __________.
+ Correct: a deep-oceanic trench
27. When two oceanic plates converge, and one plate descends to form a trench,
material from the melting plate often forms a(n) __________ at the surface.
+ Correct: volcanic island arc
28. The Aleutian Islands, Tonga Islands, and Japan are examples of __________.
+ Correct: volcanic island arcs
29. At convergent plate boundaries __________.
+ Correct: old lithosphere is being destroyed
30. Convergent plate margins occur where two plates are moving toward one anoth
er and the movement is accommodated by:
+ Correct: one plate descending beneath the other.

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