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A Case Study on Customer Attitude and Preference towards

the Brand of Khadi and Village Industrial Products in

Coimbatore District
To identify the satisfaction rates of Customer towards the Khadi and Village Industrial Products in retail outlet.
To Access the Awareness of Khadi and Village Industrial Products they manufacture.
To examine the influencing factors responsible in purchasing Khadi and village Industrial Products.
To find out the Customers Attitude and Preference towards the Khadi and Village Industrial products in retail outlet.
To study the problems and difficulties faced by the Customer in purchasing the KVI s Products in retail outlet.
Suggest measures to solve the problems faced by the Customer.

Frequency of purchase
Quality of products
Satisfaction on purchase
Comparing khaidi with others
Perception about packing
Money spend for khadi
Source of information
Availability ]
Influence to purchase

A study on consumer attitude towards khadi with special reference to khadi readymade
shirts. at KKGSS(F) Bengeri Hubli.
Objectives of the study:
To assess the consumer preference towards khadi shirts.
To know the consumer satisfaction level regarding readymade khadi shirt
To know the perception towards readymade khadi shirts

To study the consumer buying behaviour

To determine the expectation of consumer about readymade khadi shirts

In which season do you want to wear

Are you interested to buty in kadhi bhavan
Opinion on price

Which factors influenced to buy khadi shirts?

pride of our nation
which factor do you consider while you purchase products
price,quality , brand,design, colour

Dear Sir / Madam,
1. Personal Information:
a) Name: _________________________________.
b) Gender: Male [ ] Female [ ]
c) Age : ____yrs.
d) Occupation__________________________.
2. Annual Income:

Less than 50000 [ ] 50000 to 100000 [ ]

100000 to 200000 [ ] More than 200000 [ ]
3. Do you know khadi cloth?
a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
4. Normally which brand do you prefer?
a) Raymonds [ ] b) Reid & Taylor [ ]
c) Khadi [ ] d) Others [ ]
If other please specify______________________
5. Which cloth do you prefer in khadi?
a) Cotton [ ] b) silk [ ]
c) Polyvastra [ ] d) woolen [ ]
6. In which season do you wish to use khadi shirts?
a) Especially in summer [ ]
b) In all seasons [ ]
c) In winter [ ]
d) In Rainy [ ]
7. Comparing to other company shirts what do you say about quality of khadi shirts
a) Good [ ] b) Excellent [ ]
c) Better [ ] d) Worst [ ]
8. Presently are you using readymade khadi shirts?
a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
9. Where do you want to buy khadi shirts?
a) Khadi emporium [ ] b) khadi gramodyog [ ]
c) In Exhibition only [ ] d) Central vastragar bengeri [ ]
10. Are you buying certified khadi shirts? It means which khadi gramodyog registered under KVIC.
a) Registered under KVIC shop [ ]
b) Non registered under KVIC shop [ ]
11. Do you know whether khadi shirts are
a) Harmful to skin [ ]

b) Not harmful to skin [ ]

12. Do you think that khadi shirts are more valuable than other shirts?
a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
If yes______________________
13. Do you agree that khadi shirts only for politicians?
a) Agree [ ] b) Disagree [ ]
15. Khadi shirts has to be used in all government offices.
Give your opinion_________________________________________
16. What do you think of price of khadi shirts?
a) Cheap [ ] b) Reasonable [ ]
c) Costly [ ] d) Very costly [ ]
17. Do you know in khadi shirts they are using well mixed chemicals for dyeing?
a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
18. Which factors influenced to buy khadi readymade shirts?
a) Color [ ] b) Stitching [ ]
c) Quality [ ] d) Pride of our nation [ ]
d) Price [ ]
19. Are you satisfied with quality of the shirts?
a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
If Yes___________________
20. Which factors are you considered while buying shirts?
a) Price [ ] b) Quality [ ]
c) Brand name [ ] d) Color [ ]
d) Designs [ ]
21. Are khadi shirts available every where?
a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
22. Which factors are you expecting in khadi shirts?

a) More colors [ ] b) Designs [ ]

c) Fashionable [ ] d) Embroidery [ ]
23. It is necessary to use khadi clothes to grow national income. Do you agree with this sentence?
Disagree Partially Agree
24) By using khadi products, it is useful to avoid unemployment in our country. Is it true or false?
a) True [ ] b) False [ ]
25) In what extent are you satisfied with the quality of shirts?
Highly Dissatisfied Moderate Satisfied Highly dissatisfied satisfied
26) Rank the following with respect to quality satisfaction No. 1 2 3 4 5 as Number 1 is the best & number 5 is the
worst beside the following brands.
a) Raymond [ ]
b) Reid & Taylor [ ]
c) Khadi [ ]
d) Gini [ ]
e) Others [ ]
27) Since how many years you are using khadi shirts?
a) Not yet [ ]
b) From 1 year [ ]
c) From 2 years [ ]
d) Above 2 years [ ]
28) Do you consider as khadi is one of the most Indian beautiful fabrics?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
If Yes ______________________________________________________
29) It has the unique property of keeping the wearer warm in winter as well as cool in summer season. Can you
identify this property in any other brands?
a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ]
30) Lastly any suggestion do you want to add. ..

Impact of marketingmixamong customers with reference

to khadi products
Objectives of the study
To identify the factors influencing 4ps among customers.
To know the gender wise impact of 4ps among customers.
To identify the level of satisfaction with khadi products

The level of significance for the study is determined as 5% which emanates that the level of confidence is 95%.

4.3 Results and Inference:

The Friedman test is used to analyze the parameters and the parameters are ranked on the satisfaction level of the
customer and the inference is depicted as follows.
Products are expensive
Price should be reduced
To provide subsidiary on cotton price
Customers desire to purchase modern Products
Khadi products are old design and tradition
Customers need diversified products
Khadi products are seasonal fit
Khadi products are customer friendly
Khadi products are substantially marketed
Education system (Product awareness at educational level)
Should wear by Govt employees


To explore the influence of demographic factors on rural consumers attitude towards Khadi
To explore the influence of purchase preference on rural consumers attitude towards Khadi
To examine the relationship between consumers attitude and their satisfaction towards Khadi
Distribution of Respondents based on Demographic Factors
Demographic Factors Frequency Percentage
Gende r
Monthly Income
Marital Status
Family Type Joint Nuclear
Number of Family Members

Distribution of Respondents based on Purchase Preference factors

Purchase Preference Factors Frequency Percentage

Proximity of shop to residence
Yes 66 66
No 34 34
Total 100 100
Influencing Source
Friends 52 52
Relatives 30 30
Add 4 4
Others 14 14
Total 100 100
Period of Purchase
Less than 5 yrs 48 48
5 - 10 yrs 35 35
Above 10 yrs 17 17
Total 100 100
Product Purchased
Khadi Cloth 51 51
Herbal 14 14
Leather 9 9
All (including others) 26 26
Total 100 100
Frequency of Purchase
Weekly 45 45
Monthly 35 35
Occasionally 20 20
Total 100 100
Amount of Purchase
up to Rs. 500 44 44
Rs. 500 - 1000 27 27
Rs. 1000 - 2000 11 11
above Rs. 2000 18 18

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