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Title: Train the Trainer: En la unin esta la fuerza

(Theres strength in numbers)

Topic: Using Steps to Community Organizing to Plan and Organize for the Remediation of
Environmental Issues
Time: Total of four days
Day 1(Week One: Thursday): 45 minutes
Day 2 (Week One: Friday): 45 minutes
Day 3 (Week Two: Friday): 45 minutes
Day 4 (Week Three: Monday): 45 minutes
Class: Environmental Science Ninth to Twelfth Grade
Content Standards addressed:
TN Environmental Science Standard #6:
CLE 3260.6.3 - Explore methods used for remediation of land, air and water pollution.
Technology Standards addressed:
ISTE*S Standard 2: Communication and collaboration: Student use technology authoring tool to
communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media
and formats.
ISTE*S Standard 4: Critical thinking, problem solving and decision making: Student use
technology authoring tool to plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a
1. Asian NGO Coalitions 10 Steps Basic Steps in Community Organizing Document
2. Computer with
a. PowerPoint loaded
b. Internet access
3. Multimedia Planning Sheet
4. Field Evaluation Report
5. Reflection Sheet
6. Pencil & Paper
1. TLW demonstrate knowledge
of 10 Steps to CO in the
remediation of a local
pollution issue

Blooms Taxonomy:
Knowledge, Application,

2. TLW select graphics and

words representative of each
of the 10 steps

Knowledge, Comprehension,

PowerPoint Presentation: Within
the presentation remediation
proposals are identified are
representative of ANGOCs
recommendations. Steps are
sound, reasonable and in
accordance with the suggestions
of the ANGOC.
PowerPoint Presentation:
Graphics and verbiage are
representative and communicate

each step effectively

By allowing the student to select a polluted area of local concern, the student will be motivate to
complete the assignment because it can be of actual use to them and those affected.
Explain the assignment purpose and deliverable: They are creating a PowerPoint tutorial that will
serve as a training tool for leaders who plan to establish a peoples organization for the
remediation of a pollution project in their area.
Review the Asian NGO Coalitions 10 step framework for community organizing (covered at
length in a previous lesson).
Reexamine examples of land, air and water pollution cases that had to be resolved through
community action and how the steps utilized fit into the Asian NGO Coalitions model.
Return to a brief discussion of the assignment purpose and deliverable: The project will include
an explanation of the steps as well as potential ways these steps can manifest when used for the
students chosen individual local project.
Teacher Procedures:
Prior to the Computer
Day One/Week One
1. After the introduction, ask students to
brainstorm alone or in pairs regarding potential
locations for community action due to issues of
pollution in their neighborhoods or within the
city. Advise them that this assignment will be
easier if this is a local not too difficult for them
to have regular access (i.e. walking distance).
At the Computer
Day Two & Three/Week One & Two
1. Have students open both MS PowerPoint and
the Internet browser
2. Direct students to utilize their Multimedia
Planning Sheet to select the required images
3. Direct students to the location of Clipart within
PowerPoint as potential images for their use
4. Monitor and assist when needed

Student Procedures:
Day One/Week One
1. Students brainstorm and write a list of
potential locations/issues.
2. After school, they view the potential sites and
select one for this assignment.
3. For homework, students complete the
Multimedia Planning Sheet

Day Two/Week One

1. Open MS PowerPoint and the Internet
2. Create a Potential Images Folder on the
3. Perform web searches for related images.
4. Review Clipart within PowerPoint for related
5. Save all potential images within the Potential
Images folder
6. Create a 12 slide PowerPoint Presentation,
one slide for each step as well as tutorial use,
purpose and closing slide.
7. Print the PowerPoint to complete the verbiage
at home if necessary
Day Three/Week Two
8. Return to the computer the next week to
complete the presentation

After the Computer

Day Four/Week Three
Place students in groups of 2 to 3 students
Ask students to review each others work and
complete the Field Evaluation Report
Have students review their critiques from their
peers and revise their presentations accordingly

Day Four/Week Three

1. While in a group, students review each others
2. Each student completes the Field Evaluation
Report to critique and provide suggestions
3. Students review the reports and revise their
presentations where necessary

Reflection & Transfer:

As follow up after the assignment is completed, students will write 2-3 paragraphs regarding what
they learned during this assignment, potential issues they can foresee and how they could use
what they learned here for an environmental issue not related to pollution.
1. Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (2007). 10 steps basic steps in
community organizing document. Retrieved from:

0 - 3 steps are
represented in the

4 - 6 steps are
represented in the

7- 9 steps are
represented in the

All 10 steps are
represented in the
students PowerPoint

The students
suggestion at each
step for their local
are sound,
reasonable and in
accordance with
the suggestions of

0 3 of the slides
have sound,
suggestions that are
in accordance with
suggestions of the

4 - 6 of the slides
have sound,
suggestions that are
in accordance with
suggestions of the

7 - 9 of the slides
have sound,
suggestions that are
in accordance with
suggestions of the

All 10 of the slides

have sound,
suggestions that are
in accordance with
suggestions of the

The graphics
selected by the
student are
representative of
the slide and
communicate the
slides message

0 3 of the slides
have graphics
selected by the
student are
representative of the
slide and
communicate the
slides message

4 - 6 of the slides
have graphics
selected by the
student are
representative of the
slide and
communicate the
slides message

7 - 9 of the slides
have graphics
selected by the
student are
representative of the
slide and
communicate the
slides message

All 10 of the slides

have graphics
selected by the
student are
representative of the
slide and
communicate the
slides message

presentation has a
unique slide for
each step in the
organizing model

The words select by

the student are
representative of
the slide and
communicate the
slides message

0 3 of the slides
have words selected
by the student are
representative of the
slide and
communicate the
slides message

4 - 6 of the slides
have words selected
by the student are
representative of the
slide and
communicate the
slides message

7 - 9 of the slides
have words selected
by the student are
representative of the
slide and
communicate the
slides message

All 10 of the slides

have words selected
by the student are
representative of the
slide and
communicate the
slides message

The Cover Page,

Slide Tutorial,
Purpose and
Closing are
complete and

0 of these slides are

complete and useful

1 of these slides are

complete and useful

2 or 3 of these slides
are complete and

All 4 of these slides

are complete and

25 pts possible

Name: Crystal Martin

Date: June 11, 2016

Multimedia Planning Sheet

Directions: Complete this information before you develop your project.
Title of Project: Uptown - Shiny Like New
Purpose of Project: Creating a training document for the community organizer via
Target Audience:

The community organizer or organizing organization who desires to

work within the Uptown community to engage the residents in
neighborhood beautification activities including antipollution and
pollution remediation.

Resources needed to complete this project:

Information Sources:
Asian NGO Coalitions 10 Steps Basic Steps in Community Organizing

An image of the Uptown Area of Memphis
A different image that represents each of the 10 different steps
Keywords to Google for Potential Slides
Integrate, Integration
Social Investigation or
Investigate, Study
Community Study
Issue Identification and Analysis Identify, Identification
Core Group Formation
Group, Core Group, Formation
Ground Work and Community
Community Meeting
Role Playing
Role Play
Mobilization or Action
Community Organizing
Evaluation and/or Reflection
Thinking, Reflecting
Formalization of the Community- Community Organization
Based Organization
Phase Out
Phase Out, Fade

An image of an unpolluted area to represent what Uptown can look like if

we work together or other closing image representative of the message



Student Name: Crystal Martin

Title of Project: En la unin esta la fueza

Lessons Learned: Reflecting on My Project

1. What was good or effective in your project?
I believe I have a very strong lesson. Additionally, because the focus of the
activity is a location in students neighborhood or city of their choosing, there
should be strong by in and motivation.

2. How would you improve your project?

I would have completed it on time. I havent taught a formal K-12 class since
NCLB. So, formal lesson planning is new to me. I am still confused by the
assessment rubric, but I have an appointment next week in the Education Office to
remedy this hole in my knowledge. In this edition, I have Google information
regarding the rubric. I hope Im getting closer to understanding how to create one.

3. What did you learn from creating this project (not about software), and how can
you use what you learned in the future?
I understand the lesson planning process a bit more. I hope to build on it and
finally be able to have a complete and substantial lesson that will engage students
when I begin teaching again in the fall.

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