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Colgio Estadual Violeta Pitaluga

7 ano
Aluno(a): ___________________________________________

Data: 30/08/2016
Valor: 10,0


1. Preencha os espaos em branco utilizando "do", "don't", "does" ou "doesn't"
a) She _____ need to come here. Just tell her I'm going to call her tomorrow.
b) This doctor _____ see patients every day.
_____ he work at night?
c) What _____ you want from me? Well, I _____ know. Maybe a little more attention.
2. Para fixar melhor, complete as frases abaixo com DO ou DOES:
a) ___________ you like fishing?
b) ___________ I look good?
c) ___________ she work as a bank teller?
d) ___________ you have to go now?
e) ___________ I need to talk to my mother about this?
3. Preencha as lacunas abaixo com a forma correta dos auxiliares em destaque.
a) I _________ understand, do you?
doesn't don't
b) Dr. Watson _________ smoke, does he?
doesn't don't
c) We _________ like country music very much.
doesn't don't
d) Janet said she _________ want it anymore.
doesn't don't
e) Mr Johnson __________ live in New York. He lives in Boston.
doesn't don't
f) Rice _________ grow in cold climates.
doesn't don't
g) They like tea, they _________ like coffee.
doesn't don't
h) We are new here. We __________ know him.
doesn't don't
i) Jack has bad breath because he _________ often brush his teeth.
doesn't don't
j) We are rich so we _________ have to work.
doesn't don't

4. Complete os dilogos abaixo utilizando "do", "don't", "does" ou "doesn't".

a) ______ Helen and Barbara drink milk every day?
No, they ______drink milk every day.
b) ____ you speak English?
Yes, I _____.
c) _____ Carol speak English?
Yes, she _____.
d) _____ Samantha have English classes on Mondays?
No, she ______.
e) _____ you know Peter?
Yes, I ____.
f) _____ they know So Paulo?
Yes, they ____.
g) ______ she speak French?
No she _____not.
h) _____ we watch soap operas every night?
No, we____.
i) ______ Paul and Harry know each other?
Yes, they _____.
j) ____ Jimmy and Dawn at school?
No, they _____.
5. Transforme estas sentenas em questes, como no modelo.
I love pets. Do you love pets?
a) He loves that girl. ___________________________________?
b) You live in So Paulo. _________________________________?
c) Renato likes milkshake. _______________________________?
d) Ivete Sangalo sings ax music. _________________________?
e) They love me. _______________________________________?
6. Trasforme as sentenas positivas em negativas, como no modelo.
I like "pagode". I don't like "pagode".
a) My dog eats spaghetti. _________________________________.
b) Claudia Leite works on TV. ______________________________.
c) The students drive to school. ____________________________.
d) I love lollypop. ________________________________________.
e) You like rain. _________________________________________.

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