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Math Fact Family Printable Cards

Print these fact family cards to practice the math facts! You can print multiple copies, or
laminate them to make them re-usable!
Instructions: There are addition and subtraction cards as well as multiplication and division
cards. To use, choose 2 numbers to add/subtract/multiply or divide. and write them in the to
corners of the same color. For instance: on the addition/subtraction one use the numbers 5 and
2. When they are added together they equal 7. So, 7 would be the third number to write in the
yellow corner. Then on the lines, you write all the different ways to add or subtract those three

Created by Teach Beside Me. Please do not copy, sell or share without permission.

Teach Beside Me

_________ + ________ = ________

_________ + ________ = ________
_________ - ________ = ________
_________ - ________ = ________

_________ - ________ = ________

_________ - ________ = ________
_________ + ________ = ________
_________ + ________ = ________
Teach Beside Me

_________ x ________ = ________

_________ x ________ = ________
_________ ________ = ________
_________ ________ = ________

_________ ________ = ________

_________ ________ = ________
_________ x ________ = ________
_________ x ________ = ________
Teach Beside Me

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