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" People suffering from cardiovascular diseases have twice the risk of having a

cerebrovascular accident than people with a healthy heart " (N.A, 2014) this show
the close relation this two systems have cause as every cell in the human body it
need from blood the supply of oxygen and other nutrients this carries and they
need it to take CO2 out of the cells , this shows the importance of cardiovascular
system to the cerebrovascular system cause a damage to it will affect directly the
cerebrovascular system like if you have a heart attack blood irrigation will stop
producing dead of brain cells taking the patient to suffer brain stroke that can affect
patients motor skills or even killing them , also other problems for the
cardiovascular system that affects cerebrovascular system are arrhythmia that is
the increase (tachycardia) or decrease (bradycardia) of the heart beats , which
both have bad repercussions for the cerebrovascular disease respectively ,
tachycardia rise the blood pressure levels and the strength of its fluid causing veins
break producing an hemorrhage and also if blood fluid is alter the coagulation
system can be affected too producing the unnecessary formation of clots that can
clog important brain arteries or vessels producing brain stroke by blocking the
irrigation of blood , bradycardia is not as dangerous as the tachycardia but the bad
supply of blood to the brain can be lethal cause if it is bad the areas where the
blood fluid is poor can be damaged suffering brain stroke or if the valves are the
affected the circulation of blood won't be the same , it can produce that the blood
fluid in two path which is very dangerous cause blood should flow in one way and
as every abnormality the heart or it components have this have repercussions to
the cerebrovascular system that can be the activation of the coagulation system
and when the blood isn't unidirectional the amount of blood that arrives to organs

reduce and for offset this bad blood supply the heart must increase its efforts
making it get bigger with the time reducing its ability to pump blood properly
affecting the irrigation of blood in the brain vessels that can produce brain stroke
also this extra effort of the heart can produce cardiac insufficiency which affects the
irrigation of blood to the brain too , it exist a lot of more cardiovascular diseases
that can produce cerebrovascular accidents which will have the same effects which
are hemorrhagic or ischemic cerebrovascular accident but the mentioned before
are the most significant also its known and proved that any disease that attack the
heart will have bad effects to the normal brain activity cause is the organ which
more blood supply needs .

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