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System Security

3D = 3 Dimensional
ACT = Application Compatibility Toolkit
AD = Active Directory
ADB = Android Debug Bridge
ADT = Android Developer/Development Tools
AES = Advanced Encryption Standard
AHCI = Advanced Host Controller Interface
AIR = Adobe Integrated Runtime
Ajax = Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
ALGOL-60 = ALGOrithmic Language
ALU = Arithmetic Logic Unit
ANQP = Access Network Query Protocol
AOSP = Android Open Source Project
AOSS = AirStation One-Touch Secure System
APL = A Programming Language
ASP = Active Server Pages
AVD = Android Virtual Device
AWT = Abstract Window Tollkit
BASIC = Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BCC = Blind Carbon Copy
BCP = Business Continuity Planning
BHOs = Browser Helper Objects
BIAs = Business Impact Assessments
BISCUIT = Basic Information Security Course for Users of IT
BMC = Baseboard Management Controller
BMP = Bitmap
BNF form = Backus and Naur Form
BPCL = Basic Combined Programming Language
BSA = Business Software Alliance
CA = Certificate Authority
CAD = Computer Aided Design
CAGR = compound annual growth rate
CAI = Computer-Aided Instruction
CC = Carbon Copy
CDMA = Code division multiple access
CGI = Common Gateway Interface
CICT = Commission on Information and Communications Technology
CLIP = Microsoft Captions Language Interface Pack
CMIME = Compressed Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
COA = Certificate of Authenticity
COBOL = Common Business Oriented Language
CODASYL = Conference on Data Systems and Languages
COM = component object model
CorComm = Corporate Communications
COTS = commercial off the shelf
CPL = Cambridge Programming Language
CPU = Central Processing Unit
CSS = Cascading Style Sheets
CSS3 = Cascading Style Sheets 3
CSV = Cluster Shared Volumes
CTLCs = community-based technology learning centers
DACL = discretionary access control list
DaRT = Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset
DAT = Digital Audio Tape
DBMS = database management system
DDE = Dynamic Data Exchange
DDE share = Dynamic Data Exchange shares
DDKs = device driver kits
DDMS = Dalvik Debug Monitor Service
DDOS = Distributed denial-of-service
DHTML = Dynamic HTML
DLL = dynamic-link library
DLT = Digital Liner Tape
DNS = Domain Name System
DNSBL = DNS-based Blackhole List
DOM = Document Object Model
DoS = Denial of Service
DOS = Disk Operating System
DSCP = differentiated services code point
DSL = Damm Small Linux
DSU = Digital Service Units
DVM = Dalvik Virtual Machine
DVT = Desktop Virtualization Technologies
EAP = Extensible Authentication Protocol
Prepared by: Mr. Jeffrey A. Diaz

EAP-AKA = Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for UMTS

Authentication and Key Agreement
EFI = Extensive Firmware Interface
EJB = Enterprise JavaBeans
EULA = End-User License Agreement
FAT = file allocation table
FOSS = Free and Open Source Software
FPP = Full Packaged Product
FRS = File Replication Service
FSF = Free Software Foundation
FTP = file transfer protocol
GAS = Generic Advertisement Service
GB = Gigabyte
GDI = Graphics Device Interface
GGWA = Get Genuine Windows Agreement
GIF = Graphic Interchange Format
GPL = General Public License
GPMC = Group Policy Management Console
GPO = Group Policy Object
GPS = Globally Positioning System
GSI = Genuine Software Initiative
GUI = Graphical User Interface
GUID = Globally Unique Identifier
HTML = hypertext markup language
HTML 4 = hypertext markup language 4
HTML 5 = hypertext markup language 5
HTTP = hypertext transfer protocol
I/O = input/output
IaaS = infrastructure as a service
IAB = Internet Architecture Board
IAS = Internet Authentication Service
IBM = International Business Machine
ICMP = Internet Control Message Protocol
ICT = Information and Communication Technology
IDE = Integrated Development Environment
IDEA = International Data Encryption Algorithm
IE = Internet Explorer
IEAK = Internet Explorer Administration Kit
IETF = Internet Engineering Task Force
IIS = Internet Information Services
IIT = Illinois Institute of Technology
IM = Instant Messaging
IMEs = input method editors
Intels INDE = Intels Integrated Native Developer Experience
InterNIC = Internet Network Information Center
IP = Internet Protocol
IPS = Intrusion Prevention System
IPX = Internetwork Packet Exchange
ISA = Internet Security and Acceleration
iSCSI = Internet Small Computer System Interface
ISO = International Standard Organization
ISP = Internet service provider
ISPCD = Information Systems Planning & Control Division
IT = Information Technology
JAR = Java Archive
JDK = Java Development Kit
JMX = Java Management Extensions
JNDI = Java Naming and Directory Interface
Jovial = Jules Own Version of the International Algorithmic Language
JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group
JRE = Java Runtime Environment
JS = JavaScript
JVM = Java Virtual Machine
JVX = Java Management Extensions
KVM = kernel virtual machine
LAMP = Linux Apache MySQL Perl PHP
LAN = local area network
LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LINQ = Language-Integrated Query
LLTD = Link Layer Topology Discovery
LoCos = Local Communities
LSB = least significant bit
LTS = Long Term Support
MAC = Mandatory Access Control
30 July 2011

MAMP = Macintosh Apache MySQL Perl PHP

MBO = mobile business object
Mbps = megabits per second
MBR = Master Boot Record
MIB = management information base
MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIT = Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MMC = Microsoft Management Console
MMPC = Microsoft Malware Protection Center
MSAP = Mobility Services Advertisement Protocol
MSDN = Microsoft Developer Network
MS-DOS = Microsoft Disk Operating System
MSE = Microsoft Security Essentials
MSIE = Microsoft Internet Explorer
MSMQ = Microsoft Message Queue Server
MTA = Microsoft Technology Associate
Multics = Multiplexed Information and Computing Service
MVA = Microsoft Virtual Academy
NBP = network boot program
NC = Network Computer
NetBEUI = NetBIOS Extended User Interface
NetBIOS = network basic input/output system
NFS = Network File System
NGI = Next-Generation Internet
NIC = Network Interface Card
NIS = Network Inspection System
NT = New Technology
NTFS = New Technology File System
ODBC = open database connectivity
OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer
OGA = Office Genuine Advantage
OHA = Open Handset Alliance
OID = object identifier
OPAC = Online Public Access Catalog
OS = Operating System
OSE = Operating System Environment
OSI = Open Source Initiative
OU = Organizational Unit
OVF = Open Virtualization Format
PaaS = platform as a service
PAE = Physical Address Extension
PAP = Password Authentication Protocol
PC = Personal Computer
PCOS = precinct count optical scan
PDF = Portable Data File
PDG = Packet Data Gateway
PDLC = Program Development Life Cycle
PGP = Pretty Good Privacy
PHP = hypertext preprocessor
PID = Process ID
PIN = Personal Identification Number
PIT = Point In Time
PKI = Public Key Infrastructure
PNP = Plug and Play
POS = Point-of-Sale
PPTP = Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PRIDE = Product Rights Information Database
Project MARS = Microsoft Active Response for Security
Prolog = Programming Logic
PROM = Programmable ROM
PSIA = Philippine Software Industry Association
PSK = pre-shared key
PUK = PIN unblock key
PUR = Product User Rights
PXE = Pre-Boot Execution Environment
QoS = quality of service
QR codes = Quick Response codes
RAD = Rapid Application Development
RAS = Remote Access Server
RBL = Real-time block list
RDBMS = relational database management systems
RDC = Remote Desktop Connection
RDP = Remote Desktop Protocol
ReFS = Resilient File Systes
RIS = Remote Installation Services
ROI = return on investment
RPCs = Remote Procedure Calls
Prepared by: Mr. Jeffrey A. Diaz

RRAS = Routing and Remote Access Services

RSI = Relational Software, Inc
RSL = registry size limit
RSS = Really Simple Syndication
S/MIME = Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
SAC = Special Administration Console
SACL = system access control list
SAN = Storage Area Network
SDK = Software Development Kit
SDL = Software Development Laboratories
SDM = System Distributed Management
SEO = Search engine optimization
Server ML = Server Management License
SGML = Standard Generalized Markup Language
SHA = Secure Hash Algorithm
SID = security ID
SIM = Subscriber Identity Module
SIMULA-67 = SIMUlation Language
SIPTO = selective IP traffic load
SMB = Server Message Block
SMI = Structure of Management Information
SMP = symmetric multiprocessing
SMS = Systems Management Server
SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol
SNOBOL = String-Oriented Symbol Language
SOA = Service-oriented architecture
SOAP = Simple Object Access Protocol
SP1 = Service Pack 1
SP2 = Service Pack 2
SP3 = Service Pack 3
SPAM = Stupid Persons AdvertiseMent
SPF = Sender Policy Framework
SQL = Structured Query Language
SSD = Solid-State Drive
SSDT = System Service Dispatch Table
SSID = service set identifier
SSL = Secure Sockets Layer
SSTP = Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol
SUP = Sybase Unwired Platform
SUS = Software Update Services
TAR = Tape ARchive
TB = Terabyte
TCP/IP = Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TFTP = Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TLS = Transport Layer Security
UAC = User Account Control
UCE = Unsolicited commercial e-mail
UDP = User Datagram Protocol
UDS = Ubuntu Developer Summit
UI = User Interface
UM = Unified Messaging
UML = Unified Modeling Language
UMTS = Universal Mobile Telecommunication Service
UNICS = UNiplexed Information and Computing Service
UNR = Ubuntu Netbook Remix
UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply
URI = uniform resource identifier
URL = uniform resource locator
URN = uniform resource name
USMT = User State Migration Tool
VB = Visual Basic
VDI = Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
VDI = Virtual Disk Image
Virus = Vital Information Resource Under Siege
VL = Volume Licensing
VM = Virtual Machine
VMM = Virtual Machine Manager
VoIP = Voice over IP
VPN = virtual private network
VRDE = VirtualBox Remote Desktop Extension
VRDP = VirtualBox Remote Display Protocol
W3C = World Wide Web Consortium
WAMPP = Windows Apache MySQL Perl PHP
WAP = Wireless Application Protocol
WDSServer = Windows Deployment Services server service
WEP = Wired Equivalent Privacy
WGA = Windows Genuine Advantage
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WIDE = Web Integrated Development Environment

Windows PE = Windows Preinstallation Environment
Winsock = Windows Socket
WISPr = Wireless Internet Service Provider roaming
WML = Wireless Markup Language
WPA = Wi-Fi Protected Access
WPA2 = Wi-Fi Protected Access 2
WPF = Windows Presentation Foundation

Prepared by: Mr. Jeffrey A. Diaz

WTLS = Wireless Transport Layer Security

WWW = World Wide Web
XAMPP = X (Operating System) Apache MySQL Perl PHP
xDSL = x Digital Subscriber Line
XHTML = Extensible HyperText Markup Language
XML = Extensible Markup Language
XP = Experience

30 July 2011

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