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The Lamplighter


United Church
of Christ
September 2016

Note: Throughout months leading to the presidential

election I will be sharing pieces of this poignant article
from Rev. Zahnd, shared online July 6, 2012. Please
read and take to heart.

Inside This Issue

4. The bottom line for political parties is power.

The bottom line for a Christian is love. And therein
lies the rub.

1 Pastors Peace
2 Palm of Prayer
3 Worship Ways
4 This Months Events
5 Community & Conference Clamor
6 Butterfly Room
7 Celebration Occasions
8 Worship Whirl
No matter who you are or where you are
on life's journey, you are welcome
here. We believe in extravagant welcome. This is why we insist that God's communion table is open, not closed, and
God's gift and claim in baptism are irrevocable. We advocate justice for
all. Our congregations extend hospitality
as a sign of God's inclusive love. We
teach that evangelism - offering bread to those
in search of it - is God's mission. Our perspective is global, not provincial. We work with - not
against - people of other faiths. Why?
Because God is still speaking!

"Election Season and Your Soul"

Installment II
From post on July 6, 2012 by Rev. Brian Zahnd

The problem with our "change the world" rhetoric is

that it is too often a thinly veiled grasp for power and a
quest for dominance--things which are antithetical to
the way Jesus calls his disciples to live. A politicized
faith feeds on a narrative of perceived injury and lost
entitlement leading us to blame, vilify and seek to in
some way retaliate against those we imagine responsible for the loss in late modernity of a mythical past.
It's what Friedrich Nietzsche as a critic of Christianity
identified as ressentiment and it drives much of the
Christian quest for political power.
5. While in pursuit of the Ring of Power, you are
not permitted to abandon the Sermon on the
When the world is arranged as an axis of power enforced by violence, the pursuit of power trumps everything. But in the new world created at the cross (an
axis of love expressed by forgiveness), love trumps
everything. The Sermon on the Mount is our guide to
this new kind of love. Among other things, this means
you cannot deliberately portray your political opponents in the worst possible light. (Attack ads? Remember the Golden Rule?) Jesus also taught us that if

Zion United Church of ChristEstablished 1880

105 N. Mary, Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224
Phone and FAX: (660) 237 - 4355

you call someone you disagree with a "fool" you are

liable to the "Gehenna of fire." I might put it this
way; when your political rage causes you to hurl
epithets like "fool" and "idiot"--you are kindling the
fires of hell in your own soul!
6. If your political passion makes it hard for you
to love your neighbor as yourself, you need to turn
it down a notch.
Right? Note from Pastor Kristin: Hate groups are
surging and resurging because of the tone of this
political cycle. Many children in schools around the
country (and certainly many adults) are feeling they
have been given permission to bully, and many of the
recipients of the bullying are experiencing terror. I
can only imagine how the rhetoric of hate will
amplify with the new school year about to begin. We
need to decide where we are as Christians--what it
truly means to be proactive as the Body of Christ, the
Church, emulating the powerful love and forgiveness
of God in all we do and say.
Yours in Christ's Joy,
Pastor Kristin

PALM of PRAYER The light shines in the

darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5 (NIV)

Concerns Please continue to surround in love and

prayer, those experiencing health difficulties
& or recovering from surgery, the loss of
family and friends, & those adjusting to new
seasons in their lives: Emily Coen, Lois
Dial, Louis White, Wayne Hoeppner, Robert
at O-Reillys, Bill Redhage, Helen Kopman, Jeff
Morgan; friends and family of Leanna Berry, Wilma
Hoefer, Keith Landwher and Mike McCartneys
mother in law; the Rev. Dr. Vernon Percy Howard,
the Rev. Chaunia Chandler, Revs. Ret. Sam Mann
and Tex Sample and 18 others--prosecuted unjustly
for Trespassing as they exercised free speech for
those in need of Medicaid, in 2014; the election of
our nations leaders; first responders; victims of
random acts of violence; military personnel and their
families; families around the world that are in the
midst of tensions, conflicts, acts of violence and

Opal Johnson and Karen Redman are doing great!
The marriage of Tim and Amber Wright! Phone
conference prayer to pray for peace, justice, love and
grace as the anniversaries of those who have died in
racially motivated killings occur, including

The Lamplighter
prayer for law enforcement whose lives have been
cut short. Hope for Spirit's movement toward
resolution as we listen to and hear one another
and reach out in love, forgiveness, and peace.
Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from
God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows
God. 1 John 4:7 (NRSV)

Interfaith Partnership Cabinet Statement

Imploring Civility During Election Season
One of the privileges of living in America is the
opportunity to participate in the democratic
process either by candidacy, by putting forth ballot
initiatives, or by voting. In recent years the tone
and tenor of campaigns has coarsened and is
stridently divisive.

We, the
of Interfaith Partnership, believe that political
participation and the surrounding conversations
need not be exercises in dehumanizing speech or
action. While political positions can be in sharp
contrast and partisan, respect for people is a
bipartisan and universal principle all can agree
We call upon our community to model civil
discourse, and we challenge all candidates
from municipal to the presidential level to present
their issues and discontinue the practice
of personal attacks. Every office holder is
beholden to the betterment of the whole, with
justice and fairness as universal principles of good
governance. The current nature of divisive
politics and the surrounding discordant
atmosphere makes it difficult to unite or heal postelections.
Let us challenge the conventional wisdom that the
public only responds to negative
political messaging. This is in the best interest of
all Americans.
Rev. C. Jessel Strong, Cabinet Chair
African Methodist Episcopal Church
Dr. Paul F. Hintze, Vice Chair
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints



Neighbors in Need Offering (NIN)

Sunday, October 2
Neighbors in Need
(NIN) is a special mis-

Comparison of Receipts to 2016 Budget & Expenses as of July 31,

Total Budget
$ 74,899.00
$ 7,489.90
YTD Budgeted Expenses



YTD Actual Expenses



YTD Receipts



YTD Receipts to Budgeted Expenses



YTD Receipts to Actual Expenses






$ 46,543.06


$ 5,246.57





sion offering of the UCC

that supports ministries
of justice and compassion throughout the
United States. One-third
of NIN funds support the
Council for American
Indian Ministry(CAIM).
Two-thirds of the offering is used by the
UCC's Justice and Witness Ministries(JWM) to
support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy
efforts, and direct service projects through

CROP Hunger Walk

Get you information and

envelopes for CROP
Walk, which will take
place at Confederate
$ 58,779.95
Park in Higginsville
at 3pm on September
25! CROP Hunger
Walks are communityMM ACCT-Bank of Odessa
$ 31,652.62
wide events sponsored
CHECKING-Bank of Odessa
$ 7,609.39
by Church World Ser$ 21,554.76
Certificate of Deposit-B&L Bank
vice and organized by
$ 60,816.77
local congregations or
NOTE: If you have any questions about the financial stategroups to raise funds to
ment, please ask a church council member. At the end of
end hunger at home
each quarter (March, June, September and December), our
and around the world.
expenses are higher than other months. The Church property
CROP Hunger Walks
insurance, the pastor's pension, disability, life and health inhelp to support the oversurance are all due quarterly.
all ministry of Church
world. In
Festival of Sharing Kit collections for the month of
September focus on the:
Missouri Baby Bundle Pack
raises to hunger-fighting programs in its own com2 receiving blankets
2 sleepers (1 piece or gown)


3 pack of onesies
1 sweater or sweatshirt for warmth
8-12 count disposable or cloth diapers
4 diaper pins (if cloth diapers provided)




God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus,

God made us to do good works, which God
planned in advance for us to live our lives doing.

Ephesians 2:10 (NCV)

The Lamplighter


Worship10:30 A.M.

September 1, 2016
Pastor Kristin vacation begins. Lasts till Sept. 9
September 4, 2016
Rev. Karen Redman preaching
September 7, 2016
Choir 7pm
September 10, 2016
CAPEColumbia UCC 10 AM3 PM
September 11, 2016
Youth fun day after church
Vespers John Knox 3:45pm
September 12, 2016
Steppingstone Shower Zion Hospitality 9:30 AM
BCE 7:15pm
September 13, 2016
Council 7:15pm

Copyright 2011 The Zondervan Corporation

We would like to thank all who came out to the
Back 2 School Bash on Saturday, August
13. Also congratulations to Broolyn, Calle, and
Ross on receiving their Bibles!
We are currently looking for a volunteer or two
who would like to help lead and coordinate the
Christmas Program. If interested please contact
Amy Hoefer.

Pastoral Visits and Prayers Please feel free

September 14, 2016
Choir 7pm
September 18, 2016
Confirmation resumes after church

to contact me at any time if a pastoral care visit or

prayer request is in your heart. The best way to
reach me is at the parsonage, 660-237-4902, and
the next best option is my cell @ 660-641-1038.
Blessings! Pastor Kristin

September 19-21, 2016, Osage Beach

Persons in Ministry Retreat



September 21, 2016

Choir 7pm


September 25, 3 PM Confederate Park

CROP Hunger Walk
September 27, 2016
SAIL 7pm
September 28, 2016
Choir 7pm
October 2, 2016
Neighbors in Need Offering
October 8, 2016
Honest Conversation about Race
Mayview Comm Center 10 AM3 PM

Save the date! On September 10 at Columbia

UCC, we will gather for our second Conference
Annual Planning Event (CAPE). 10am-3pm, Columbia UCC .

Steppingstone Fall Shower

Monday, Sept 12, at 9:30 AM, a fall shower will be
held for Steppingstone. Donations of gently used
or new, items for apartment use are needed: single bed sheets, towels, toiletries, kitchen items,
living room items, etc. Zion UCC is providing hospitality for this event. Please bring cookies,
breads, fruit/veggie trays, etc, in addition to any
donated items to the church on Sunday, Sept.
11th. Thank you!

Persons in Ministry Retreat

September 19-21, 2016
The Inn at Grand Glaize, Osage Beach, MO
Theme: Many Paths, One Mountain
The World's Religions: Primary Perspectives
and a Closer Look.

Lafayette Area Womens Fellowship

The Lafayette Area Womens Fellowship will
hold their fall meeting on Thursday, September
22, 2016, at Ebenezer United Church of Christ
in Levasy. Registration will begin at 9:00 a.m.
with fellowship and coffee time. The meeting
will begin at 9:30 a.m. The program will be presented by staff from Steppingstone with the offering going to the Steppingstone program at
the Independence campus. The noon meal will
be Pot Luck so bring a dish to share. PLEASE
women are encouraged to come and learn and
enjoy the fellowship of our sister churches.

Honest Conversation About Race

Please join us for an Honest Conversation
About Race, sponsored by the Lafayette Cluster on Saturday, October 8, 2016, from 10 AM
3 PM at the new Mayview Community Center.
There is no cost to attend and lunch will be provided. The event will be facilitated by Lora
McDonald, CEO MORE2, with facilitation partner Calvin Jones.
MORE2 was created in late 2004 as an interfaith social justice organization reflecting different
cultural backgrounds, faith traditions, skin colors and
economic means. We are united in our commitment
to transforming our communities by creating a metropolitan area that embraces all people and offers
everyone the opportunity to achieve their greatest
As people of faith, we are called to break
down barriers that divide us along the lines of race
and economic status. We know that what affects
any one of us ultimately affects all of us. We are
called to be agents of change in our communities.

Invite your friends and let's talk and

work to bring about change!

Western Assn Fall Meeting

The Western Association Fall Meeting of the
MMSC will be held at Southwood UCC in Raytown on Saturday, Oct. 22 starting at 9:30 AM.
The theme will center on Liturgical CreativityUsing the Senses in Worship through visual art,
fiber arts, etc. There will be multiple workshops.
Rev. Andy Mockridge and Pastor Kristin will
facilitate hands- on workshop on Painting the
Psalms with Acrylics and Watercolor.

Youth disguises character. Actions have no visible

consequence for a time, but choices leave their
mark. Take care. You turn into your road.
~ John Patrick Shanley

Thank Yous
Dear Friends at Zion United Church of Christ,
Thank you!
Enclosed you will find a certificate recognizing your congregation's support of theological
education through CUE - Chicago, United and
Eden Seminaries - during 2015. Your gift is an
important part of the support United Church of
Christ congregations provide to train leaders and
ensure the future vitality of the Church.
We are especially grateful your congregation chose to support Eden's students and faculty
with your gift. Your partnership in this educational
ministry is significant. The vast majority of Eden
graduates serve as pastors in local congregations
both here and abroad. Thus, your support will
have an impact across the nation and around the
Within the next few weeks, many congregations will begin the process of developing their
2017 budget. We hope Eden Theological Seminary has continued to earn your confidence and
trust and thus will be included again in your
church's mission budget. If you need addiction
information about the Seminary and its programs
which would inform your decisions regarding financial support for Eden, please let me know.
With your gifts, Eden's future remains
strong and bright. Thank you for your continued
Lorin W. Cope
Director of Advancement
For United Church of Christ Church Giving
Thank you Norma and the rest of the
church family at Zion United Church of Christ, for
all your prayers and cards of support. It meant a
great deal for us.
Candy and the girls and all of the Jeff Higgins Family
Dear Friends,
On behalf of the Lafayette County Habitat for Humanity and the individuals we serve, thank you for
your generous gift of $26.00. Your support means
so much to us and to those we serve. Please extend our appreciation and gratitude to the members of your board.
Shirley Gallup, Secretary
Board of Directors

The Lamplighter
Dear Friends of Zion!
Thank you so much for the Get Well card!
I'm home now, but weak. I guess that stuff takes
it out of you! Oh well. I'm fine and will be O.K.
Im enclosing a small donation. You folks always
remember Louie and me. Thank you again.
Emily E. Coen


3 And

if I go
and prepare a place for you, I will come again,
and receive you unto myself; that where I am,
there ye may be also. John 14:3 (KJV)

Grief Songs: Music for a Grieving Heart

People have known for centuries that music touches
the human soul. We know intuitively that music affects
us in profound and healing ways, both emotionally and
physically, and present-day research demonstrates
this to be true. In health care settings such as hospitals, clinics and hospices, music therapy is found to be
remarkably effective in helping to calm patients, reduce stress, ease muscle tension, promote movement
and manage pain.
. . .one of the most beautiful gifts that humans have brought
to the earth is music. In great music, the ancient longing of
the earth finds a voice . . . Music ministers to the silence
and solitude of nature; it is one of the most powerful, immediate, and intimate of sensuous experiences. Music is, perhaps, the art form that brings us closest to the eternal because it changes immediately and irreversibly the way we
experience time. When we are listening to beautiful music,
we enter into the eternal dimension of time. Transitory,
broken linear time fades away, and we come into the circle
of belonging within the eternal. The Irish writer Sean
OFaolain said, In the presence of great music we have no
alternative but to live nobly. [John ODonohue,
in Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom, pp. 72-73]
When we are struggling with grief, music can lift us up,
take us out of our current mood, and transport us to
another time and place. When we cannot find the
words, a particular song may express our thoughts
and feelings even better than we are able to do. With
lyrics or without, music can be used as an escape or a
respite from our pain, or as a form of relaxation or
meditation while we confront our sorrow. Music helps
us to remember the one who died, and it can help to
bring a sense of balance, peace and harmony back
into our lives, even if only for a moment.
by Marty Tousley, RN, MS, FT, DCC

Why do we only rest in peace?

Why dont we live in peace too?

Johnny Appleseed
It may surprise you that one of
the most notable entrepreneurs
of the American frontier didnt
wear a jacket, tip his hat and
shine his shoes, but rather
dressed in a coffee sack,
donned a tin hat and traveled
barefoot. John Chapman, better known as Johnny Appleseed, was a 19th-century horticulturist who made great contributions to the westward expansion of the United States.
Though he may not have traveled down the Allegheny River
on a block of ice like his folk-hero persona, Chapman
paved the way for countless frontiersmen to settle new
land around his orchards.
Chapman, the son of a farmer, was born
on September 26, 1774 in Leominster, Massachusetts. He moved to Ohio at the beginning of the 19th century, bringing seeds from Pennsylvania cider presses with him and planting them along
the way. Though his legend may paint a picture of
Johnny Appleseed planting at random and selflessly
handing out seeds to needy settlers, in reality Chapmans path followed a strategic business plan. Childrens books about Appleseed have, of course, removed
the element of alcohol from the story, but Chapmans
success was centered not around fresh apples but
rather the cider they could create. Cider was an essential at the American dinner table at the time, so most
homes had their own small orchard. Chapman planted
orchards along the pioneers routes, staying ahead of
other orchardist competition since his nomadic, unmarried lifestyle allowed him to cover more ground. He
would then trade his seedlings with new settlers in the
area so that they could grow apples for their
new homes.
It wasnt all just business for him, though.
Chapman did show kindness to these struggling pioneers and would sometimes grant
them the seedlings for free; this benevolent nature
earned him the nickname Johnny Appleseed from
grateful frontiersmen. He was also a missionary for the
New Church, spreading its religious ideals along with his
apple seeds, and did his part to maintain peaceful relationships between Native Americans and new settlers.
He also practiced vegetarianism and advocated for animal rights. In 1871, W.D. Haley wrote a colorful chronicle of Chapmans life for Harpers Weekly, propelling
the legend of Johnny Appleseed into American popular
culture. He has since been an iconic subject in American literature, music and film as both a real and fictional
representation of the American pioneer spirit.

The Lamplighter

Celebration Occasions
September Birthdays



Admin. Assistant

Laura Nolte
Sammi Jo Burroughs
Jason Bayless

8:00 AMNoon



Shawn Engel
Jeff Bayless
Will Ogan
Alyssa Hoefer
Joyce Schemmer


Ray Begemann


Rachel Murry


Diane Wagner


Office Hours

6:008:00 PM
8:00 AMNoon

Serving Souls

September Anniversaries

Roger & Mary Ellen Thomson


Brian & Rachel Murry


Carl & Helen Hoeppner

The deadline for submissions for the
October newsletter is
Tuesday, September 20, 2016.
Send your submissions to: or
Or Call (660) 237-4923




Austin Faigh

Carl & Helen Hoeppner


Donovan Faigh

Scott & Amanda Hoeppner


Trinity Alvested

Marvin & Alice Heunefeld


Macey Begemann

Kenny & Mildred Jungerman

Administrative Affairs
Kristin Aardema Faigh

Home(660) 237- 4902

Church (660) 237-4355
Cell (660) 641-1038

Council President

Juanita Wright
(816) 633-8818

Cole Courtway
Admin. Assistant

(660) 237- 4355

Jenny Holt

(660) 237 - 4923

Teresa Begemann

(816) 633 - 4133

Dawn Stuart

(660) 237 - 4355

Zion United Church of Christ

105 North Mary St.
Mayview, Missouri 64071-8224
Generous - Loving - Dedicated Christians
Sunday School 9:00 am
Worship at 10:00 am


The Lamplighter
September 2016

Zion UCC Mission Statement

The avowed purpose of our church shall be:
To worship God, to proclaim and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the Sacraments; to experience Christian fellowship, to build unity, and to practice charity within this congregation and the wider church; and to share this witness of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

Worship Whirl
Traditional Worship

10:30 AM


Come As You Are Service

10:30 AM

Monthly - 3rd Sunday

Sunday School

9:30 AM




Monthly 1st Sunday & Special


Church Council

7:15 PM


Board of Christian Education

7:15 PM


SAIL (Serving All in Love)

7:00 PM

Monthly - 4th Tuesday

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