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Supreme Government Simulation

As I have been a member of multiple government simulations over the past 4 months. I
was in AGS, GMG (which failed), and Im currently a member of RTG. Ive seen the corruption
of certain members, and the greatness of others. I have pledged to myself and some close
friends i have made over this time that i will create a government simulation thats the most
realistic that anyone has seen. A simulation without the drama, just politics and democracy.
Thank you to all who are reading this and may God Bless the USA.
Article 1 - Legislative Branch
Section 1 - House of Representatives
The House of Representatives in SGS will hold terms of 28 days (4 weeks) with elections being
held within 2 days after the terms are over. The country will be divided into congressional
districts decided on by the original 5 members of SGS. The minimum number of districts will be
3 while the maximum will be 50. Each district will be represented by 1 member.
The duties of the House of Representatives will include:
- Introducing new legislation
- Voting on legislation that is introduced
- Creating a federal budget
- Electing a Speaker of the House
Section 2 - U.S Senate
The U.S Senate in SGS will hold terms of 28 days (4 weeks) with elections being held within 2
days after the terms are over. The country will be divided into congressional districts decided on
by the original 5 members of SGS. The minimum number of districts will be 3 while the
maximum will be 50. Each district will be represented by 1 member.
The duties of the U.S Senate will include:
- Introducing new legislation
- Voting on legislation that is introduced
- Calling for any constitutional conventions
- Approve peace treaties
- Declaring war
- Impeaching a president or judges
- Approving executive appointments
No term limits shall be implemented on any members in the community

Article 2 - Executive Branch

Section 1 - President of the United States
The primary executive official in SGS shall be the President of the United States. The POTUS
will hold office for 56 days (8 weeks) with elections being held within 2 days after the term is

over. Every presidential candidate (excluding the first group) must have at least 2 weeks worth
of experience in SGS on the date the elections are held. A single member may not hold the
office of President of the United States for more than 4 terms.
The duties of the POTUS will include:
- Signing of bills that have passed by House and Senate
- Vetoing of bills that have passed by House and Senate
- Appoint members of a presidential candidate
- Appoint high-ranking military officials
- Pardon members who have been banned by the community
- Approve the creation of new bureaucracies, and appoint a director
- Sign peace treaties
Section 2 - Vice President of the United States
The Vice President of the United States shall be chosen by a presidential candidate as a
running mate while campaigning for the office of POTUS. The Vice President will be the first in
line to replace the POTUS if needed. The Vice President will be the leader of the U.S Senate
and will break any ties on a vote.
The duties of the Vice President of the United States will include:
- Moderating voting in the U.S Senate
- Breaking a tie in votes in the U.S Senate
- First in line to replace POTUS if needed
- Informing POTUS of any events if the President does not see
Article 3 - Judicial Branch
Section 1 - Supreme Court
The Supreme Court will consist of 1 Chief Justice and 8 Associate Justices who are all
appointed by the President of the United States. These judges will serve indefinitely unless
impeached by the U.S Senate. Judges may resign at any time. All laws must be passed through
Supreme Court on the basis that they are considered constitutional. Supreme Court passes
laws based off of a simple majority. Cases may be presented to the Supreme Court at any time.
Article 4 - Elections
All positions will hold elections every 4 to 8 weeks. All matters involving elections will be
resolved by the creator. The original 5 members plus the creator will be in charge of creating
districts for elections. The creator is in charge of creating polls and posting results. Primaries
are to be held by individual parties.

Article 5 - Legislation
Bills may only be passed by a simple majority. The VP and Speaker will decide dates that the
House and Senate will be in session, and withhold the ability to call emergency sessions of
congress. In order for bills to be passed on to the Presidents desk the same version needs to
pass through the House and then the Senate with a majority. A Presidential veto can be
overturned by a majority vote in the Senate. The time allotted for voting will be decided by the
Speaker or the Vice President. Constitutional Conventions must be unanimously voted for in

Senate. A Declaration of War must pass through with a majority in the Senate. Peace treaties
and Presidential appointments must be approved by a simple majority in the Senate. The
Speaker must be chosen by the majority party in the House.
Article 6 - Creators
The creators have no power to make laws or to ban members (that will be decided by the
supreme court). The only powers reserved by the creators will be:
- The power to establish new countries
- The power to create scenarios
- The power to advertise for new members
- The power to run elections
To become a creator members will have to do the following:
- Have 4 weeks of experience in SGS
- Be nominated by current creators
- Be approved by House, Senate, and the President
There will be a max of 3 creators at a time. The current creator(s) will nominate member(s) to
become a creator. No creators may have player accounts at any time. Creators may resign at
any time.
Article 7 - Amendments
Constitutional Conventions will consist of all 50 governors, and will be moderated by the
President. A majority will be needed to ratify any amendment.

Supreme Government Simulation Bill of Rights:

Amendment 1 - Fraud: Any attempt at voter fraud or manipulation of the game will result in a
ban spanning anywhere from 1 day to 4 weeks.

Amendment 2 - Positions: Members may only hold 5 positions at a time (excluding VP &
POTUS). VP & POTUS may only hold their respective positions.

Amendment 3 - Multiple Accounts: Members may only hold 1 account, although they may
start a business or party account at any time.

Amendment 4 - Free Speech: Members reserve the right to free speech at any time. Any
infringement on any member's right to free speech may result in a ban spanning from 4 days to
4 weeks.

Amendment 5 - State Legislature: Governors are required to put together a state legislature,
any failure to do so may result in revocation of governorship.

Amendment 6 - Scenarios: To prevent the sim from being repeating itself the creator(s) may
implement any scenarios to the community.

Amendment 7 - Separation: Any attempt to remove a state from the Union will result in a
lifetime ban.

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