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1. Ancient Thai Saying

The ancient Thai people, now famous for their Muay Thai Kick Boxing style, had a
If you want to be a good kicker kick!
The same holds true of your goal of improving your Quran recitation.
Follow the first advice given to the Prophet Muhammad allallhu 'alayhi wa sallam (
peace and blessings of Allh be upon him) Recite!.
Recite as much as you can, as frequently as you can. Nothing can replace this di
scipline. The more you do it, the better you get at it. Before you know it, youll
be reading an unfamiliar page in the same amount of time it used to take you to
read a couple of lines.
2. Link New Habit With Old Habit
This is without doubt the single most effective way to build a new habit. You ne
ed to link the habit of reciting the Quran in Arabic with something you already
do every single day without fail. Something like brushing your teeth, or putting
your clothes on in the morning.
An excellent way to go about it is to link it with one (or more) of your 5 daily
prayers. That way, youre already in a state of wudhu, so one of the main psychol
ogical barriers is out of the way.
Now make the commitment to recite a small amount of Quran every single day for t
he next 30 days after the selected prayer.
3. Intelligent Repetition The Mother Of All Skill
Here is a trick that will double or triple your effectiveness and speed at readi
ng the Quran. Lets say youve decided to recite 2 pages of the Quran after Isha eve
ry night and 2 pages before you leave for work in the morning.
Instead of reciting the first 2 pages on day one morning and the next 2 pages on
day one night, try this out. On day one morning, recite page 1, then recite pag
e one again. Then on day one evening, recite page 1 again, and again.
But then Ill only have done one page?! I hear you exclaiming. Thats true, but youll h
ave done that page four times, and whats more important, is that by the 4th recit
ation, you will read it about 3 or 4 times quicker that on your first attempt. A
im for reading the page 5 times each day.
The next day, you can move on to page 2, and so on. At the end of the week, you
might like to do one marathon session of going through all 7 pages you covered t
hat week.
You may even want to do this with a Tajweed teacher, wholl correct your recitatio
n. Youll notice that you can still recite page 1 about 2 or 3 times faster and mo
re fluently than on your 1st attempt.
600 days later you will have completed the Quran 6 times. Eat your heart out, Mau
lvi Saab!
If you recite the page 5 times each day, and once at the end of the week, its the
equivalent of completing the Quran once every 100 days just over 3 months. Thats

like reading the Quran 4 times a year but whos keeping count? ;)
4. Learn Some Vocabulary
The key to the whole process of understanding the Quran is to learn Quranic voca
bulary lists. If you learn around 300 words, that accounts for about 70% of the
entire Quran. But you need to learn the right words.
This links in with your recitation because when you know these commonly occurrin
g words, youll spot them as you recite, and something magical will happen.
Just as you do in English, you will unconsciously read the first and lsat lteter
s in the wrod adn wrok out waht the wrod syas, without having to read each lette
r phonetically (cool eh?). In other words, just by being able to recognize the c
ommon words, your recitation speed will increase exponentially.
HOWEVER, this does not replace numbers 1,2 & 3. DO NOT wait until you know all o
f Quranic Arabic, before you start reciting the Quran. This is a common mistake
and it is a waste of time. You can know all 300 words, but if you never recite t
he Quran, you will still be a slow reciter.
If you do manage to learn 5-10 words a day for 1 month, whilst still doing your
daily recitations, youll know 70% of Quranic vocabulary in a month or two. This w
ill give you a huge boost in motivation, and momentum.
5. Get Your iPod Out..
If you are still struggling, the iPod technique will propel you forward. Get an
online recitation from a famous reciter, whose voice you love. Listen to the rec
itation, one page at a time, as you read along the script with your finger.
Even if the reciter goes way too fast for you to start with, just finger along t
he page. Then, rewind back to where the page started, and do it again, and again
. Because the reciter goes much faster than you, you can go over the same page s
everal times in one sitting. Eventually, you will be able to follow with your ey
es, and then your lips and tongue.
So, heres a quick review of the 5 ways to improve your recitation:

Practise Quran like a martial artist practices kicks.

Read 1 page of the Quran immediately after a prayer.
Repeat the same page several times before moving on.
Learn 5 words of Quran vocab per day for 2 months.

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