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Police Baton vs Knife


Police Baton vs Knife


Police Baton (Tanbo) against Knife Attack


The knife attack is blocked at the wrist. 1/2 side step to the outside is
needed to create an opening.

The tonbo (2' staff) is used to jab into the attacker's armpit nerve points.
This will weaken the attacker's arm.

Police Baton vs Knife

The tonbo is used to trap the attacker's wrist. A twist action is used to
control the wrist and to apply pressure on the wrist's weak points.

Push forward toward the attacker's bicep muscle and twist to the outside.

This will cause the attacker to fall to the side. Continue pressure on the
wrist with the tonbo and press against the attacker's bicep.

Continue to push hard against the wrist and bicep. This will weaken the
attacker's hand and he will release the knife.

Police Baton vs Knife

Remove the knife with a level action against the thumb.

The attacker is held with pressure against the wrist and bicep.

The Tonbo is sometimes used in a two stick combination. As it is used

here, one hand is free to trap the attacker's hand. There are many leadins that can be used before the first picture. You can use the tonbo as a
club and strike at the attacker's wrist, elbow, knee and ribs before trying
the trap as shown in the pictures. Anyone of these strikes, if hard
enough can be enough to discourage the attacker.
The finer points of this technique are:

1. Create a tight hold on the attacker's wrist.

2. Twist the wrist to aid in the take down.

3. Push hard against the attacker's bicep muscle.

4. Keep your elbow tight against the attacker's arm.

5. Keep the pressure tight from start to finish; if you don't you will
create an opening for the attacker to counter your technique.

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