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Written Communication

Unit 1 / 2 marks
1. What is personal communication?
Personal communication is the direct exchange of information and emotions between two or more
persons. It is also called as face to face communication and it also forms as a part of non verbal
communication like facial expressions, body language etc.
2. Principals of Personal communication?

To avoid waste of time

The message reveals the necessary facts
To convey the message the way we feel
Using short sentences, clear words etc
It increases the vocabulary of the sender and the receiver.

3. Brief the models of Personal Communication?

Journal Writing
Mails / E-Mails
SMS (short message services)
Greeting cards
4. What is Journal writing?
A journal may be defined as a sequential, dated chronicle of events and ideals, which is the personal
reflections, emotions and feelings of the writer. Journal writing includes writing a journal,log ,diary,
blogs etc.
5. Write the benefits of Journal writing.

Release of emotions
Writing meditation
Ownership of feelings
Honesty with self
Demonstrates growth
Reflecting about the past

6. Write any five components of Journaling.

Release of emotions
Writing meditation
Ownership of feelings
Honesty with self
Demonstrates growth
Reflecting about the past
Memory building and learning from past experiences
View emotions from a distance
Enhances friendship
Therapeutic effects

7. What are the types of journals?

Learning Journals
Spiritual Journals
Professional Journals
Academic Journals
Financial Journals

8. State the Importance of Journal Writing?

Reduces Stress
Solves Problems
Promotes Self growth
Preserves Memories
Improves Writing
Sharpens senses
9. What is an E-Mail?
E-mail is a short for electronic mail. Its modern method of: transmitting data, teSending and receiving
messages online through the internet. Transmitting data, text files, digital photos, and audio and video
files from one computer to another over the internet.
10.Write the components of an E-Mail?
user name : Name or Company name (each is unique)
@ symbol : unique to email addresses (Shift key + 2)
email providers name(Yahoo, Gmail ,Hotmai)
domain / .org (yours will be .com)
11. Advantages of an E-Mail?

Managing an e-mil is easy

It is fast
It is inexpensive
Sending is Secure and Reliable
In contact with many people
Legally valid

11. What is SMS?

Text messaging is described as the exchange of short text messages. Text messages can be sent via
mobile phones, fixed-line phone, and portable or fixed devices over a network.Originally, text
messaging only referred to Short Message Service (SMS) messages but as technology improved, text
messaging also includes Multimedia Message Service (MMS) messages. While SMS is only textbased, MMS messages contain pictures, sound, images, animation, and video.
12. What are the advantages of SMS?
Guaranteed message delivery

Reliable and cost effective

Delivery of message to multiple receivers
Ability to receive diverse information
Convenient to use

13. Disadvantages of SMS?

They are limited up to 160 words

They provide a limited text based experience
They can be costly too at times
Due to technical problems also the delivery fails at times

14. What are greeting cards?

Greeting cards are the quick way to let people know what you/we are thinking of them. It is an
expression of our feelings , emotions , sentiments, gratitude and remember special occasion and
15. Advantages of Greeting cards?

Conveying Messages
Building relations
Brings out emotions
Creates enthusiasm
Brings awareness

16. State the types of greeting cards?

Types of Greeting cards

Congratulations Cards

Consoling cards

Business Professional cards

Romantic Cards

Holiday cards

Online greeting cards

Invitation cards
17.What is an invitation?
A Invitation may be defined as a spoken or a written request for someones presence or participation.
It is a request to get someone to join us for an occasion or for a specific event.
18.How to accept to an invitation and decline the same?

If an invitation is received, inform the person / sender that you have received the invitation and also
inform your presence for the invitee, by writing a letter, or a phone call, or an email or an SMS.
Refusal is characterised as an act by which a speaker refuses to engage in an action proposed by the
inviter. The refusal can be expressed directly or by other indirect means like mails or SMS etc .

16 Marks
1. Brief on the types of personal communication?
Body Language
Elements of body language
Facial Expression
Eye Contact
Dress Code
Oral communication
Forms of Oral communication
Informal communication
Group Communication(Debate, Meetings, Conferences, committees)
Speeches and Presentations
Written Communication
Types of Written communication
External Written communication
Internal Written Communication
2. Write the Characteristics of Journal Writing and Its importance
Characteristics of Journal Writing
Importance of Journal Writing
Reduces Stress
Cathartic and Healing
Solves Problems
Promotes self growth
Preserves memories
Improves writing
Sharpens senses

3. what is an E-Mail, Write the advantages and its limitations?

E-mail is a short for electronic mail. Its modern method of: transmitting data, teSending and receiving
messages online through the internet. Transmitting data, text files, digital photos, and audio and video
files from one computer to another over the internet.


Managing an e-mail is easy

It is fast
It is inexpensive
Sending is Secure and Reliable
In contact with many people
Legally valid

E-Mail does not guarantee secrecy
No assurance that the receiver will check the message
Only if there is internet the e-mails can be sent and received
E-mail cannot be considered a confidential mode of communication.
E-mail cannot be used to convey information of an urgent nature
The size of sent/received message shall not exceed 16 Mb
The number of recipients for one sent/received message shall not exceed 30
4. Brief on the types of Greeting card?
Congratulating Card
Birthday cards
Anniversary cards
Wedding cards
Cards for retirement
Cards for graduation
Consoling cards
Business or professional cards
Romantic cards
Holiday cards
Online greeting cards
Invitation cards
5. What is responding to an invitation and explain how to accept and decline and invitation?
Write an Invitation inviting your teacher for a function in your college.
An invitation should be responded with in a week of receipt .If there is a phone number or an e-mail
address in the invitation one of these would be proper means of corresponding with the sender. Not
responding to an invitation is not advisable.
Responding to an invitation can be either to accept or to decline the invitation.
Be able to understand appropriate expressions used to invite others, and accept or decline an
invitation from others.
Accurately use common expressions used to invite others, and accept or decline an invitation
from others.
Be able to confidently and accurately invite others, and accept or decline an invitation from

How to accept an Invitation

Ok. I'd like that!
Yes sure I'm free then. Thank you. I'd like to come.

Well, I'm free/available then, I'll come. Thanks.

I am not doing anything special then. Thank you. I'd like to come.
That's very kind of you ...
I'd love to.
Thanks very much. I'd be delighted.
Thank you. I'd love to join you.

How to decline or refuse the invitation

I'm afraid I can't. I'm busy then.
I'm sorry but I can't. I'm going somewhere that day.
Sorry, but I have something on that night
I'd love to, but I've got another engagement.
I'm sorry, but I really can't make it tonight.
That would be nice, but I'm afraid I can't.
I'm afraid I'm already going out.

Letter Writing:

Dear Mr./Mrs. 'name(s) of the invitee(s)'

We request you to attend the college day function organized on 'Friday the 11th of Oct 2013 '
at the college auditorium. The dress code for the event is Formals.
The event will commence with an inaugural speech, followed by events which will be staged
at the same place. Looking forward to a positive reply from you.
'contact details'
Eg: Jacob
Students secretary
MAM College.
Host's Name

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