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Sunday, October 11, 2015

7:44 PM

Cell theory
All organisms composed of one or more cells
New cells come from pre-existing cells

New cells - when are new cells needed? How are they made and when are they

New cells are needed to replace cells that are dying

Any organism - grow - needs to add new cells for new structures being made

New cells - reproduction

Cell division - in general - new cells are made

Two types of cell division Eukaryotes - organisms other than things like bacteria

Two types of cell division

One called mitosis - process which cells produce genetically idential copies of

Need for cells - anytime cells needed for growth, repair, axesual reproduction comes into play
Involves taking cell and making an identical copy of it

Meiosis Associated with sexual reproduction

Number of chrmosomes in a cell - cut in half
So mitosis Meiosis - cut in half
Only 12 at end of meiosis
Cells produced - call gametes
Sperm or eggs
These cells are required for sexual reproduction
Meiosis - important part of sexual reproduction

Cell division in prokaryotes

Prokaryotes -

In things like bacteria - is in fact cell division - not complicated as eukaryotes

No chromosones - single circular chromosone, not separate

Process of cell division in prokaryotes - prokaryotic fision - means splitting

Start with single cell - 2 cells identical to first cell
A little different - won't be getting into details, look at diagrams Circular chromosome - first step - is to make a copy of the circular chromosome see being made
All needs to happen - cell that has two copies - needs to divide into two so each cell
has one circular chromosome - simple process
Asexual reproduction - there is no genetic exchange with other individuals
Prokaryotes have ways of sexual reproduction however

Eukaryotes Eukaryotes - cells have neucleus and organells

More complicated
Make copies of all chromosomes
Divide - each cell gets not only right number but right kind
Copy and divide all organells
Mechanism either miotisis or meiosis
Chromosomes - specifically devided up
Cytokinesis - divide up cell contents
Separation from one cell into two cells

Chromosome terminology

Right number and right kind of chromosome

One way we can look at them is looking at karyotype - picture of all chromosomes in
a cell, usually looking at cells going mitosis
We can see chromosomes only when they begin the process of mitosis - when they
start cell division and when they are duplicating
First things that has to happen - every chromosome - need to make copy of it
Divy up chromosomes among first cells
First thing - duplicate chromosome
Only see - already duplicated
X shaped structures- chromosomes already duplicated
Any chromosomes - any one we look at - x structure - that is already duplicated
One of things you can see - been divided up Pairs of them
Until we get to very end
Pair number 32 - 2 chromosomes - different than each other
Look at karyotype ^
See that we have divided chromosomes into pairs based on size and shape
Shape - position - constriction in middle of chromosome
Grouped into pairs - sizes and shape
Pairs referred to as homologous chromosomes

Two chromosomes - those are homologous chromosomes

That this particular individual - karyotype came
Got one of those chromosomes from his or her mother and one from father
Divided by size and shape
Last pair - 23rd

Large x shape and little tiny one

These are sex chromosomes - this individual is male
Big x - x chromosome - y is smaller thing
All other homologous pairs- identical
Sex chromosomes are different in male
In females - two x shaped structures

Number of chromosomes Diploid - number - found in all cells in body

Haploid number - only found in gamete cells (sperm or eggs)
Diploid number in humans - 46 chromosomes - 23 pairs
Haploid - just half of that
Human gamete cells - 23 chromosomes
Skin cells, cells in heart
46 chromosomes
Only find haploid number where if you're looking at sperm cells in male or egg cells
in female

What is a chromosome - talk about structure and concept of only being able to see
in duplicated state
If we could see in unduplicated state - basically a long rod shaped thing
We can't see at that point
We can see when it has x shape structure
What does x shape structure consist of?
Consists of two sister chromatids - identical to each other
Just imagine this unduplicated rod shape - make copy of it
Another one right next to it
Constriction where duplicated chromosomes joined together
Sister chromated
Place - joined together - structure there called centromere where they are held
X shaped - already duplicated, one side - one chromatid - identical two each other they are copies
This makes termonology ambiguous
Chromosome - referred to as one we can see - duplicated state
Soemthing that consists of unduplicated thing - even though we can't see - often
refer to as chromosome as well
Karyotype - 23 pairs of chromosomes

But those chromosomes - in duplciated state

Don't say 23 pairs - 46 of x shaped structures - don't do that
X shape structure - called chromosome - duplicated structure and two identical

Start out with unduplicated chromosome

Make copy - chromosome in duplicated state
Copy of every chromosome and divy up copy
Make sure new cells have one copy each
Article - make copy of and give to friend
Take article, copy every page and keep original and copy give to friend

Basically what happens in mitosis - new cells have one set of origianl and one set of

Meiosis Quite different

What happens Consider total number of chromosomes in cell

Number of chromosomes - divided in half
Not simply matter of taking 46 chromosomes in human cell and giving 23 to one cell
and 23 to another
Certain 23
And way division occurs Karyotype - all come in pairs
Pair 1, all the way up to 23
Each pair - homologous pair of chromosome
In meiosis - new cells - get one representative of each pair of homologous
Very specific 23 not just random set

Interphase - cell growth - undergo mitosis

During cell cycle
Phase of cell cycle - interphase - diagram - interphase - takes up good portion of cell
In interphase - variety go on - things go on divided up into subphases - g1, s, g2
Not concerned with specifics
One of things very important During interphase - time when organelles duplicate
Cell grows in size
Fluid is added to insides
Chromosomes - duplicate at this point
Look at cell in interphase - doesn't look like a lot is going on, but a lot is going on
with cell division

Cell expand, organelles duplicate chromosomes duplicate

In anticipation of cell becoming two
Longest phase in cell

Miotic phase - has separate phases

Chromosomes are separated
Main job of mitosis
End of mitosis - after chromosomes separated - single cell but on one end - one set
of chromosomes - on other end other chromosomes
Cytokenesis - makes division between cells
Mitosis - shortest phase compared to interphase

Skin cells divide rapidly - 20 hours or so

Being replaced very frequently
Red blood cells - carry oxygen - also go through cell division very frequently
White blood cells - part of immune - about every 2 weeks
Nerve cells - hardly ever go through division - nerve damage or spinal cord inguries
Nerves typically don't regrow
Not possible to reconnect two nerve ends
Cancer cells - undergo - very very rapidly

Top cell in interphase - nucleus and cytoplasma

Next phase - prophase - one things you see - in area where nuclues was - dark
strands of things - chromosmoes
Next phase - prophase - dark strands lined up along equator of cell
Anaphase - chromosomes - being taken one set in one direction to north and in
other direction to south
Telophase - condenced into two regions - one at top ad one at bottom

Phases in detail

Prophase - first phase after interphase

Nuclear envelope disappears
Within nucleus
Membrane - double membrane

Breaks down in prophase - condense and become visible

Spindle fibers form - streatching from top to bottom of cell
Chromosomes - attached to spindle fibers
Move in cell along them
By end of prophase and late prohase
Transition point to metaphase
At this point see chromosomes beginning to line up on center of cell
In metaphase - lined up on equator of cell

Late - chromosomes distinct

Two little sets of orange things
These called centrioles
See some fibers beginning to form
Spindle fibers
Transition to metaphase

Now have chromosomes hooked up to spyndal fibers

Stretch to top to bottom of cell - pair of centrals on each side

Pair of centrials above and below

Chromosomes - being separated into sister chromatids
Each chromosome - consist in metaphase - x shaped structure
Knew x shape structure consists of two sister chromatids
Separated from each other
Chromosomes in unduplicated state
Telephase - nuclear envelope - beginning to reform
Chromosome - less distinct
Have cytokenisis
Process of separating one cell to two cells

Anaphase - chromosomes begin to separate

Sister chromatids pulling apart
Telophase - chromosome separation completed
New nuclear envelope form
Chromosomes uncoil and become less visible

Divide cell in half

Animals - when cytokenesis occurs
Comes aout by pinching in equator of cell
Took a little string in equator of cell and pull tight and separate cell
More than just an analogy - really what's going on
Fibers run around equator and constrict to separate this
What you get is cleavage furrow
Two new cells - indentation - basically cleavage
Process of separation completed
Two new cells - completely independent

Plant cells - have cell walls

Form cell wall between them
This cell wall begins to form - vesicles converge on equator of cell
Bring various types of materials to equator of cell so it can be built and plate forms
and two cells walled off from each other

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