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LS Gilchrist, PT, PhD, is Associate

Professor, Doctor of Physical Therapy Program, College of St Catherine, 601 25th Ave S, Minneapolis,
MN 55454 (USA), and Clinical Research Scientist, Childrens Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Address all
correspondence to Dr Gilchrist at:
ML Galantino, PT, PhD, is Professor
of Physical Therapy, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Pomona,
NJ, and Adjunct Research Scholar,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
M Wampler, PT, DPTSc, is Physical
Therapist, Harrison Medical Center, Bremerton, Washington.
VG Marchese, PT, PhD, is Assistant
Professor, Department of Physical
Therapy, Lebanon Valley College,
Annville, Pennsylvania, and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Penn
State Hershey College of Medicine, The Pennsylvania State University, Hershey, Pennsylvania.

A Framework for Assessment in

Oncology Rehabilitation
Laura S Gilchrist, Mary Lou Galantino, Meredith Wampler, Victoria G Marchese,
G Stephen Morris, Kirsten K Ness
Although the incidence of cancer in the United States is high, improvements in early
diagnosis and treatment have significantly increased survival rates in recent years.
Many survivors of cancer experience lasting, adverse effects caused by either their
disease or its treatment. Physical therapy interventions, both established and new,
often can reverse or ameliorate the impairments (body function and structure) found
in these patients, improving their ability to carry out daily tasks and actions (activity)
and to participate in life situations (participation). Measuring the efficacy of physical
therapy interventions in each of these dimensions is challenging but essential for
developing and delivering optimal care for these patients. This article describes the
acute and long-term effects of cancer and its treatment and the use of the World
Health Organizations International Classification of Functioning, Disability and
Health (ICF) as a basis for selection of assessment or outcome tools and diagnostic or
screening tools in this population.

GS Morris, PT, PhD, is Director of

Clinical Research in Rehabilitation
Sciences, The University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, Texas.
KK Ness, PT, PhD, is Assistant
Member, Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Control, St
Jude Childrens Research Hospital,
Memphis, Tennessee.
[Gilchrist LS, Galantino ML, Wampler M, et al. A framework for assessment in oncology rehabilitation. Phys Ther. 2009;89:286 306.]
2009 American Physical Therapy

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Physical Therapy

Volume 89

Number 3

March 2009

Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

ancer has a high incidence in

the United States, where 46%
of all males and 41% of all females can expect to develop either
an invasive or in situ cancer.1 An
estimated 1.4 million new cases of
cancer are diagnosed each year, with
nearly 13,500 of these cases occurring in individuals younger than 20
years of age.2 In years past, survival
following a diagnosis of cancer was
problematic; however, dramatic
progress in the ability to diagnose
cancers earlier and to provide moreeffective and targeted treatments has
led to substantial increases in survival. The National Cancer Institutes
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End
Results Program estimates that 65.3%
of adults diagnosed with cancer between the years 2001 and 2005 will
survive for at least 5 years.1 In addition, about 80% of people younger
than 19 years of age who are diagnosed with cancer today are expected to survive for 5 years or longer.1,3 All told, an estimated 10 million
people are living in the United States
today who have or have had a diagnosis of cancer.1 As the population
ages and treatments improve, these
numbers are expected to continue to
rise. Currently available medical interventions for cancer are designed
to eliminate or control disease by
suppressing cell growth (chemotherapy, irradiation) or directly removing
the tumor (surgery).4 15 These treatments may lack specificity and can
damage normal tissue.16 19 Thus,
cancer is no longer an acute disease,
with mortality as the primary outcome. Rather, treatment successes
have made cancer a chronic disease,
with many survivors developing significant sequelae to either the disease itself or to the treatment.20 23
Oncology rehabilitation has long
been a part of the management of
cancer, but with increased survivorship, these efforts have evolved from
simple supportive and palliative care
to now include complex rehabilitaMarch 2009

tion interventions designed to restore the integrity of organ structure

and function, to remediate functional loss, and to adapt to the environment so as to allow full participation in daily activities and life roles.
In the current medical environment,
demonstrating treatment efficacy by
means of quantifiable outcome measures is increasingly important. As
such, the expansion of interventions
provided to patients with cancer and
survivors of cancer must be accompanied by the appropriate application of new and existing measures.
Because the information generated
by these tools may be seen by many
health care professionals and can extend across broad spans of time, the
utility of such information is greatest
when it is presented within a framework of standardized language and
concepts. Such a framework can be
found in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability
and Health (ICF).24 This classification system is designed to describe
health and health-related status from
biological, personal, and societal perspectives. Disorders across the domains of body structure and function, activities, and participation are
referred to as impairments, limitations, and restrictions, respectively.
Functioning is an umbrella term
that encompasses these 3 domains.
Health conditions or disease states,
personal factors, and the environment interact with these constructs
to determine whether disordered
functioning will result in disability.24
The primary purpose of this article is
to use the ICF framework and its
language to describe outcome measures and diagnostic screening tools
that the rehabilitation therapist will
find useful in assessing patients with
an oncology diagnosis. Some of these
outcome measures may be new to
therapists; others may already be
part of their routine assessment.
However, factors unique to a diagnosis of cancer or to its treatment may

influence how and when such routine measures are used. Thus, the
second purpose of this article is to
provide greater understanding of
the clinical issues common to the
oncology population. Collectively,
we hope to improve clinical care,
facilitate communication across different rehabilitation disciplines, and
encourage further study in the area
of oncology rehabilitation.

The ICF Function

Classification Framework
The ICF was developed by the
World Health Organization24 to provide a framework to describe health
and health-related states and to suggest standardized language to describe these states. The ICF framework (Figure) is increasingly being
used in the rehabilitation field and
has recently been endorsed by the
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) House of Delegates for
incorporation into all relevant Association publications, documents, and
Based on the work of Nagi,26,27 the
ICF model shifts the focus of disablement from cause to impact, from disability to health and function, and
from a static process to a dynamic
process.24,28 As stated previously,
the ICF defines 3 domains of human
function (Figure): body function and
structure, activity, and participation.
Body function and structure refers
to the anatomical and physiological
function of the body systems, and
these body functions and body structures are categorized into the subdomains listed in the Figure. Deficits
in this domain are called impairments (eg, muscle weakness, restricted joint motion, poor cardiorespiratory fitness) and often are
identified, measured, and treated by
physical therapists. The activity domain describes the ability of an individual to perform specific tasks such
as sweeping the floor, raking the
yard, or putting away groceries. Dec-

Volume 89

Number 3

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Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) model24 modified for populations of people with cancer. Modified
and reprinted with permission of the World Health Organization from: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health:
ICF. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2001.

rements in the activity domain are

called limitations and describe the
difficulty an individual has performing a particular task.24 Physical therapy goals often are aimed at reversing or normalizing such activity
limitations. The participation domain
describes the ability of a person to
be involved in life situations. Participation restrictions describe the reduced ability of a person to maintain
normal role functions and interact
with society.24,29,30 Physical therapy
interventions are designed, directly
or indirectly, to enhance participation levels for every client at home,

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Volume 89

school, or work; on the athletic field;

or in any community setting. The
activity and participation subdomains are given as a single list (Figure), and their use will be discussed
in the Measurement of Activity and
Participation section of this article.
In the ICF model, health conditions,
personal factors, and the environment interact dynamically across the
3 domains of body function to help
determine whether disordered function results in disability. For example, if a cancer treatment (eg, chemotherapy) causes a patient to

Number 3

develop unresolved peripheral neuropathy and ankle weakness,31 this

patient may have a limited ability to
walk (limitation) and may require
long-term use of an ankle brace. Limited ability to walk could result in an
employment restriction for a firefighter, but not for a computer programmer. Participation restrictions
occur when activity limitations cannot be sufficiently overcome to
maintain role functions in the persons normal environment.29,30
Formal work is emerging that uses
the ICF classification scheme to deMarch 2009

Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

scribe overall function of populations who have specific chronic
health conditions, including, but
not limited to, multiple sclerosis,32
stroke,33,34 osteoarthritis,35 diabetes,36
low back pain,37 obesity,38 osteoporosis,39 and rheumatoid arthritis.40,41 This growing body of literature uses the ICF framework to
identify measurements relevant to a
specific illness. The ICF Core Sets
provide clinicians and researchers
with comprehensive but concise measurement categories that describe a
patients global function from a biopsychosocial view. Some investigators42 46 have used the ICF Core Sets
as the comparison standard for the
assessment of function and disability
when evaluating the content of a
previous or newly developed measurement tool.
A limited number of ICF Core Sets
have been developed for patients
with head and neck cancer47 and
breast cancer.48 Although the ICF
Core Sets have not been widely used
in the US physical therapy or oncology communities, the ICF framework is a useful model for describing global function in patients with
a new or previous cancer diagnosis.49 Consideration of the interaction among cancer as a health condition, impairments in body function
and structure, activity limitations,
and participation restrictions in the
context of the person and the environment are essential to the design
of an effective oncology rehabilitation intervention.50

Selecting Appropriate
In this article, we describe measures
as potential descriptors of particular
ICF function domains. We encourage therapists to use this schema to
assist them in deciding which measures to include in their baseline,
continuing, and final outcome assessments of their patients and clients.
To do this, the therapist should reMarch 2009

view the primary goals of the intervention and determine how these
goals fit into the ICF domains. That
is, which of the ICF domains is the
intervention intended to affect? If
the intervention is designed to make
a change at the tissue level, then the
appropriate measure would assess a
specific change at the body function
and structure level. For example, a
patient with restricted shoulder mobility (decreased range of motion
[ROM]) after a mastectomy may be
treated with a regimen of stretching
and scar tissue mobilization where
the intended outcome is lengthened
tissue, making ROM an appropriate
measure. By increasing ROM, this
intervention also may improve the
patients ability to reach overhead,
making certain daily tasks possible
(an activity-level measure), which, in
turn, may increase the patients ability or willingness to engage in life
activities such as work or education
(a participation-level measure). In
this example, outcome measures at
each level would be appropriate, and
such information would speak to the
efficacy of the intervention across
functional domains.
Selecting an outcome measure also
requires consideration of the psychometric properties of the instrument or tool the therapist is planning to use. Validity, reliability, and
responsiveness are 3 properties the
therapist should consider.51 The
measure should make sense (face
validity), be accepted by experts in
the field (content validity), and correlate with an expected outcome
(predictive validity) and with other
measures that evaluate the same construct (concurrent validity). The instrument should yield the same results (reliability) when repeated by
separate examiners (interrater reliability), by the same examiner on the
same patient (intrarater reliability),
or on separate occasions within a
time period when no changes would
be expected (test-retest reliability).

The therapist also will want to select

an instrument that is capable of detecting change resulting from an intervention (responsiveness).51 Instruments that place individuals into
a limited number of categories,51
such as the Functional Independence Measure,52 tend not to be responsive because very large changes
are required to move from one category to another. Additionally, instruments should not have a ceiling effect. If many respondents initially
score at the highest level, there is no
room for improvement, and change
will not be detected.51
It is important to understand that the
psychometric properties of validity
for diagnostic and screening measures are different than for outcome
measures.53 Clinicians need to know
how accurate the diagnostic tool is
in identifying the presence or absence of the target condition. Often
a new tool is compared with a gold
standard, and its validity is described
using sensitivity and specificity. Sensitivity, often referred to as a true
positive rate, is defined as a tests
ability to correctly identify the target
condition when the target condition
is present. A high sensitivity is desirable, as it will rarely miss someone
who has the condition. Specificity
describes a tests ability to identify
those without the target condition
who really do not have the target
condition, a true negative rate. If
an instrument has a high specificity,
then this instrument will rarely test
positive when a person does not
have the disease (ie, a low chance of
false positive predictions).
In this article, we provide examples
of measures that are relevant to particular impairments, limitations, and
restrictions experienced by patients
with cancer or survivors of cancer.
The list is not exhaustive and is not
restricted by documented reliability, validity, or responsiveness of the
particular instrument; however, it

Volume 89

Number 3

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Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

does include instruments commonly
used by physical therapists, some
specifically developed for oncology
populations. When choosing a measurement tool, the therapist should
investigate its psychometric properties in relation to the population of
interest. The references given in
Tables 1, 2, and 3 provide a starting
point for those searches.

Measurement of Body
Function and Structure
The specific tests and measures used
by the physical therapist to measure
body function and structure in patients with a cancer diagnosis often
are not unique to the assessment of
this population. However, these
measures provide relevant information about cancer-related impairments, prognostic considerations,
and safety factors. This section highlights some common cancer-related
changes in body function and structure and suggests some appropriate measurement tools for assessing
these impairments.
Mental Functions
Mental functions (Tab. 1, Mental
Functions), although not the primary
interest of most physical therapists,
play an important role in determining how best to interact with and provide interventions for our patients.
Both radiation and chemotherapy
can alter the structure and function
of the central nervous system and
may result in impaired mental function in patients during or following treatment for their cancer.54 65
Specific mental function sequelae,
including impaired memory and difficulty with sustained attention (concentration), may be evident years
after treatment.58,66 Proposed mechanisms for these impairments include
chemical toxicity, oxidative damage,
inflammation, and destructive autoimmune responses.67 69 The Mini-Mental
State Examination70 is a simple tool for
screening mental functions and has
been used by physical therapists. Al290

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Volume 89

though an array of more-complex

and detailed neuropsychological tests
are available to measure the various
domains of cognitive function, information is lacking regarding the sensitivity and specificity of the tests to
detect changes in cognitive function
from chemotherapy. The identification of sensitive neuropsychological
tests is crucial to further understanding of chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairments.71
Emotional functions also may affect
the ability of a patient to participate
in the physical therapy intervention. A tool that has been used to
evaluate emotional functions in patients with cancer is the Profile of
Mood States.72,73 This self-report instrument is easy to use and may provide insight into our patients ability
to respond to and participate in a
physical therapy program.
Sensory Functions and Pain
Table 1 (Sensory Functions and Pain)
describes several potential measures
for vestibular, somatosensory, and
pain impairments. These impairments are common in patients who
are undergoing cancer treatment or
have a history of cancer.
Hearing and vestibular functions
can be affected by tumor growth or
by chemotherapy. Although auditory impairments are infrequently
targets of physical therapy assessment, vestibular impairments and
their relationship to balance dysfunction should be considered. Vestibular schwannoma, a relatively rare benign tumor, can impair vestibular
function, usually unilaterally. Cisplatin, a chemotherapy drug used to
treat many types of tumors (eg, lung,
breast, ovarian) has been associated
with both vestibular toxicity and
ototoxicity.74,75 Tests of vestibular
function can help physical therapists
document change during or after
treatment (Tab. 1). It also is important for therapists to use a measure

Number 3

of balance for patients with these

impairments (see the Neuromusculoskeletal and Movement-Related
Functions and Structures section
for more information on balance
Treatment-induced peripheral nerve
impairments are common. Several
chemotherapy drugs (ie, taxanes,
platinum agents, vinca alkaloids, and
thalidomide) can damage peripheral
axons and nerve cell bodies.76
Chemotherapy-induced peripheral
neuropathy (CIPN) is characterized
by sensory impairments, including
paresthesias, dysesthesias, decreased
touch thresholds, decreased vibration thresholds, and reduced deep
tendon reflexes.7779 As CIPN worsens, muscle weakness and limb
movement disorders, such as foot
drop, may develop and require the
use of an orthosis. Multidimensional
tests, such as the modified Total
Neuropathy Scale, may be beneficial in fully describing the severity
of CIPN (Tab. 1).77,80,81 Anesthesia
or dysesthesias may occur when
compression or surgical dissection
of a nerve occurs.82 Radiation plexopathies also may occur but are
much less common, as radiation
oncologists have developed techniques to shield delicate neural
Many patients with cancer, particularly those with advanced or metastatic disease, have increased levels
of pain.84 Cancer-related pain may
arise from the tumor itself or as a
side effect of treatment. Some forms
of cancer are inherently more painful, specifically any cancer originating in or metastasizing to the bone.
Pain can have a large impact on mobility, and some researchers have
even established cut-points for moderate and severe pain based on its
interference with daily activity.85
Evaluation of pain in this population
is essential and should be multifaceted (Tab. 1, Pain). Although many
March 2009

Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

Table 1.
Measurement Tools for Body Function and Structure, With International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)
Code (Alphabetic Chapter and Numeric Second-Level Domains) in Parentheses


Measurement Tool

Measurement Characteristics

Representative Studies in
Populations of Patients
With Cancer

Mental functions
Specific mental functions

High-sensitivity cognitive screen

An interview-based instrument
designed to assess 6 major
domains of neuropsychological
performance: memory,
language, attention/
concentration, visual/motor,
spatial, and self-regulation and

Prostate cancer149

Mini-Mental State Examination

An 11-item questionnaire that is

used to screen for dementia70

Brain tumor150

Functional Assessment of
Cancer TherapyCognitive
Function (FACT-COG)

A 38-item questionnaire that

addresses cognitive issues
related to treatment. This
instrument assesses an array of
generic and targeted measures
and has multiple benefits,
including validity, ease of
administration and
interpretation, and global

All populations of patients with

cancer; prostate cancer149

Perceived Cognition

A self-report scale that rates an

individuals perception of
change in cognition since the
inception of chemotherapy152

Breast cancer152

Profile of Mood States

Measures 6 mood or affective

states: tension-anxiety,
anger-hostility, vigor-activity,
fatigue-inertia, and

Prostate cancer,153
advanced cancer,154
breast cancer,155,156
nonsmall cell cancer,157
head and neck cancer158

Dizziness Handicap Inventory


A 25-item questionnaire that

allows for self-assessment of the
impact of disequilibrium on
functional activity159

Vestibular schwannoma160,161

Computerized gaze stabilization/

visual acuity tests (eg,
NeuroCom inVision System)

A mechanical test that assesses

patient difficulty in coordinating
eye movements with head
movements. Deficits may
indicate problems with
vestibulo-ocular reflex.162,163

Vestibular schwannoma161

Modified Total Neuropathy


Multidimensional test of
peripheral nerve function79

Breast cancer79


Mechanical test that quantifies

touch thresholds164

Breast cancer79


Mechanical test that quantifies

vibration thresholds164,165

Breast cancer79

Visual analog scale

Unidimensional measure of pain


Lung cancer167

Numeric rating scale

Unidimensional measure of pain


Pediatric cancers168,169; mixed

adult population170

Faces Pain ScaleRevised171

Intensity measure appropriate for

children and patients with
cognitive decline171

Pediatric cancers168,169

Sensory functions and pain

Hearing and vestibular
functions (b230b249)

Additional sensory functions


Pain (b280b289)


March 2009

Volume 89

Number 3

Physical Therapy f


Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

Table 1.

Measurement Characteristics

Representative Studies in
Populations of Patients
With Cancer

Brief Pain Inventory

Multidimensional measure of pain;

includes intensity and impact
on function88

Adult pain clinic participants,172

prostate cancer,173 bone

Pain Treatment Satisfaction Scale

A 5-item questionnaire that

measures patient satisfaction
with pain management89



Mechanical measure, with

published normal values175,176

Breast cancer,90,91,177 head and

neck cancer,9294
leukemia,178 osteosarcoma179


Performance test of generalized


Lymphoma,21 breast cancer181

Manual muscle testing

Standardized performance test

that measures the patients
ability to resist against
therapist-applied force


Handheld dynamometry

Mechanical measure of force

output, with published normal


Grip strength

Mechanical measure of force

output, with published normal

Osteosarcoma,101 breast
cancer,183,184 lymphoma185

Structures related to

National Cancer Institutes

Common Terminology
Criteria for Adverse Events,
version 3 (Fibrosis Scale)

This scale provides standardized

language to describe fibrosis of
tissue due to postsurgical
scarring or radiation therapy121

Uterine cancer186

Motor reflex functions


Deep tendon reflexes

A mechanical test that can be

performed in isolation, but
often is included in
multidimensional peripheral
nerve tests such as the Modified
Total Neuropathy Score

Breast cancer104

Involuntary movement
reaction functions

Computerized posturography
(eg, NeuroCom Sensory
Organization Test)

Computer-based, quantitative
assessment of postural stability
under various sensory

Breast cancer,104 vestibular

schwannoma,188,189 prostate
cancer,190 cerebellar tumor191

Gait pattern functions


Gait speed

Performance measure of gait

requiring little equipment

Pediatric sarcoma101

Kinematic gait analysis

Quantitative analysis of joint and

limb positions and movement
during gait; can require
expensive equipment

Pediatric brain tumor,103 bone


Heart rate

Standard vital sign, with normal



Blood pressure

Standard vital sign, with cut-points

for hypertension and

Survivors of childhood cancer,194

leukemia,195 testicular
cancer,196 brain tumor197

Pain (b280-b289)

Measurement Toola

and movementrelated functions
and structures
Functions of the joints
and bones

Muscle functions

Functions of the
immunologic, and
respiratory systems
Cardiovascular system
functions (b410b429)



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Volume 89

Number 3

March 2009

Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

Table 1.

Respiratory system
functions (b440b449)

Additional functions and

sensations of the
cardiovascular and
respiratory systems
aerobic capacity

Additional functions and

sensations of the
cardiovascular and
respiratory systems
fatigue (b455)

Immunological system
functions (lymphatic
system) (b435)

Measurement Toola

Measurement Characteristics

Representative Studies in
Populations of Patients
With Cancer

Respiratory rate

Standard vital sign, with normal


Hospice,193 general cancer


Oxygen saturation

Indirect measure of
oxyhemoglobin level

Lung cancer199

Pulmonary function tests

Direct measures of lung volume

and flow rates

General cancer population,198

post-lung irradiation,200 lung
cancer,199 Hodgkin disease201

Medical Research Council

Dyspnea Scale

Self-report rating of shortness of



Graded exercise testing

Estimate of maximal oxygen

consumption based on exercise

Breast cancer202204

Duke Activity Scales Inventory

Estimate of maximal oxygen

consumption based on selfreported activity205


2- or 6-minute walk test

Performance-based assessment of
exercise tolerance and
functional capacity110

Osteosarcoma,101 leukemia,182
prostate cancer,190 lung

9-minute run-walk

Performance-based assessment of
exercise tolerance206


Borg Rating Scale of Perceived


Self-report of physical effort

during exercise or activity112


Multidimensional Fatigue

A 20-item questionnaire with 5

subscales that assesses
self-reported fatigue208

Head and neck cancer209

Functional Assessment of Chronic

Illness TherapyFatigue

A 13-item questionnaire that

assesses fatigue and the impact
of fatigue210

Patients with cancer and severe


Piper Fatigue Scale

A 26-item multidimensional
fatigue assessment

breast cancer213

Brief Fatigue Inventory

A 9-item rapid screening tool for

fatigue severity and impact on

Lung cancer,136 leukemia,215

lymphoma,21,215 rectal

Limb volume: water


Direct, mechanical quantitative

measurement of limb

Breast cancer117119

Limb volume: infrared

optoelectric technology

Direct, quantitative measure of

limb volume using computer
analysis of a scanned image to
document the diameter of the
extremity along its length217

Breast cancer120

Limb volume estimates: limb

circumferences using a
truncated cone formula

Indirect, quantitative measure of

limb volume117,118

Breast cancer117,118

National Cancer Institutes

Common Terminology Criteria
for Adverse Events, version 3
(lymphatic, integument, and
phlebolymphatic cording

Numeric scales that use

standardized language to
describe impairments in the
lymphatic, integument, and
phlebolymphatic systems121

Survivors of cancer20

Not intended to be an all-inclusive list of measures, but as examples of measures that have been reported in the oncology literature.

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Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

scales, such as visual analog scales
and numeric rating scales,86,87 specifically focus on pain intensity, other
scales are multidimensional and include questions on interference with
daily activity88 or acceptability of
pain treatments.89
Neuromusculoskeletal and
Movement-Related Functions
and Structures
Table 1 (Neuromusculoskeletal and
Movement-Related Functions and
Structures) describes useful measures
for evaluating potential changes in
neuromusculoskeletal and movementrelated functions and structures. Patients with cancer or a history of
cancer may experience a number
of impairments in this subdomain,
including loss of ROM, decreased
strength (force-generating capacity),
gait pattern abnormalities, and balance deficits.
Deficits in ROM may be present in
patients who have undergone surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. Such deficits may result from
the formation of scar tissue following surgery, disuse of a joint following chemotherapy or surgery, or
fibrosis caused by irradiation. Decreased ROM may occur coincident
with treatment or after the completion of treatment. Seemingly lessinvasive surgeries (lumpectomy versus mastectomy) can affect ROM as
much as more-invasive procedures.90
Decreased ROM also should be considered if radiation treatment has involved a joint.91 This loss of ROM
may occur after radiation is completed and can extend beyond the
immediately irradiated joint. For example, patients who have completed
surgery or radiation for a head and
neck tumor may have impaired
shoulder abduction and flexion in addition to the more obvious loss of
cervical ROM. These problems are
more severe after surgeries involving
radical neck dissections and the re-


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Volume 89

moval of




Muscle strength deficits can arise

from tumor-produced inflammatory
intermediates that are catabolic, resulting in muscle wasting (cachexia).95 Surgical interventions also
may damage muscle groups and peripheral nerves, leading to loss of
strength. Radiation and chemotherapy (especially the vinca alkaloids,
taxanes, and platinum agents) can
reduce strength by damaging muscle
or peripheral nerve tissue.91 Corticosteroids preferentially damage proximal limb muscles, limiting activities
such as sit-to-stand and overhead
reaching.96 Additionally, pain, fear,
and fatigue lead to inactivity, which,
in turn, causes further loss of muscle
strength and aerobic capacity. Although techniques for manual muscle testing are widely used by therapists to measure strength, measures
of dynamometry and grip force provide quantitative documentation of
strength deficits.97,98
Cancer or cancer treatments can alter gait characteristics by adversely
affecting the function and structure
of the lower extremity or the nervous system. The few studies that
have assessed these changes have
shown deficits in patients with bone
tumor lesions of the lower extremity
and tumors of the nervous system.99 103 Traditional gait evaluation
tools, such as kinematic analysis or
gait speed measurements, are appropriate for patients with cancer.
Balance can be disrupted in many
patients with cancer or a history of
cancer and may arise from impairments in multiple body systems.
Problems with sensory input, central
processing of balance-related information, ROM limitations, orthostatic
hypotension, and muscle force production can all contribute to this
multifactorial issue. Specific to the
neuromuscular system, patients with

Number 3

taxane-induced peripheral neuropathy have limitations in postural stability.104 It is important for physical
therapists to measure postural control in a variety of challenging positions to detect and treat balance limitations in patients, especially after
chemotherapy. Because the oncology population often is at risk for
falls,105 screening for balance disorders is very important. We have included measures that are intended to
identify balance impairments and
their underlying structural problems
in Table 1 (Measurement Tools for
Body Function and Structure: Involuntary Movement Reaction Functions) and tests that use mobility
skills to rate the level of balance dysfunction in Table 3 (Measurement of
Activity and Participation: Mobility
Changing and Maintaining Body Positions). In either case, in the ICF
model, a balance disorder is classified as a body function and structure
Functions of the Cardiovascular,
Hematologic, Immunologic, and
Respiratory Systems
Cardiotoxicity is a well-known late
effect of several chemotherapeutic
agents, particularly the anthracyclines
(Adriamycin*) and trastuzumab (Herceptin). These compounds may damage cardiac myocytes and ultimately
can result in congestive heart failure.106,107 Similarly, radiation striking
the heart can cause cardiac and coronary artery scarring, leading to restrictive cardiac disease and coronary
artery disease.108 In older patients,
these cardiovascular changes may be
superimposed on already existing cardiovascular disease, further amplifying
the impairments associated with this
disease. It is important for therapists to
ask the patients physician for the results of cardiac testing, performed

* Pharmacia Inc, Kalamazoo, MI 49001.

Genentech Inc, 1 DNA Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-4990.

March 2009

Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

Table 2.
Physician-Performed Diagnostic Measures of Body Structure and Function Indicating Red Flags or Yellow Flags for Physical
Therapists, With International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Code (Alphabetic Chapter and Numeric
Second-Level Domains) in Parentheses


Measurement Tool

Measurement Characteristics and

Importance to Physical Therapy

Representative Studies
in Populations of
People With Cancer

Structures of the
nervous system
Magnetic resonance imaginga

Preferred method to detect

compression of neurologic tissue,
(ie, spinal cord, nerve roots, or
nerve plexus) by tumor or unstable
vertebral fractures123

Patients with vertebral

metastases or spinal
cord compression123,218

Dual-energy x-ray

Diagnostic test for osteopenia and


Leukemia,182,219 prostate

Radiography or computed
tomography scana

If 25%50% of the cortex of bone is

degraded, then partial weightbearing precautions should be
instituted. If greater than 50% bone
degradation, then touch-down or
nonweight-bearing precautions are

Multiple myeloma220

Hematologic system
functions (b430)

Complete blood count (ie,

hemoglobin, hematocrit,
white blood count,
platelet count)a

Diagnostic test to detect anemia,

neutropenia, and
thrombocytopenia. These values
also are useful in exercise
prescription, particularly in
choosing safe mode and intensity of

Patients with stem cell


Cardiovascular system


Assesses ventricular function,

including ejection fraction, wall
movement, and cardiac output

Hodgkin disease,222 breast


Nervous tissue

Structures related to
Skeletal system

Functions of the
immunologic, and

These tests are performed by a physician, but yield important information for the physical therapist.

both before and after treatment with

cardiotoxic agents (Tab. 2).
Primary tumors of the lung are frequent, with 215,020 new cases estimated for 2008 in the United States.1
These space-occupying tumors cause
respiratory impairments by limiting
the expansion of the thoracic cavity,
compressing the airways, and reducing the surface area of the lungs
available for gas exchange. As these
tumors grow and impinge on other
mediastinal structures, they can decrease cardiac function secondary
March 2009

to cardiac and vascular compression

and cause upper-extremity musculoskeletal injury secondary to brachial
plexus compression and infiltration.
The respiratory system also can be
adversely affected by chemotherapy
and radiation treatment for cancers
not involving the lung. Chemotherapeutic agents such as bleomycin,
methotrexate, and docetaxel can
damage pneumocytes and the pulmonary parenchema.109 Such damage can lead to obliteration of alveoli
and dilation of air spaces. Likewise,

chest wall irradiation can damage

the lining of the alveoli, leading to
toxicities such as pneumonitis and
fibrosis,109 as well as causing fibrosis
of integumentary and musculoskeletal structures that contribute to
Measurements of vital signs (heart
rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate,
and oxygen saturation) provide insight into the cardiorespiratory status of patients with cancer. The
presence of hemodynamic instability
at rest (altered blood pressure, tachy-

Volume 89

Number 3

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Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

cardia, light-headedness, cyanosis)
suggests that action should be taken
to protect the patient. Impairments
in cardiorespiratory status may manifest themselves only with increased
exertion. For this reason, assessment involving testing under conditions of increased exertional demand
(Tab. 1) is preferred and may involve
formal exercise testing, self-report of
activity levels, or results from a
6-minute walk test or similar aerobic capacity test.110 Failure to meet
normal range values for these assessment tools suggests impaired cardiovascular and respiratory function. Patient report of breathing difficulties
(Dyspnea Scale111) and of exertional
demand (Borg Rating of Perceived
Exertion112) during a 6-minute walk
test provide further insight into
these impairments.
Fatigue is a well-documented, multisystem impairment commonly reported in a wide variety of cancers,
both acutely and long after cancer
treatments have ended.113 Exercise is
an effective intervention for cancerrelated fatigue, and it is recommended that a multidimentional
measure be used to capture the physical, emotional, and mental aspects
of fatigue.114 One such measure is
the fatigue subscale of the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness
Therapy (FACIT-F), which initially
was developed for the oncology population and has been used in patients
with a variety of cancer types115 and
in survivors of cancer.116
In the ICF, the function of the lymphatic vessels and nodes are classified under immunologic function.
Defects may involve tumor obstruction of lymphatic vessels, but they
more likely occur secondary to surgical resection of lymph nodes or
radiation-induced fibrotic changes
that affect lymphatic vessels. In any
case, regional lymphatic drainage is
reduced, leading to lymphatic fluid
accumulation and regional swelling.

Physical Therapy

Volume 89

Such swelling compromises the integument by increasing the likelihood of inflammation, infection, skin
breakdown, limits in joint ROM, and
decreased ability to move the affected limb. Lymphedema may be
most associated with surgical resection of the breast and surrounding
lymph nodes; however, surgical resection of a variety of tumors, including head and neck, genitourinary,
and reproductive tumors, can result
in lymphedema. Localized swelling
is the most common impairment of
lymphedema; therefore, measures
of this impairment focus on quantifying limb volume (Tab. 1, Immunological Systems Functions). The water displacement method is a highly
reliable method for determining the
volume of an extremity with lymphedema.117119 However, this method
requires specific equipment and
precise methods to obtain reliable
measurements. Methods using lightemitting diodes to calculate limb volume have shown early evidence in
detecting subclinical lymphedema,
allowing for early intervention and
prevention of symptomatic lymphedema.120 Volume estimates made
by a truncated cone formula using
several limb circumference measures
correlate highly with those determined by water displacement.117,118
Limb circumference measurements
may be more practical for some clinicians, given its simplicity and minimal equipment requirements. An
important component to early detection is the timing of volume measurements. It has been shown that preoperative measurements assist with
early detection and successful treatment of lymphedema.120
Volume measures are only one
method used to describe the severity
of lymphatic impairments. The National Cancer Institutes Common
Terminology Criteria for Adverse
Events, version 3,121 has expanded
the number of scales to grade the
severity of lymphatic and integu-

Number 3

mentary toxicity (ICF subdomain

skin and related structures). There
are separate scales for volume of
lymphedema in extremities, trunk
and genital region, head and neck,
and viscera. In addition, there are
scales to grade the severity of skin
color changes, lymph leakage, lymphocele, fibrosis, and phlebolymphatic cording.121 A weakness of
these scales is that the categories
are broad and, therefore, not sensitive to small differences that may be
clinically important. However, they
do provide standardization of language to describe changes to lymphatic tissues and integumentary
that may be clinically useful, particularly for long-term goals and clear communication among colleagues.

Diagnostic Measures of
Body Function and
Structure Indicating Red
Flags or Yellow Flags for
Physical Therapists
Body function and structure impairments identified through diagnostic
tests performed by a physician may
have significant implications for the
examination by a physical therapist
and the physical therapy plan of care
(Tab. 2). Conversely, the therapist
may identify concerning red flags
or yellow flags during the examination that would warrant recommending that the patient return to
his or her physician for further diagnostic testing. Both situations affect
patient safety and, therefore, are described below and in Table 2.
Some tumors cause neural impairment by compressing or infiltrating a
peripheral nerve, nerve plexus, or a
nerve tract or nucleus within the
central nervous system. The impairment may be sensory, motor, or autonomic, depending on the location,
size, and structure of the tumor.
Physical therapists must consider
common neurological sites at increased risk for tumor compression.

March 2009

Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

For example, breast and lung tumors
can compress the brachial plexus,
and the lumbosacral plexus is sometimes affected by colorectal tumors,
gynecologic tumors, sarcomas, and
lymphomas.122 Regardless of the site,
the cardinal sign of neural compression is unrelenting pain, particularly
at night and later focal sensory disturbances or weakness in the distribution of the plexus or spinal cord
segment involved.122,123 These signs
and symptoms are particularly important to consider in patients with a
history of cancer who may enter the
clinic with a seemingly unrelated
musculoskeletal problem. If neural
compression from a tumor is suspected, the therapist needs to refer
the patient back to the primary physician so that further medical tests,
such as magnetic resonance imaging,
and appropriate treatment may be
Skeletal impairments often accompany a cancer diagnosis and reflect a
disease-associated loss of bony material (lytic tumor) or invasion of bone
(sclerotic tumor) by a primary or secondary tumor. Communication with
the medical team can help therapists navigate through the many risks
associated with tumor invasion of
skeletal structures. It is advantageous
for therapists to be familiar with
common patterns of cancer-related
skeletal system involvement (eg,
prostate, breast, lung, and colon
cancer often metastasize to the
spine; sarcomas commonly present
in the femur). As the tumor invades
the normal structure of bone, there
is reduced bone strength and increased risk of pathological fracture.124 Although there are no definitive guidelines to predict pathologic
fracture risk, it is helpful to monitor
the amount of cortex that has been
disrupted by tumor growth in long
bones used for functional tasks (eg,
the femur for gait, the humerus if
an assistive device is being used).
This can be calculated by a radioloMarch 2009

gist, using advanced imaging techniques. Table 2 summarizes specific

weight-bearing guidelines. Tumor
invasion of the vertebrae also can
affect the physical therapy plan of
care. If the tumor invades the vertebral arch, the segment may become unstable and possibly compress the spinal cord or adjacent
nerve roots, creating a medical emergency. Unrelenting back pain often
is the primary or presenting symptom of these lesions, and if a therapist suspects neurologic involvement, a segmental motor, sensory,
and autonomic examination should
be performed.123 If neural impingement is suspected, the medical team
should be notified immediately.125
Osteonecrosis and reduced bone
mineral density are common among
patients with cancer. Both cancer
and cancer treatments increase the
risk for developing osteonecrosis in
a variety of locations, including
proximal or distal femur, proximal
humerus, jaw, and metatarsals.126,127
New-onset pain and decreased
weight-bearing ability should alert
therapists to the possibility of osteonecrosis; however, this condition is
not always symptomatic.128 Pharmaceutical therapies (eg, corticosteroids, hormonal therapies, androgen
therapy) and radiation are associated
with reduced bone mineral density.68 70 Therefore, dual-energy x-ray
absorptiometry or computed tomography test results can alert therapists
to this problem and allow for appropriate intervention planning.
Tests such as a complete blood
count can help physical therapists
determine safe exercise guidelines,
particularly for patients who are undergoing or have just completed chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or
bone marrow transplant.129,130 Each
medical center or rehabilitation department has its own criteria for exercise prescription. These values often are the same as those used for

the general acute care population,

asto our best knowledgethere
are no evidence-based recommendations specific for patients with cancer.129,130 In addition to checking for
anemia, patients not tolerating aerobic exercise should be screened for
current or past use of cardiotoxic or
pneumotoxic chemotherapy medications and referred as appropriate
for further testing (see cardiovascular and respiratory discussion above).
Patients should avoid exposure to
infectious pathogens while neutropenic (eg, avoid public gyms, health
caregivers should avoid patient contact if they are ill). If the patient
is thrombocytopenic, high-impact
activities or contact sports should
be avoided to prevent excessive

Measurement of Activity
and Participation
The activity and participation domains encompass the ability to execute tasks, such as walking or bathing (activity), and the ability to
participate in life situations, such as
regularly attending work or school
and conducting interpersonal relationships (participation). The subdomains for activity and participation
(such as mobility and domestic life)
are given in a single list in the Figure,
with each component being able to
denote activity, participation, or
both.24 This flexibility allows for individual tailoring and operational differentiation of activity and participation.28,131,132 The ICF beginners
guide suggests that clinicians, researchers, and policymakers may
use this single list for their needs
and purposes to A) designate some
domains as Activities and others as
Participation and not allow overlap; B) make this designation but allow overlap in particular cases; C)
designate detailed (third- or fourthlevel) categories within a domain as
Activities and broad (second-level)
categories in the domain as Participation; or D) designate all domains

Volume 89

Number 3

Physical Therapy f


Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

as potentially both Activity and
Participation.24(p127) Impairments in
body function and structure discussed in the previous sections can
result in changes at both the activity
and participation levels. Therefore,
assessing change in these constructs
is important.
Physical therapists typically select
primary outcome measures at the activity and participation levels when
their intervention plan as a whole is
directed toward improving a persons physical capacity or performance. Individually tailored rehabilitation goals, commonly seen in
physical therapy, take into account
personal and environmental factors
unique to the patient; however, the
use of standardized measures allows
for the comparison of individual activity and participation performance
to what might be expected from
control or population-specific values. The ability to make such comparisons may assist the therapist in
gauging patient progress during the
course of rehabilitation.
Important activity and participation
domains typically addressed by physical therapy interventions include:
(1) mobility, for example changing
and maintaining a body position,
carrying objects, or walking and
moving around; (2) self-care, such
as dressing, bathing, and toileting;
(3) domestic life (eg, carrying a
child, doing dishes); and (4) major
life areas such as the ability of a child
to access a classroom or the ability of
an adult to perform specific tasks related to paid employment (Tab. 3).
Currently available measures of activity and participation are rarely limited to a specific subdomain, and
most instruments include portions of
multiple constructs (eg, mobility and
Measuring activity limitations and
participation restrictions can be
done by timed or clinician-observed

Physical Therapy

Volume 89

evaluation or by patient self-report.

For example, the Functional Mobility
Assessment requires patients to
physically perform specific tasks and
to answer questions, quantifying
their level of function.133 In contrast,
the Toronto Extremity Salvage Score,
lower-extremity version, is a selfadministered questionnaire that asks
patients to indicate the level of difficulty they experience in dressing,
grooming, mobility, work, sports,
and leisure.134,135 Both methods of
measurement have different positive
attributes. In using quantitative measurement of limitations or restrictions, a therapist removes some of
the potential influences of symptom
distress or cognitive changes.136
However, the therapist must take
into account that performance-based
measures are effort dependent and
require that the activity be done in a
standard way. Severe cognitive problems may make a performance-based
measure difficult or impossible to
do. Qualitative measures also are
important, as patient-reported outcomes reflect the patients own perspective on his or her limitations
and restrictions. Additionally, some
symptoms, such as pain, can be measured only by self-report. By adding
the patients perspective, we can
better document the perceived burden of cancer and meaningful impact
of interventions.137
The mobility subdomain includes
the following constructs: changing
and maintaining body positions; carrying, moving, and handling objects;
walking and moving; and moving
around using transportation. We will
discuss the changing and maintaining body positions and walking and
moving constructs, as they are assessed most commonly by physical

ring between surfaces. Because the

balance deficits discussed in the body
function and structure section lead to
impaired ability to change and maintain body positions, this is a critical
area to explore in this population. Several appropriate activity-based measures of maintaining and changing
body positions, including those that
relate to balance impairments, are
described in Table 3.
The concepts of transferring between surfaces and walking and
moving often are combined in rehabilitation outcome measures, although they are separate categories
in the ICF model. A few examples of
combined transfer and mobility status measures include the Timed Up
& Go Test and the L Test of Functional Mobility (Tab. 3).
The ability to care for ones self is a
construct often measured in rehabilitation settings. A few commonly reported measures are listed in Table 3
(Self-care). The Karnofsky Performance Scale138 has been a gold standard measure of overall performance
status in cancer treatment trials. In its
mid-range values, scores indicate the
ability of a person to perform self-care.
Because of its limited scope, some
authors139,140 have reported that it is
potentially limited in its responsiveness, a factor that may make it less
useful for measuring rehabilitation
outcomes. Other measures, such as
the Barthel Index,141 have multiple
components, including large representations of self-care activities in their
content, and are likely to be more responsive to changes seen with rehabilitation. Although these scales are used
often in inpatient rehabilitation research, they have relevance for oncology populations that may or may not
be seen in such a setting.

Changing and maintaining body positions incorporates both the concepts

of maintaining balance and transfer-

Number 3

March 2009

Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

Table 3.
Measurement of Activity and Participation, With International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) Code
(Alphabetic Chapter and Numeric Second-Level Domains) in Parentheses

Mobilitychanging and maintaining
body positions (d410d429)

Mobilitywalking and moving



Measurement Tool

Measurement Characteristics

Representative Studies
in Populations of
Patients With Cancer

5-time sit-to-stand

Performance-based assessment of
transitional movement ability224


Functional reach

Performance-based measure of balance

during voluntary movement in

Palliative care226

Berg Balance Scale

Performance-based, standardized
measure of static and dynamic


Dynamic Gait Index

Standardized performance-based
assessment of gait characteristics229,230

Vestibular schwannoma102

Standard Romberg Test and

Tandem Romberg Test

Standardized performance-based
assessment of static balance in various

Breast cancer104

Tinetti Balance and Gait


Simple and easily administered

performance test that quantifies gait
and balance characteristics. Scored on
patient performance of gait- and
balance-specific tasks.231


Timed Up & Go Test

A timed measure of balance and


breast cancer79

L Test of Functional

A performance-based assessment of basic

mobility skills, including walking,
transferring, and turning234

Lower-extremity solid

Functional Mobility

An instrument that combines assessment

of a patients physical performance
with self-report assessment of pain,
function, supports, satisfaction,
participation, and endurance133


Toronto Extremity Salvage


A questionnaire that measures the level of

difficulty experienced by patients with
upper- and lower-extremity sarcoma in
performing everyday activities135


Fullerton Advanced Balance


Standardized performance-based clinical

test of gait and balance

Breast cancer104

Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of
Motor Proficiency

A performance-based measure of gross

and fine motor skills in children
41214 years of age (second edition:
41221 years of age)238


Gross Motor Function


Performance/observation-based measure
of movement in children240


Peabody Developmental
Motor Scale

Performance-based measure of motor

development in children aged 038
months with gross and fine motor

Leukemia,242 children with



March 2009

Volume 89

Number 3

Physical Therapy f


Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

Table 3.

Measurement Toola

Self-care (d510d599)

Domestic life, interpersonal relations,

and major life areas (d710d799)

Measurement Characteristics

Representative Studies
in Populations of
Patients With Cancer

Barthel Index

Performance or self-report measure of

independence in basic activities of daily

Prostate cancer,244
brain tumor247

Physical Performance Test

A 9-item timed test that simulates daily



Functional Independence

Provides estimate of burden of care based

on level of dependence in
performing basic activities of daily

Solid tumor,249
brain tumor250

Karnofsky Performance

A standard measure of the ability of adult

patients with cancer to perform
ordinary tasks. The Karnofsky
Performance Scale scores range from 0
to 100. A higher score means the
patient is better able to carry out daily

Most drug clinical trials

for all types of cancers

General Sickness Impact


A 136-item questionnaire that measures

the effect of sickness on everyday
activities and behaviors in adults252


Reintegration to Normal
Living Index

An 11-item questionnaire covering

mobility, self-care, family roles, family
roles and personal relationships,
presentation of self, coping skills, work,
housework, and recreational and social
activities for adults145


Not intended to be an all inclusive list of measures, but as examples of measures that have been used in the oncology literature.

Domestic Life, Interpersonal

Relations, and Major Life Areas
Few measures typically used by
physical therapists attempt to quantify the capacity of a person to live as
a family member and as a member of
society (Tab. 3). Restrictions in the
ability of an individual to interact
with the environment or participate
fully in life situations increase the
disease burden on the individual, the
family, and society. Indeed, people
with participation restrictions are
more likely to report poor health142
and bouts of depression.143 It is generally recognized that patients and
survivors of cancer have restrictions
in these domains,144 yet there is a
paucity of outcome measures targeted here.
A measurement tool that is focused
specifically on the return to lifes
roles after a major health change is

Physical Therapy

Volume 89

the Reintegration to Normal Living

Index.145 This tool measures adults
perception of their ability to resume
their life roles after a serious illness
or trauma. It has been used sparingly
in populations of people with cancer.146,147 Because performance of
activities and participation in life
roles often are the main goals of rehabilitation, measurement of pertinent activity and participation subdomains provides useful information
regarding the need for and effectiveness of oncology rehabilitation.

This article uses the ICF model to
describe outcome measures that allow for broad quantification of
global function and methods to document progression in patients with
cancer and survivors of cancer. Understanding and documenting how
these structural or anatomic deficits

Number 3

restrict activities (grooming, dressing, child care) and participation (attending community activities, reduced job expectations) provide a
broader view of the patients abilities. Therapists need to be adept at
understanding the intended focus of
their therapeutic interventions and
using the most appropriate tools to
assess the effectiveness of those
All authors provided concept/idea/project
design and writing. Dr Gilchrist and Dr Galantino provided project management. Dr
Ness provided consultation (including review of manuscript before submission).
As the Research Committee of the Oncology
Section of the American Physical Therapy
Association, the authors thank the Oncology
Section for their assistance and support in
the development of the manuscript.

March 2009

Assessment in Oncology Rehabilitation

This article was received October 10, 2007,
and was accepted November 26, 2008.
DOI: 10.2522/ptj.20070309

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March 2009

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