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Use of Language/ Conventions

Development of Ideas




Very Limited
Thesis Statement (13A, 15Aiii)
Thesis Statement (13A, 15Aiii)
missing, unclear, illogical
weak, somewhat unclear
offers either a vague idea or one that does not
offers a general idea that responds to the
respond to the prompt
Sustained Focus
Sustained Focus
fails to maintain focus on the topic
interference in focus
ideas are incoherent and does not support the
ideas are somewhat coherent and marginally
thesis statement (15Av)
supports the thesis statement (15Av)
Structure (13B)
inappropriate to purpose and prompt or not
evident at all (15Aiv)
no flow of ideas
Progression of Idea
illogical and random
lack of transitions (15Aii)
lacks sentence-to-sentence connections
Introduction and Conclusion (15Ai)
introduction is inappropriate, ineffective and/or
unrelated to the prompt (15Aiii)
conclusion is not present or unrelated
inappropriate, vague or insufficient evidence
(15Av, 15Cii)
unrelated examples, examples are irrelevant
or missing (16A)
weakly linked (15Avi)
Depth and Interest
vague or confusing (15Ci)
no development, misinterpretation
simplistic connections

Structure (13B)
not always appropriate to purpose and
prompt (15Aiv)
disrupts the flow of ideas
Progression of Idea
not always logical and controlled
weak transitions (15Aii)
weak sentence-to-sentence connections
Introduction and Conclusion (15Ai)
introduction is partially effective and loosely
supports the prompt (15Aiii)
conclusion attempts to connects ideas or
restates the thesis statement
superficial or partial evidence supporting
thesis statement (15Av, 15Cii)
related examples: literary, historical, current
event, personal, etc. (16A)
brief, irrelevant or partially linked (15Avi)
Depth and Interest
little or no thoughtfulness (15Ci)
superficial, literal, obvious
formulaic, repetitive connections

Word Choice (13C)

vague or limited
does not establish a tone appropriate to the
does not contribute to quality and clarity of the
Sentence Structure
unvaried, uncontrolled, awkward (17C)
significantly limits the effectiveness of the
Conventions (13D)
severely affect the clarity of the essay
little to no command of grammar usage and
mechanics (17Ai, 17Aiii, 18A, 18B, 19A)

Word Choice (13C)

general or imprecise
does little to establish a tone appropriate to
the task
may not contribute to quality and clarity of the
Sentence Structure
somewhat varied, controlled and awkward
weakens the effectiveness of the essay
Conventions (13D)
may affect the clarity of the essay
partial command of grammar usage and
mechanics (17Ai, 17Aiii, 18A, 18B, 19A)

FISD ELAR Curriculum Documents

CBAP Rubric

Thesis Statement (13A, 15Aiii)
Thesis Statement (13A, 15Aiii)
clear, mostly focused
clear, specific, focused
offers a specific idea that directly responds to
offers an insightful or interesting idea that
the prompt
directly responds to the prompt without
Sustained Focus
repeating the prompt
minor lapses in focus
Sustained Focus
ideas are generally coherent and mostly
maintains focus on topic
support the thesis statement (15Av)
ideas are unified, coherent, and consistently
support the thesis statement (15Av)
Structure (13B)
Structure (13B)
mostly appropriate to purpose and prompt
appropriate to purpose and prompt (15Aiv)
enhances the flow of ideas
supports the flow of ideas
Progression of Idea
Progression of Idea
logical and well-controlled
generally logical and controlled
meaningful and well-chosen transitions
includes transitions (15Aii)
sufficient sentence-to-sentence connections
strong sentence-to-sentence connections
Introduction and Conclusion (15Ai)
Introduction and Conclusion (15Ai)
introduction is effective and supports the
introduction is engaging and convincingly
prompt (15Aiii)
supports the prompt (15Aiii)
conclusion appropriately connects ideas
conclusion connects ideas in a fresh,
sophisticated way
specific and appropriate evidence supporting
specific, credible and well-chosen evidence
thesis statement (15Av, 15Cii)
supporting thesis statement (15Av, 15Cii)
convincing examples: literary, historical,
multiple convincing examples: literary,
current event, personal, etc. (16A)
historical, current event, personal, etc. (16A)
relevant and accurate (15Avi)
substantial and smoothly integrated (15Avi)
Depth and Interest
Depth and Interest
somewhat thoughtful (15Ci)
thoughtful and engaging (15Ci)
thoroughly developed and insightful
original rather than formulaic connections
incorporates unique experience(s) or worldly
Word Choice (13C)
Word Choice (13C)
clear and specific
purposeful and precise
establishes a tone appropriate to the task
maintains a tone appropriate to the task
usually contributes to quality and clarity of the
contributes to quality and clarity of the essay
Sentence Structure
Sentence Structure
varied, purposeful and well-controlled (17C)
varied and adequately controlled (17C)
enhances the effectiveness of the essay
contributes to the effectiveness of the essay
Conventions (13D)
Conventions (13D)
contributes to the overall effectiveness of
conventions do not affect the clarity of the
the essay
consistent command of grammar usage and
adequate command of grammar usage and
mechanics (17Ai, 17Aiii, 18A, 18B, 19A)
mechanics (17Ai, 17Aiii, 18A, 18B, 19A)

English I
Revised 6/2013

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