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Sutrisno , S501202067. The Difference Effect of Dexmedetomidine and Clonidine on serum

level of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) in Wistar Rat with Sepsis Polymicrobial Model. Advisor I: Dr.
Supriyadi Hari Respati, dr.,SpOG (K). Advisor II: Eko Setijanto, dr.,Sp.An. KIC. Study
Program of Family Medicine Graduate Program Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
Background: Septic still become major cause of patient death over worldwide. Septic. IL-6 is a
proinflammatory factors that increase during septic condition Dexmedetomidine and clonidine
are drugs that works as a agonist of -2 receptor and There are many studies prove that both of
the drug have effect to reduce the concentration of IL-6 in septic
Objective: To analyze the difference effect of dexmedetomidine and clonidine in serum level of
IL-6 in wistar rat with sepsis polymicrobial model.
Methods: This research is categorized as laboratoric experimental post design model.27 wistar
rats were being adapted for 7 days and then performed cecal inoculum of 200 mg / kg / day for 3
days. After the sepsis criteria are met then randomly divided into three groups, each group
consisting of 9 rats. The first group (K) a control group (placebo), this group is sepsis rats given
0.9% NaCl 0.5cc every 6 hours. Group (P1) is a sepsis rats who receive dexmedetomidin
intravenous 10 mcg/kg every 6 hours. Group (P2) is a sepsis rats who receive clonidine
intravenous 15 mcg/kg every 6 hours. After 24 hour, 2 ml of the blood was collected and then
examined for serum level of IL-6. The abnormality data analized with Shapiro-Wilk test and
homogenicity data analyzed with Levene Test. After that, data analyzed with Anova test and
Posh Hoc Test.
Result : The difference value with Anova test p-value was = 0,000 (p<0,05), so there are a
significant difference between the three group. Means of IL-6 level in control group (K) is
50,95, P1 (dexdemetomidin) 15,43, and P2 (clonidine) 18,55. Posh Hoc Test result that
there are significant difference between K and P1 group (p value=0,000, p<0,005) with the
different percentage as high as 69,7%. In P2 group with K group also show statistically
significant difference with percentage of 63,6% (p-value = 0,000, p<0,005). Last, P1 dan P2
group there are not show statistically significant difference (p-value = 0,474) although in P1
group the serum level of IL-6 lower 20,2% than P2 group.
Conclusion: There are no significant difference the effect of dexmedetomidin and clonidine in
the serum level of IL-6 in wistar rat with sepsis polymicrobial model.
Keywords: IL-6, polymicrobial sepsis ,cecal inoculum, dexmedetomidin, clonidine, wistar rat


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