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Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin, the researcher expresses her highest

gratitude to Allah SWT for the love, blessings, mercies and chance to finish her
thesis. Salam and Shalawat are addressed to the highly prophet, Muhammad SAW,
the last messenger of God who has guided her from the darkness to the brightness,
and from stupidity to the cleverness.
In writing this thesis, many people have provided motivation, support,
advice, and even remark that helped the researcher, it would be an honor of the
researcher to express her gratitude and appreciation to all of them.
First, the researcher would like to devote her deepest appreciation and
sincere thanks and endless love to her beloved parents, Syamsuddin K. and
Nurtiningsih who always support, advice, give courage, and pray for success of
their children. The researcher thanks also go to her sisters, Ananda Aisyah
Alawiah, Adinda Amalia Azhari, and Amanda Assyahdia Aszahra who make her
smile, sad, and laugh for wonderful moments, togetherness, and understanding.
The researchers most profound and sincere appreciation in due to Dr.
Kisman Salija, M.Pd., her first consultant and Amra Ariyani, S.Pd., M.Pd., her
second consultant, for their valuable guidance, comment, suggestion, correction,
and constructive remarks in finishing her thesis. Her most profound and sincere
appreciation also goes to her first examiner, Prof. Dr. Baso Jabu, M. Hum and

second examiner Chairil Anwar Korompot, M.A., Ph.D. for their valuable critics
and beneficial suggestions.
The researcher expresses her profound appreciation to Dr. Syarifuddin
Dollah, M.Pd (Dean of Faculty of Languages and Literature), Drs. Sahril, M.Hum.
(Head of English Department), Dr. Maemuna Muhayyang, M.Pd (the Head of
English Education Study Program), and all the lecturers and staffs of FBS UNM
whose name could not be mentioned one by one who have given their guidance,
knowledge, support, and help during her study until the researcher completes this
Her greatest thanks also go to the Headmaster of SMA Negeri 2
Bulukumba, Drs. Muhammad Saleh, M.Pd. and to all the teacher of SMA Negeri
2 Bulukumba, especially for Drs. Muhammad Alwi, the English teacher and to all
first grade students especially X3 in academic year 2015/2016 that have
cooperativeness and enthusiasm in the researchers researcher.
The researcher special thanks are given to all her friends in class A, B, C, and D
English Education 2011 who always support her in process of finishing this thesis
thanks for the unforgettable moment, for their help, sharing, humors, and
Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being
perfect. Therefore suggestion and correction for improvement of this thesis are

May the Almighty God, Allah SWT blesses and guides us to the straight path.
Amin. Wassalam.

Makassar, Januari 2016

The researcher

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