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Ur III studies: Bibliography 19972014

Agns Garcia-Ventura
La Sapienza Universit di Roma

Two bibliographical lists of texts from Ur III Mesopotamia (c.21122004 bc) have been published so
far.1 The first, compiled by Marcel Sigrist and Tohru Gomi, appeared in 1991 in a volume entitled The
Comprehensive Catalogue of Published Ur III Tablets, and it included all publications until 1990. The
second was published in 1999 by Walther Sallaberger as the final chapter of his work on the Ur III
period in the volume Mesopotamien: Akkade-Zeit und Ur III-Zeit (Sallaberger 1999: 351363). This
second list fills in the gaps of the previous one and presents works published until 1997. Since then,
no other Ur III bibliographies have been published. Even though it is much easier to access texts and
publications today than it was in the past, these lists nonetheless remain useful.2
In this paper I present an updated list of Ur III publications covering the years 19972014.
Like Sallaberger 1999, I have also added a few references to the years covered in the previous
bibliographical list (in this case, 19941997). But unlike the previous lists, the one presented here
includes not only publications of tablets and texts, but also studies referring to the Ur III period
and Ur III sources in general. My hope is that the list will be of use both to Assyriologists working
with Ur III texts and to scholars interested in the art history and archaeology of the period, as well
as those carrying out comparative studies with other periods. I hope that this list will help them to
keep track of what has been published in recent years in Ur III studies, which are well known as
being among the most productive in Assyriology.
In the preparation of this updated list, which includes about 500 references and continues the work
of previous scholars of the Ur III period, I have systematically checked volumes of several special-

1 This paper was prepared during a postdoctoral scholarship by the Beatriu de Pins programme (modality A)
with the support of the Secretary for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the
Government of Catalonia.
2 Proof of this is the 2003 publication of several bibliographies of Emar studies in the journal Ugarit-Forschungen
by Betina I. Faist, Josu-Javier Justel and Juan-Pablo Vita.

Volume 3 (2015), pp. 2247
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
ISSN: 2323-5209

Agns Garcia-Ventura: Ur III Studies


ized journals and some series published up to December 2014.3 I have also examined the Register
published in the journal Archiv fr Orientforschung (until volume 52 in 2011, issued in 2013) and
the Keilschriftbibliographie published in the journal Orientalia (until volume 82, fasc. 4, in 2013).4
Regarding specifics of the list, first, when most or all of the papers published in a volume
are relevant for Ur III studies, they are not listed individually, but the whole volume is referred
to. Second, for references to papers belonging to Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative publications or Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brves et Utilitaires (henceforth NABU),5 the year of
publication appears twice, the aim being compatibility between this journals formal requirements and Assyriological conventions. The aforementioned publications have neither volume
number nor page numbers, and for this reason their papers are identified by year + number of
note or number of paper instead of journal volume + page numbers. Third, abbreviations are
used only for some series titles and for one journal (NABU). They follow the convention of the
Reallexikon der Assyriologie und vorderasiatischen Archologie.6
Finally, I should stress that cuneiform studies in general and Ur III studies in particular have
been transformed by the online resources developed in recent years. In this respect, databases
like CDLI (Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative: <>) and BDTNS (Base de
datos de textos neosumerios: <>) deserve special mention. In order to
acknowledge the advances made possible due to these new tools, this list downloadable and
printable is published in an online open access journal. On the other hand, the publication
of this list is aimed to be an intermediate step in the creation of an online bibliography of Ur
III studies, which will hopefully be available in few years. This future project, to be hosted by
Sapienza at the Universit di Roma and led by Lorenzo Verderame and myself, will provide
a critical bibliography that will be regularly updated by a group of researchers and PhD candidates whose research is related totally or partially to the Ur III period and its sources.

3 Journals such as Akkadika, Archiv Orientaln, Altorientalische Forschungen, Aula Orientalis, Bibliotheca
Orientalis, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, Cuneiform Digital Library Journal, Iraq,
Journal of Ancient Civilizations, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions, Journal of the Canadian Society for
Mesopotamian Studies, Journal of the Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies (until 2005 Bulletin of the
Canadian Society for Mesopotamian Studies), Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient, Journal
of Near Eastern Studies, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Kaskal, NABU (Nouvelles Assyriologiques
Brves et Utilitaires), Orientalistische Literaturzeitung Palorient, Revue dAssyriologie et dArchologie
Orientale, Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und Vorderasiatische Archologie, and series like Biblioteca del
Prximo Oriente Antiguo (BPOA), Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology (CUSAS), Studi
Assiriologici Messinesi (Nisaba).
4 A project is under way to make the Keilschriftbibliographie available online. At the time of writing (December
2014), bibliographies published between 1940 and 2011 can be consulted.
5 Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin/Cuneiform Digital Library Journal / Cuneiform Digital Library Notes.
6A complete list is also available at <>,
accessed Dec. 2014.
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Bibliography (ordered by years)

Dittmann, Reinhard 1994. Glyptikgruppen am bergang von der Akkad- zur Ur III-Zeit. Baghdader Mitteilungen
25: 75117.
Neumann, Hans 1994. Beer as a Means of Compensation for Work in Mesopotamia during the Ur III Period. In:
L. Milano (ed.), Drinking in Ancient Societies: History and culture of drinks in the Ancient Near East.
Papers of a Symposium held in Rome, May 1719 1990 (History of the Ancient Near East / Studies 6):
321331. Padova: Sargon srl.

Malbran-Labat, Florence 1995. Les inscriptions royales de Suse. Pars: Muse du Louvre.

Civil, Miguel 1996. Literary Text about Ur-Namma. Aula Orientalis 14: 163167.
Molina, Manuel 1996. Tablillas administrativas neosumerias de la Abada de Montserrat (Barcelona):
Transliteraciones e ndices con un apndice de Hartmut Waetzoldt: Siegelliste. (Aula Orientalis
Supplementa 11) Sabadell: AUSA.

Burggraaf, W., F.H. Van Dijk, Y. Kawasaki & Remco de Maaijer 1997. The Ancient Near Eastern Collection of the
Museon (The Hague). Jaarbericht van Het Vooraziatisch-Egyptisch Genootschap Ex Oriente Lux 34: 2740.
Fischer, Claudia 1997. Siegelabrollungen im British Museum auf Ur-III-zeitlichen Texten aus der Provinz Laga:
Untersuchung zu den Verehrungsszenen. Baghdader Mitteilungen 28: 97183.
Frayne, Douglas R. 1997. Ur III Period (21122004): The Royal inscriptions of Mesopotamia: Early Periods (RIME
3/2). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Gomi, Tohru & Fatma Yildiz 1997. Die Umma Texte aus den Archologischen Museen zu Istanbul, IV (Nr. 2301
3000). Bethesda: CDL Press.
Hilgert, Markus 1997. Notes and Observations on Ur III Tablets from the Oriental Institute. Journal of Cuneiform
Studies 49: 4550.
Jursa, Michael & Michaela Weszeli 19971998. Npfe: ein Ur III-Text aus einer Wiener Privatsammlung. Archiv
fr Orientforschung 4445: 129130.
Maekawa, Kazuya 1997a. The Agricultural Texts of the Ur III Laga of the British Museum (XI). Acta Sumerologica
19: 113145.
Maekawa, Kazuya 1997b. Confiscation of Private Properties in the Ur III Period: A Study of -dul-la and nig-GA (2).
Supplement 1. Acta Sumerologica 19: 273291.
Mander, Pietro 1997. Addenda to An Archiv of Kennelmen and Other Workers in Ur III Laga. NABU 1997/8.
Molina, Manuel & Ignacio Mrquez Rowe 1997. Tabulae Montserratinae: Estudios de catalogacin del Museo de
Montserrat (Barcelona) dedicados al Padre Guiu Camps con ocasin de su 80 aniversario (Aula Orientalis
15) Sabadell: AUSA.
Owen, David I. 1997. Ur III Geographical and Prosopographical Notes. In: D. Young, M.W. Chavalas, R.E.Averbeck
& K.L. Danti (eds), Crossing Boundaries and Linking Horizons: Studies in honor of Michael C. Astour on
his 80th birthday: 367398. Bethesda: CDL Press.
Owen, David I. & Ewa Wasilewska 1997. Neo-Sumerian Texts in the University of Utah Museum of Natural History,
Salt Lake City. Acta Sumerologica 19: 147228.
Pettinato, Giovanni 1997. Luomo cominci a scrivere: Iscrizioni cuneiformi della collezione Michail. Milano: Electa.

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Waetzoldt, Hartmut 1997. Die Bezeichnung g-i7-Ninaki-()-du und die Verwaltungsbezirke der Provinz Laga.
NABU 1997/94.
Wilbanks, L.E. & Robert D. Biggs 1997. Another ulgi-simtum Text. NABU 1997/99.

Balke, Thomas E. 1998. Anmerkungen zum Terminus bar-ra(-)kar-ra in den neusumerischen Wirtshcaftstexten. In:
M. Dietrich, O. Loretz & T.E. Balke (eds), dubsar ant-men: Studien zur Altorientalistik: Festschrift fr
Willern H.Ph. Rmer zur Vollendung seines 70. Lebensjahres mit Beitrgen von Freunden, Schlern und
Kollegen (AOAT 253): 116. Mnster: Ugarit.
DAgostino, Franco 1998. Ein neuer Text ber Abi-simti und das Elutum-Fest in Puzri-Dagan. Zeitschrift fr
Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archologie 88: 15.
Garca Recio, Jess 1998. Miscelnea Hispnica de Textos Cuneiformes. In: J. Crdoba Zoilo (ed.), Actas del I
Symposium Internacional Una dcada de estudios sobre el Oriente antiguo (19861996): Homenaje al
Prof. Dr. Horst Klengel en su sexagsimoquinto aniversario: 157163. Madrid: Isimu.
Heimpel, Wolfgang 1998. The Industrial Park of Girsu in the Year 2042 bc: Interpretation of an archive assembled
by P. Mander. Journal of the American Oriental Society 118(3): 387399.
Hilgert, Markus 1998. Cuneiform Texts from the Ur III Period in the Oriental Institute 1: Drehem administrative
documents from the reign of ulgi (Oriental Institute Publications 115) Chicago: The Oriental Institute of
the University of Chicago.

Maaijer, Remco 1998. Land Tenure in Ur III Laga. In: B. Haring & R. de Maaijer (eds), Landless and Hungry?
Access to land in early and traditional societies: Proceedings of a seminar held in Leiden, 20 and 21 June,
1996: 5073. Leiden: CNWS Publications.

Maekawa, Kazuya 1998. Ur III Girsu Records of Labor Forces in the British Museum (1). Acta Sumerologica 20: 63110.
Mander, Pietro 1998. A Minor Archive of Ur III Laga for the Provisions of the Governor. Aula Orientalis 16: 193247.
Milone, Maria Elena 1998. Due tavolette neosumeriche dellUniversit di Messina. Aula Orientalis 16: 249254.
Molina, Manuel 1998. An Ur III Cuneiform Tablet in Crdoba. NABU 1998/68.
Mller, Gerfrid 1998. Die sumerischen Texte aus dem Kapuzinerkloster in Mnster. In: M. Dietrich & I. Kottsieper
(eds), Und Mose schrieb dieses Lied aus: Festschrift fr Oswald Loretz zur Vollendung seines 70.
Lebensjahres mit Beitrgen von Freunden, Schlern und Kollegen (AOAT 250): 557568. Mnster: Ugarit.
Sauvage, Martin 1998. La construction des zigurats sus la troisime dynastie dUr. Iraq 60: 4563.
Stepien, Marek 1998. Three Neo-Sumerian Texts from a Private Collection in Poland. In: J. Braun, K. Lyczkowska,
M. Popko & P. Steinkeller (eds), Written on Clay and Stone: Ancient Near Eastern studies presented to
Krystina Szarzynska on the occasion of her 80th birthday: 101107. Warszawa: Agade.
West, Vincent 1998a. An Umma Messenger Text. NABU 1998/61.
West, Vincent 1998b. Misprints in An Umma Messenger Text (NABU 1998/61). NABU 1998/84.
van der

Westhuizen, Jasper P. 1998. Three Receipts from Umma in Support of the Socio-economic and Cultural
Situation in Mesopotamia during the Ur III Period. In: J. Proseck (ed.), Intellectual Life of the Ancient
Near East: Papers presented at the 43rd Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Prague, July 15, 1996:
463474. Prague: Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Oriental Institute.

Wilcke, Claus 1998. Care of the Elderly in Mesopotamia in the Third Millennium bc. In: M. Stol & S.P. Vleeming
(eds), The Care of the Elderly in the Ancient Near East: 2357. Leiden: Brill.
Wright, Rita P. 1998. Crafting Social Identity in Ur III Southern Mesopotamia. In: C.L. Costin & R.P. Wright (eds),
Craft and Social Identity (Archaeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 8): 5769.
Virginia: American Anthropological Association.

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Battini-Villard, Laura 1999. Lespace domestique en Msopotamie de la IIIe Dynastie dUr a lpoque palobabylonienne. (BAR International Series 767) Oxford: British Archaeological Reports.
Civil, Miguel 1999. Of Reed Fences and Furrows. In: H. Klengel & J. Renger (eds), Landwirtschaft im Alten Orient:
Ausgewhlte Vortrge der XLI: Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Berlin, (BBVO 18):
259264. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer.
Donbaz, Veysel 1999. Sadberk Hanim Mzesinde Bulunan iviyazili Belgeler / Cuneiform Texts in the Sadberk
Hanim Museum. Istanbul: Vehbi Ko Vakfi, Saberk Hanim Msezi.
Everling, Jnos 1999. Sumerian Texts in the Museum of Fine Arts. Bulletin du Muse Hongrois des Beaux-Arts
9091: 722.
Flckiger-Hawker, Esther 1999. Urnamma of Ur in Sumerian Literary Tradition. (OBO 166) Gttingen: University
Fribourg Switzerland Vandenhoeck Gttingen.
Greco, Piero 1999. Two Umma Messenger Texts Belonging to the University of Messina. Zeitschrift fr
Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archologie 89: 161164.
Grgoire, Jean-Pierre 1999. The Grain-Grinding-Households (e2-HAR.HAR) of Southern Mesopotamia at the End
of the 3rd Millenium before the Common Era: Major Units for the Transformation of Cereals. Bulletin of
the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 17: 738.
Gurzadyan, Vahe G. 1999. Ur III Eclipses Revisited. Akkadica 113: 15.
Huber, Peter J. 19992000. Astronomical Dating of Ur III and Akkad. Archiv fr Orientforschung 4647: 5079.
Limet, Henri 1999. Documents administratives dats de la 3e Dynastie dUr. Akkadica 114115: 59107.
Lo Castro, Antonella 1999. Erra e Mama e larchivio di SI.A-a. NABU 1999/63.
Maekawa, Kazuya 1999a. The Agricultural Texts of the Ur III Laga of the British Museum (XII). Zinbun 34(2): 145166.
Maekawa, Kazuya 1999b. The Temples and the Temple Personnel of Ur III Girsu-Laga. In: K. Watanabe (ed.),
Priests and Officials in the Ancient Near East: 61102. Heidelberg: Universittsverlag C. Winter.
Marchesi, Gianni 1999. Two Delivery Records from Umma and Related Subjects. Orientalia 68: 104113.
van de

Mieroop, Marc 19992000. An Accountants Nightmare: The Drafting of a years summary. Archiv fr
Orientforschung 4647: 111129.

Molina, Manuel 19992000. Neo-Sumerian Letter Orders in the British Museum I. In: M. Molina, I. Mrquez Rowe
& J. Sanmartn (eds), Arbor Scientiae: Estudios del Prximo Oriente Antiguo dedicados a Gregorio del
Olmo Lete con ocasin de su 65 aniversario (= Aula Orientalis 1718): 215228. Sabadell: AUSA.
Neumann, Hans 1999. UR-DUMUZIDA and UR-DUN: Reflections on the relationship between state-initiated
foreign trade and private economic activity in Mesopotamia towards the end of the third millenium bc. In:
J.G. Dercksen (ed.), Trade and Finance in Ancient Mesopotamia: Proceedings of the first MOS symposium (Leiden 1997) (PIHANS 84 / MOS Studies 1): 4353. Leiden: Publications de lInstitut historiquearcheologique neerlandais de Stamboul.
Oshima, Takayoshi 1999. A Small Brick Inscription of Amar-Sin from Abu Gosh, Israel. NABU 1999/55.
Pappi, Cinzia 1999. Two Stone Inscriptions of Amar-Suen. NABU 1999/37.
Sallaberger, Walther 1999. Knigtum und Kult in der Hauptstadt Ur unter den Herrschern ihrer Dynastie (21.
Jh.). In: W. Seipel & A. Wieczorek (eds), Von Babylon bis Jerusalem: Die Welt der altorientalischen
Knigsstdte: 255260. Mannheim: Skira.
Sallaberger, Walther & Aage Westenholz 1999. Mesopotamien: Akkade-Zeit und Ur III-Zeit. (OBO 160/3)
Gttingen: Universittsverlag Freiburg.
Sigrist, Marcel 1999. Livraisons et dpenses royales durant la Troisime Dynastie dUr. In: R. Chazan, W.W. Hallo
& L.H. Schiffman (eds), Ki Baruch Hu: Ancient Near Eastern Biblical and Judaic studies in honor of
Baruch A. Levine: 111149. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.
Streck, Michael P. 1999. Texte aus Mnchener Sammlungen. Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und vorderasiatische
Archologie 89: 2935.
Tinney, Steve 1999. Ur-Namma the Canal Digger: Context, continuity and change in Sumerian literature. Journal of
Cuneiform Studies 51: 3154.

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Wilcke, Claus 1999. Neusumerische Merkwrdigkeiten. In: B. Bck, E. Cancik-Kirschbaum & T. Richter (eds),
Munuscula Mesopotamica: Festschrift fr Johannes Renger (AOAT 267): 623638. Mnster: Ugarit.
Wu, Yuhong 1999. Reading of the Ur III Names of Puzran and elebutum. NABU 1999/98.

Carrou, Franois 2000. ulgi et le temple Bagara. Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archologie
90: 161193.
Cavigneaux, Antoine & Farouk N.H.
Groningen: STYX.


2000. Gilgame et la mort: Textes de Tell Haddad VI. (CM 19)

Dassow, Eva 2000. An Ur III Document and an Old Babylonian Cone at Colorado State University. Journal of
Cuneiform Studies 52: 127128.

Everling, Jnos 2000. Cuneiform Texts in the Archaeological Museum of Strasbourg. Archiv Orientln 68: 587600.
Garfinkle, Steven J. 2000. Private Enterprise in Babylonia at the End of the Third Millennium bc. PhD Dissertation,
Columbia University.
Grawehr, Matthias 2000. Ein Ur III Messenger Text aus Laga. NABU 2000/30.
Grgoire, Jean-Pierre 2000. Contribution lHistoire Sociale, conomique, Politique et Culturelle du ProcheOrient Ancien: Archives Administratives et Inscriptions Cuniformes de lAshmolean Museum et de la
Bodleian Collection dOxford, Les Sources 2 (AAICAB 1, 2). Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner.
Huber, Christian 2000. guru7-a im r-a Revisited. In: S. Graziani (ed.), Studi sul Vicino Oriente Antico dedicati
alla memoria di Luigi Cagni (Series Minor LXI): 463495. Napoli: Istituto Universitario Orientale,
Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici.
Huber, Fabienne 2000. Au sujet du nom du chancelier dUr III, Ir-Nanna ou Ir-mu. NABU 2000/6.
Huehnergard, John & Tonia M. Sharlach 2000. Texts and Fragments: A BALA-A tablet. Journal of Cuneiform
Studies 52: 123125.
Koslova, Natalia 2000a. Ur III Texte der St. Peterburger Eremitage. (SANTAG 6) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Koslova, Natalia 2000b. Neusumerische Verwaltungstexte aus Umma aus der Sammlung der Ermitage zu St.
Petersburg Russland. (MVN 21) Roma: Unione Accademica Nazionale, Bonsignore Editore.
Lafont, Bertrand 2000. Les textes judiciaires sumriens. In: F. Joanns (ed.), Rendre la justice en Msopotamie:
Archives judiciaires du Proche-Orient ancien (IIIeIer millnaires avant J.-C.): 3568. Saint-Denis: Presses
Universitaires de Vincennes.
Limet, Henri 2000. Documents sumriens des Muses Royaux dArt et dHistoire Bruxelles. Akkadica 117: 120.
Mander, Pietro 2000. I testi amministrativi e la sigillatura: gli archivi del III millenio. In: M. Perna (ed.),
Administrative Documents in the Aegean and their Near Eastern Counterparts: Proceedings of the
International colloquium, Naples, February 29March 2, 1996: 3352. Torino: Paravia Scriptorium.
Neumann, Hans 2000. Staatliche Verwaltung und privates Handwerk in der Ur-III-Zeit: Die Auftragsttigkeit
der Schmiede von Girsu. In: A.C.V.M. Bongenaard (ed.), Independency of Institutions and Private
Enterpreneurs: Proceedings of the second MOS Symposium (Leiden 1998) (PIHANS 87 MOS Studies 2):
119133. Leiden: Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut te Istanbul.
Owen , David I. 2000. On the Patronymy of u-Suen. NABU 2000/82.
Owen, David I. & Ewa Wasilewska 2000. Cuneiform Texts in the Arizona State Museum, Tucson. Journal of
Cuneiform Studies 52: 153.
Pomponio, Francesco & Giuseppe Visicato 2000. Tavolette cuneiformi del III Millenio di una collezione privata.
Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente Antico 17: 312.

Farouk N.H. 2000. Cuneiform Inscriptions in the Collections of the John Rylands Library, University of
Manchester. Iraq 62: 2163.

Schretter, Manfred 2000. Zu den Nominalkomposita des Sumerischen. In: S. Graziani (ed.), Studi sul Vicino Oriente
Antico dedicati alla memoria di Luigi Cagni (Series Minor LXI): 933952. Napoli: Istituto Universitario
Orientale, Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici.
Sigrist, Marcel 2000a. Sumerian Archival Texts II: Texts from the Yale Babylonian collections, I (= SAT 2). Bethesda:
CDL Press.

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Sigrist, Marcel 2000b. Sumerian Archival Texts III: Texts from the Yale Babylonian collections, II (= SAT 3).
Bethesda: CDL Press.
Streck, Michael P. 2000. Keilschrifttexte aus Mnchener Sammlungen. Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archologie 90: 263280.
Volk, Konrad 2000. An Ur-III Business Document from Kharayeb. BAAL 4: 179183.
Wu, Yuhong 2000. How Did They Change from Mada Years to Akiti Years from ulgi 48 in Puzri-Dagan? Journal
of Ancient Civilizations 15: 7992.
Yildiz, Fatma & Tohru Ozaki 2000. Die Umma Texte aus den Archologischen Museen zu Istanbul, V (Nr. 3001
3500). Bethesda: CDL Press.

Everling, Jnos 2001. Cuneiform Royal Inscriptions of the Museum of Fine Arts. Bulletin du Muse Hongrois des
Beaux-Arts 94: 726.
Farber, Gertrud & Walter Farber 2001. Die Keilschrifttafeln der Staatlichen Sammlung gyptischer Kunst.
Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archologie 91: 207224.
Grgoire, Jean-Pierre 2001. Contribution lHistoire Sociale, conomique, Politique et Culturelle du ProcheOrient Ancien: Archives Administratives et Inscriptions Cuniformes de lAshmolean Museum et de la
Bodleian Collection dOxford, Les Sources 3 (AAICAB 1, 3). Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner.
Lafont, Bertrand 2001. Fortunes, hritages et patrimoines dans la haute histoire Msopotamienne: propos de
quelques inventaires de biens mobiliers. In: C. Breniquet & C. Kepinski (eds), tudes msopotamiennes:
Recueil de textes offert Jean-Louis Huot: 295313. Paris: Recherche sur les Civilisations.
Limet, Henri 2001. Une tablette dUr III provenant dUr. NABU 2001/7.

Maaijer, Remco 2001. Late Third Millenium Identifying Marks. In: W.H. van Soldt, J.G. Dercksen,
B.N.J.C.Kouwenberg & T.J.H. Krispijn (eds), Studies Presented to Klaas R. Veenhof on the Occasion of
his Sixty-fifth Birthday (PIHANS 89): 301324. Leiden: Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut
te Istanbul.

Neumann, Hans 2001. Goldverzierte Schuhe fr die Knigin. In: T. Richter, D. Prechel & J. Klingel (eds),
Kulturgeschichten Altorientalistische Studien fr Volkert Haas zum 65. Geburtstag: 285289. Saarbrcken:
Saarbrcker Druckerei.
Neumann, Hans 2001. Zu den Buchungseintrgen in den Neusumerischen Handwerkerprsenzlisten aus Ur. In:
J.Hoyrup & P. Damerow (eds), Changing Views on Ancient Near Eastern Mathematics (Berliner Beitrge
zum Vorderen Orient 19): 3751. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer.
Oelsner, Joachim 2001. HS 201 Eine Reziprokentabelle der Ur III-Zeit. In: J. Hoyrup & P. Damerow (eds),
Changing Views on Ancient Near Eastern Mathematics (Berliner Beitrge zum Vorderen Orient 19): 5359.
Berlin: Dietrich Reimer.
Pomponio, Francesco 2001. Due tavolette di messaggeri da Umma. Aula Orientalis 19: 4752.
Sigrist, Marcel 2001. Neo-Sumerian Archival Texts in the Nies Babylonian Collection. (Catalogue of the Babylonian
Collections at Yale 3) Bethesda: CDL Press.
Snell, Daniel C. 2001. Flight and Freedom in the Ancient Near East. (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East
8) Leiden: Brill.
Steinkeller, Piotr 2001a. The Ur III Period. In: R. Westbrook & R. Jasnow (eds), Security for Debt in Ancient Near
Eastern Law (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East 9): 4762. Leiden: Brill.
Steinkeller, Piotr 2001b. New Light on the Hydrology and Topography of Southern Babylonia in the Third
Millennium. Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archologie 91: 2284.
Such-Gutirrez, Marcos 2001. Einer der kleinsten Texte aus der Ur III-Zeit. Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino
Oriente Antico 18: 2728.
Tinney, Steve 2001. The Text of the Ur-Namma Stela. In: J. Vorys Canby (ed.), The Ur-Nammu Stela (University
Museum Monograph 110): 4951. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum.
Veldhuis, Niek 2001. A Multiple Month Account from the Guabba Rest House. Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und
vorderasiatische Archologie 91: 85109.

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Waetzoldt, Hartmut 2001. Knig usuen, der Sohn ulgis. NABU 2001/45.
Wallenfells, Ronald 2001. A Drehem Text, AS 4/v/16. NABU 2001/104.
Widell, Magnus 2001. Kud-da May be Innocent! An Ur III lawsuit dealing with sheep robbery revised. Journal of
Ancient Civilizations 16: 3136.
Yildiz, Fatma & Tohru Ozaki 2001. Die Umma Texte aus den Archologischen Museen zu Istanbul, VI (Nr. 3501
3834). Bethesda: CDL Press.

DAgostino, Franco & Francesco Pomponio 2002. Umma Messenger Texts in the British Museum, I (UMTBM I).
(Nisaba 1) Messina: Di.Sc.A.M.
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J.Mynrov & L. Pecha (eds), Ltat, le pouvoir, les prestations et leurs formes en Msopotamie ancienne: 6777. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofick fakulta.
Michalowski, Piotr 2006. Love or Death? Observations on the role of the Gala in Ur III ceremonial life. Journal of
Cuneiform Studies 58: 4961.
Notizia, Palmiro 2006a. Messenger Texts from Girsu: For a new classification. Orientalia Nova Series 75: 317333.
Notizia, Palmiro 2006b. Testi Amministrativi Neo-Sumerici da Girsu nel British Museum (BM 98119BM 98240).
(Nisaba 13) Messina: Di.Sc.A.M.
Ozaki, Tohru & Marcel Sigrist 2006. Ur III Administrative Tablets from the British Museum, I. (BPOA 1) Madrid:
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas.
Ozaki, Tohru, Marcel Sigrist & Lorenzo Verderama 2006. Ur III Administrative Tablets from the British Museum,
II. (BPOA 2) Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas.
Pomponio, Francesco 2006. Un registro di assegnazioni di bitume da Girsu. NABU 2006/30.
Pomponio, Francesco, Marten Stol & Aage Westenholz 2006. Tavolette cuneiformi di varia provenienza delle
Collezioni della Banca dItalia. Roma: Banca dItalia.

Farouk N.H. & Lorenzo Verderame 2006. Documenti amministrativi neo-sumerici da Umma conservati al
British Museum (NATU II). (Nisaba 11) Messina: Di.Sc.A.M.

Rubio, Gonzalo 2006. ulgi and the Death of Sumerian. In: P. Michalowski & N. Veldhuis (eds), Approaches to
Sumerian Literature: Studies in honour of Stip (H.L.J. Vanstiphout) (CM 35): 167179. Leiden: Brill.
Sigrist, Marcel, Ran Zadok & Christopher B.F. Walker 2006. Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the British
Museum. London: The British Museum Press.
Verderama, Lorenzo 2006. Le leggende dei sigilli neo-sumerici della collezione Kist. NABU 2006/54.
Weiershuser, Frauke 2006. Die bildliche Darstellung kniglicher Frauen der III. Dynastie von Ur und ihre sozialpolitische Aussage. In: S. Schroer (ed.), Images and Gender: Contributions to the hermeneutics of reading
ancient art (OBO 220): 263279. Freiburg: Academic Press Fribourg.
Wilcke, Claus 2006. Kiib gd: eine (Schuld)urkunde prolongieren. NABU 2006/21.

Allred, Lance & Alhena Gadotti 2007. The Cuneiform Collection of the Clinton Historical Society. Cuneiform
Digital Library Bulletin 2007/2.
Alster, Bendt 2007. Sumerian Proverbs in the Schoyen Collection. (CUSAS 2) Bethesda: CDL Press.
Battini, Laura 2007. Une rpresentation oublie de lhomme-lion datant de lpoque no-sumrienne. NABU 2007/68.
Bordreuil, tienne 2007. Deux textes administratifs no-sumeriens et un sceau-cylindre palo-babylonien indits.
Res Antiquae 4: 1120.
Dahl, Jacob L. 2007. The Ruling Family of Ur III Umma: A Prosopographical analysis of an elite family in southern
Iraq 4000 years ago. (PIHANS 77) Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten.
Dahl, Jacob L. & Laurent F. Hebenstreit 2007. 17 Ur III Texts in a Private Collection in Paris. Revue dAssyriologie
101: 3549.
Molina, Manuel & Hiplito Sanchiz 2007. The Cuneiform Tablets of the Varela Collection. Studi Epigrafici e
Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente Antico 24: 115.
Owen, David I. & Rudolf H. Mayr 2007. The Garana Archives. (CUSAS 3) Bethesda: CDL Press.
Ozaki, Tohru 2007. Six Sumerian Cuneiform Texts in Japan. Journal of Ancient Civilizations 22: 18.
Pomponio, Francesco & Lorenzo Verderama 2007. Neo-Sumerian Girsu Texts of Barley and Cereal Products, Kept
in the British Museum (with an Appendix of Elena Santagati). (Nisaba 17) Messina: Di.Sc.A.M.
Pruzsinszky, Regine 2007. Beobachtungen zu den Ur III-zeitlichen kniglichen Sngern und Sngerinnen. In:
M. Khbach, S. Prochazka, G.J. Selz & R. Lohlker (eds), Festschrift fr Hermann Hunger zum 65.
Geburtstag gewidmet von seinen Freunden, Kollegen und Schlern. (Wiener Zeitschrift fr die Kunde des
Morgenlandes 97): 329351. Wien: Institut fr Orientalistik.

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Santagati, Elena 2007. Girsu Messenger texts Kept in the British Museum. KASKAL: Rivista di storia, ambienti
e culture del Vicino Oriente Antico 4: 6582.
Seri, Andrea 2007. The Mesopotamian Collection in the Kalamazoo Valley Museum. Cuneiform Digital Library
Journal 2007/1.
Sharlach, Tonia M. 2007. ulgi-Simti and the Representation of Women in Historical Sources. In: J. Cheng &
M.H. Feldman (eds), Ancient Near Eastern Art in Context: Studies in honor of Irene J. Winter by her
students: 363368. Leiden: Brill.
Steinkeller, Piotr 2007a. New Light on imaki and Its Rulers. Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und vorderasiatische
Archologie 97(2): 215232.
Steinkeller, Piotr 2007b. Ti-atals Visit to Nippur. NABU 2007/15.
Waetzoldt, Hartmut 2007. The Use of Wool for the Production of Strings, Ropes, Braided Mats, and Similar
Fabrics. In: C. Gillis & M.-L. Nosch (eds), Ancient Textiles: Production, craft and society: 112121.
Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Wilcke, Claus 2007. Labor as Merchandise in Ur III. NABU 2007/8.

Attinger, Pascal 2008. Lamentation sur Sumer et Ur 351. NABU 2008/73.
Black, Jeremy & Gabriella Spada 2008. Texts from Ur, Kept in the Iraq Museum and in the British Museum. (Nisaba
19) Messina: Di.Sc.A.M.
Civil, Miguel 2008. A Sumerian Connective Particle and Its Possible Semitic Counterparts. Aula Orientalis 26(1): 715.
Di Ludovico, Alessandro & Marco Ramazzotti 2008. Reconstructing Lexicography in Glyptic Art: Structural relations between the Akkadian Age and the Ur III Period. In: R.D. Biggs, J. Myers & M.T. Roth (eds),
Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Held at The Oriental Institute of The
University of Chicago, July 1822, 2005 (SAOC 62): 263280. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the
University of Chicago.
Everling, Jnos 2008. Amar-Suena Bricks in Hungary. In: . Slab & P. Vargyas (eds), Cultus Deorum. Studia
religionum ad historiam I: De oriente antiquo et regione danuvii praehistorica. In memoriam Istvn Tth:
147182. Budapest: Pcsi Tudomnyegyetem BTK kortrtneti Tanszk trsszerk.
Frayne, Douglas R. 2008. The Zagros Campaigns of the Ur III Kings. Journal of the Canadian Society for
Mesopotamian Studies 3: 3356.
Garcia-Ventura, Agns 2008. Neo-Sumerian Textile Wrappings: Revisiting Some Foundation Figurines from
Nippur. Zeitschrift fr Orient Archologie 1: 246254.
Garfinkle, Steven J. & J. Cale Johnson (eds) 2008. The Growth of an Early State in Mesopotamia: Studies in Ur III
Administration. (BPOA 5) Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas.
Hilgert, Markus 2008. Cuneiform Texts in the Collection of St. Martin Archabbey Beuron. Cuneiform Digital
Library Journal 2008/2.
Jarowski, Wojciech 2008. Contents Modelling of Neo-Sumerian Ur III Economic Text Corpus. In: Coling 2008
Organizing Committee, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics
(Coling 2008), Manchester: 369376.
Koch, Johannes 2008. Neues vom Ibbi-Sin-Omen. NABU 2008/66.
Krispijn, Theo J.H. 2008. Music and Healing for Someone Far Away from Home: HS 1556, a Remarkable Ur
III Incantation, Revisited. In: R.J. Spek (ed.), Studies in Ancient Near Eastern World View and Society,
Presented to Marten Stol on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday, 10 November 2005, and His Retirement
from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: 173193. Bethesda: CDL Press.
Michalowski, Piotr 2008a. On the Third Dinasty of Ur: Studies in Honor of Marcel Sigrist. Boston: American
Schools of Oriental Research.
Michalowski, Piotr 2008b. The Mortal Kings of Ur: A Short century of divine rule in ancient Mesopotamia. In:
N.Brisch (ed.), Religion and Power: Divine kingship in the ancient world and beyond (Oriental Institute
Seminars 4): 3345. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.

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Agns Garcia-Ventura: Ur III Studies

Neumann, Hans 2008. Keilschrifttexte aus kleineren deutschen Sammlungen I: Die Ur III-Texte im Kestner-Museum
Hannover. Altorientalische Forschungen 35(2): 238245.
Notizia, Palmiro 2008. Sui messenger texts e sui testi-e+ur5-ra di Umma e di Girsu. NABU 2008/60.
Ozaki, Tohru 2008. The Texts Formerly Owned by St. Paul Public Library and Published in SET. Journal of Ancient
Civilizations 23: 6570.
Paoletti, Paola 2008. Elusive Silver? Evidence for the circulation of silver in the Ur III state. KASKAL: Rivista di
storia, ambienti e culture del Vicino Oriente Antico 5: 127158.
Peterson, Jeremiah 2008a. An Early a3-zi-ga Prescription from Nippur. Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archologie 98(2): 195200.
Peterson, Jeremiah 2008b. The ulgi Hymn to Enki NES 48-07-118, Line 4. NABU 2008/36.
Proust, Christine 2008. Tablettes mathmatiques de la collection Hilprecht. (Texte und Materialen der HilprechtCollection 8) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Reichel, Clemens 2008. Religion and Power: Divine kingship in the ancient world and beyond. In: N. Brisch (ed.),
Religion and Power: Divine kingship in the ancient world and beyond (Oriental Institute Seminars 4):
133155. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
Steinkeller, Piotr 2008a. On Birbirrum, the Alleged EarliestDocumented rabianum Official, and on the Ibbi-Suens
Reign. NABU 2008/3.
Steinkeller, Piotr 2008b. Addenda to New Light on imaki and Its Rulers, Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie 97 (2007)
21532. NABU 2008/15.
Stepien, Marek & Jerzy Tyszkiewicz 2008. Computer Algorithm to Detect Similar Administrative Documents from
the Ur III Archives. In: R.D. Biggs, J. Myers & M.T. Roth (eds), Proceedings of the 51st Rencontre
Assyriologique Internationale Held at The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, July 1822, 2005
(SAOC 62): 177189. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago.
Such-Gutirrez, Marcos 2008. Lavoro e amministrazione dei campi durante la III Dinastia di Ur: Il caso di Nippur.
In: M. Perna & F. Pomponio (eds), The Management of Agricultural Land and the Production of Textiles
in the Mycenean and Near Eastern Economies (Studi Egei e Vicinorientali 4): 3351. Paris: De Boccard.
Suter, Claudia E. 2008. Who Are the Women in Mesopotamian Art from ca. 23341763
storia, ambienti e culture del Vicino Oriente Antico 5: 155.


KASKAL: Rivista di

Tsouparopoulou, Christina 2008. Namnine-Hedu, Yet another Ur III Princess. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 60: 713.
Verderame, Lorenzo 2008. Il controllo dei manufatti tessili a Umma. In: M. Perna & F. Pomponio (eds), The
Management of Agricultural Land and the Production of Textiles in the Mycenean and Near Eastern
Economies (Studi Egei e Vicinorientali 4): 111133. Paris: De Boccard.
Vukosavovic, Filip 2008. Private Collection of Cuneiform Tablets in Jerusalem. Journal of Ancient Civilizations
23: 3754.
Weiershuser, Frauke 2008. Die Kniglichen Frauen der III. Dynastie von Ur. (GBAO 1) Gttingen:
Universittsverlag Gttingen.
Widell, Magnus 2008. The Sumerian Expression igi-kr revisited. Iraq 70: 131145.
Wright, Rita P. 2008. Gendered Relations and the Ur III Dynasty: Kinship, property, and labor. In: D. Bolger (ed.),
Gender Through Time in the Ancient Near East: 247279. Lanham: Altamira Press.
Wu, Yuhong 2008. Nara-ili, u-kabta and Nawir-ilum in the Archives of Garana, Puzri-Dagan and Umma. Journal
of Ancient Civilizations 23: 136.
Zlyomi, Gbor 2008. Three More Notes on Fragments Published in the Third Volume of UET 6. NABU 2008/64.

Anastasi, Andrea & Francesco Pomponio 2009. Neo-Sumerian Girsu Texts of Various Content Kept in the British
Museum. (Nisaba 18) Messina: Di.Sc.A.M.
Bourguignon, Alexandra 2009. La fonction de brasseur Sumer daprs les listes lexicales et les textes administratifs. Acta Orientalia Belgica 22: 110.
Friberg, Jran 2009. A Geometric Algorithm with Solutions to Quadratic Equations in a Sumerian Juridical
Document from Ur III Umma. Cuneiform Digital Library Journal 2009/3.

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Goetze, Albrecht 2009. Cuneiform Texts from Various Collections. (Yale Oriental Series Babylonian Texts 15)
New Haven: YUP.
Heimpel, Wolfgang 2009a. Blind Workers in Ur III Texts. KASKAL: Rivista di storia, ambienti e culture del Vicino
Oriente Antico 6: 4348.
Heimpel, Wolfgang 2009b. Workers and Construction Work at Garana. (CUSAS 5) Bethesda: CDL Press.
Lafont, Bertrand 2009. The Army of the Kings of Ur: The Textual evidence. Cuneiform Digital Library Journal
Mander, Pietro & Palmiro Notizia 2009. Luso dellargento nelleconomia del regno de la III dinastia di Ur. Rivista
di Storia Economica 25(1): 6589.
Michalowski, Piotr 2009. Aur during the Ur III Period. In: O. Drewnowska (ed.), Here & There: Across the
Ancient Near East. Studies in honour of Krystyna Lyczkowska: 149156. Warszawa: Agade.
al-Muwatalli, Nawala A. 2009. New Agricultural Cuneiform Texts from the Third Dinasty of Ur in the Iraq Museum.

Sumer 54: 2847.

Notizia, Palmiro 2009. I testi dei messaggeri da Girsu-Laga della Terza Dinastia di Ur. (Nisaba 22) Messina: Di.Sc.A.M.
Ozaki, Tohru 2009. Cuneiform Texts in Japanese Collections. Journal of Ancient Civilizations 24: 5576.
Pomponio, Francesco 2009. Two Neo-Sumerian Texts from Umma. NABU 2009/67.

Farouk N.H., Franco DAgostino & Jonathan Taylor 2009. Neo-Sumerian Administrative Texts from
Umma Kept in the British Museum, IV (NATU IV). (Nisaba 24) Messina: Di.Sc.A.M.


Farouk N.H. & Lorenzo Verderame 2009. Neo-Sumerian Administrative Texts from Umma Kept in the
British Museum, III (NATU III). (Nisaba 23) Messina: Di.Sc.A.M.

Robson, Eleanor & Kathleen Clark 2009. The Cuneiform Tablet Collection of Florida State University. Cuneiform
Digital Library Journal 2009/2.
Sigrist, Marcel & Tohru Ozaki 2009a. Neo-Sumerian Administrative Tablets from the Yale Babylonian Collection, I.
(BPOA 6) Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas.
Sigrist, Marcel & Tohru Ozaki 2009b. Neo-Sumerian Administrative Tablets from the Yale Babylonian Collection,
II. (BPOA 7) Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas.
Steinkeller, Piotr 2009. Camels in Ur III Babylonia? In: J.D. Schloen (ed.), Exploring the Longue Dure: Essays
in honor of Lawrence E. Stager: 415419. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.
Szymku, Aleksandra & Dorota Wanacka 2009. Two Sumerian Bricks from a Private Collection. In: O. Drewnowska
(ed.), Here & There: Across the Ancient Near East: Studies in honour of Krystyna Lyczkowska: 257260.
Warszawa: Agade.
Veenker, Ronald A. & J. Cale Johnson 2009. The Appellate Process in a Legal record {di-til-la} from Ur III Umma.
Altorientalische Forschungen 36(2): 349364.
Verderame, Lorenzo 2009. Mar-tu nell III Millennio: fonti e interpretazioni. Rivista degli Studi Orientali 82: 229260.
Widell, Magnus 2009. Two Ur III Texts from Umma: Observations on archival practices and household management. Cuneiform Digital Library Journal 2009/6.

Adams, Robert McCormick 2010. Slavery and Freedom during the Third Dynasty of Ur: Implications of the Garana
archives. Cuneiform Digital Library Journal 2010/2.
Alivernini, Sergio 2010. Two Additions to the Corpus of Inspection Texts of Shipyard (kurum7 ak mar-sa). NABU
Alivernini, Sergio & Benjamin R. Foster 2010. Tablets from the Third Ur Dynasty. Rivista degli Studi Orientali
83: 335364.
Allred, Lance 2010a. Getting the World Out: Letter-Orders and the administration of the Third Dynasty of Ur. In:
A. Kleinerman & J.M. Sasson (eds), Why Should Someone Who Knows Something Conceal It? Cuneiform
studies in honor of David I. Owen on his 70th birthday: 913. Bethesda: CDL Press.
Allred, Lance 2010b. More u-Suen Seals during the Reign of Amar-Suen. Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2010/3.

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Agns Garcia-Ventura: Ur III Studies


Brisch, Nicole 2010. Rebellions and Peripheries in Sumerian Royal Literature. In: S. Richardson (ed.), Rebellions
and Peripheries in the Cuneiform World (American Oriental Series 91): 2945. New Haven: American
Oriental Society.
Cooper, Jerrold S. 2010. Blind Workmen, Weaving Women and Prostitutes in Third Millennium Babylonia.
Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2010/5.
DAgostino, Franco 2010. Due nuovi testi dal British Museum datati allepoca pi antica di Ur III. In: M.G. Biga
& M. Liverani (eds), ana turri gimilli: studi dedicati al Padre Werner R. Mayer, S.J., da amici e allievi
(Vicino Oriente 5): 5974. Roma: Universit di Roma La Sapienza.
Dahl, Jacob L. 2010a. Naming Ur III Years. In: A. Kleinerman & J.M. Sasson (eds), Why Should Someone Who
Knows Something Conceal It? Cuneiform studies in honor of David I. Owen on his 70th birthday: 8593.
Bethesda: CDL Press.
Dahl, Jacob L. 2010b. A Babylonian Gang of Potters: Reconstructing the social organization of crafts production in
late third millennium bc southern Mesopotamia. In: L. Kogan, N.V. Koslova, S. Loesov & S. Tishchenko
(eds), City Administration in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the 53e Rencontre Assyriologique
Internationale (Babel und Bibel 5): 275291. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns (for the Russian State University
for the Humanities).
Englund, Robert K. 2010. Recently Published Catalogues of Cuneiform Collections. Cuneiform Digital Library
Notes 2010/4.
Feuernherm, Karljngen 2010. The Tamkar Network from Ur III to Rim-Sn. Journal of the Canadian Society for
Mesopotamian Studies 5: 511.
Foster, Benjamin R. & LeeAnn Longinotti 2010. Ur III Texts Concerning Fruit Consumption. NABU 2010/61.7
Garfinkle, Steven J. 2010a. The Organization of Knowledge in Early Mesopotamia: Information, wealth, and
archives in the Ur III Period. In: A. Kleinerman & J.M. Sasson (eds), Why Should Someone Who Knows
Something Conceal It? Cuneiform studies in honor of David I. Owen on his 70th birthday: 131141.
Bethesda: CDL Press.
Garfinkle, Steven J. 2010b. What Work Did the Damgars Do? Towards a definition of Ur III labor. In: L.Kogan,
N.V.Koslova, S. Loesov & S. Tishchenko (eds), City Administration in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings
of the 53e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Babel und Bibel 5): 307316. Winona Lake:
Eisenbrauns (for the Russian State University for the Humanities).
Garfinkle, Steven J. 2010c. Merchants and State Formation in Early Mesopotamia. In: S. Melville & A.L. Slotsky
(eds), Opening the Tablet Box: Near Eastern studies in honor of Benjamin R. Foster (Culture and History
of the Ancient Near East 42): 185202. Leiden: Brill.
Garfinkle, Steven J., Herbert Sauren & Marc Van de Mieroop 2010. Ur III Tablets from the Columbia University
Libraries. (CUSAS 16) Bethesda: CDL Press.
Heimpel, Wolfgang 2010. Left to Themselves: Waifs in the time of the Third Dynasty of Ur. In: A. Kleinerman &
J.M. Sasson (eds), Why Should Someone Who Knows Something Conceal It? Cuneiform studies in honor of
David I. Owen on his 70th birthday: 159166. Bethesda: CDL Press.
Katz, Dina 2010. The Naked Soul: Deliberations on a popular theme. In: J. Stackert, B.N. Porter & D.P. Wright
(eds), Gazing on the Deep: Ancient Near Eastern and other studies in honor of Tzvi Abusch: 107120.
Bethesda: CDL Press.
Koch, Johannes 2010. Ein astronomischer Sonderfall: ACh Itar XXI, 12 // XXVIII, 2223a. NABU 2010/17.
Lafont, Bertrand 2010. Representation et legitimation du pouvoir royal aux epoques neo-sumerienne et amorrite. In:
P. Charvt & P. Markov Vlckov (eds), Who Was King? Who Was not King?: 2337. Prague: Institute
of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Maelkawa, Kazuya 2010. Rod and Ring: Insignias of foreign rule in the Ur III and OB periods. Al Rafidan Special
Issue: 215230.

7 A paper with the same title, by the same authors was published in NABU 2008 (Foster, Benjamin R. & LeeAnn
Longinotti 2008. Ur III Texts Concerning Fruit Consumption. NABU 2008/77). Both were sent to the journal in
2008. Assuming it is the same paper despite minor differences between both versions, I include in this list only
the last one, published 2010.
Studia Orientalia Electronica 3 (2015): 2247

Agns Garcia-Ventura: Ur III Studies


Metcalf, Christopher 2010. Six Ur III Tablets from the Hulin Collection in Oxford. Cuneiform Digital Library
Bulletin 2010/1.
Mirelman, Sam 2010. The Gala Musician Dada and the si-im Instrument. NABU 2010/33.

Nawala A. 2010. Administrative Cuneiform Texts from Umma in the Iraq Museum: Excavation of
ara Temple (19992000). Sumer 55: 4586.

Neumann, Hans 2010. Zwei neusumerische Verwaltungstexte aus Umma ber den Arbeitskrfteeinsatz an Wasserlufen.
In: A. Bentzin, H. Frtig, T. Krppner & R. Spielhaus (eds), Zwischen Orient und Okzident: Studien zu
Mobilitt von Wissen, Konzepten und Praktiken: Festschrift fr Peter Heine: 262266. Freiburg: Herder.
Ouyang, Xiaoli 2010. Administration of the Irrigation Fee in Umma during the Ur III Period (ca. 21122004 bce). In:
L. Kogan, N.V. Koslova, S. Loesov & S. Tishchenko (eds), City Administration in the Ancient Near East:
Proceedings of the 53e Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (Babel und Bibel 5): 317349. Winona
Lake: Eisenbrauns (for the Russian State University for the Humanities).
Ozaki, Tohru & Marcel Sigrist 2010. Tablets in Jerusalem: Sainte-Anne and Saint-tienne. (Changchun Periodic
Publications on Ancient Civilizations 4 = Supplement to Journal of Ancient Civilizations 2) Changchun:
Pomponio, Francesco 2010. New Texts Regarding the Neo-Sumerian Textiles. In: C. Michel & M.-L. Nosch (eds), Textile
Terminologies in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean from the Third to the First Millennia bc (Ancient
Textile Series 8): 186200. Oxford: Oxbow Books in association with the Centre for Textile Research.
Pruzsinszky, Regine 2010. Die Kniglichen Snger der Ur III-Zeit als Werkzeug politischer Propaganda. In:
R. Pruzsinszky & D. Shehata (eds), Musiker und Tradierung: Studien zur Rolle von Musikern bei der
Verschriftlichung und Tradierung von literarischen Werken (Wiener Offene Orientalistik 8): 93116. Wien:
LIT, Institut fr Orientalistik der Universitt Wien.
Ragavan, Deena 2010. Cuneiform Texts and Fragments in the Harvard Art Museum / Arthur M. Sackler Museum.
Cuneiform Digital Library Journal 2010/1.
Selz, Gebhard J. 2010. He put in order the accounts... Remarks on the Early Dynastic background of the administrative reorganizations in the Ur III state. In: L. Kogan, N.V. Koslova, S. Loesov & S. Tishchenko
(eds), City Administration in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the 53e Rencontre Assyriologique
Internationale (Babel und Bibel 5): 530. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns (for the Russian State University for
the Humanities).
Sigrist, Marcel 2010. Les noms danne du Rgne du roi ulgi. In: A. Kleinerman & J.M. Sasson (eds), Why Should
Someone Who Knows Something Conceal It? Cuneiform studies in honor of David I. Owen on his 70th
birthday: 219238. Bethesda: CDL Press.
Suter, Claudia E. 2010. Ur III Kings in Images: A Reappraisal. In: H.D. Baker, E. Robson & G. Zlyomi (eds), Your
Praise is Sweet: A Memorial volume for Jeremy Black from students, colleagues and friends: 319349.
London: British Institute for the Study of Iraq.
Verderame, Lorenzo 2010. Un nuovo documento di compravendita neo-sumerico. In M.G. Biga & M. Liverani
(eds), ana turri gimilli: Studi dedicati al Padre Werner R. Mayer, S.J. da amici e allievi (Vicino Oriente 5):
397416. Roma: Universit di Roma La Sapienza.
Vukosavovic, Filip 2010. Private Collection of Cuneiform Tablets in Jerusalem (II). In: W. Horowitz, U. Gabbay
& F. Vukosavovic (eds), A Woman of Valor: Jerusalem Ancient Near Eastern studies in honor of Joan
Goodnick Westenholz (BPOA 8): 183194. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas.
Waetzoldt, Hartmut 2010a. The Colours and Variety of Fabrics from Mesopotamia during the Ur III Period (2050
bc). In: C. Michel & M.-L. Nosch (eds), Textile Terminologies in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean
from the Third to the First Millennia bc (Ancient Textile Series 8): 201209. Oxford: Oxbow Books in
association with the Centre for Textile Research.
Waetzoldt, Hartmut 2010b. Die Bedeutung von igi-sag/sag5/sag9/sag10 In: A. Kleinerman & J.M. Sasson (eds), Why
Should Someone Who Knows Something Conceal It? Cuneiform studies in honor of David I. Owen on his 70th
birthday: 245255. Bethesda: CDL Press.
Westenholz, Joan Goodnick 2010a. Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes. In: S. Melville & A.L. Slotsky (eds), Opening
the Tablet Box: Near Eastern studies in honor of Benjamin R. Foster (Culture and History of the Ancient Near
East 42): 463484. Leiden: Brill.

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Agns Garcia-Ventura: Ur III Studies


Westenholz, Joan Goodnick 2010b. Heaven and Earth. Asexual Monad and Bisexual Dyad. In: J. Stackert, B.N. Porter
& D.P. Wright (eds), Gazing on the Deep: Ancient Near Eastern and other studies in honor of Tzvi Abusch:
293326. Bethesda: CDL Press.
Wiggermann, Frans A.M. 2010. The Image of Dumuzi: A Diachronic analysis. In: J. Stackert, B.N. Porter &
D.P.Wright (eds), Gazing on the Deep: Ancient Near Eastern and other studies in honor of Tzvi Abusch:
327350. Bethesda: CDL Press.
Wilcke, Claus 2010. Eine Pflug-Zugtier-Inspektion aus Umma: Grenzen der Haftung fr Anvertrautes ffentliches
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Brumfield, Sara 2011. The Term ab2-RI-e in Ur III Sources. Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin 2011/2.
Brunke, Hagan 2011a. Essen in Sumer: Metrologie, Herstellung und Terminologie nach Zeugnis der Ur III-zeitlichen
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Englund, Robert K. 2011a. The State of CDLIs Ur III Transliterations. Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2011/4.
Englund, Robert K. 2011b. A Note on One of Kazuya Maekawas Ur III Contributions. Cuneiform Digital Library Notes
Englund, Robert K. 2011c. Notes on KIDa. Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2011/6.
Firth, Richard 2011. A Discussion of the Use of im-babbar2 by the Craft Workers of Ancient Mesopotamia. Cuneiform
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Gadotti, Alhena & Marcel Sigrist 2011. Cuneiform Texts in the Carl A. Kroch Library, Cornell University. (CUSAS
15) Bethesda: CDL Press.
Garcia-Ventura, Agns 2011. About Some Correspondences in Rochester and YOS 15. NABU 2011/12.
Halton, Charles 2011. Weighing Officials at Ur III Umma. Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2011/2.
Michalowski, Piotr 2011. The Correspondence of the Kings of Ur: An Epistolary history of an ancient Mesopotamian
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Neumann, Hans 2011a. Slavery in Private Households toward the End of the Third Millennium bc. In: L. Culberston
(ed.), Slaves and Households in the Near East (Oriental Institute Seminars 7): 2132. Chicago: The Oriental
Institute of the University of Chicago.
Neumann, Hans 2011b. Ur III-Texte. In: M.P. Streck (ed.), Die Keilschrifttexte des Altorientalischen Instituts der
Universitt Leipzig (Leipziger Altorientalistische Studien 1): 934. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Ouyang, Xiaoli 2011. The Merchants Did Supply Gold! Connection between two Ur III tablets YBC 13418 and NBC
6641. NABU 2011/51.
Owen, David I. 2011. Garana Studies. (CUSAS 6) Bethesda: CDL Press.
Pomponio, Francesco 2011. Due tavolette neo-sumeriche a Ivrea. Studi Epigrafici e Linguistici sul Vicino Oriente
Antico 28: 715.
Rost, Stephanie 2011. Irrigation Management in the Ur III Period: A Reconstruction based on a case study of
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Dimension of Ancient Near Eastern Studies / Die empirische Dimension altorientalischer Forschungen
(Wiener Offene Orientalistik 6): 211269. Wien: LIT.
Studevent-Hickman, Benjamin 2011. New Grounds for the . Journal of Cuneiform Studies 63: 3549.

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Vukosavovic, Filip 2011a. Sumerian gi-lam and igi-tab. Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society of Columbia
University 32: 139143.
Vukosavovic, Filip 2011b. Sumerian ga-ra-an. NABU 2011/7.
Wang, Junna & Yuhong Wu 2011. A Research on the Incoming (mu-tm) Archive of Queen ulgi-simtis Animal
Institution. Journal of Ancient Civilizations 26: 4160.
Wu, Yuhong 2011. 19 Years Finance of the Household of Geme-Lamma, the High Priestess of Baba in Girsu of Ur
III (ulgi 31 AS 1 = 20652046 bc.). Journal of Ancient Civilizations 26: 139.
Zettler, Richard L. & Walther Sallaberger 2011. Inanas Festival at Nippur under the Third Dynasty of Ur.
Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archologie 101: 171.

Attinger, Pascal 2012. Une nouvelle dition de la correspondance royale dUr. Orientalia Nova Series 81: 355385.
Bauer, Josef 2012. Die Verwaltungsurkunde TCTI 1, 950 und Ihre Personennamen. In: C. Mittermayer & S. Ecklin (eds),
Altorientalische Studien zu Ehren von Pascal Attinger. mu-ni u4 ul-li2-a-a ga2-ga2-de3 (OBO 256): 3138.
Freiburg: Academic Press Fribourg.
Bonatz, Dominik 2012. Stelen der Gudea- und Ur III-Seit: Bildliche Wege des Wissenstransfers im Alten Orient. In:
H. Neumann & S. Paulus (eds), Wissenskultur im Alten Orient: Weltanschauung, Wissenschaften, Techniken,
Technologien, 4. Internationales Colloquium der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 20.22. Februar 2002, Mnster
(Colloquien der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 4): 307326. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Brunke, Hagan 2012. Ein neuer Ur III-zeitlicher Feldplan. In: C. Mittermayer & S. Ecklin (eds), Altorientalische Studien
zu Ehren von Pascal Attinger. mu-ni u4 ul-li2-a-a ga2-ga2-de3 (OBO 256): 3964. Freiburg: Academic Press
DAgostino, Franco 2012. Some Considerations on u4-da-tu (Bear Tamer?) and Jugglery in Ur III. Revue dassyriologie
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De Graef, Katrien 2012. Dual Power in Susa: Chronicle of a transitional period from Ur III via imaki to the Sukkalmas.
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 75: 525546.
Delnero, Paul 2012. The Textual Criticism of Sumerian Literature. (The Journal of Cuneiform Studies Supplemental
Series 3) Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research.
Di Ludovico, Alessandro 2012. The Uses of the Cylinder Seal as Clues of Mental Structuring Processes inside Ur III State
Machinery. In: G. Wilhelm (ed.), Organization, Representation, and Symbols of Power in the Ancient Near
East: Proceedings of the 54th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale at Wrzburg 2025 July 2008: 275289.
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Englund, Robert K. 2012a. Versilberte Arbeit: quivalenzenfestsetzung in der Ur-III-Zeit. In: H. Neumann &
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Englund, Robert K. 2012b. Equivalency Values and the Command Economy of the Ur III Period in Mesopotamia. In:
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Firth, Richard & Marie-Louise Nosch 2012. Spinning and Weaving Wool in Ur III Administrative Texts. Journal of
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Garcia-Ventura, Agns 2012a. The Emperors New Clothes: Textiles, gender and Mesopotamian foundation figurines.
Altorientalische Forschungen 39(2): 235253.
Garcia-Ventura, Agns 2012b. Tejedor@s en la Tercera Dinasta de Ur: nuevas perspectivas de estudio. Claroscuro
(Revista del Centro de Estudios sobre diversidad cultural, de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario) 11: 1331.
Garfinkle, Steven J. 2012. Enterpreneurs and Enterprise in Early Mesopotamia: A Study of three archives from the
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Agns Garcia-Ventura: Ur III Studies


Jiang, Guoling 2012. Notes on Lugal-ma2-gur8-re, A Scribe and a Textile Dealer in Nippur, AS8 S 4. Journal of
Ancient Civilizations 27: 131139.
Lmmerhirt, Kai 2012. Die sumerische Knigshymne ulgi F. (Texte und Materialen der Hilprecht-Collection 9)
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Liu, Changyu 2012. Six Ur III Tablets from the Special Collections of the University of Missouri-Columbia. Cuneiform
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Michalowski, Piotr 2012. On Early Mesopotamian Epistolary Pragmatics. In: G.B. Lanfranchi, D. Morandi Bonacossi,
C. Pappi & S. Ponchia (eds), Leggo! Studies presented to Frederick Mario Fales on the occasion of his 65th
birthday: 499503. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Molina, Manuel 2012. Two Ur III Tablets in the Museo Nacional de las Culturas, Ciudad de Mxico. Aula Orientalis
30: 188191.
Neumann, Hans 2012. Einige neusumerische Texte aus Umma ber (Opfer-)Lieferungen (s-du11). In: T. Boiy,
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Notizia, Palmiro & Alessandro Di Ludovico 2012. A New Ur III Letter-Order from the Semitic Museum at Harvard
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Ouyang, Xiaoli & William R. Brookman 2012. The Cuneiform Collection of the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem,
Massachusetts. Cuneiform Digital Library Journal 2012/1.
Owen, David I. 2012. Additions and Corrections to Owen, Supplemental Texts... (CUSAS 6, pp. 233334). Cuneiform
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Ozaki, Tohru 2012. On the Reading of the Sumerian Word for Wool. Journal of Ancient Civilizations 27: 140142.
Paoletti, Paola 2012a. Der Knig und sein Kreis: Das staatliche Schatzarchiv der III. Dynastie von Ur. (BPOA 10)
Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas.
Paoletti, Paola 2012b. Footwear in the 3rd millennium bc: Varieties and manufacturing techniques. In: C. Mittermayer
& S. Ecklin (eds), Altorientalische Studien zu Ehren von Pascal Attinger. mu-ni u4 ul-li2-a-a ga2-ga2-de3
(OBO 256): 171190. Freiburg: Academic Press Fribourg
Pomponio, Francesco 2012. Un motivo per cui le tavolette amministrative neo-sumeriche sono cos numerose. In:
G.B.Lanfranchi, D. Morandi Bonacossi, C. Pappi & S. Ponchia (eds), Leggo! Studies presented to Frederick
Mario Fales on the occasion of his 65th birthday: 637652. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Steinkeller, Piotr 2012. More on the Reading of the Toponym GARana. NABU 2012/42.
Stepien, Marek 2012. The Economic Status of Governors in Ur III Times: An Example of the governor of Umma.
Journal of Cuneiform Studies 64: 1730.
Such-Gutirrez, Marcos 2012. Neue Erkenntnisse zu den kniglichen Gemahlinnen der Ur III-Zeit. In: G. Wilhelm
(ed.), Organization, Representation, and Symbols of Power in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the 54th
Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale at Wrzburg 2025 July 2008: 327345. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.
Suter, Claudia E. 2012. The Royal Body and Masculinity in Early Mesopotamia. In: A. Berjelund, J. Dietrich &
J.F. Quack (eds), Menschenbilder und Krperkonzepte im Alten Israel, in gypten und im Alten Orient
(Orientalische Religionen in der Antike 9): 433458. Tbingen: Mohr Siebek.
Tsouparopoulou, Christina 2012. The K-9 Corps of the Third Dynasty of Ur: The Dog handlers at Drehem and the
army. Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archologie 102: 116.
Verderame, Lorenzo 2012. Sedie, troni e portantine nellantica Mesopotamia. In: P. Notizia & F. Pomponio (eds), Scritti
in onore di Pietro Mander (= AION 72): 149168. Napoli: Annali Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo,
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Weiershuser, Frauke 2012. Getinanna und die Mutter des ulgi. In: G. Wilhelm (ed.), Organization, Representation,
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Internationale at Wrzburg 2025 July 2008: 347355. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.

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Agns Garcia-Ventura: Ur III Studies


Alivernini, Sergio 2013. La struttura amministrativa del mar-sa nella documentazione della III dinastia di Ur. (Rivista
degli Studi Orientali, Nuova Serie Volume 86, supplemento 1) Roma: Fabrizio Serra editore.
Andersson, Jakob 2013. An Ur III Messenger Text from Umma in the Haldar Collection. Cuneiform Digital Library
Notes 2013/1.
Andersson Strand, Eva & Maria Cybulska 2013. Visualising Ancient Textiles: How to make a textile visible on the
basis of an interpretation of an Ur III text. In: M.-L. Nosch, H. Koefoed & E. Andersson Strand (eds), Textile
Production and Consumption in the Ancient Near East: Archaeology, epigraphy and iconography (Ancient
Textiles Series 12): 113127. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Asher-Greve, Julia M. 2013. Women and Agency: A Survey from Late Uruk to the end of Ur III. In: H. Crawford (ed.),
The Sumerian World: 359377. London: Routledge.
Conlan, Christopher 2013. Note on an Ur III Administrative Tablet. NABU 2013/62.
Firth, Richard 2013a. Considering the Finishing of Textiles Based on Neo-Sumerian Inscriptions from Girsu. In:
M.-L. Nosch, H. Koefoed & E. Andersson Strand (eds), Textile Production and Consumption in the
Ancient Near East: Archaeology, epigraphy and iconography (Ancient Textiles Series 12): 140151.
Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Firth, Richard 2013b. Notes on Year Names of the Early Ur III Period: ulgi 20-30. Cuneiform Digital Library
Journal 2013/1.
Fldi, Zsombor 2013. Gleanings from the Antiquities Market: A Contribution to the electronic text corpus of Sumerian
royal inscriptions. Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin 2013/3.
Garcia-Ventura, Agns 2013a. Trabajar en tiempos de guerra en Mesopotamia. In: J. Vidal & B. Antela-Bernrdez
(eds), Ms all de la batalla: La violencia contra la poblacin en el Mundo Antiguo: 125. Zaragoza:
Libros Prtico.
Garcia-Ventura, Agns 2013b. Sanitary Towels in Ur III Administrative Texts? Aula Orientalis 31(2): 235248.
Garfinkle, Steven J. & Manuel Molina 2013. From the 21st Century bc to the 21st Century ad: Proceedings of the
International Conference on Sumerian Studies Held in Madrid 2224 July 2010. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.
Greco, Angela 2013. (lu2) KAxSA.GAZ or KA.GAZ as Worker of the Palm Fibers. NABU 2013/24.8
Hernndez, Jorge 2013. The Role of the Sanga in Ur III based on the Puzri-Dagan Texts. In: L. Feliu, J. llop-Radu,
A. Millet-Alb & J. Sanmartn (eds), Time and History in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the 56th
Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale at Barcelona 2630 July 2010: 698704. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.
Michalowski, Piotr 2013. Of Beards and Men: Thoughts on the end of ulgis reign and on the ensuing succession. In:
D.S. Vanderhooft & A. Winitzer (eds), Literature as Politics, Politics as Literature: Essays on the Ancient
Near East in honor of Peter Machinist: 285-320. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.
Molina, Manuel 2013. Court Officials at Umma in Ur III Times. Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und vorderasiatische
Archologie 103(2): 125148.
Nowicki, Stefan 2013. Some Notes about The Cow of Sin: A Proposal for a new interpretation. NABU 2013/61.
Otto, Adelheid 2013. Knigssiegel als Programm: berlegungen zum Selbsverstndnis altorientalischer Herrscher und
zur Deutung der Tierkampfszene. Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archologie 103(1): 4568.
Ouyang, Xiaoli 2013. Monetary Role of Silver and its Administration in Mesopotamia during the Ur III Period
(c.21122004 bce): A Case study of the Umma province. (BPOA 11) Madrid: Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Cientficas.
Owen, David I. 2013a. Of Dogs and (Kennel)Men. Cuneiform Digital Library Bulletin 2013/2.
Owen, David I. 2013b. Treasures of the Sacristy. Revue dassyriologie et darchologie orientale 107: 2942.
Owen, David I. 2013c. Cuneiform Texts Primarily from Iri-Sarig / l-arrk and the History of the Ur III Period, II:
Catalogue and Texts. (Nisaba 15/2) Bethesda: CDL Press.

8 This paper was published twice, mistakenly, the same year in the journal NABU as 2013/24 and 2013/63. As
both are identical, here I include in the list only the first time it was published.
Studia Orientalia Electronica 3 (2015): 2247

Agns Garcia-Ventura: Ur III Studies


Owen, David I. with contributions by Hagan Brunke, Douglas R. Frayne, Wolfgang Heimpel, Alexandra Kleinerman,
Bertrand Lafont, Gonzalo Rubio & Christopher Woods 2013. Cuneiform Texts Primarily from Iri-Sarig /
l-arrk and the History of the Ur III Period, I: Commentary and Indexes. (Nisaba 15/1) Bethesda: CDL Press.
Pittman, Holly 2013. Seals and Sealings in the Sumerian world. In: H. Crawford (ed.), The Sumerian World: 319341.
London: Routledge.
Pomponio, Francesco 2013. A Fragment of a Neo-Sumerian Barley Record. In: O. Loretz, S. Ribichini, W.G.E. Watson
& J.. Zamora (eds), Ritual, Religion and Reason: Studies in the Ancient World in honour of Paolo Xella
(AOAT 404): 175179. Mnster: Ugarit.

Farouk N.H., Francesca Gorello & Palmiro Notizia 2013. Neo-Sumerian Administrative Texts from Umma
Kept in the British Museum, V (NATU V). (Nisaba 26) Messina: Di.Sc.A.M.

Rubio, Gonzalo 2013. SANGA2: A Graphic story. Revue dassyriologie et darchologie orientale 107: 101104.
Sharlach, Tonia 2013. The Remembrance of Kings Past: The Persona of king Ibbi-Sin. In: D.S. Vanderhooft &
A.Winitzer (eds), Literature as Politics, Politics as Literature: Essays on the Ancient Near East in honor of
Peter Machinist: 421431. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.
Steinkeller, Piotr 2013a. More on the Nature and History of the Goddess Nanaya. NABU 2013/65.
Steinkeller, Piotr 2013b. How Did ulgi and Ibi-Erra Ascend to Heaven? In: D.S. Vandeerhooft & A. Winitzer (eds),
Literature as Politics, Politics as Literature: Essays on the Ancient Near East in honor of Peter Machinist:
459478. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.
Steinkeller, Piotr 2013c. The Sailing of Itaran and Damu. NABU 2013/66.
Suter, Claudia E. 2013. Kings and Queens: Representation and reality. In: H. Crawford (ed.), The Sumerian World:
201226. London: Routledge.
Tsouparopoulou, Christina 2013a. Killing and Skinning Animals in the Ur III Period: The Puzri-Dagan (Drehem) office
managing of dead animals and slaughter by-products. Altorientalische Forschungen 40(1): 150182.
Tsouparopoulou, Christina 2013b. A Reconstruction of the Puzri-Dagan Central Livestock Agency. Cuneiform Digital
Library Journal 2013/2.
Tsouparopoulou, Christina 2013c. Reflections on Paratextual Markers and Graphic Devices in Ur III Administrative
Documents. Textual Cultures 8(2): 114.
Van Ess, Margarette 2013. Babylonische Tempel zwischen Ur III- und neubabylonischer Zeit: Zu einigen Aspekten
ihrer planerischen Gestaltung und religisen Konzeption. In: K. Kaniuth, A. Lhnert, J.L. Miller, A. Otto,
M. Roaf & W. Sallaberger (eds), Temple im Alten Orient: 7. Internationales Colloquium der Deutschen
Orient-Gesellschaft 11.13. Oktober 2009, Mnchen (Colloquien der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 7):
5984. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Widell, Magnus 2013. Sumerian Agriculture and Land Management. In: H. Crawford (ed.), The Sumerian World:
5567. London: Routledge.
Wilcke, Claus 2013. Dieser Ur-Namma hier... eine auf dir Darstellung weisende Statueninschrift. Revue dassyriologie
et darchologie orientale 107: 173186.
Wright, Rita P. 2013. Sumerian and Akkadian Industries: Crafting textiles. In: H. Crawford (ed.), The Sumerian World:
395418. London: Routledge.
Wu, Yuhong & Chen Yanli 2013. The Pairs of Cooks in the Royal Dining Hall and the Akiti Calendar during ulgi
45-48. Journal of Ancient Civilizations 28: 65103.

Alivernini, Sergio 2014. The Ur III Field Surveying Texts: Measurement techniques and officials in charge in the city of
Girsu. Journal of Cuneiform Studies 66: 39.
Alivernini, Sergio & Angela Greco 2014. An Ur III Tablet Concerning Garden Plots and its Sketch: MVN 22, 31.
Altorientalische Forschungen 41, 1: 29.
Alivernini, Sergio & Camille Lecompte 2014. On the Field Plan TCL 5, 6060: A New look. Studia Mesopotamica:
Jahrbuch fr altorientalische Geschichte und Kultur 1: 17.
Allred, Lance 2014. Girsu Labor Assignments Revisited. Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2014/12.

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Agns Garcia-Ventura: Ur III Studies


Andersson, Jakob 2014. Third Millennium Cuneiform Texts in a Swedish Private Collection. Cuneiform Digital Library
Bulletin 2014/1.
Brunke, Hagan 2014. On the Role of Fruit and Vegetables as Food in the Ur III Period. In: L. Milano (ed.), Paleonutrition
and Food Practices in the Ancient Near East: Towards a multidisciplinary approach (History of the Ancient
Near East / Monographs XIV): 339352. Padova: S.A.R.G.O.N. Editrice e Libreria.
Dahl, Jacob L. 2014. Corrections to J.L. Dahl, A Babylonian Gang of Potters. Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2014/16.
Di Ludovico, Alessandro 2014. The Reign of ulgi: Investigation of a king above suspicion. In: H. Neumann, R.Dittmann,
S. Paulus, G. Neumann & A. Schuster-Brandis (eds), Krieg und Frieden im Alten Vorderasien: Proceedings of
the 52nd Rencontre Assyriologique International, Mnster July2006 (AOAT 401): 481493. Mnster: Ugarit.
Englund, Robert K. 2014. Seals and Sealing in CDLI Files. Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2014/4.
Firth, Richard 2014. Notes on Composite Seals in CDLI. Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2014/26.
Fldi, Zsombor 2014. The Sad Story of a Sumerian Statue: The Destruction of -Suen 7. Cuneiform Digital Library
Notes 2014/2.
Garcia-Ventura, Agns 2014a. Women, Work and War: A Proposal to analyze their relationship during the
Neo-Sumerian period. In: H. Neumann, R. Dittmann, S. Paulus, G. Neumann & A. Schuster-Brandis (eds),
Krieg und Frieden im Alten Vorderasien: Proceedings of the 52nd Rencontre Assyriologique International,
Mnster July2006 (AOAT 401): 345352. Mnster: Ugarit.
Garcia-Ventura, Agns 2014b. Ur III Biopolitics: Reflections on the relationship between war and work force management. In: D. Nadali & J. Vidal (eds), The Other Face of the Battle: The Impact of war on civilians in the
Ancient Near East (AOAT 413): 723. Mnster: Ugarit.
Garcia-Ventura, Agns 2014c. Weaving in Ur III Mesopotamia: Womens work? In: K. Dross-Krpe (ed.),
Textile Trade and Distribution in Antiquity / Textilhandel und -distribution in der Antike (Philippika
Altertumswissenschaftliche Abhandlungen / Contributions to the Study of Ancient World Cultures): 135140.
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Garcia-Ventura, Agns 2014d. Mano de obra y relaciones de parentesco en Mesopotamia: madres trabajadoras versus
hombres ganadores de pan. Arenal: Revista de historia de las mujeres 21(2): 297316.
Glassner, Jean-Jacques 2014. Lhistoricit de Gilgame? NABU 2014/6.
Kerekes, Mikks 2014. Tram-Dagan, the Barber of Puzri-Dagan. NABU 2014/8.
Lafont, Bertrand 2014. T. Gomi, MVN 12, 439 (CDLI P116701). NABU 2014/43.
Lecompte, Camille 2014. Suggestions and Corrections to ATFU 3. Again on EREN2+S. 161bki. Cuneiform Digital
Library Notes 2014/22.
Liu, Changyu 2014a. A Note on gal-tab-bu-um. Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2014/5.
Liu, Changyu 2014b. A Note on the Regular Offering to Ninlil at Tummal. Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2014/6.
Liu, Changyu 2014c. A Note on the Text Iraq 74, p. 129 2010-06-022-07 (W 22). NABU 2014/9.
Liu, Changyu & Camille Lecompte 2014. Addenda to Akkadica 134/1. Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2014/25.
Miglio, Adam E. 2014. Ur III Tablets in the Wheaton College Archaeology Museum. Cuneiform Digital Library
Bulletin 2014/5.
Niederreiter, Zoltn 2014. Fourteen Ur III Texts Belonging to the Bibliotque de lArsenal and the Dpartement des
Monnaies, Mdailles et Antiques. Akkadica 135(1): 73105.
Pomponio, Francesco 2014. Lalimentazione dei messaggeri in periodo neo-sumerico. In: L. Milano (ed.), Paleonutrition
and Food Practices in the Ancient Near East: Towards a multidisciplinary approach (History of the Ancient
Near East / Monographs XIV): 279307. Padova: S.A.R.G.O.N. Editrice e Libreria.
Rattenborg, Rune 2014. Further on NABU 2001/7: An Administrative tablet from the 3rd Dynasty of Ur. NABU 2014/10.
Schrakamp, Ingo 2014. On the Reading of a-dam-DUNki. Cuneiform Digital Library Notes 2014/14.
Selz, Gebhard J. 2014. The Tablet with Heavenly Writing, or How to Become a Star. In: A. Panaino, E. Bacchi,
S.Buscherini & P. Ognibene (eds), Non licet stare caelestibus: Studies on astronomy and its history offered to
Salvo De Meis (Il flauto magico): 5167. Milano: Mimesis.
Tsouparopoulou, Christina 2014a. A Note on Ur III Administrative Procrastination. Cuneiform Digital Library
Notes 2014/9.

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Agns Garcia-Ventura: Ur III Studies


Tsouparopoulou, Christina 2014b. Progress Report: An Online database for the documentation of seals, sealings,
and seal impressions in the Ancient Near East. Studia Orientalia Electronica 2: 3768.
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Studia Orientalia Electronica 3 (2015): 2247

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