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GH Surge Workout # 1

Workout Set A
This is NOT a lactic acid based exercise. This is a 20-rep set done with challenging weight. After this set, rest 2-3 minutes and proceed to B.

A1- Squat (Any Variation)

20 Reps
Weight Used

Workout Set b
This is 3 exercises, performed lactic acid style for 8-15 reps each, a total of 3 times. Select a weight appropriate for each exercise (often, different
weights each time). Perform exercises B1-B3 sequentially, resting 10-30 seconds between exercises. After B3, rest 90 seconds and repeat. After your
last circuit, rest 2 minutes and proceed to Workout Set C. Each exercise is to be done for 10-12 reps, with a tempo of 104.

b1- Chest Press

B2- Bent-over Barbell Row
B3- Plank

(Hold for 60 seconds)

Note: tempo does not factor in here, simply hold for 60 seconds

12 Reps
Weight Used
10 Reps
Weight Used
60 seconds
Weight Used

Workout Set C
This is 2 exercises, performed for 8-10 reps each, a total of 4 times. Select a weight appropriate for each exercise (often, different weights each time).
Perform exercises C1-C2 sequentially, resting 10 seconds between exercises. After C3, rest 90 seconds and repeat. After your last set, rest 120 and
proceed to D. Each exercise is to be done for 8-10reps, with a tempo of 104.

C1- Lateral Raise

C2- DB Romanian deadlift

12 Reps
Weight Used
8 Reps
Weight Used

Workout Set D
This is NOT a lactic acid based exercise. This is a 25-rep set done with ONLY your bodyweight.

D1- Bodyweight Squats (25 at regular speed)

25 Reps
Weight Used

GH Surge Workout # 2
Workout Set A
This is NOT a lactic acid based exercise. This is a 20-rep set done with challenging weight. After this set, rest 2-3 minutes and proceed to B.

A1- Barbell Deadlift or Trap Bar Deadlifts

20 Reps
Weight Used

Workout Set b
This is 4 exercises, performed lactic acid style for 10 reps each, a total of 4 times. Select a weight appropriate for each exercise (often, different
weights each time). Perform exercises B1-B3 sequentially, resting 10-30 seconds between exercises. After B3, rest 60 seconds and repeat. After your
last circuit, rest 2 minutes and proceed to Workout Set C. Each exercise is to be done for 10 reps, with a tempo of 104.

b1- Pull-up or Pull-down

Note: May use assisted pull-ups or any variation of pull-down,

including resistance bands.

B2- Overhead Press

B3- Feet elevated Plank

(Hold for 60 seconds)

Note: tempo does not factor in here, simply hold for 45 seconds

10 Reps
Weight Used
10 Reps
Weight Used
45 seconds
Weight Used

Workout Set C
This is 2 exercises, performed for 12-15 reps each, a total of 5 times. Select a weight appropriate for each exercise (often, different weights each time).
Perform exercises C1-C2 sequentially, resting 10 seconds between exercises. After C3, rest 90 seconds and repeat. After your last set, rest 120 and
proceed to D. Each exercise is to be done for 8-10reps, with a tempo of 103.

C1- Pushups
C2- Bicep Curls

12 Reps
Weight Used
15 Reps
Weight Used

Workout Set D
This is NOT a lactic acid based exercise. This is a 25-rep set done with light weight.

D1- Barbell Deadlift or Trap Bar Deadlifts

Note: Use 20-30% of the weight you used for Workout Set A

25 Reps
Weight Used

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