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Everybody. I just want to tell you that next week

we're starting a brand new four-part message series called
Jesus and We. We're going to talk about four different
values of the church, and I promise you this will build your
faith and inspire you to seek God like never before in 2015.
As we move toward a new year, I just want to invite all of
you to consider joining our staff in fasting for 21 days.
We're going to deny ourselves something important to us.
Many people are taking a full food fast. Others are fasting
different things. I'll be doing a Daniel fast where I eat fruits
and vegetables for 21 days. I would love for you to join us,
and to receive God prayerfully in a fast for 21 days starting
on January the second.
Today I've got a very good friend who's going to be
teaching. He'll tell you more about the fast. He's the
campus Pastor at the campus where I actually teach. He's a
great man of God. Has an awesome family. A powerful
story. You'll be blessed today as you hear about First Things
First. Could you join me in welcoming Pastor Chris Beall.

Pastor Beall:

I'm so excited that you guys are with us today at literally

all of our campuses. Those of you at Network Churches, we
love you guys so much. For those of you literally all over
the world worshiping with us at Church Online, it really
means a lot that you've given an hour to be with us today. I
pray and believe you had a wonderful Christmas.
As Craig said, my name is Chris Beall and I'm the Pastor
here at the OKC campus. I got to be honest. I'm filling in ...
Craig Groeschel's pulpit, who in my opinion is probably one
of the best communicator's on the planet. Kind of feels like
I'm coming off the bench for Kevin Durant. No pressure
right? Just ... no pressure.
All joking aside, I've known Craig and Amy for 13 years,
and I'm not the same person because of his investment in
me and my relationship with him. We are blessed to have
amazing leadership at LifeChurch. Can we show a little
honor today for Craig and Amy, and all that they are for us.
I want to ask you a question. How many of you as you look
back at the end of a year ... You look back at 2014 and you
may to yourself, "You know 2014 is over, and I am not sad
in the least to see it go and never come back." Anybody
who would be honest about that? Several of us.

How many of you would say, "You know for me, if I'm
honest, 2014 may go down as one of the best years of my
entire life." Anybody just have an amazing 2014 ... hands,
little cheers in the house today. Isn't it interesting that in a
room full of people, all of whom on some level or another
believe in God, believe in the Bible, are involved in church
on some level because you're here today, can have such
radically different experience?
We know those people that it almost seems like every
aspect of their life is completely God [inaudible 00:03:06].
Even when challenges come, it's like nothing shakes them.
Then there are those of us that it seems like life is just this
ongoing process going from one tragedy, to the next
drama, to the next conflict, and when does it end?
All of us believe in God on some level. All of us believe in
the Bible, yet why is there such a polar difference in what I
would consider the Christian experience? I like to submit to
you today that it really comes down to order. Order is
important. Order honestly is everything. The way that we
prioritize our world and our lives, it creates and impacts
the lives that we experience.
Any of you who are married know that order is pretty
stinking important. For example, let's just talk about
something simple. Loading the dishwasher. Now ... Okay I
feel you all ready. There are those of you that it's your turn
to do the dishes, and so you'll grab things out of the sink,
and you'll just grab whatever and you'll put them wherever.
Some of you will grab cups and put them on the bottom
shelf. Like small cups. People what goes on the bottom
shelf? Big plates, pots, pans, big things. There's an order
to things. The rest of you that just put stuff wherever they
go, I believe that God simply tolerates you. All right?
There's an order to things.
Grocery shopping. Some of us when we go grocery
shopping ... I'm not allowed to shop for whole different set
of reasons, but some of us when we go grocery shopping
we have no list, right? Anybody want to admit I don't go
shopping with a list? Anybody at all? Several of you. So
what do you do? You walk every aisle, and most of the time
you're hungry. The things you're putting in your cart are
not the things that need to be in your pantry. They're the

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things you want in your stomach. It's a really bad approach

to shopping.
There are others of you like my wife, Cindy. It's honestly a
bit of a sickness. She has the blueprints of the store in her
phone. Her list is categorized by the aisles that she's going
to walk. She only goes ... It's a sickness. There's an order to
things. It's sick. In a marriage let's talk about sex. I have to
tread lightly here. There is ... Order matters, right? Most of
us know this. Men are like microwaves. Ready in an
instant. Women are crock pots. It takes a little bit more
time to simmer and get there.
When we talk about First Things First, my best advice to
you here ... What turns the crock pot on gentlemen? Let's
go back to step one. Load the dishwasher properly and
load it frequently, and your chances of loving later go up
dramatically. All the ladies said, "Amen." Order matters.
Order matters. I would say that a life that God blesses. A
life empowered by His spirit is not just about what we offer
to God, but the order in which we offer it.
Let me say that again. A life that God moves through ... A
life that God blesses is not so much about the things in our
life ... to say, "Okay God. I'm going to give you part of this
area of my life, and I'm going to give you a part of this area
of life," but when we come to Him and say, "But I'm going
to offer it in an order it pleases you."
Here's the truth. God must be first. He cannot not be first.
When God is first in every area of your life, the rest of your
life will be filled with order. If God isn't first in any area of
your life, I would argue that your life will be full of disorder.
Order matters. Look at what Jesus himself said in the
gospel of Matthew chapter 6.
These are the words of Christ. He says, but seek what? But
seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness, and then
all these things will be added to you as well. Seek God first.
Today we're going to look at four firsts. With every bit of
faith and belief in me I believe that these truths, and really
the spirit behind God being first, applied to your life will not
just change your 2015, it'll change absolutely the rest of
your life.


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If you're taking notes, the first "first" that we're going to

talk about today is the first of our day. In the first of our
day ... write this down. We're going to seek God. In the first
of of the day we're going to pursue a moment with our
Creator. We don't want to be legalistic and ritualistic. If you
wake up and nature is calling, by all means, go to the
bathroom before you open your mouth. That's perfectly
fine. If your breath is nasty, please brush your teeth before
you pray to God. If you need to make great coffee ... All
those things are okay, but nothing significant is going to
happen in my day before I spend time with my Savior. In
the first of the day, I'm going to seek God.
We get this picture in Psalm 63:1. Oh God you are my God.
Early will I seek you. Time matters. Priority matters. Order
matters. Early will I seek you. My soul thirsts for you, my
flesh longs for you in a dry and thirsty land, where there is
no water. When we look at the four gospels in the New
Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The four
accounts of the life of Christ. We see all kinds of repeated
behaviors in his life. We see Jesus performing miracles all
the time.
He's preaching hope to the multitudes all the time. He's
healing the sick all the time, but there's one behavior that I
think we often miss when we're talking about His life, and
it's that He repeatedly and consistently got away and got
alone with the Father. Even in moments where people were
still sick and needed Him to heal them, He still got away to
connect with his father. It's not even just that we know
that He got away. We know often when He got away.
Look at this. In the gospel of Mark chapter one. Scripture
says, very early in the morning while it was still dark, Jesus
got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place
where He prayed. Before anyone was awake. Before the
sun rose in the east. Before nature and creation woke up.
The son of man needed to connect and be filled and
empowered by the presence of His Father before He
started the day. If the son of God needed to connect to His
Father before He started the day, how much more do you?
You are not the son of God. How much more do I need that?
When you seek Him first. It's not that you can't pray on
your lunch break or read Scripture in the afternoon or

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before you go to bed. All of that is fine, but there is

something special about getting the first of your day that
sets the tone for the rest of the day. It matters, and it will
change you. In the first of the day, I'm going to seek God.
Cindy and I made a decision to take this seriously about
five years ago. I was sitting on the front row. Pastor Craig
was teaching a message on this very topic of seeking Him
first and seeking Him together with your spouse. For me, I
sit through seven messages every single weekend, and so
if God wants to convict Chris Beall's in, He as seven
opportunities to do so or to encourage me to employ
something in my life. I went home that day, and I repented
to Cindy. I said, "You know, I haven't led you. I haven't led
us in this area."
I don't know why. We're about to celebrate 22 years of
marriage next month, and one of the most challenging
things for us to do consistently is to pray together every
day. I don't know why it's so hard. Maybe it's because we
have a spiritual enemy that hates marriages that pray
together every day. That's a threat to our spiritual enemy.
I went home. I said, "Babe, enough is enough. Tomorrow
we're setting the alarm an hour earlier, and we're going to
make some great coffee, and you're going to read your
[inaudible 00:12:27] plan. I'm going to read my bible plan,
and then there will be nothing that happens in our day until
we hold hands and we go to the Father together. Barring
being out of town for some reason, we have not missed a
day in five years. It has utterly changed everything about
our lives. It will change you if you put Him first.
In the first of the day, what are we going to do? We are
going to seek God. The first of the week ... Write this down
if you're taking notes. We are going to worship. Not only
are we going to worship church, we are going to worship
God together. Collectively. Communally. Acts 20:7. The
Bible says on the first day of the week we, the church,
came together to break bread.
Here's a shocking statistic. A survey recently conducted of
American church-goers says that 48% of everyone that
calls themselves a church-goer in America attends church
less than once a month. Once a month. You would say, "Oh,

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I'm so thankful LifeChurch doesn't exist in that statistic."

Think again. Most of you have kids, and you have to check
your kids into Live Kids until you come into big church. So
guess what? We know exactly how frequently you come to
church, and guess how often you come to church? Fifty
percent of you come once a month. The rest of you? A little
bit more often.
You look at The Book of Acts. At the genesis of the church,
and to be honest with you guys, you see something very
very different. The Bible says that the church devoted
themselves to this. The Apostles teaching. To the breaking
of bed. To the fellowship and to prayer. Devoted
themselves. It goes on to say that they ate and met
together with glad and sincere hearts, and every day ...
Everybody say every day. Not one a month people. Every
day, the Bible says, they met together in the temple courts
like this. In corporate gatherings of worship. Then from
house to house not unlike a life group. Every day they met
together, and as a result, Scripture says the Lord added to
the number daily those who were being saved.
Why the drastic contrast between I come when I can, I'm
really super busy, once a month is about all I can do, and
every day? What's the difference? I don't believe it's
because they were more Holy than we are. I think they
were more honest then we are about how desperately they
needed each other. I met a lady a year and a half ago.
Teresa. She came to our church on the product of
someone's invitation. They were hurting. Their marriage
was falling apart. They're struggling with addiction.
All they new was that LifeChurch was a good place to come
for hurting people, and so they came. We met them. We
got them in to counselling. We literally gave of our own
time to pour into this couple. The next thing we know,
they're involved in an unbelievable life group. They're
serving now four/five times every weekend. Now we're
starting to get closer to the Acts passage. We're devoted.
Every part of my life revolves this community of faith that I
call home.
Somewhere along the way they had a setback. Things went
poorly. They were embarrassed about it. They didn't want
to be honest with us about what was really going on in

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their lives, and so the next thing we know, they

disappeared. It wasn't until a month ago that I saw her
walking in our north lobby. It had been a year since I had
seen her. I was the first human being to watch her as she
walked through the door. Why I was there? I'm not really
sure, but Teresa walks through the door, and the moment
she got into the environment of our church she broke and
I walked up to her and I put my arm around her, and I said,
"Teresa, I've missed you. How are you?" I'll never forget
what she said. She said, "Pastor Chris, I cannot believe I
forgot how much I need this place." Church, if I can be
honest with you. We need to get better at needing each
other. This is not just a value add to your week when you
can. Your soul needs what is happening right now, and so
does mine. It's not a suggestion. It's a priority.
The author of Hebrew's says it this way. Let us not give up
meeting together as some or in the habit of doing, but let
us encourage one another. On the first of the day, no one
or nothing gets my time until I've had it with the Lord, and
the first of the week we are going to worship God and
worship him together, and third ... Write this down if you're
taking notes. On the first of the month we worship God
with the tithe. Write that down. We worship God with our
Pastor Craig a few weeks ago taught, in my opinion, the
best message I've ever heard on the spirit of worshiping in
our gifts. In our giving. If you didn't see it, and by the
statistic I just read none of you did. I'm just totally kidding
with you, but if you didn't see it I want to challenge you
later today or this week go online, and watch
week two of our series Come To Worship. Amazing
message on giving.
Let's look at this. Leviticus. This is awesome. Check it out.
Scripture says that a tithe ... Everybody say "a tithe." Of
everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or
fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord. It is what? It is
Holy to the Lord. A tithe. A tenth. The first tenth. It's not
even just ten percent of your income Church. It is the first
tenth. Remember what I said. God must be first. He cannot


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not be first. When we put him first the rest of our life is
filled with order and provision and blessing.
A tithe, not only is it the Lord's. Not only does it belong
possessively to God, but he goes the extra mile to say it is
Holy to God. My 15 year old. My oldest boy, Noah just
started his first job recently selling Christian chicken. That's
right. He works for Chick-fil-A. You know how it goes. We
were all fully confident that the poultry are all born-again
at Chick-fil-A before we eat them. He's working at his first
job. He's making money. We're at this restaurant as a
family celebrating something. I don't remember what, but
we're sitting around a table.
One of the unpardonable sins in our home is that when
we're at the table having dinner together, your phone is
not out and your thumbs are not moving. I will lose it. I will
flip out. We're sitting there. Chips and salsa are happening,
and I see Noah pull his phone out and his thumbs start
moving. Inside I'm becoming The Incredible Hulk. I feel my
blood beginning to boil, but I hold it together and I said,
"Noah, what the heck you doing?" He said, "Dad I'm sorry. I
know I'm not supposed to have my phone out, but I just got
a notification that my first paycheck hit my checking
account, and so I just wanted to text my tithe to the
What? This moment of anger became this moment of pride
as a father. So much so that I took my phone out took a
picture of him celebrating that he just gave his tithes to
God, and then said he was mad at me because now I'm a
hypocrite because my phone's out as well. Isn't that
awesome? Look at it. A 15 year old. The moment a
paycheck hits his checking account, without even thinking
about it says, "Before I do anything. Before I spend
anything. The first belongs to God."
I'll just tell you. My boys, when it comes to the tithe, we've
been teaching them this for years. They almost have this
fear awe when it comes to the first tenth. They have the
sense that this is Holy. This is not mine to spend. I know for
some of you it may be a stretch to get there. It was for me
when I first became a follower of Jesus, but I deeply believe
that when we put Him first it will change your life.


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You may be listening to this and saying, "Wait a second.

Chris, for me to give God the first 10 percent of my income
first before I pay any other bill, I would have to utterly
rearrange every aspect of my life to do that." Exactly.
That's the whole point of all of this. The whole point is that
we are choosing to rearrange our whole world so that that
God is first.
You may or may not know this, but in the church world
December is always the largest month for giving. As people
look back at a year that God's blessed them, and they want
to respond by giving something significant above their
tithe in the month of December. For those of you who do
that, I just want to say, 'Thank you.' It matters so much. It
enables God's church to help people to build buildings, to
buy land, to create more environments. It matters.
I wonder what it would be like if December wasn't the
largest month of giving at LifeChurch? What if January was?
What if before we even knew what our year would look like,
or how God would provide for us, or how God would bless
us, we made a choice to say, "You know what? Regardless
of what you do, in the first of my year not the last of it, I'm
going to offer you a gift to say that I love you."
There's actually a family that has done this for years. They
attend our South Tulsa campus. We love all that's
happening at South Tulsa under Tommy Dawson's
leadership. This family has impacted so many lives. Here's
what they do. This is just unbelievable. They look at the
end of the year at what the projected revenue of their
company will be for the next year. Before their company
even makes a dime, they tithe 100% on projected revenue
before they've made any revenue.
I'm not even saying that all of us could do that or should do
that, but what I am saying is that when we have the heart
to say, "God you are first. Before you even bless me God, I
worship you." What do you think that does to the heart of
God for his kids? I think it inclines his heart to yours. In the
first of our day we seek Him. The first of our week we
worship Him together. The first of the month or whenever
you get paid we're going to offer and worship God with our
tithe. Lastly ... Write this down. In the first of the year we
offer a fast. In the first of our year we offer God a fast.

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Fasting is sacrificing nutrition. Denying yourself physical

nutrition for the purpose of pressing in to God's presence.
People fast for all kinds of different reasons. They fast for
someone who's sick to be healed. They fast because they
have a big decision to make, and I'm going to offer this fast
God to seek clarity. Others, I just want to feel God's
presence more in my life. I want to be more on fire for the
things of God then I've ever been before, so I'm going to
offer a fast to God.
All throughout Scripture you see fasting. There's even three
times in the Bible that we know of where people fasted for
40 days. Moses, receiving The Ten Commandments fasted
for 40 days. Elijah on the mountain encountering the Lord
fasted for 40 days. Jesus himself, in the desert being
tempted, fasted for 40 days. Before I get into the "Why?" I
want to give a couple of rules of fasting.
The first rule of fasting is that no one talks about fasting.
Okay? That's the first rule of fasting. There's a point to this.
For those of us that are young in the faith, we'll go to a
restaurant and they'll say, "Can I take your order?" "Well
I'm fasting, and so I guess just bring whatever vegetables
you have." Put a smile on your face. Say, "I'd like a side
salad." They'll say, "On the side of what?" You'll say, "On
the side of my water." You're smiling about it because you
want to be happy about it, right?
We don't want to post on Instagram a picture of your lentil
soup, and how sick to death you are of eating lentils. I will
give you this one bit of advice if you're going to do the
Daniel fast with us as a staff which starts January the
second, which is fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and
lots of beans because we need protein. Here's my one bit
of advice. If you're going to do that fast. Don't ever trust a
fart. I'm just telling you. Don't ever do it. I can't believe I
just said that in church, but it's true. That's the way our
bodies work. It's just a lot of vegetables and beans.
We want to ... Don't know if I'm going to get you back after
that. We want to be joyful when we're fasting. Matthew 6
says, But when you fast put oil on your head and wash
your face so that it will not be obvious to men that you are
fasting, but only to your Father who is unseen. Your Father


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who sees what is done in secret will reward you. It's

something that we offer to God with joy.
I've got to tell you. The last six or seven years that our
church has started the first 21 days of our year with a fast,
it's changed us. It's changed our church. It's changed what
God has been doing through out church. Fasting is one of
the most misunderstood concepts in the Bible because if
you're new to this whole thing, and you say, "Okay I'm
going to not eat, and none of us are going to eat much."
How is that going to produce anything but grumpy, hungry
people? How does that bless God?
Let me explain it with a scripture. Paul in Galatians 5. This
Scripture has nothing to do with fasting, yet I believe it
explains fasting better than any passage in the Bible.
Check this out. In Galatians 5:16 Paul said, "So I say walk
by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the
flesh." He says, "I need you to walk by the Holy Spirit that
I've imparted to you so that you will not fulfill the desires of
your flesh." He goes on to says, "For the flesh desires, it
hungers for what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit
desires what is contrary to the flesh." He ends this verse by
saying, "For they are in conflict with each other."
Some translations say that the Spirit and the flesh are at
war with each other. I'm pretty confident that everyone
hearing this verse has experienced that tension between
what our flesh wants ... What is our flesh? It is what our
physical bodies want. It is what our sinful nature craves.
That's the flesh. The Spirit is the Holy Spirit within us. Both
of them are hungry. The question is, which will you feed?
Think about it. Why do we fast? We are going to deny our
fleshly appetite what it wants for the sole purpose of
feeding what the Holy Spirit wants.
The Bible says we are called to lead Spirit-lead lives. How
on earth are you going to be Spirit-lead if your flesh gets
whatever it wants whenever it wants? Don't miss this.
Whatever you feed will grow, and whatever grows will
become dominant. If you feed your flesh anything it wants,
you will be led in your life entirely by your flesh, but if we
deny the flesh and we feed the Spirit ... What does the
Spirit long for? Intimacy with the Father. God's Holy word.
Worship. A life of obedience and faith. When we feed the

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Spirit, the Spirit grows and now we are led and empowered
completely and solely by the Spirit. That is why we fast. So
that we would be a group of people that don't only just
profess a faith in God, but we live a life propelled by Him. It
is a life led by God's Spirit.
Let me close with one clarification Church. I believe that
God wants us to have a more faith-filled God-empowered
year in this coming year then we've ever had in the past,
but I think we need to recognize the idea of us putting God
first ... We don't put God first. God already is first. He has
always been first. Before the earth was whispered into
existence God was church. He was there. Before He said let
us create man in our image to have an object to love and
to be loved by He existed. Before sin even entered in the
human experience, God was scheming a plan of
redemption. Make no mistake. We don't put God first.
He is, has always been, and will always be first,
preeminent, supreme in all things. It is the nature of His
creation. So what are we saying? It's not that we are
putting Him first. It's we're recognizing that he's already
first, and then we are going to then align every aspect of
our lives to the order of creation. When you do what Jesus
did in Matthew 6 ... I'm going to seek you first. I'm going to
place you first because I recognize you have always been
first. The rest of your life will be power, peace, clarity,
provision, and then God is going to use you to impact other
people's lives. That's what happens with a group of people
that place God where he already is. First.
At all our campuses, would you join me in prayer today?
Father we are so grateful for your goodness and for this
place [inaudible 00:32:13] and safely explore the claims of
Christ and a life of faith. In an attitude of prayer today God,
I ask that you would give us a posture of honesty with
ourselves and with you as to what place we've actually
placed you in our lives.
At all of our campuses and churches, I want to just ask you
an honest question. As I've talked through these different
areas, these different firsts, these priorities that God longs
to be placed in, I wonder how many of you is God speaking
to. There's an area of your life in the past where you have
no put God first. Whether it's in your morning or your

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finances or you haven't prioritized gathering together in

the house of God, or even the idea of starting your year
with a fast. As you look at 2015 you know with complete
clarity there's an area that you're saying, "You know, this
year's going to be different. I'm going to have something
I've never had because I'm going to do something I've
never done, and in this area, whatever that area is God. I
choose to place you first."
If that's you, would you lift your hand as an act of faith
before God today? Hands going up all over the place. So
thankful God for so many people that are hearing your
voice and responding to what you're burdening their heart
with. I pray that their year would be one of favor, of power,
of provision, and God even when the hard time comes, that
God it would be a year of your presence. That there
wouldn't be a moment of their day that they would not
sense that you are with them.
As we continue to pray Church, there are others of you at
all of our campuses and those of you at Church Online, that
if you're really honest with yourself, God isn't first and you
know it. Not only do you know that He's not first, God
knows that He's not first in your life. We've all been there.
Every single one of us have been in a season of life where
we were doing life on our own terms. Our agenda was the
agenda that drove everything about us, but I got to be
honest, that does not end well for you. It just doesn't.
Here's the great news. The great news is that God has
always been the initiator. You don't initiate a relationship
with God. He initiated it with you. How? In the midst of all
of our sin that separates us from a Holy God, God sent first.
His son Jesus who lived a sinless life. Was tortured beyond
what any human should ever endure, and he died a
criminal's death as he hung on Calvary's Cross. That was
his way of initiating a bridge that would cover the chasm of
sin and bring you back into relationship with the Father.
Church it is not enough to just know that. You have to
receive it. You have to choose to align your life with the
fact that God is first. What does that mean? It means you
deny everything. You surrender every aspect of your life.
All that you are to all that He is. What do you do? You call
out on His name. The Bible says that anyone who calls out

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on the name of Christ, they will be saved, forgiven, made

new. In a moment of faith the Bible says you will be saved
and transformed by faith in the perfect work of Calvary's
For many of you that is exactly the reason that you are
here today. You're going to cry out to God. He will forgive
you. He will save you. He will change your life. Not only
2015, but the rest of your life will be marked because you
are a child of God. If that is your prayer today, I want you
to boldly lift your head right now and meet me eye to eye.
Just lift it up. I want to see you.
God, I surrender my life. Brother right here and here. Hand
lifted high right here in the middle section. Wipe away the
tears. Hand lifted high here and here. I see it right here.
Praise God for you. God I save both of you guys together
right here in the middle section in the back. I listen to you.
I need you God. Save me. Hand lifted high. Church Online
please click right below me if you're making this
commitment to Jesus Christ. God I need you to save me.
Hand lifted high right over here. I'm so proud of you, and
right over there, and right over there. Awesome. Hand
lifted high right over to my right. So proud of you.
All of us together are going to pray with those saying yes
to the gift of God's grace. No one prays alone. Pray this out
loud with me. Father I need you. I have sinned. I'm asking
you to save me. Jesus I believe you died on a cross you
didn't deserve to pay for my sin, and I receive your grace. I
surrender my life. Fill me with your Holy Spirit that I could
serve you always. In Jesus name I pray.
I would hope somebody in this place would make a little
noise today, and worship a good God. Come on.


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