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Why are there so many Bible translations, and

which is the best?

Question: "Why are there so many Bible translations, and which is the best?"
Answer:The fact that there are so many English Bible translations is both a blessing and a
problem. It is a blessing in that the Word of God is available to anyone who needs it in an easyto-understand, accurate translation. It is a problem in that the different translations can create
controversy and problems in Bible studies, teaching situations, etc. The differences between the
translations can also be a subject of great division within the church body.
It is probably wise to have access to at least two or three of the major translations KJV (King
James Version), NIV (New International Version), NAS (New American Standard), NKJV (New King
James Version), ESV (English Standard Version), NLT (New Living Translation), for comparison's
sake. If a verse or passage in one translation is a little confusing, it can be helpful to compare it
side-by-side with another version. It is difficult to say which translation is the "best." "Best" would
be determined by a combination of the translation method personally considered best and your
interpretation of the textual data underlying your translation. For example, the KJV and NAS
attempted to take the underlying Hebrew and Greek words and translate them into the closest
corresponding English words as possible (word for word), while the NIV and NLT attempted to
take the original thought that was being presented in Greek and Hebrew and then express that
thought in English (thought for thought). Many of the other translations attempt to "meet in the
middle" between those two methods. Paraphrases such as The Message or The Living Bible can
be used to gain a different perspective on the meaning of a verse, but they should not be used
as a primary Bible translation.
There are many more Bible translations than the six mentioned above. It is wise to have a
personal method for determining whether a particular Bible translation is accurate. A good
technique is to have a set of Scripture verses you know well, and look those verses up in a
translation you are unsure of. A good idea is to look at some of the most common verses which
speak of the deity of Christ (John 1:1,14;8:58;10:30;Titus 2:13) to make sure a Bible translation is
true to the Word of God. Despite the multitudes of English Bible translations, we can be confident
that God's Word is truth, and that it will accomplish His purposes (Isaiah 55:11;2 Timothy 3:1617;Hebrews 4:12).
Recommended Resources:How to Choose a Translation for All Its Worth: A Guide to
Understanding and Using Bible Versions by Gordon D. Fee & Mark L. StraussandLogos Bible
While he is not the author of every article on, for citation purposes, you may reference our CEO, S. Michael

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De ce sunt att de multe traduceri ale Bibliei, i care este mai


ntrebare: De ce sunt att de multe traduceri ale Bibliei, i care este mai bun?

Rspuns: Faptul c sunt att de multe traduceri ale Bibliei n limba englez este i o
binecuvntare i o problem. Este o binecuvntare n faptul c Biblia este disponibil pentru
oricine are nevoie ntr/o traducere uor de neles i fidel originalului. Este o problem prin
faptul c multele traduceri pot crea controverse n studii biblice, situaii de predare a Bibliei, etc.
Diferenele dintre traduceri pot fi i ele un motiv de mari diviziuni n cadrul trupului bisericii.
Este probabil un lucru nelept s avem disponibile cel puin dou sau trei dintre
traducerile cele mai uzate pentru studiu comparativ: KJV (King James Version - Versiunea King
James), NIV (New International Version - Noua Versiunea Internaional), NAS (New American
Standard - Noua versiune Standard American), NKJV (New King James Version Noua Versiune
King James), ESV (English Standard Version Versiunea Standard n Englez)), NLT (New Living
Translation Noua Traducere Vie). Dac un verset sau un pasaj dintr-o traducere este puin mai
confuz, poate fi de ajutor s l punem lng un altul dintr-o alt traducere pentru comparaie.
Este dificil de stabilit care traducere este cea mai bun. Cea mai bun ar fi stabilit printr-o
combinaie ntre metoda de traducere considerat cea mai bun de ctre o persona i
interpretarea informaiilor textuale care definesc traducerea ta. De exemplu, KJV i NAS au
ncercat s ia cuvintele de baz din ebraic i greac i s le traduc cu cel mai apropiat cuvnt
corespondent din englez (cuvnt cu cuvnt), n timp ce NIV i NLT au ncercat s ia gndul
original prezentat n greac sau ebraic i s l exprime n englez (gnd cu gnd). Multe din
celelalte traduceri ncearc o cale de mijloc ntre cele dou metode. Parafrazri ca The
Message (Mesajul) sau The Living Bible (Biblia Vie) pot fi folosite pentru a cpta o perspectiv
diferit asupra nsemntii versetului, dare le nu ar trebui folosite ca traduceri principale ale
Sunt mult mai multe traduceri n afar de cele ase menionate mai sus. Este un lucru nelept s
i stabileti o metod personal pentru a determina dac o anumit traducere a Bibliei este
corect. O tehnic bun este stabilirea unui set de versete biblice pe care le cunoti bine, i s
caui acele versete ntr-o traducere de care eti nesigur. O idee bun este s cutm cele mai
cunoscute versete care vorbesc despre divinitatea lui Cristos (Ioan 1:1, 14; 8:58; 10:30; Tit 2:13)
pentru a ne asigura c o traducere a Bibliei este fidel fa de Cuvntul lui Dumnezeu. n ciuda
varietii n traduceri n limba englez, putem fi siguri de faptul c Biblia este adevrul, i c i
va mplini scopurile (Isaia 55:11; 2 Timotei 3:16-17; Evrei 4:12).
Resurse recomandate: Cum s alegi o traducere pentru ce valoreaz ea; Ghid pentru nelegerea
i folosirea versiunilor Bibliei de Gordon D. Fee i Marl L. Straussand, programe biblice Logos.

Problems I faced while translating:


Translating the whole idea, and all the words using dynamic equivalence;
Expression translation side-by-side is a hard expression to translate fluently we need to
view the context;
Word order can be hard to render in the exact manner as the original language;
In Romanian there are word order error that need to be avoided (cacofonii);
Some words do not convey the whole meaning in the recipient language, so I have to
explain, or give the most accurate word to fit the context (accurate fidel originalului);
The context is a major issue, as I have to use terms that fit in Romanian to Bible
translations that are not that developed as in English;
Translating major with major in Romanian does not convey the whole meaning in English,
so I had to choose a more free translation the ones that are most used;
In translating alliterations I had to use the term in English and give the English and then
translate the letters in Romanian;

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