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Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University Dermatology and Venereology Department “Approved” Dean of faculty for education of foreign citizens Ass, Prof. _Solomehak_D. B. « » 2012. Checklist to final module control with Dermatovenereology for students of 4th year medical faculty GENERAL DERMATOLOGY. 1. Arrangements to reduce contageous skin diseases. The role of general practitioners in the detection of skin diseases. 2. Features of the national STI school. Ukrainian Dermatology and venerology school representatives, the scientific direction of their research. 3. The structure of the epidermis. Rehulehtorni growth mechanisms of epidermal cells. . rere ® ° 4. The structure of their own skin, structural elements, their function. 5. Add skin: hair, sweat and sebaceous glands, their structure and function, 6. Nerves and blood vessels of the skin. 7. The main functions of the skin. 8. The skin - the body immune system. 9. Primary morphological elements rash on the skin. 10. The main pathological processes in the skin and their clinical implications. 11. Secondary morphological elements rash on the skin. 12. Special dermatological examination methods, methods of their implementation. Give an example. 13. Methodology review dermatological patient. In the example describe local status. 14. The role of exogenous and endogenous and social factors in causing dermatitis (give examples). 15. Basic principles of treatment of dermatological patients. The main groups of medication anul used for the peehery, of Patients with dermatoses (write prescriptions for each group). 16. Hiposensybilizuyiichi- and antihistamines in the treatment of dermatological hvoryh:pokazannya; mechanism of action (write prescriptions). pen Bud 3, 17. Treatment of patients with dermatological hormones, their therapeutic and side effects, indications and contraindications (write prescriptions). 18. Vitamins, used for treating dermatological patients, mechanism of action, indications (write prescriptions). 19. Diet dermatological patients. Physiotherapy and spa treatment indications. Alternative therapies. 20. Division medication mullion on the mechanism of action on the skin, used for external treatment, Give examples for each group. 21. Forms prescribing medication mullion external use. The depth of their actions (write prescriptions). Dermatology. A. The general concept of bacterial skin deseses: etiology, pathogenesis, classification. Stafilococcal skin deseses, clinic, treatment, prevention. 2. Streptococcal skin deseses, clinic, treatment, prevention. 3. Epidemiological pemphigus newborns differential diagnosis of syphilitic. Impetiho vulgaris, clinic, treatment. 4. VeZ)kulopustulosis and multiple abscesses in children, clinic, treatment. 5. Chronic piodermis, vulgar sikoz, vulgar ektima: clinic treatment. 6. Scabies, clinic, etiology, peculiarities in children, treatment. Preventive measures. 7. The general concept of dermatomycoses: etiology, pathogenesis, classification. Keratomikosis, clinic, treatment. 8. Trichophytosis, clinic, treatment, prevention. Differential diagnosis of parasitic and vulgar sikozes, 9. Microspores, clinic, treatment, prevention. Differential diagnosis of superficial settsstitiyi microsporiasfid scalp. 10. Epidermofitosis pedis, clinic, treatment pvention 11. Yeast skin and mucous membranes: Rubromikosis, clinic, treatment, prevention. Measures for prevention of dermatomycoses among industrial and agricultural workers, in children's groups. 12. Tuberculosis Brand, clinical varieties, differential diagnosis, treatment. 13. Sklofuloderma (kolikvative lupus), differential diagnosis, clinical picture, treatment. 14. Warty lupus. Ambulatory treatment. 15. Indurative and knotted eritema, etiology, differential diagnosis, treatment. 16. Dermatitis, classification, clinical features, differential diagnosis of eczema. 17. Toksydermis. Lyell's syndrome, pathogenesis, clinical features, treatment. 18. Urticaria, Quincke's edema, skin itching, clinic, treatment. Emergency therapy in edema. 19. Eczema, diversity, pathogenesis, clinical features, treatment. 20. Occupational skin diseases, especially the diagnosis and treatment. 21. Neurodermatitis, pathogenesis, clinical features, treatment. 22. Psoriasis, pathogenesis, clinical features, differential diagnosis, treatment. 23. Red flat lichen (lichen rubber planus), pathogenesis, clinical features, differential diagnosis, treatment. 24. Red Brand (lupus erithematosus), pathogenesis, clinical varieties, treatment. 25. Scleroderma, pathogenesis, clinical varieties, treatment. 26. Pityriasis rosea (Gilbert lichen), clinic, treatment. 27. Herpes, etiology, clinical features, treatment. 28. Warts, genital warts, moluskum contagiosum, clinical, differential diagnosis. 29, Exudative erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, clinic, treatment. 30. Pemphigus vulgaris, clinical varieties, treatment, dyspanzeryzatsiya> «e 31. Herpetoformis dermatitis Duhring, clinical, differential diagnosis, treatment. 32. Precancer of the skin, causes, classification, clinical, treatment. 33. Malignant neoplasms of the skin, diversity, clinic, treatment. Signs of degeneration of pigmented nevus in melanoma. 34. Leprosy, etiology, clinical varieties, treatment. 35. Seborthea, and vulgaris acne, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, treatment. 36. Vasculitis, clinical, treatment. Venereology. A, Sexually transmitted diseases, causes and distribution of high incidence. The role of general practitioners in the prevention and detection of sexually transmitted diseases. 2. Syphilis, etiology, modes of transmission. The general course of acquired untreated syphilis. Immunity in syphilis. 3. Primary syphilis, clinical, differential diagnosis of a typical hard chancre. 4. Atypical hard chanere, what their atypical, differential diagnosis. 5. General characteristics of the secondary period of syphilis. The difference rash of secondary syphilis fresh and recurrent. 6. Spotted secondary syfilidy, clinic, differential diagnosis. 7. Papular secondary syfilidy, clinic, differential diagnosis. 8. Pigmented syfilid, syphilitic alopecia, the clinical diversity, differential diagnosis. 9. Overview of tertiary syphilis. tuberculous syfilid, clinic, differential diagnosis. 10. Gummous syphilis, clinical, differential diagnosis of tuberculosis of the skin. 11. Congenital syphilis, routes of transmission, classification, syphilis fetus and placenta. 12. Congenital syphilis in infants, clinical varieties. 13. Late congenital syphilis, reliable and apparent signs of stigma. 14, Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis in different periods of his course. Methods for detection of latent syphilis. 15. General principles of treatment of syphilis. Antibiotics in the treatment of patients with syphilis. Methods of application. Complications. 16. The structure of male urethra, Gonorrhea, epidemiology, immunity, classification. 17. Morphology and biology of gonococci, methods of detection.Metodes of diagnostic of gonorrhea. 18. Fresh gonorrheal urethritis, clinical, differential diagnosis. 19. Chronic and v'yaloprotikayuchi form of gonorthea, clinic, diagnostics. 20. Complications of gonorrhea. of inpreverted 21, General principles of treatment and criteria vylikuvanosti patients with gonorrhea. 22. Chlamydia, Reiter's syndrome, clinic, treatment. 23. Trichomoniasis, clinic, treatment. 24, Virus, mycoplasma, yeast defeat urinary genital clinic treatment. 25. AIDS, etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, stage of development of HIV infection. 26. Skin and mucous membranes with AIDS. Features of medical ethics and medical ethics at the Supervision of HIV-infected. 27. Indications for screening for HIV infection. Risk. Measures to prevent HIV infection. NOTE: While the story of the treatment of dermatoses and venereal diseases should write out recipes. Control questions for final modul control for dermatology and venerology were discussed at the meeting of the department 8.06.2012. Protocol Ne 52. Head of the Department of Dermatology and Venerology, Doctor of medical sciences (MD), Professor Virstjuk NG Control questions approved at a meeting of the cycle methodical commission 13.06.2012. Protocol Ne 4. Head of the cycle methodical commission Professor Omat S Y

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