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Name: Samantha McInerney

Rotation: Business/ Community

Week # of rotation: 3
Total hours for the week: 44
Date: 7/5/2016
Total hours for the day: 14
Today I stocked the football lounge and made shakes. I worked on the
basketball menus. I helped create a game for the RD to use for a presentation. Met
with the RDs to discuss projects that need to be completed soon.
Date: 7/6/2016
Total hours for the day: 9
Today I stocked the football lounge and made shakes. I worked on projects.
Date: 7/7/2016
Total hours for the day: 13
Today I stocked the football lounge and made shakes. I performed a Bod Pod
on a tennis player. I worked on projects.
Date: 7/8/2016
Total hours for the day: 8
Today I stocked the football lounge and made shakes. I performed a Bod Pod.
I worked on projects.

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