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Okefenokee Toastmasters

Club #8269, Area 74,

Division G, District 14.

Volume 8 Issue 8 August 2016

Lunch Hour Meetings: Okefenokee Toastmasters meet

at South Georgia State College, Waycross Campus, James
Dye Student Services Building in Room 108 on Wednesdays at noon.
Mission: We provide a supportive and positive learning
experience in which members are empowered to develop
communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater
self-confidence and personal growth.

Chartered Club since 1991

Okefenokee Toastmasters Club
Officers 2016-2017
President: Wayne Caffarel
VP Education: Debi Pearce
VP Membership: Steve Pearce
VP Public Relations: Janice Williams
Treasurer: Linda Zechmann
Secretary: Jason Strickland
Sergeant at Arms: Bud Montero

Retweets @Oketoast

Upcoming Event

Am I willing to meet
the moral challenges
head on and make the
tough decisions?

As a leader, you will
find yourself in moral
and ethical gray areas. Decisions based on
principles will help
you navigate.

Coaching others is really a form of servant
leadership because
you are shifting from
a mindset of me to
Create an environment that facilitates
listening, conversation, and empathy.

Georgia Toastmasters District 14

Fall Conference 2016: Macon, Ga.
Sept. 30th-Oct 1st; registration
information on Eventbrite.

Word Power

Quote of the Month meetings too often sap

energy and enthusiasm Questions create energy and vitality
in the group by triggering the
need to listen, to seek a common
truth, to justify opinions and
viewpoints. Questions generate
a dialogue in which everyone begins to leave their individual
limitations to find a new wholeness. Michael J. Marquardt.
Leading With Questions; p. 188.

The role of the Grammarian at a

Toastmasters meeting is to
bring a word of the week and
listen for its usage. Here are
some words we have used at our
club meetings recently:
Bucolic (adj.) = relating to
pleasant aspects of the countryside.
Deluge (n.) = a flood.
Dumbfound (v.) = bewilder,
Plagiarize (v.) = take and use
ideas, passages, etc. from another work.

Toastmasters Wayne Caffarel, Steve

Pearce, Debi Pearce, Bud Montero, and
Janice Williams attended Officers Training in Valdosta, Georgia on Saturday, July 30th. Steve, the VP of Membership for
our Okefenokee Toastmasters Club,
closed the training session with a presentation titled, The Leaderas Coach.
Here are my notes from his session:
1. Set goals.
2. Provide performance expectations.
3. Motivate.
4. Offer support - resources, encouragement, recognition.
5. Work toward solutions.
6. Offer feedback periodically.
7. Admit when you have made a mistake.
8. Be authentic.

Ralph Smedley Award

Membership Challenge: August 1st September 30th. If our club adds five
new, dual, or reinstated members between August 1st and September 30th,
our club will receive a Smedley Award
ribbon to display on the clubs banner.
Applications and payments for members
must be received at Toastmasters International by September 30th. Also, qualifying clubs can earn a special discount
code for 10% off their next club order.

Chartered Club for 25 years

Are You Connecting?







Toastmasters Brand Personality: Four words that describe the Toastmasters brand personality are leader, dedicated, helpful and empowering.
CHARTER MEMBERS: John Penland 1926-2015 (Sponsor), Andrew Slocum, Joe Gant,
Harry D. Dixon, Jr., Carolyn Morton (Akins), Phil Wysong, C.J. Broome, Paul OCain, James
C. Bunch, W.F. Stephens, Jeanette Stipe, Tom Strickland, Fred Barber, John Karew, Reuben
Flanders, E. Nash Williams, Jerri Davis, Doris Germano, Andy Spivey, Audrey West, and
Margaret Park. Compiled & Edited by Janice Williams and Gina Marie Senters.

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