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First Aid Policy

Date Updated: November 2014
Date for renewal: November 2016

This document takes into account the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations
1981 and the Approved Code of Practice and Guidance by the Health and Safety Executive, revised in


a) In cases where a person will need help from a medical practitioner or nurse, treatment for
the purpose of preserving life and minimising the consequences of injury and illness until
such help is obtained, and
b) Treatment of minor injuries which would otherwise receive no treatment or which do not
need treatment by a medical practitioner or nurse.
This definition is taken from the First Aid Regulations. It means that people at work are entitled to
attention if they suffer injury or fall ill, whether or not the injury or illness was caused by the work
they do. It is important that casualties receive immediate attention and that assistance is sought,
normally by calling for an ambulance, when necessary. First aid does not extend to giving medical
treatment or medications, such as analgesics (headache relief) etc.

Policy Statement
At Chalk Ridge Primary School we recognise the importance of providing adequate and appropriate
first aid equipment and facilities for all children, teaching, non-teaching staff and visitors to the
school, and will take all reasonable practical steps to fulfill our responsibility.


To formulate and implement effective procedures for incidents requiring first aid, ensuring that all
responsible practical steps are taken to meet the needs of all site users.
To ensure that all reasonably practical steps are taken to maintain the health and welfare of all
persons using the premises.
To ensure that all reasonably practical steps are taken to ensure the health and safety of staff, pupils
and other supervising adults participating in off-site visits.
To establish and maintain safe working procedures amongst staff and pupils.
To ensure that all medicines are stored safely and administered according to instructions received
from parents and Government guidelines.
To develop first aid awareness amongst staff, pupils and other supervising adults.

First Aid Provision

The Headteacher is responsible for ensuring that there is an adequate number of qualified First
Aiders. There currently 4 staff with First Aid at Work, 26 staff with Emergency First Aid at Work
and 2 Paediatric First Aiders. Their names are in the School Office. The number of first aid
personnel is sufficient to cover break and lunchtimes and absences. The school also ensures that
there is appropriate provision for after school clubs and activities.
The schools first aid needs are reviewed on a termly basis by the PA to the Headteacher, and
particularly after any changes, to ensure the provision remains adequate.
First Aid provisions are kept in the Medical Room. Travel kits are available for groups going off site
and zippy wallets containing first aid kits are taken out by the teachers on play duty. At lunch time
the Key Stage 2 area becomes the designated first aid area.
A qualified First Aider accompanies classes on all school visits.
Staff with the First Aid at Work will ensure the first aid boxes in Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and
Key Stage 2, and the zippy wallets for playtimes are replenished as soon as possible after use. The
School Business Manager, will authorise the ordering of supplies.

First Aid Boxes

First aid boxes are placed in clearly identified accessible locations around school in the Foundation
Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 area and are fully stocked with suitable first aid materials.

Recording and Reporting first Aid Treatment

All accidents that require a bump and bangs note are recorded in an accident book recording the
following information:
Persons Name
Teacher informed
Signature of First Aider

Special points relating to children requiring first aid

Identifying injuries to children
Every care is taken to ensure that injuries are not missed. If a child sustains a knock to the head,
every effort is made to contact the parent(s) or emergency contacts as recorded on the childs

Calling ambulances
An ambulance will be called for the following:
Head bangs where children lose consciousness / vomit or have signs of severe concussion.
Broken limbs where the child does not move from the place of injury and cannot move
freely. When transported when children move from the site of an accident an assessment
will be made of their injury. Parents have the right to ask for the school to call for an
ambulance if they consider it may be difficult to transport their child by themselves.

Seizures or fitting occurs.

If parents arrive in school before an ambulance is called we will discuss with them the fact that we
feel it is appropriate to call an ambulance.

Arrangements for children who are taken to hospital by emergency services

If parents cannot arrive at the school before the ambulance, they should arrange to meet their child
at the hospital. When a child is taken to hospital, he/she will be accompanied by an adult from
school who will remain with the child until parents can arrive to relieve them.

Arrangements for emergencies in class

The school has in place a red card emergency procedure. Each classroom, hall and other areas in
school have a red card on display on which is printed the location of the disk. In an emergency a
child would be sent with the red card to summon the first aider(s) and Headteacher.

Update of medical information

All staff working in school are kept informed of any childs special medical needs by the schools
Medical alert procedure. This information is circulated if a child in school has, for instance, been
diagnosed with a medical condition (e.g. diabetes, epilepsy) or if he/she cannot take part in physical
activities due to a medical condition, or has a limb in plaster. Children and staff who attend school in
plaster undergo a risk assessment procedure.

Hygiene and infection control

All persons giving first aid at school will take precautions to avoid infection. Hands must be washed
before and after giving any first aid. Single use disposable gloves must be used and care taken when
dealing with blood and any body fluids.

Medicines in school
The school adopts the guidance for the administration of medicines in school within the Health and
Safety Code of Practice.
A qualified First Aider or a member of the office staff will administer prescription medicines only.
The medication must be prescribed by a doctor and be in the original packaging with the childs
name clearly marked. Parents are requested to complete and sign a medicine form giving their
permission for the medicine to be administered.
A log is kept of all medicine administered plus name of the staff member administering it. This log is
kept in the school office.

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