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Sixty Major Points

1. Du 20
Clears the brain, calms the spirit, revives consciousness, spreads liver Qi, subdues Liver
yang, extinguishes Liver wind, dispels wind, warms yang, restores collapsed yang,
stabilizes the lower orifices regulates and tonifies qi and calms the fetus.
2. Yintang - Located at the midline between the eyebrows.
Calms the spirit, dispels wind, clears heat, clears the nose.
3. Taiyang Located in the depression 1cun posterior to the midpoint between the lateral eyebrow
and the outer canthus of the eye.
Brightens the eyes, dispels wind and wind-heat, clears heat, extinguishes Liver wind.
4. Du 16 1 cun above posterior hairline in the depression below the occipital protuberance.
Benefits and clears the brain, opens the sensory orifices, and dispels wind, wind-cold
and wind-heat.
5. Du 14 Located below the spinous process of C7.
Calms the spirit and clears the brain, tonifies protective qi. Reduces fever, facilitates the
flow of qi. Regulates qi, dispels wind and wind-heat, clears fire, heat and summer heat,
restores collapsed yin, relaxes the sinews.
6. Du 4 - Ming Men - Vital Gate
Below the spinous process of L2.
Tonifies the Kidneys, especially qi and yang, tonifies source/congenital qi, regulates the
water pathways, dries dampness and damp-cold. Warms the yang, warms cold, benefits
the lower back and bones, tonifies jing/essence, stabilizes Kidney qi and calms the fetus.
Nourishes and stabilizes the lower Dan tian (cinnabar field). Calms the spirit, benefits
and clears the brain and restores collapsed yang.
7. Du 3 - Located below L4, at the junction between the yin/lower body and the
yang/upper body.
Tonifies the kidneys, especially qi and yang, stabilizes Kidney qi, benefits the lower
back and knees, warms cold and dries damp-cold.
8. Ren 22 Regulates the Lungs, Lung qi, diffuses Lung qi and transforms phlegm, moistens the
throat, softens hard masses, redirects rebellious qi down.
9. Ren 17 Regulates Lungs, Lung qi, and the upper burner, tonifies ancestral qi, expands and

relaxes the chest, diffuses Lung qi, regulates and tonifies qi. Transforms phlegm,
phlegm-cold and phlegm-heat warms the yang. It is the Alarm point of the Pericardium.
10. Ren 15 Located 7cun superior to the umbilicus on the anterior midline.
Regulates the Heart, expands and relaxes the chest, calms the spirit and transforms
Heart-phlegm. Redirects rebellious qi downward, dispels wind, clears heat and benefits
the diaphragm.
11. Ren 6 - Qi Hai - Sea of Qi
Located 1.5 cun below the umbilicus
Tonifies the Kidneys, especially qi and yang, tonifies source/congenital qi, enriches yin.
Regulates the Ren/Conception Vessel and menstruation, regulates the lower burner,
tonifies qi and blood, regulates the water pathways, resolves dampness, and damp-heat,
dries dampness and damp-cold. Clears deficiency heat, cools heat in the blood and
calms the fetus, restores collapsed yin or yang, raises middle/central qi. Warms yang
and warms cold, expels stones in the urinary tract. Gathers qi for the cinnabar field.
12. Ren 5 Located 2 cun below the umbilicus
Tonifies the Kidneys, especially yang, tonifies source/congenital qi, regulates
menstruation and the lower burner. Warms the yang and warms cold, dries dampness
and damp-cold. It is the Alarm point for the triple Burner.
13. Lu 1 - Located below the acromial extremity of the clavicle, 1 cun below the center
of the infraclavicular fossa and 6 cun lateral to the midline.
Regulates and tonifies the Lungs, especially qi and yin, regulates the upper burner and
tonifies ancestral qi. Diffuses Lung qi expands and relaxes the chest, clears heat,
especially the upper burner. It is the Alarm point of the Lung.
14. Lu 2- Located 6 cun lateral from the midline in the infraclavicular fossa.
Regulates the Lung, calms rebellious qi, relaxes and expands the chest.
15. Lu 5 - Located on the transverse cubital crease on the radial side of the tendon of the
bicep brachii.
Regulates and tonifies the Lungs, especially yin and qi, expands and relaxes the chest,
promotes redirection of rebellious qi. Clears heat, dispels wind-heat and wind-dryness,
moistens dryness and alleviates exterior conditions. Relieves spasms and pain in the
16. Lu 9 Located in the depression at the radial side of the radial artery at the transverse
wrist crease
Regulates and tonifies the Lungs, especially yin and qi, enriches yin, clears heat,
moistens dryness. Transforms phlegm-heat, damp-phlegm and dry-phlegm, especially in
the upper burner. Promotes redirection of rebellious qi. Unblocks the pulses, opens
sensory orifices, local wrist pain and weakness.
17. LI 16 - Located in the depression 1 cun medial to the acromioclavicular joint.
Benefits the shoulders, softens hard masses.

18. LI 15 Located directly inferior to the anterior border of the acromion where a depression is
formed when the arm is abducted.
Relaxes the sinews, benefits the shoulders, dispels wind and clears heat. Softens hard
19. LI 11 Alleviates exterior conditions, dispels wind, wind-heat, and wind-dryness, reduces
fever, clears fire, heat, summerheat and cools heat in the blood. Moistens dryness,
stimulates sweating, transforms damp-heat and damp-summerheat, invigorates the blood
and facilitates blood and qi flow.
20. LI 10 Located 2 cun distal to LI 11.
Regulates the Stomach and Intestines, relieves/reduces digestive stagnation, softens
hard masses. Relieves upper arm numbness, pain and muscle spasms.
21. LI 5 - Dispels wind-heat, clears heat and transforms damp-heat, calms the spirit,
relieves wrist pain and swelling.
22. LI 4 Alleviates exterior conditions, promotes or restrains sweating, reduces fever, facilitates
qi flow. Dispels wind, wind-cold, wind-dryness, wind-heat, clears fire and heat,
moistens dryness. Transforms damp-heat, phlegm, damp-phlegm, phlegm-cold, dryphlegm, generates fluids. Regulates and tonifies qi, tonifies protective qi, alleviates
pain. Regulates the Lungs, drains pathogenic influences from the Lungs. Regulates and
moistens the Large Intestine, softens hard masses, relaxes the sinews, moistens the
throat and benefits the tongue. Restores collapsed yang, clears summerheat, opens and
brightens the eyes. Expedites labor, clears the nose, paralysis and stiffness of the hand
and fingers.
23. Per 3
Located on the transverse cubital crease at the ulnar side of the tendon of the biceps
Regulates the Heart, expands and relaxes the chest, regulates the Stomach and
Intestines, clears heat, cools heat in the blood. Local for pain and cramps in the arm.
24. Per 6 - Nei Guan
Located 2 cun proximal from the anterior transverse crease of the wrist.
Regulates and tonifies the Heart, especially qi, yang, blood and yin. Transforms Heart
phlegm, facilitates qi flow, regulates the yin linking vessel, and clears heart fire. Calms
the spirit and clears the brain. Dispels wind-phlegm. Regulates the Liver, especially qi,
Stomach and middle burner. Spreads Liver qi, clears fire and heat, invigorates the blood.
Transforms dampness, damp-summerheat, and phlegm. Calms the fetus and alleviates
pain, redirects rebellious qi downwards, expands and relaxes the chest. Benefits the
diaphragm, expels gallstones, expedites and facilitates lactation. Local for pain and
spasms of the elbow.
25. Per 7 Located in the center of the anerior transverse crease of the wrist

Regulates the Heart, expands and relaxes the chest and clears Heart fire. Calms the spirit
and clears the brain, regulates the Stomach, clears heat and summerheat, cools heat in
the blood.
26. Per 8 Located on the radial side of the 3rd metacarpal bone, proximal to the
metacarpophalangeal joint.
Regulates the Heart, clears Heart fire, heat and summerheat, cools heat in the blood and
transforms damp -heat. Revives consciousness and clears the brain.
27. TW 14 - - Shoulder Opening
Located on the posterior ridge of the acromion process in the depression 1 cun posterior
to LI 15.
Benefits the shoulders, dispels wind and cold and relaxes the sinews.
28. TW 10 Located in the depression formed by flexing the elbow 1 cun superior to the olecranon.
Expands and relaxes the chest, redirects rebellious qi downward, dispels wind and clears
29. GB 20 - Located below the occipital bones level with Du 16, in the depression between the
trapezius and sternocleidomastoideus muscles.
Releases exterior conditions, dispels wind, wind-cold, wind-heat and cold. Subdues
Liver yang, relaxes the sinews, facilitates qi flow. Extinguishes Liver wind and clears
Liver fire and heat, opens and brightens the eyes, clears the sensory orifices.
30. GB 21 Located at the highest point on the shoulder halfway between Du 14 and the acromion.
Spreads Liver qi, extinguishes Liver wind, benefits the shoulder, clears heat. Redirects
rebellious qi downward, dispels wind and cold and facilitates qi flow. Expedites labor,
facilitates lactation, softens hard masses.
31. SI 15 - - Middle Shoulder Hollow
Located 2 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of C7.
Diffuses Lung qi, clears heat, benefits the shoulders and transforms phlegm and phlegm
heat, for local pain and stiffness.
32. B 13 - Lung's Hollow
Located 1.5 cun lateral toT3 - Du 15
Regulates and tonifies the Lung qi, regulates the upper burner, tonifies ancestral qi.
Diffuses Lung qi, expands and relaxes the chest, dispels wind, wind-cold, wind-dryness,
wind-heat and cold, transforms phlegm, phlegm cold, damp phlegm, and phlegm heat,
clears heat, releases exterior conditions and stimulates sweating.
33. B 14 - - Absolute Yin Hollow
Located 1.5 cun lateral T4.
Regulates and tonifies the Heart, qi and yang, expands and relaxes the chest, spreads
Liver qi and redirects rebellious qi downward.

34. B 15 - - Heart's Hollow

Located 1.5 cun lateral to T5 - Du 11.
Regulates and tonifies the Heart, qi, yang and blood, regulates the upper burner, tonifies
ancestral qi. Clears Heart fire and heat, cools heat in the blood, transforms Heart
phlegm, expands and relaxes the chest. Calms the spirit, strengthens and clears the brain
and transforms wind-phlegm.
35. B 17 Located 1.5 cun lateral to T7 - Du 9
Regulates and tonifies the Spleen qi. Regulates and tonifies the blood, influential point
for the blood, nourishes dry blood. Clears heat, cools heat in the blood, invigorates the
blood, generates fluids, facilitates blood flow, and enriches yin. Benefits the diaphragm,
contains the blood.
36. B 18 Located 1.5 cun lateral to T9 - Du 8
Regulates and tonifies the Liver, qi, yang and blood. Subdues Liver Yang, regulates the
Gallbladder, transforms damp-heat. Regulates qi and facilitates qi flow, brightens the
eyes. Clears Liver fire, heat and cools heat in the blood. Spreads Liver qi, regulates the
Stomach, softens hard masses.
37. B 19 - Gallbladder's Hollow
Located 1.5 cun lateral to T10 - Du 7
Regulates the Liver, qi, yang and the Gallbladder. Clears Liver fire and heat, transforms
damp-heat and regulates qi, brightens the eyes, expels parasites. Regulates the Stomach,
qi, softens hard masses.
38. B 20 - Pi Shu - Spleen's Hollow
Located 1.5 cun lateral to T11
Regulates, strengthens and tonifies the Spleen, qi and yang. Regulates the Stomach, qi
and yin and middle burner, nourishes blood dryness. Tonifies nutritive qi and blood,
reduces digestive stagnation. Warms cold, transforms dampness, damp-heat, dampphlegm, phlegm-cold and dries dampness and damp-cold. Contains the blood, softens
hard masses, raises middle qi, expedites lactation.
39. B 21 - Wei Shu - Stomach's Hollow
Located 1.5 cun from T12
Regulates, strengthens and tonifies the Spleen, qi and yang, regulates the Stomach, qi
and yin, middle burner. Tonifies nutritive qi, reduces digestive stagnation, clears
stomach fire, transforms dampness and damp-heat, dries dampness, and damp-cold.
Redirects rebellious qi downward.
40. B 22 Located 1.5 cun from L1 - Du 5
Regulates the Triple Burner and water pathways, tonifies the Kidneys, yang, and
resolves dampness, expels urinary stones.
41. B 23 Located 1.5 cun fromL2 - Du 4
Tonifies the Kidneys, qi, yang, essence, regulates the lower burner, warms the yang and

cold,. Tonifies source qi. Regulates water pathways, promotes urination, resolves
dampness, benefits the ears and brightens the eyes. Stabilizes Kidney qi and strengthens
the lower back and knees, expels urinary stones. Strengthens the brain.
42. B 24 Located 1.5 cun from L3
Strengthens the lower back and regulates qi and blood.
43. B 25 Located 1.5 cun from L4 - Du 3
Regulates and moistens the Intestines, resolves damp-heat, warms cold, dries dampcold, strengthens the lower back.
44. B 36 - Cheng Fu - Bearing Support
Located at the midpoint of the transgluteal fold.
Strengthens the lower back and facilitates qi flow.
45. B 40
Located at the midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa between the
tendons of the biceps femoris and semitendinosis muscles.
Dispels wind, clears heat and summerheat, cools heat in the blood, transforms dampheat, damp-summerheat. Alleviates pain and calms the fetus, strengthens the lower
back. Benefits the hips, strengthens the knees and relaxes the sinews, revives
46. B 60
Located in the depression between the lateral malleolus and tendocalcaneous level with
the vertex of the lateral malleolus.
Strengthens the back, relaxes the sinews, facilitates qi and blood flow. Invigorates the
blood, dispels wind-cold, expedites labor, local for ankle and heel pain, ankle edema
and pain in the sole of the foot.
47. St 30 Located 2 cun lateral to Ren 2 on the superior ridge of the pubic tubercle
Stabilizes essence and the lower orifices, regulates qi and blood. Tonifies nutritive qi,
regulates menstruation and the Penetrating vessel. Invigorates and contains the blood,
raises middle qi. Sea of Nourishment point, intersecting point of the Ren, Du, and
Chong/Penetrating Channels.
48. St 35 - Du Bi - Located in the depression formed by the lateral foramen of the
patella when flexed.
Benefits the knees, dispels wind and cold and clears heat.
49. St 36 - Zu San Li Located 3 cun inferior to St 35, 1 finger width lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia
Regulates, strengthens and tonifies the Spleen, qi, yang. Regulates the Stomach, qi and
yin and middle and lower burner. Tonifies nutritive qi, reduces digestive stagnation,
redirects rebellious qi down. Warms cold, drains pathogenic influences from the
Stomach. Regulates and tonifies the Lung's, qi, drains pathogenic influences from the
Lungs. Tonifies the Kidneys, yang, and source qi. Regulates and tonifies qi and blood,

facilitates qi and blood flow, calms the fetus. Transforms dampness, damp-heat, dries
dampness and damp-cold. Regulates and moistens the Intestines. Alleviates exterior
conditions, dispels wind and cold, clears heat. Restores collapsed yang, tonifies
protective qi and generates fluids. Softens hard masses, raises middle qi, expels stones.
Expedites lactation, benefits the knees.
50. St 41 Located level with the vertex of the lateral malleolus on the anterior aspect of the ankle
joint between the tendons of extensor digitorum longus and hallicus longus muscles.
Regulates the Stomach, qi, clears Stomach fire and heat and dispels wind. Calms the
spirit and clears the brain, local for lower leg pain stiffness and atrophy.
51. Sp 9 Located on the inferior border of the medial condyle of the tibia in a depression between
the posterior border of the tibia and the gastrocnemius muscle.
Regulates and tonifies the Spleen, yang. Regulates the Stomach, yin, and lower burner,
resolves dampness and damp-heat, damp-summerheat. Regulates the water pathways
and promotes urination.
52. Sp 6
Regulates, strengthens and tonifies the Spleen, qi and yang. Regulates the Stomach, qi,
and lower burner, reduces digestive stagnation. Tonifies qi and blood, nourishes blood
dryness, facilitates blood flow and clears fire due to deficiency. Resolves dampness and
damp-heat, dries dampness and damp-cold. Tonifies the Kidneys, yin, essence.
Stabilizes Kidney qi and lower orifices, enriches yin, regulates the water pathways,
promotes urination and moistens dryness. Regulates menstruation, warms cold,
invigorates the blood. Cools heat in the blood, expedites labor and calms the fetus.
Regulates the Liver, yin, subdues Liver yang and regulates qi. Raises middle qi, softens
hard masses, local for lower extremity pain.
53. K 10 Located on the medial side of the popileteal fossa level with B 40, between the tendons
of the semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles.
Tonifies the Kidneys, yin, clears heat in the lower burner, and heat in the blood,
strengthens the knee.
54. K 3 Located in the depression between the medial malleolus and the tendocalcaneous level
with the vertex of the medial malleolus.
Tonifies the Kidneys, qi, yang, yin, source qi, blood and essence. Stabilizes Kidney qi,
warms cold, restores collapsed yin, calms the fetus. Strengthens the brain, and regulates
menstruation and the water pathways. Enriches yin, clears deficiency fire and deficiency
heat, moistens dryness and stimulates sweating, local for pain in the foot.
55. K 1
Tonifies the Kidneys, yin, and essence and enriches yin. Calms the spirit, restores
collapsed yang, revives consciousness and transforms Heart Phlegm. Clears fire and
heat especially in the head.

56. Liv 3 Regulates and tonifies the Liver, qi, yang, blood and yin, Invigorates the blood,
transforms damp-heat, drains Liver heat. Regulates the Gallbladder and menstruation,
alleviates pain and regulates qi. Clears Liver fire and heat, cools the heat in the blood.
Redirects rebellious qi downward. Spreads Liver qi, facilitates qi and blood flow and
calms the fetus. Subdues Liver yang, relaxes the sinews and extinguishes Liver wind,
facilitates lactation, local for pain in the ankle and foot.
57. Liv 2 Regulates the Liver, qi, yang, clears Liver fire, and heat in the blood, and invigorates the
blood. Subdues Liver yang, extinguishes Liver wind, and calms the spirit, transforms
58. GB 34 Located in the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula.
Regulates and tonifies the Liver, qi, yang and blood, regulates the Gallbladder. Spreads
Liver qi, subdues Liver yang, extinguishes Liver wind. Clears heat, transforms dampheat, damp-summerheat, and drains Liver pathogens. Alleviates exterior conditions,
dispels, wind, wind-phlegm and cold. Benefits the joints and hips , strengthens the
knees, strengthens or relaxes the sinews, facilitates qi flow, regulates qi and alleviates
59. GB 39 - Located 3 cun superior to the vertex of the lateral malleolus in the
depression on the anterior border of the fibula. Regulates the Gallbladder, extinguishes
Liver wind, dispels wind, clears heat. Strengthens the bones, and transforms damp-heat.
Redirects rebellious qi downward, benefits the ears, local for pain and soreness of the
lower leg and ankle.
60. GB 40 Located anterior and inferior to the lateral malleolus on the lateral side of the tendon of
the extensor digitorum longus muscle.
Regulates the Liver, qi, blood and the Gallbladder. Spreads Liver qi, clears Liver fire
and heat, transforms damp-heat and benefits the joints. Softens hard masses, local for
pain and weakness in the ankle.

A popular treatment for injury and stress is to needle the four gates, the right
and left side points LV3 (feet) and LI4 (hands), which opens circulation
throughout the meridians.
For menopausal syndrome, the main points recommended are GV20 and
GV14, CV4, BL23, HT7, SP6 and ST36; secondary points include PC6, LV3,
and KI3.

For bedwetting at night among young children, recommended points include

CV4, BL23 and SP6; secondary points include LU7, KI3, CV6, and ST36.

For hayfever, recommended points include GB20, LI4, and ST36; secondary
points include GV14, LU7, LI11, and SP6.

In Insights of a Senior Acupuncturist, Miriam Lee describes a combination of

points that have wide application: ST36, SP6, LI4, LI11, and LU7. This set of
points, with slight adjustments (e.g., leaving out one or two, perhaps adding or
substituting one or two) is shown to be helpful for the majority of common
complaints seen in the Western acupuncture clinic.


Large Intestine Meridian: LI4,
This point is located on the back side of the hand between the thumb and first finger.
The dominant uses are to relieve pain and to treat constipation or other bowel disorders.
However, this point is also utilized in the treatment of inflammatory and feverish
diseases which have symptoms in the throat and head, because the large intestine
meridian runs from the hand to the face. Another key point on this meridian is LI11
(Quchi), located at the elbow. It is used for many upper body disorders, such as sore
throat, eye pain, lymphatic swellings, rashes, and difficulty moving the arms, and for
intestinal disorders, such as diarrhea and intestinal cramping.
Lung Meridian: LU7,
This point is located above the wrist on the inside of the arm. It is used to treat several
disorders of the upper body, including headache, neck stiffness, cough, asthma, sore
throat, facial paralysis, and wrist problems.
Stomach Meridian: ST36, Zusanli
. It is helpful for digestive disorders, including nausea, vomiting, gastralgia, and
abdominal distention, and also for general weakness. Recently, numerous clinical trials
have been conducted with treatment of this point alone, demonstrating positive effects
in treating anemia, immune deficiency, fatigue, and numerous diseases.
Spleen Meridian: SP6, Sanyinjiao
valuable for treating hormonal disorders (irregular menstruation, impotence) and
immune disorders. Another key point on this meridian is SP9 (Yinlingquan), located just
below the knee. It is used in the treatment of urinary diseases, especially with fluid
retention, abdominal and back pain, and female reproductive system disorders.
Gallbladder Meridian: GB20, Fengchi
It used in the treatment of acute disorders, such as common cold, influenza, headache,
neck pain, and fever. In addition, it lowers blood pressure and relaxes tension in the area
of the eyes. Another key point on this meridian is GB34 (Yanglingquan), located on the
outer side of the knee, and used for treating a wide range of injuries and disorders of the
muscles and tendons.
Liver Meridian: LV3, Taichong
The point is located on the top of the foot, between the first and second toes. It is used

to balance emotional energy, to regulate menstruation, to reduce tension and pain in the
chest, treat eye disorders, alleviate headaches, and reduce high blood pressure. The
adjacent point in the meridian, LV2 (Xingjian), at the webbing between the toes, is also
considered quite important and is frequently needled along with LV3; it has similar
uses, but is also incorporated into the treatment of lower abdominal disorders, such as
urinary problems.
Pericardium Meridian: PC6, Neiguan
This point is located on the inner arm, just above the wrist. Like other points on this
meridian, it is useful for cardiac disorders, such as heart palpitation and angina pectoris.
It is also useful for nausea, vomiting, spasms, and convulsions.
Heart Meridian: HT7, Shenmen
This point is located on the outer side of the wrist. It is used in the treatment of a variety
of mental disorders, such as absent mindedness, insomnia, disturbing dreams, hysteria,
depression, agitation, and mental illness. It is also used in the treatment of heart disease
and fatigue.
Urinary Bladder Meridian: BL40, Weizhong
This point is located at the back of the knee. It is utilized in the treatment of back pain,
hip impairment, muscular atrophy, leg pain and immobility, abdominal pain, vomiting,
diarrhea, and a host of other symptoms. Another important point on the bladder
meridian is BL23 (Shenshu), in the lumbar area (hip level) near the spine; it is used in
treatment of a wide range of disorders, including urinary problems, impotence,
menstrual disorders, low back pain, knee weakness, dizziness, ringing in the ears,
blurred vision, edema, asthma, and diarrhea. A large section of the bladder meridian is
of importance because, as it flows along either side of the spine (in two parallel lines on
each side), it associates with the internal organs in the vicinity.
Kidney Meridian: KI3, Taixi
This point is located just behind the inner ankle. It is used for disorders in several areas
of the body, including sore throat and toothache, deafness and tinnitus, dizziness,
asthma, thirst, insomnia, impotence, frequency urination, pain in the lower back, and
menstrual irregularities.
Triple Burner Meridian: TB5, Waiguan
The triple burner is considered to be a special type of organ system that spans the entire
torso. This point on the meridian is located on the outer side of the arm, above the wrist.
It is mainly used in treatment of disorders along the pathway of this meridian, that is, of
the fingers, hand, arms, neck, ears, cheek, and top of the head.
Small Intestine Meridian: SI3, Houxi
This point is located on the side of the hand, below the little finger. It is used for treating
mental disorders, stiffness and pain in the neck, chest, and lumbar region, seizures, night

sweats, and fevers.

Governing Vessel: GV20, Baihui
This point is located at the top of the head. It is traditionally applied in the treatment of
various mental disorders, and for problems that occur in the head: headache, vertigo,
ringing in the ears, nasal obstruction, difficulty with speech, etc. It is also used to treat
prolapse, such as that of the rectum and uterus. Another key point on this meridian is
GV14 (Dazhui), located just below the seventh cervical vertebrae (shoulder level); it is
used for treating neck and upper back problems, feverish diseases, convulsions, cough,
asthma, and common cold.
Conception Vessel: CV4, Guanyuan
This point is located a little below the navel. It is used for all types of lower abdominal
disorders, including urination problems, hernia, menstrual disorders, gynecological
infections, postpartum bleeding, diarrhea, rectal prolapse, etc. Another important point
on this vessel is CV6 (Qihai), half way between CV4 and the navel. The applications
are similar, but it is especially used in cases of accompanying fatigue.

Acupuntura del dolor (Empleo de los Vasos Maravillosos) en

. Se trata del Shenmai (62 V), Houxi (3 ID), Waiguan (5 SJ), Zulinqi (41 VB), Yanglingquan
(34 VB), Xuanzhong (39 VB) y los Huatuojiaji (EX-E-2; PC 15).

los puntos usados

62 V : Shenmai,
3 ID : Houxi,
5 SJ : Waiguan,
41 VB : Zulinqi,
34 VB : Yanglingquan,
39 VB : Xuanzhong,
EX-E-2; PC 15 : Huatuojiaji
1) V 62:

- parestesia de los miembros,

- hemipleja,
- paresia,
- dolor sin localizacin fija,
- movimientos difciles, falta de agilidad,
- algias del raquis (cervical, dorsal y lumbar)
- lumbalgia con turbaciones del equilibrio,
espasmos, contracciones, turbaciones en la mobilidad de las

El raquis presenter entonces alcances de tipo cervicalgias, tortcolis, lumbagos, lumbociticas. Segn la topografa, la citica puede ser de tipo S1 con un alcance del
zutaiyang (Vejiga) o de tipo L5, conforme al canal zushaoyang (Vesculo biliar).

2) ID 3:
- - rigidez y dolor de la columna vertebral,
- - contraccin de los miembros,
- - neuralgia maxilar,
- - cervicalgia, tortcolis,
- - neuralgia cervico-braquial,
- - dolor intercostilla unilateral que impide el respirar y el dormir
El houxi es un punto privilegiado que usar en los tortcolises, las cervialgias agudas, los
lumbagos, las lumbociticas, as como el shenmai (62 V) con el cual est aparejado.
El houxi (3 ID) es un punto que permite triunfar de la Humedad
3) TC 5:

neuralgias en general,
- dolores en los lados del cuerpo y del pecho,
- algia cervico-facial
- cervicalgias,
- parlisis de los cuatro miembros,
- inflamacin del brazo y del ante-brazo con artralgias, -artralgias del
miembro superior, de los dedos, dolor de la articulacin coxo-femoral,
- - dolor y contraccin del lado lateral del miembro inferior y del malolo
lateral, dolor e inflamacin de los talones,
- - dolores lumbares con inflamacin
4) VB 41: permite luchar contra la Humedad
- - artralgias generalizadas,
- - dolores errticos (reuma circulando de tipo Feng),
- - algia cervico-escapulo-braquial,
- - dolor, parestesia, contraccin del miembro superior,
- - dolores lumbares irradiantes en cintura en el nivel del ombligo,
- - dolores de los lumbares y de los miembros inferiores,
- - dolor, parestesia, debilidad, contraccin del miembro inferior,
- - contraccin de los dedos del pie
Canal Extraordinario importante en las coxartrosis y las caticas de typo L5.
5) VB 34: gran reunin de los msculos y de los tendones. Otra indicacin del 34 VB es
la gonalgia tan bien en relacin con una gonartrosis como a una coxartrosis. Inters pues
del 34 VB en toda la patologa neuro-muscular.
6) VB 39 : En todas las turbaciones de los huesos, fracturas : la sutura est obtenida
en el tercer o la mitad del tiempo habituado e impide los dolores y las inflamaciones.
en los problemas de artrosis, de artritis y de osteoporosis. En resumen, se trata de un
punto que favoriza la consolidacin huesosa y que permite la recalcificacin. Inters
pues del 39VB en cada problema artrsico que lleva una inflamacin, dolor e
impotencia funcional, en las osteoporosises y en todos los dolores neurlgicos de tipo
stiff neck (with GB 20 and 21 locally); distal for migraines; hemiplegia (flaccid
type); sciatica; distal point for knee; any pain in lower leg GB area and pain all three

yang meridians of the leg (such as resulting from hemiplegia); leg qi syndrome from.
meeting of three leg yang; influential point of bone marrow; with KD 6, SP 3, KD 3
for steaming bone disease (severe yin defic and consumptive disease); with GB 34
for ankle problems
7) Los Huatuojiaji: Los huatuojiaji (EX-E-2; PC 15) son los puntos extraordinarios de
la regin cervico-dorso-lumbar. Estn fuera de los canales y situados en los dos lados
del raquis en aproxidativamente cero coma cinco (0,5) cun de la lnea mediana, de la
primera vrtebra cervical a la cuarta vrtebra sacra. Se trata pues de puntos locales,
puntos centro-dolor que podemos comparar con los puntos Ashi. Sin embargo, aqu
estos puntos estn bien sistematizados.

T1-T3: Miembro superior - Pulmon.

T4-T6: desorden en triple calentador - corazon
T7-T9: desorden en H - VB
T10-T12: desorden en E - BP
L1-L2: desorden en R
L3-L5: desorden en miembros inferiores, V, IG, ID, utero

Es un resumen de los mejores puntos usados en acupuntura. Son muy
efectivos (70 a 90 %).
Son 16 puntos clsicos y 5 puntos extras

1. P7: Acta sobre la cabeza y el cuello. til para Neuralgia facial y

del trigmino. Sirve para cualquier dolor de cabeza excepto para
meningitis. En la cefalea de Horton da alivio inmediato.
Tcnica de puncin: Supinando la mano se palpa en la apfisis estiloides
del radio una fisura o canal que apunta al 5to dedo. La aguja debe entrar
cercana al periostio, apuntando al dedo meique.

2. IG 4: Acta sobre la cara, la boca, las epistaxis, la disminucin de

la agudeza auditiva y visual, afona, zumbido, disnea, prurito,
Tcnica de Puncin: Juntar pulgar con ndice, del punto mas alto del la
eminencia muscular ir un centmetro mas atrs, mas cerca del 2do
metacarpiano. Es ms proximal que la descripcin clsica. Duele al
Punta extra IG4 ( Zang hoku): Esta bien proximal al cuerpo en el ngulo
del primer con el 2do metacarpiano, esta sobre el segundo metarcapiano. Se
utiliza para tratar la articulacin temporomaxilar homolateral

3. IG 11: Acta sobre el codo, el hombro, los dientes, la rodilla, el

dolor de pecho y el prurito.
Tcnica de puncin: Flexionar el codo, hacer la puncin profunda al final
del surco de flexin, hacia C3. Es una puncin trasfixante de IG11 a C3. Se
punza homolateral. No funciona en artrosis de rodilla, en estos casos se
hace acup. Local. Para tratar pruritos y cualquier enfermedad de la piel se
hace una puncin superficial y subcutnea del pliegue hacia el codo, se
hace bilateral, 2 veces por semana. Esta indicado especialmente en pruritos.

4. IG 20: Es til para obstrucciones nasales, rinitis, plipos nasales,

epistaxis y parlisis facial.
Tcnica de puncin: Se puede hacer de dos maneras, un caso seria efectuar
la puncin en la mitad del surco naso geniano, y dirigir la aguja
subcutneamente hacia el ala de la nariz. La otra forma es desde el mismo
lugar de puncin dirigir la aguja al agujero infraorbitario. Se debe mover la
aguja hasta que caigan lagrimas, lo que confirma que se genero el reflejo
lacrimal. Es muy til en rinitis alrgica con muy buen resultado.

5. E 36: Acta sobre el aparato digestivo. Cefaleas frontales.

Tcnicas de puncin: Hay varias: La aguja va en sentido anteroposterior
no perpendicular a la piel, ya que eso corresponde a VB. Si se punza en
direccin al pie trata los tres calentadores.
Clsica: colocando la palma de la mano sobre la rotula, con la
rodilla flexionada, el dedo medio apoyado sobre la tibia, el
meique o el ndice ( depende del lado) indica el punto
Mejor: Palpar la espina tibial, ir tsun para abajo, y de all un
tsung hacia fuera, esta el `punto.

6. BP 4: Acta sobre el tero, la dismenorrea y el aparato digestivo.

Sirve para el parto prematuro, ya que inhibe las contracciones
uterinas. Hacerlo 2 veces por semana 15 minutos.
Tcnica de Puncin: desde el hueso navicular (el ms saliente del pie)
trazar una recta hacia el arco del pie, en la unin de los dos colores de la
pie, sobre el metatarsiano, palpando un centmetro proximal all se halla el
punto. Se clava la aguja perpendicular, un centmetro tocando el 1er

7. BP 6: Util en problemas ginecologicos. Impotencia. Alteraciones

hormanales femeninas.

Tecnica de puncion: Tomar el punto mas alto del maleolo interno y desde
alli medir 3 tsung, apretar la zona y clavar en el lugar que duela mas. Si la
zona duele cronicamente es por alteracin del INN. Es util para cualquier
problema cronico, especialmente femenino. Si hay cefaleas menstrueales
usarlo junto a P7, en tanto que si la cefalea aparece lugo de tomar alcohol,
es mejor usar P7 y E 36.

8. ID5: Es util en Ciatalgias, lumbalgias, zumbidos, estomatitis,

gingivitis, dolor en bajo vientre.
Tecnica de puncion: Se punza el ligamento triangular de la mueca y la
aguja debe tocar al periostio. Se usa CONTRALATERAL en la
ciatalgias, relaja al gluteo medio y al piriforme.

9. V54: Actua sobre la region lumbar y dorsal. Calambres en miembro

Tecnica de puncion: Ubicar la mitad del hueco popliteo, y puncar medio
centmetro para arriba o para debajo del pliegue para que no se infecte. Se
profundiza la aguja hasta la capsula articular, se obtiene la parestesia y se
retira un poco.
V60: Se usa en lumbociatalgias, citicas, cefaleas,
coxigodineas. Tiene el mismo efecto que V54, hacerlo cuando el
paciente esta sentado o boca arriba.


CS6: Actua sobre el torax, estomago, corazon. Nauseas y

vomitos post-quimioterapia. Palpitaciones. Punto llave interno.
Tecnica de puncion: Se halla a 2 tsung del pliegue del puo, en caso de
tunel carpiano, se busca a los costado del los palmares, insertando las
agujas en 45 buscando el nervio. Otra forma, aun mejor es punzar el borde
medio del bceps a 3 tsung del puo. Se punza perpendicular.
Funciona bien para corazon y torax, del diafragma hacia arriba. Actua en la
causalgia de la estenotomia. En dolores que se producen al inspirar en las
pleuritis. Hipo. E36 actua desde la pierna hasta VC12.


TC8; Pto de reunion del los 3 Yang del cuerpo. Actua sobre los
dolores en el pecho, codo, braso y neuralgias intercostales. Actua
sobre la cara lateral del torax homolateral.
Tecnica de Puncion: se hace a 4 tsong sobre el pliegue de la mueca, en el
lado radial


VB 30: Util en lumbalgia, ciatalgia y hernias de disco.

Tecnica de puncion: Trazar una linea de lo mas alto del trocanter mayor
hasta el inicio del pliegue intergluteo, el punto este en el medio de esa
linea. Tiene el mismo efecto que ID5 ( gluteo medio y piriforme)


VB 34: Util para dolor en tobillo torax cefalea vomitosTecnica de puncion: El punto se halla tsung delante del punto clasico, se
palpa la cabeza del perone, la espina de la tibi y se hace un triangulo hacia
abajo. El vrtice indica el punto. Se debe sentir el correr del chi en el 100%
de los casos. Influye sobre los tendones y musculos, es relajante del
msculo liso y estriado.


VB39 : Util para dolor en pierna, calcaneo, cervicales y

lumbares. Anorexia. Diarrea .
Tecnica de puncion: El punto esta 3 tsung sobre el maleolo externo del
perone. Justo donde el hueso deja de ser cubierto por el msculo. Si se
punza sobre el borde posterior se actua sobre el calcaneo, en tanto que si se
punza sobre el hueso o en el borde anterior se actua sobre las cervicales.
Para que actue sobre la medula no hay que punzar al msculo. Se halla
tsung arriba del clasico.


H3: Util en jaqueca, dolor de pecho, dolor en hipocondrio,

puvalgia. Es antidepresivo. Punto especial para los ojos.
Tecnica de puncin: en el vrtice del angulo del metatarsiano del dedo
gordo y del que le sigue.


INN-TRANG: Util en ansiedad, rinitis, cefalea. Enf .ocular,

Tecnica de la puncion: se hace medio centmetro mas arriba del entrecejo y
se progresa la aguja oblicua hacia el periostio, debe sentirse el chi.


DINGCHINAG: Util en asma, tos y broncoespasmo.

Tecnica de puncion: Se halla a tsung del VG 14, se colocan 2 agujas, una
a cada lado, se hace perpendicular.


Yaotongxue ( Punto del dolor lumbar)( EX UE 7): Se usa en

lumbalgias, se halla en el 2do y 3er metacarpiano, se punzan las

agujas en 45. Se usa solo la mano izquierda.


Luozhen: (EX UE8) Cervicobraquialgias. Se halla entre el 2do

y 3er metacarpiano, distante a la articulacin metacarpofalangica.


E 38 V 57: En el medio de la pierna, entre E38 y V57. Es

util para el hombro congelado y dolores en el hombro. Es un punto
show que hace elevar el hombro en hombro congelado.


Main effect and clinical purpose
This points-combination is commonly used as a general tonic for
Qi and Blood. It is therefore frequently used in cases of severe
lassitude, anemia, impotence, spermatorrhea and the like.
Because of this points-combination's main effect, it is used with a
tonifying manipulation and/or moxa.
(ST-44), XIANGU (ST-43) [43]
Main effect and linical purpose
This is a points-combination based on the law "one point above
two points below" . Its purpose is to clear obstruction from the
Yang-Ming system, mainly sinusitis.
It has a clear sedating effect, and is therefore used for excess
patterns, characterized by Heat and Damp.
Main effect and clinical purpose
The combination above is a points-cluster of the shoulder. It is
frequently used to disperse stagnation in the shoulder joint, and
to facilitate the flow of Qi there.
The cluster is usually effective in Cold stagnation of the shoulder,
or Damp Bi (cases of frozen shoulder, perifocal inflammation of
the shoulder joint etc.). It may also be of value for traumatic pain
from sport, or accident.

Jianneiling is an extra point situated exactly between Jianyu and

the top of the anterior axillary crease.
Main effect and clinical purpose
This points-combination works primarily on the Liver and
Gallbladder channels, and has a strong Yang, or Fire-reducing
action, as well as Wind clearing, especially Liver Wind from the
As a result of these properties, the combination is widely used to
treat hypertension of Liver Yang, or Liver Fire origin. It may also
treat headaches, migraine, or pressure behind the eye
(glaucoma) of the same etiology.
5.QUCHI (LI-11), XUEHAI (SP-10), WAIGUAN (T-5)
Main effect and clinical purpose
The above points-combination is widely used to treat skin
disorders, mainly characterized by Heat and Wind, of either
internal or external origin.
These disorders Include allergic skin reactions, various types of
eczema, rash, hives, and other conditions.
With added points like (SP-9) , or (SP-6), it may also treat skin
conditions in which Damp exists, i.e. weeping eczema,
furunculosis, etc.
6. (Per-6), (P-7), (L-7)
Main effect and clinical purpose
This points-cluster helps facilitate the flow of Qi and blood to the
palm and fingers. It is used in cases of Metacarpal Tunnel
Syndrome, where Qi and Blood are blocked in the matacorpal
joint vicinity, and the symptoms exhibit numbness and weakness
of the fingers. 7. (LI-15), (LI-11), (LI-4)
Main effect and clinical purpose

This very much used points-combination has been initiated in

accord with the principle of choosing points on the same
meridian, for mutual assistance.
It is used in many different problems of the arm, involving the
shoulder, arm, hand and fingers.
Its main use, however, is to invigorate the flow of Qi and Blood in
the upper limb, for problems such as Painful-Bi of different
etiologies, or paralysis.
7. (LI-4), (CV-22), (LI-18)
Main effect and clinical purpose
The points-combination above is mainly used to treat conditions
in which phlegm has accumulated in the throat region, giving rise
to problems such as: hoarse voice, asthma with a sensation of
blocked throat, lumps in the throat, goiter etc.
8. SHENSHU (B-23), WEIZHONG (B-54), KUNLUN (B-60)
Main effect and clinical purpose
It is structured on the principle "one point above - two points
below, on the same meridian" (see chapter B, number 6).
It is perhaps the most popular combination to treat low back pain,
of any etiology. it may definitely be of great value even in cases of
middle and upper back pain, with the addition of some other local
9. NEIGUAN (P-6), (ST-36), Z (CV-12)
Main effect and clinical purpose
This points-combination is the basic, and most fundamental
prescription for all stomach complaints. Its action is to regulate
and harmonize Stomach-Qi, resolve gastric stagnation of any
kind and redirect the rebellious Qi of the Stomach.
It is therefore mainly used for gastric pain of different etiologies,
nausea and vomiting, such as in the morning sickness syndrome.
10. (GV-1), (B-57), (GV-20)

Main effect and clinical purpose

This is the basic formula to treat hemorrhoids of any aetiology.
This combination treats haemorrhoids symptomatically, including
bleeding and prolapse, but it may need addition of points in order
to effectively treat the underlying cause of the haemorrhoids.
11. (Hea-7), NEIGUAN (P-6), YINTAMG (EXTRA), (SP-6)
Main effect and clininal purpose
Many points and combinations exist in acupuncture for the
purpose of relaxing the nervous system. This combination,
however, is probably the most renowned for this purpose.
It is used to relax the Heart and calm the Shen, relieve tension
and anxiety, and treat insomnia.
12. ZHIGOU (T-6), (LIV-14), (G-34), (LIV-3)
Main effect and clinical purpose
This points-combination is used to regulate the Liver and
Gallbladder meridians, to remove obstruction from their
passages, and to resolve stagnation of Liver-Qi.
Therefore it is often used in cases of flank pain, oppression and
discomfort in the chest, and distension of the breasts.
Besides this it may also treat sciatica which occurs along the
route of the Gallbladder meridian, or paralysis of one side of the
body associated with this meridian.
13. ZHIGOU (T-6), I (K-6), (ST-25)
Main effect and clinical purpose
This combination of points has a special effect on regulating the
function of the intestines, and eliminating constipation.
14. (SP-1), (CV-6), (SP-10), (SP-6)
Main effect and clinical purpose

This combination has a strong effect on the blood. Most of the

points here have a regulating effect on the blood, and as a whole,
it is used for astringent purposes. It arrests bleeding from any of
the body nine orifices, but particularly uterine bleeding, or
bleeding of the digestive tract.
15. TIANSHU (ST-25), (ST-37), (SP-5), (SP-9)
Main effect and clinical purpose
This combination is a classical points-combination to clear Damp
and Heat from the intestines.
It is therefore used to treat problems such as chronic diarrhea,
dysentery, enteritis and colitis.
Desde el punto de vista de la medicina china, se trata en todos los casos de un desequilibrio de bazo
pncreas . Sabemos que este meridiano est vinculado con la asimilacin, ya sea del alimento, as como
tambin de todos los procesos sicolgicos y del aprendizaje. Se relaciona tambin con el gusto y la
lengua como rgano del sabor. Y desde el punto de vista de las emociones, con las ideas obsesivas o
rumiantes y fundamentalmente con la compasin, emocin de tierra que representa el sentimiento de
"incluir el ambiente como parte de uno mismo" (seleccin de lo que entra y lo que dejamos afuera de
nuestro ser.)
Este desequilibrio puede ser primitivo de BP o producirse a otro nivel y secundariamente actuar sobe l.
Cuando se origina en BP puede tratarse, en los casos ms leves, de un paciente con un buen nivel
intelectual, estudioso, con avidez por el conocimiento y la comida, memorioso, que muy a menudo se
come las uas, y es extremadamente ordenado, su tez es amarillenta y su gordura generalmente fofa. En
los casos ms graves nos encontramos con la bulimia-anorexia dos entidades que para la medicina china
van unidas como caras de una misma moneda.
El 3 y 4BP son los puntos que me resultan ms tiles en estos casos.
Si P es el meridiano primitivamente afectado, vamos a encontrar pacientes que luego de sufrir prdidas
importantes, tratan de introyectar la figura perdida. El caso ms frecuente es la viudez en parejas bien
avenidas, y el divorcio de los padres en nios.
Los puntos ms interesantes en este caso con el 5BP, punto metal de BP, y 9P, punto tierra de P. Punzo el
punto del meridiano que tiene menos energa con respecto al otro para lo cual me sirvo del pulso.
Si R es el afectado, tenemos el temor como emocin predominante, pero es este un temor que no se
pone de manifiesto, sino que permanece oculto y es necesario interrogar con detenimiento pues a travs
de la historia del paciente descubrimos un episodio que ha generado ese temor que no se ha resuelto o
"asimilado" en su momento. Para estas personas la comida en exceso se acumula y va formando una
gruesa coraza dentro de la que se sienten protegidos algunas veces, y en otras oportunidades el aumento
de peso y por consiguiente de tamao corporal, los hace sentir ms fuertes, con ms autoridad,
Los puntos ms importantes para este grupo son: 3R, punto tierra R, y el 9BP, punto agua de BP.
En el caso de que el proceso comience en H, encontramos un obeso con una buena masa muscular,
activo, dinmico, el cuerpo engruesa parejo pero no pierde las proporciones y solo tardiamente se
deforma. En este caso, aparece un marcado deseo de dulce luego de episodios de enojo no
expresado, y en menos oportunidades, de aquellos que se expresan en exceso. Los puntos que ms
utilizo son el 3H, punto tierra de H, y el 1BP, punto madera de BP.
Si es C el meridiano afectado al comienzo, vamos a encontrar pacientes ansiosos, angustiados o
impacientes, generalmente hipersensibles, de altos valores espirituales, con una mscara de alegra pero
con pesimismo de diferente grado en su interior. La alegra es la madre de la compasin; y en el exceso

de comida el paciente est incluyendo al ambiente dentro de s. Los puntos ms utilizados en estos casos
son el 2BP, punto fuego de BP, y el 7C, punto tierra de C.
Por supuesto que esta divisin es solo terica ya que en la prctica presentan a menudo elementos de
muchos meridianos a la vez.
Junto con los anteriores nombrados, utilizo siempre los puntos de asentimiento vesicales de los
meridianos correspondientes, y todos aquellos que me parezcan tiles para cada paciente.
En todos los casos punzo tambin los del microsistema de la oreja, algunos de ellos con
electroestimulacin con frecuencias entre 1-2Hz. e intensidad suficiente para que tenga la sensacin del
pasaje de corriente. Los estmulos de este tipo liberan beta endorfinas a nivel enceflico con los
consiguientes beneficios que ello reporta

Obesity is a deficiency in the Earth element.
First treatment:
Sp6 tonifies Earth.
Ren 12 resonates to the principle of Nourishment.
Co 4 stimulates the stomach and gut (Yangming).
Palm over Ren 12 for 20 seconds.
Second treatment:
St36 tonifies Spleen.
Ren 12.
Du 20 tonifies qi overall.
Alternate every ten days.
Du 20. Co4
Ren 12

Sp6 St36
Add for any other TCM syndromes. The successful treatment of obesity depends on
healing the emotional need to be nourished. By connecting the Earth element correctly
to the planet, the patient is released from the need to hold on to what he perceives to be
security, and let go.
Great Points
These points are able to stimulate the meridians in a more profound way than other
points, by resonating to basic principles within the Universe:
K 3 is the most fundamental point on the body. We gain our qi from the planet via the
Sacral Chakra - or Water in TCM. This point resonates to the principle of
Connectedness. i.e. kidney qi is weak when we are not in perfect connection to our
source. Rather than just tweaking the meridian, this point connects us to the energy
supply we all live in.
K 6 applies the same principle of connection, to the Yin of the planet. This is the
nurturing force of growth rather than the dynamic force of qi. Together, these two are
kidney essence Jing.

Sp 6 unites the principles of Spleen and Kidney. Our vitality depends on our ability to
use both sources solar, via food, and planetary. This point resonates to the nurturing
principle of both; to be nourished spleen, and protected kidney. It is the prime point
to use when we have cut off our own energy through worry.
Sp 9 represents the principle of Elimination. It connects us with the self cleansing
action of Nature.
Co 4 represents the principle of Harmony.
At 5 Element level it harmonises Metal,
At qi level it harmonises Earth Spleen.
Its relation to the head is its ability to harmonise the overall Yin/Yang balance of the
body, which is always out of order in headache.
It regulates Metal via its connection to Lu7.
It regulates Spleen via the Yangming channels [St, Co.]
To harmonise is necessarily to affect the whole body, which is why the point is so far
Ren 12 is in the centre of the Solar Plexus. It resonates to the principle of Nourishment.
We can use this point whenever Earth or Spleen qi is deficient, and enhance the effect
by placing our right palm over the needle for twenty seconds.
SJ 5 is on a Fire meridian, which in turn feeds into a Wood meridian. It has a profound
effect on both elements, at emotional and qi levels. Its principle is Cooling. This means
it reduces both heat and over-activity, but does not clear stagnation.
Liv 3 is the most powerful point on the body it connects us to planet Earth. Wood
represents growth and evolution. We paralyse this by Fear, by being afraid to move on.
This point opens us to the full potential if life on Earth through the principles of
Confidence and Trust. It is the only point to heal Fear and its effects whatever the cause
or effect.
GB 34 is situated over the Peroneal Nerve. Its principle is Release. It is the Access
point to the nervous system and a gateway to Liv3. These two points together release
stagnant qi , and its effect on the nerves [Wind] to Earth
P 6 resonates to the principle of Unity. It opens our Heart centre to the flow of Love,
which is the unifying force of all living things. It is called Neiguan the Inner Gate, as
it opens our Heart Protector for us to give and receive this force. Without this free, twoway flow, we become isolated and cut off our own love of life.
H 7 is the gateway to Peace. To be at peace within ourselves, we must be at peace with
the world at large. Shenmen means Spirit Gate. Whereas Neiguan is the Inner Gate,
Shenmen opens us to the quality of Peace, which is a natural state within Nature. Peace
is that state which we lose when we become distracted by our own troubles. By needling
Shenmen we re-connect a patient to that quality. Their Heart centre Fire, is opened to
the vibration of peace and resonates to it. The effect is like tuning a guitar string. As the
centre is re-tuned to Peace, irritation ebbs away.
Lu 7 is the gateway between our own physical qi, and that of the planet. The vitality of

the lungs depends on unhindered contact with planetary qi, in order to have unhindered
exchange on the physical level air. This also depends on adequate supply of kidney qi.
Emotionally, a blocked Metal element has a crippling effect on vitality. Lu7 dispels
accumulated grief by the same principle of connection. Grief is a condition of isolation
and needs to be healed by companionship.
GB 20 is adjacent to the lowest part of the brain. It is the gateway to the subconscious.
This maintains the basic processes of life and our instinctive reactions. The principle is
Protection. When stress causes these functions to go awry [Wind], this point is the
means to regulate them. E.g. Its common use in headaches is by regulating arterial
pressure, due to yang rising.
It is also the point to restore left / right balance, being at the crossing point of the spinal
Du 20 is at the top of the body. It relates to the Crown chakra, which is the guiding
principle of our life. When we lose touch with this inner guidance, we lack motivation,
since we dont know what to do. If there is no motivation, lethargy sets in and qi
stagnates. We use this point to re-establish direction in life, as well as to tonify the
whole body. When qi is exhausted, this point will invigorate all meridians, providing the
cause is being dealt with.
The Principles mentioned here are all in accord with TCM theory. They can also give us
an insight into its deeper meaning. For instance, the concept of Kidney Jing takes on a
deeper meaning when we can see it as an extension of the nurturing power of the planet.
It isnt something we have to ourselves rather than something we all share in. K3
enhances our ability to connect with it.
Pain Relief
We could define Pain as at two different levels: physical or emotional. The division is
artificial but helps us understand this crucial condition.
Physical pain is that which is transmitted through the Nervous System and registered in
the brain.
Emotional pain is registered at 5-Element level, the Astral Body.
When treating physical pain, the end result is to reduce nerve impulses to the brain.
Although there may be several layers of cause, it would benefit the patient if we could
effect an immediate reduction of the nerve impulse.
Needling H7 and Liv3 and placing the right palm over the pain for 20 seconds calms the
impulse. Obviously, the immediate cause of this impulse is the priority. This is treated
by careful TCM assessment.
This in turn may, or may not, be caused by emotional pain. It would be of enormous
benefit to the patient if we could disengage this level and treat it at the same time. The
key to doing this is the source point for the element involved: Lu7, Sp3 or K3, the other
two already in use. This strategy allows for quicker pain relief whilst deeper issues are
being addressed.


The Pain Triangle

This prescription can be used whenever we encounter chronic pain, as an adjunct to
normal treatment. Its purpose is to reduce the sensation of pain in the nervous system:
Needle the scalp, anywhere on the top of the head.
Needle H7 and Liv3.
Place your palm over the scalp needle for 20 seconds.

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