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Coronary heart disease is a cardiovascular disease that often occurs in the

community. In fact, coronary heart disease ranks first as a cause of death, both in
countries - developed and developing countries. (Word Health Organization
WHO) estimates that by 2030 coronary heart disease will be the leading cause of
death of 23.6 million people worldwide. The prevalence of coronary heart disease
in Indonesia in 2013 based on a diagnosis of the American Heart Association,
identified several risk factors for coronary heart disease, these factors exist that
can be modified, but some are not. Factors that can not be modified, among
others: age, gender, genetic. While the factors that can be modified are: smoking,
hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, strees and kosumsi
alcohol. The purpose of this study is to describe the risk factors for coronary heart
disease in patients with heart clinic General Hospital of Banda Aceh Meuraxa
This research uses descriptive quantitative research design rektropektif with
cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all patients who seek
treatment at the clinic heart hospital Meuraxa June 2014 to June 2015. The sample
of this study using the technique of random sampling of 98 people found that
there were about 72.4% of respondents who have coronary heart disease and
27.6% without heart disease. As for risk factors for coronary heart disease was
found male gender approximately 84% and women 53.8%, the incidence of
coronary heart disease peak at 41-65 years of age approximately 77.6% and
family history was instrumental in increasing the incidence of coronary heart
disease This is evidenced by the discovery of about 80% there is a family history
of CHD.
Keywords: Risk Factors, Coronary Heart Disease.


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