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the principle of love or creativity

the principle of preservation or memory
the principles of harmony, beauty, and relationships
Mercury: the principle of communication
the principles of evaluation and appreciation
the principles of energy, drive, and action
Jupiter: the principles of faith, growth, and abundance
Saturn: the principle of structure, definition, and limitation
Uranus: the principles of truth, freedom, and individuality
Neptune: the principles of understanding, forgiveness, and universality
the principles of death, transformation, and rebirth

Your Sun-Ascendant Polarity

The Sun and Ascendant(Earth) are perhaps the two most salient features in any chart, and the
relationship between the two and how it affects both one's sense of self and one's relationdships
is well worth examining.
In Astrology, the most basic medium of expression is GENDER(masculine/feminine,
positive/negative, extrovert/introvert, etc.). With two planets or factors and two genders there are
a possible 4 Sun/Ascendant types as follows...
Type 1) ++ Type 2) +- Type 3) -+ Type 4) -+masculine = Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
-feminine = Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces

Type 1) ++ masculine Sun and masculine Ascendant

This is the best combination as both factors rule masculine signs.
These people have strong egos or individualities and it comes through because the nature of both
the Sun and Ascendant are in similar or compatible signs. What you see is basically what you
get. The Sun or ego has no problem expressing itself, especially if both are in the same element.
These people have presence, strength, warmth, and grace, and are often very attractive
physically. Their compatible Ascendant ensures that they attract to them people and situationss
that are harmonious to their basic inner nature(Sun), so that they are, for the most part, happy
and successful people.
Type 1's are most compatible with other Type 1 people and least compatible with Type 4 people.
Types 2 and 3 are toss-ups, although from their perspective, Type 2 is preferred(because of the
compatible Suns).

Type 2) +- masculine Sun and feminine Ascendant This is a deceptive and often unhappy or
unfulfilled combination as both factors are at odds with one another.
The ego or Sun is strong, but it has a hard time showing or coming through. There is the sneak
thief aspect about this one; they look weak or cold or unattractive on the surface, but once you
get to know them they surprise you with their strong and positive nature. Robert DeNiro is a
good example. Their incompatible Ascendant often attracts to them people and events that are
contrary or inharmonious to their inner Sun natures, and unfortunately this is a life-long pattern.
Type 2's gravitate towards type 3's, and at first it appears to work fine, but as time goes by and
the conflicting Sun sign qualities begin to emerge, the relationship starts to fall apart. The
exceptions between Sun signs are Aries-Scorpio, Taurus-Libra, Capricorn-Aquarius, and LeoPisces(most of them due to dual rulership), but even these are never as compatible as those
between two harmonious elements. It's so-so with types 1 and 4. They like 1's appearance but
the vibes grate them a little. They feel comfortable with 4's but are not drawn to their looks.

Type 3) -+feminine Sun and masculine Ascendant This is also a deceptive and often unhappy or
unfulfilled combination for the same reason as Type 2.
Type 3's have a great presentation, but the solar nature is a let-down. Like type 2, they are very
different from what they appear to be, and seem to always attract all the wrong people and
situations. They may look confident, attractive, and successful on the exterior, but this hides a
very cautious and insecure interior. Elvis Presley is a good example. So long as they let their
Ascendant natures dominate over their Sun sign, they will never truly be happy, either with
themselves or others. More than the other types, they will use their looks or charms to advance
themselves professionally or financially.
Type 3's are drawn to Type 2's but it is often a fleeting attraction for their Suns are not truly
compatible. They get along least with their own Type, and it's so-so with Types 1 and 4. Their
own types mirror their own unhappiness and inadequacies, but because of their compatible Suns,
the flare-ups are often superficial. Type 1's feel good(vibes) but the appearance can be
threatening. Type 4's don't feel right but the appearance is reassuring.

Type 4) -- feminine Sun and feminine Ascendant

These "neggies"(for lack of a better term) are overly negative or feminine nature. While they
may not be the most inspiring or attractive people, they do feel good or comfortable with
themselves and this endears them to others. Like 1's, they are basically what they appear to be
and generally attract peoples and events that are harmonious to their inner Sun natures. They are
basically interested in the more material or emotional aspects of life and living.
Type 4's get along best with their own type and least with Type 1. Types 2 and 3 are so-so for
them, although from their perspective, they prefer type 3(because of the compatible Suns). Type
2's look good but don't feel right.

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