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Legitimitatea faptelor

1 luna = 1 an
1 saptamana = 90 de zile
1 zi= 12

Choose wisely when you want to initiate

Social Media +SEO+Conversion(when choosing to initiate)
1985 Ox Wood (Yin Wood) Fire Snake (Yin Fire)
1989 - Snake Earth (Yin Earth) Rat Water(Water Yang) 4, 16, 19, 28, 29 04.10.1989 (5) / 28.10.1989 (11)/ 12.11.1989(5)/08.11.1989 (10)
Atacul de panica, fobiile vin din interior.
Echinoctiu= durata zilei egala cu durata noptii (20/21 Martie si 22/23 Septembrie)
Solstitiu de vara = 21 Iunie ziua cea mai lunga
Solstitiu de iarna = 22 decembrie- ziua cea mai scurta
Marduk cea de-a 10-a planeta a sistemului Solar (Planeta zeilor)

who subdues and neutralizes all sensory urges in the heart with detached
evenness-of-mind and intellect, one to whom liberation is the highest goal; this
wise sage of meditation becomes freed from all anger, fear and longing, and thus
is truly free.
For the ego develops into a friend if accepted and guided, and into an enemy if
rejected and disowned.
ne who has conquered the egos fear
s [of anger, fear, grief, guilt, self-loathing, and longing], the purified ego is his
friend; but of one whose ego-fears remain unconquered, the ego is
his foe, and remains in the position of an enemy.
But those who perform actions that are fit to be done [on t
he path of Buddha-Enlightenment and Christ-Oneness], who are disciplined and
self-governing, who renounce all clinging and attachment to results of
action; that renunciation is said to be in equilibrium.

A doer of action who is free of all longing and attachment, free of all
division and ego, full of resolve and perseverance, who is unchanged in both
success and failure; he is said to be in equilibrium. But a doer of action who is
passionate, or desiring and longing for the fruits and results of action, or is
greedy and lustful, or violent, hostile, harmful or mischievous, or is wicked and

obscene, or possessed of elation and dejection; he is said to be in attraction. And

a doer of action who is not devout or attentive, or is corrupted, or proud and
arrogant, or is deceitful and dishonest, or unsound in reasoning, or lazy, or
and despondent, or procrastinating; he is said to be in aversion.

The unreal, [that which is impermanent, including the human body

and the bodily sensations of heat and cold, pleasure and pain] has no real
existence. The Real, [that which is permanent, including your individuated God
Presence and the Greater Being of God] can never
not exist. The Final Truth is known by the knower of these truths.

While the human body has an end, this indwelling Self, [or Presence
of God in the form of the Holy Spirit] that sustains the body; is everchangeless, indestructible and unending.
In as much as the ignorant act, attaching to results of their actions,
the wise should act also, yet without attaching to the results of their actions; with
the motivation to guide and gather those of this world onto the path of serving
God and its parts.
Therefore eradicate this destroyer of knowledge and Self Realization;
accomplished at the outset by controlling all sensory desire, and then carefully
and persistently removing the sinful mark by bringing every image of fear, guilt,
anger, self-loathing, emptiness and longing to God
in meditation, for the energy of each to be neutralized in the heart.
For the ego develops into a friend if accepted and guided, and into an enemy if
rejected and disowned.
The result of virtuous actions centred in equilibrium is purity; actions
centred in attraction result in misery and pain; and actions centred in the fear of
ion, unavoidably lead to illusion.

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