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LEARN 10 Similar looking words:
1.Actual: Actual does not mean current or present. It means real or exact. It is
often used in contrast with something that is not seen as real or exact.
(I need the actual figures, not an estimate.)
2.Present: means existing or happening now.
(How long have you been in your present job ?
3.Current : also means existing or happening now . But can suggest that the
situation is temporary;
(The factory cannot continue its current level off production.)
4.Admit: to agree, often unwillingly, that something is true.
(It was a stupid thing to do, I admit.)
5.Acknowledge: to accept that sth exists or sth is true or sth has happened.
(She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform.)
6.Recognize: to admit or to be aware that sth exists or is true.
(They recognized the need to take the problem seriously.)
7.Concede: to admit unwillingly that sth is true.
(he was forced to concede that there might be difficulties. )
8.Afraid of : feeling fear, worried that sth bad might happen.
Afraid cannot come before noun. It can only take the preposition of.
(There is nothing to be afraid of.)
9.Frightened (of /about/to): feeling fear, worried that sth bad might happen.
(he was frightened of falling from hill)
(He was frightened to do sth.)
10.Paranoid: afraid or suspicious of other people and believing that they are
trying to harm you. (You are just being paranoid.)
Difficult Words

with sentences

Overt - done in a open way and not secretly.

(There was little overt support for the project.)

(overtly political activities)
extenuating- mitigating, explanatory
Implicit- suggested without being directly expressed, complete and
(Implicit in his speech was the assumption that they were guilty.)
Innate - of quality that you have when you are born. Inborn.
(the innate ability to learn.)
(He believes that humans are innately violent.
Mar - to damage or spoil sth good.
(The game was marred by the behaviour of drunken fans.)
Renunciation an act of stating publicly that you no longer believe sth.
- self denial. Act of rejecting physical pleasure
(the renunciation of violence)
Inoculation -vaccination , immunization
Salubrious pleasant to live in, clean and healthy
Vicinity- the area around a particular place.
(Crowds gathered in the vicinity of Trafalgar Square)
Conspicuous- easy to see or notice
(His red hair always made him conspicuous at school.)

Parts of Speech
Words are divided into different kinds or classes, called Parts of Speech, according to
their use; that is according to the work they do in a sentence.
The Parts of Speech are 8 in number:


7. Conjunction
8. Interjection

A noun is a word used as the name of a person, place or thing ; as
Babar was a great King.
Delhi is on the banks of the river Yamuna.
The flowers are beautiful.
The rose smells sweet.
The music is very loud.
The thought is powerful.
Note: the word thing includes i) all objects that we can see, hear, taste, touch
or smell and ii) something that we can think of , but cannot perceive by the

Types of Noun:
1. Proper Noun: proper means ones own i.e. Name of person, or place.
Babar was a king.
Babar is proper noun. (Proper Nouns are always written with a
Capital letter at the beginning.)
2. Common Noun: it is a name given in common to every thing of the
same class or kind. River, flower, boy, girl etc.(ex. The Ganges is a river.
Ram is a boy) ; here boy and river are called common noun.
3. Collective Noun: is the name of a number of persons or things taken
together and spoken of as one whole ; i.e. crowd, fleet , nation, family
4. Abstract Noun: is usually the name of quality, action or state. (i.e.
goodness, kindness, honesty, wisdom, laughter, youth, sickness, poverty
etc.) The names of Arts and Sciences are also abstract nouns. (i.e.
grammar, music, physics, chemistry etc.)
5. Another classification of Nouns: countable and uncountable:
Countable Nouns: If the things can be counted it is kept under Countable
Nouns. (i.e. book , pen, apple, girl, nurse, dog, pencil etc. )
Uncountable Nouns: If the things can not be counted it is kept under
UnCountable Nouns. (i.e. bravery, honesty, water, oil, rice, wheat etc. ). It has
no plural forms.

Point out the nouns in the following sentences and say whether they are
The crowd was very big. (crowd collective noun)
Always speak the truth. ( truth - abstract)
We all love honesty. (honesty abstract)
Our class consists of twenty pupils.( class collective)
Solomon was famous for his wisdom.(Solomon proper)(wisdomabstract)
6. The class is studying grammar. ( class collective; grammar abstract)

Write the collective nouns used to describe a number of (i) cattle, ii) soldiers;
iii) sailors.
Answers: i) herd; ii) army; iii) crew
Exercise 3:
Form Abstract Noun from the following adjectives:
Long; strong; wide; broad; high; young; true; wise; free; poor;
Answer: long length
Strong strength
Wide width
Broad breadth
High height
Young youth
Wise - wisdom
Free freedom
Poor poorness be continued

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