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Michael Mancini

Chapter 8 outline
Congress drafts George Washington
Washington lost more battles than he won
Washington was from the south
Washington was picked to be General for political reasons rather than job requirements
People trusted Washington
Washington was wealthy and worked for free
Bunker hill and Hessians
Many Americans wanted the war to end right as it began, but the king insisted the
fighting went on.
Ethan Allen and Benidict Arnold took over Ticonderoga and Crown point
The Brits attacked Bunker hill head on leaving them with many casualties
The Americans would have won had they not run out of ammo and gunpowder
The continental congress issued the olive branch petition saying the colonists were loyal,
but the king didnt listen
George III hired the Germans to help the British
Hessians were good soldiers, but they were easily lured away by American promises for
land and a better life.
Abortive conquest of Canada
The colonists tried to invade Canada to avoid a British attack from the north
The Colonists captured Montreal, but were unable to take Quebec
The French Canadians preferred the British to the colonists
Fighting began all around the colonies, but many still yearned for no independence
T-Paine Preaches Common sense
Many Americans thought of themselves as part of a trans atlantic community
Americans saw the mistreatment of the Irish Rebels and didnt want to face the same fate
Thomas Paines Common Sense was one of the best selling books at the time. It
encouraged the colonists to actively seek out freedom from the king, and establish a
In the universe a larger body is never controlled by a smaller one, so why does Britain
control the United States?
Paine called for a Republic
Everyone ought to be governed by popular consent
Some British people favored a non oppressive government and their writings made their
way into the states
Civic virtue is the most important element of Republicanism
Most people wanted some kind of restriction on voting because they wanted an
aristocracy of talent
Jefferson on Independence
Richard Henry argued for Free independent States
July 2 was the actual date the colonies separated from Britain

The Declaration of independence was passed on July 4, 1776

The declaration was mostly an appeal to the international community for help more than
it was an actual demand for independence
Jefferson didnt actually believe that all men were created equal, but he wrote it anyway
because it was good press for himself and it grabbed the attention of the world
Patriots and loyalists
British and Loyalists fought Whigs and Patriots
Revolution was a minority movement- most were apathetic
British really had no basis for popular support
Militia helped spread the ideas of the patriots to the colonies.
Ben Franklins son was a loyalist
Rich people were loyalists
Sam Adams and Patrick Henry were the leaders in recruiting people for the patriots
Loyalists were usually Anglican
Loyalists least numerous in New England
British Used American Churches for pigsties
Loyalist exodus
Before the declaration the loyalists were treated with respect
After the declaration the loyalists were frequently manhandled and disrespected. A few
loyalists were hanged for their actions
No reign of terror offered
Loyalists lost property
Loyalists incited Indians to attack non loyalists
General Washington at Bay
Brits concentrated in New York
Brits came with 500 ships and 35 thousand men
Washington lost the Battle of Long Island
William Howe of the British did not crush the continental army for some reason
Washing came back on Christmas and beat the British near Philadelphia, and at Princeton
Burgoynes Blundering invasion
Tried to take over the Hudson river, but failed
Benidict Arnold was considered a hero
Howe Camped in Philadelphia while Washington was in valley forge
Stuben brought the army into an elite fighting force
Revolution in Diplomacy
France saw the chance to become an empire once again if they defeated the British
The Americans didnt really like France because the French supported mercantilism
Model treaty- No political connection, no military connection, and only commercial
America didnt follow model treaty
Franklin was one of the first professional diplomats

Franklin and Vlotare were friends

Franklin got France on board with the revolution
Colonial war becomes a wider one
Spain and Holland joined the Colonists informally
Catherine of Russia supported armed neutrality
Without France the Americans would have been toast
After Frace joined the Americans started to really win battles
Blow and counterblow
Comete de Rochambleu was the French commander
Arnold tries to sell West point
The British then started to work on the south, but they werent super successful
Nathania Green was the fighitn quaker
Land Frontier and Sea frontier
Indians burned American settlements
Most Natives preferred the British to the colonists
George Clark came with about 200 troops and took over 5 forts
Pro British natives surrendered in 1784
Americas Navy was small
America employed prvateers because they could not afford a traditional navy
The privateers attacked tradeships rather than military ones
The privateers sent the cost of insurance way up so the sailors urged parliament to end the
The Us defaults and will only pay back 2 cents par dollar
Inflation was high
The battle of Yorktown was essentially won by the French because they were the ones
who provided the Naval support in the Chesapeake and on the ground. Corwallis had to
surrender because he was out gunned and out maneuvered.
Warfare actually extended past the battle, but on a small scale
Peace at Paris
George III wanted more war, but everyone else wanted peace
The British were forced to declare peace because the French were poised to take over
Gibraltar ad other regions.
America didnt want to help France at all after the war
In 1783 Britain fully accepted the Independence of the United States

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