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My Dear Friends in Christ,

Our joy is great and our cup runneth over with blessings as we have arrived in the United States of
America. We arrived in Boston, Moss, on the 5th of March. We spent three weeks with my brother, Charlie

and his family, while we acquired transportation to come across the country to Illinois. We now have a 1969
Ford Ranger Va ton pick-up, a maroon color. We arrived March 28 at my home in Illinois. After spending six
years in Rhodesia {though I love Rhodesia very much), I was very happy to be home.
First let us look back to the people we left behind. Our last Sunday was sadfor leaving new friends is
not easy. The Sunday School teachers (25 of them) of Makokoba Sunday School had collected money and
presented me with beaded servette rings (table napkin holders). They sang for me and I gave them a talk on
their Responsibilityespecially to the Lord. I taught them a new song and gave them a Christian Flag to hang
in their building. Class One which I have taught for six years will be taught by Judy Finney.
At Forestvale we treated them with biscuits (cookies), sweets (candy), and cool drink, the week before

we left. There were 25 children present to enjoy the party. The next week we saw only our faithful 12 again.
These Coloured children are two to fourteen years of age. Five of them have been baptized. They are all
keen to learn and appreciate any pictures or story papers that you give them. We have a short worship ser
vice at 11:00 a.m. which includes the communion service. Following this is the Sunday School program. At this

time we have not been able to reach any of the adults. We have two couples who have attended but we can
only pray that they will accept Christ and begin to attend regularJyr-Dave-ancl Judy Finney will be supervising
these young people and will be helped by many of the Christians at Colenbrander Avenue Church.

On Sunday evening at 7:00 p.m. we attended the Colenbrander Avenue Church for our farewell tea. This
was our last Gospel service and was conducted by the Bush Rangers. These young men did a lovely job con
ducting the service. They not only lead the songs, prayers and gave special music, but two of the young men
gave sermonettes. These young people hove grown very much spiritually as well as physically and mentally as
they meet each Saturdoy with Mr. and Mrs. Walker. They go hiking and exploring every second week. This
year girls have been added and Mrs. Wilkinson has been recruited as an adult leader. Also, they oldest young

people help in presenting their weekly programs and in supervising on their outings. There are about forty of
the Bush Rangers now that the girls (10 of them) have been added. They need our prayers, but even more
they need their own transportation. When we were there they used our truck for each of these outings. Now
that we have gone they must borrow cars or a truck from willing people or hire a truck for the day. If they
must hire, that is rather expensive, but if other vehicles ore used they must be arranged for well in advance.
We want to help them with their Transportation Fund.

Colenbrander Avenue Church is paying for its new building and maintaining their buildings. Church, Sun
day School and Youth Programs. They are not able to pay their minister a salary, so they are served by a
missionary of Central Africa Mission. Brother Dove Finney is serving at this time. They gave a lovely tea for us
and copper servette rings for a going away gift. We are very happy that they are growing both numerically
and spiritually.

Now that we hove arrived in the U.S.A. for our furlough we would ask for your continued support. Our
plans at the nrioment ore not definite. We want to speak to as many of our supporting churches as possible.

Pleasircontact TOTrs. Ragel for a dote suitable for your church. Tony wants to become qualified in a trade
before we Rhodesia. Pray for us:

1. What the Lord wonts us to do.

2. For a job for Tony where he con learn a trade and become qualified.
3. For the Churches and Christians in Africa to love the Lord and follow His will for their lives.

Please continue to give during our furlough that we may be able to speak for the work over there and
that we may help them as much as possible. Continue your regular support. Give a special offering for the
Bush Rangers' Transport Fund, Mokokobo Sunday School, Forestvale Church or the White's Travel Fund. Our
plans are indefinite^we want to do the Lord's will and His work. We must gather money in preparation for

returning to the work. Should we not use the money for travel, we will send it to help the work in Bulawayo.
We wont to thank all of you for your support, your prayers, your letters, and your concern for us and for

the people in Africa. The need truly is great and without your help it would be impossible to go on with the

Do remember to contact Mrs. Ragel for a dote for your Church to hear about the work in Bulawayo.

In Christian Love,





Loogootee, Illinois

Furlough Address:

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Loogootee, Illinois 62857


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