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Describe various managerial skills briefly.

Discuss the roles these skills

could play in building an institution. Preview not available.

Ans. Managerial Skills

In order to be effective, a manager must possess and continuously
develop several essential skills. A successful practice of management
depends upon such skills. Different writers suggest different types of
skills required of managers. For example, Abraham Collier desires a
manager to possess organisational skill so that be may view the
enterprise in its complexity. Preview not available.

Design Skill or Problem Solving Skill or Decision Making Skill. As

indicated earlier, Heinz Weihrich' & Moral Koontz.(1993) have referred
to 'design skill' which is in fact 'problem solving' or 'decision making'
skill. Preview not available.

The Negotiator Role. In this role, a manager bargains with individuals

or' representatives of other enterprises. In other words, he participates
in negotiating sessions with other parties, such as vendors and unions, to
make sure that the organization’s interests are adequately represented.
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Mint berg’s work calls attention to the uncertain and turbulent environ-
ment that’ managers face in the real world. However, Mint berg’s
approaches also been criticized on the following grounds: Preview not
The sample of 5 executives in his research is far too small to support so
sweeping a conclusion. (2) All managers do some work that is not
purely managerial. Even the President of a large company may spend
some of his time in public and shareholder relations, in fund-raising,
dealer relations, and marketing. (3) Many of the activities found by
Mintzberg are in fact evidences of planning, organizing, staffing,

directing, and controlling. For example, 'resource allocation' is
planning and 'entrepreneur role' is certainly an element of planning.
'Interpersonal roles' are-mainly instances of directing 'Information
roles' can befitted into a number of the functional areas, such as
planning, directing, and controlling. (4) The roles identified by
Mintzberg appear to be incomplete because some important
managerial activities are absent from his classification, such as
structuring an organisation, selecting and appraising managers, and
determining major strategies. Thus, the managerial roles approach as
put forth by Mintzberg is an inadequate approach on which to base an
operational theory of management. Preview not available.

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