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Possible library books for Feb.

order, 2016
Fernndez, Pura (ed.)
No hay nacin para este sexo. La Re(d)pblica transatlntica de las Letras: escritoras
espaolas y latinoamericanas (1824-1936). Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert,
2015, 396 p., US$ 30.80
Ediciones de Iberoamericana ; 71
ISBN: 9788484898474
Anlisis de las redes culturales y personales establecidas entre destacadas escritoras desde el
nacimiento de los nuevos Estados americanos y sus literaturas nacionales y la construccin del
Estado liberal espaol hasta la fractura de la Guerra Civil, que marc un nuevo estadio en los
flujos y contactos culturales transatlnticos, caracterizados desde entonces por la dispora y el
Hennigfeld, Ursula (ed.)
Roberto Bolao. Violencia, escritura, vida.
Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2015, 222 p., US$ 24.20
ISBN: 9788484899174
Aborda, desde la perspectiva de los estudios culturales, los temas y motivos ms recurrentes en
la obra de Bolao: el mal, la violencia y los lmites (geogrficos, culturales, humanos, etc.),
asocindolos al paradigma de la biopoltica, a los nexos entre violencia y escritura, y escritura.
De igual manera, se proponen nuevas formas de leer su obra, por ejemplo, mediante el estudio
del humor, la autora o lo abyecto.
Rivas Panedas, Jos
Poeta ultrasta, poeta exiliado. Textos recuperados. Edicin e introduccin de Carlos
Garca y Pilar Garca-Sedas.
Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2015, 320 p., US$ 30.80
El Fuego Nuevo. Textos Recobrados ; 12
ISBN: 9788484899020
Reconstruye la trayectoria biogrfica y recoge gran parte de la produccin literaria de Jos
Rivas Panedas (1898-1944), uno de los ms destacados e importantes poetas ultrastas, cado,
no obstante, en el olvido tras su exilio y muerte en Mxico. Su obra, hasta ahora dispersa en
publicaciones peridicas de la poca, se presenta aqu reunida por primera vez.
Ette, Ottmar; Ingenschay, Dieter; Schmidt-Welle, Friedhelm et al. (eds.)
MicroBerln. De minificciones y microrrelatos.
Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2015, 314 p., US$ 30.80
Bibliotheca Ibero-Americana ; 161
ISBN: 9788484899297
Compendia los debates tericos y metodolgicos con respecto a la posible definicin del
microrrelato como cuarto gnero y los diversos anlisis sobre el desarrollo y la historia del
mismo, adems de relacionar la minificcin literaria con otras prcticas simblicas y

considerar las nuevas posibilidades de su difusin en medios masivos de comunicacin y redes

Altez, Rogelio; Chust, Manuel (eds.)
Las revoluciones en el largo siglo XIX latinoamericano.
Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2015, 265 p., US$ 24.20
Estudios AHILA de Historia Latinoamericana ; 12
ISBN: 9788484899280
Analiza el proceso de surgimiento y formacin de los Estados nacionales en Amrica Latina,
desde los inicios emancipadores hasta la conmemoracin de los primeros centenarios de la
independencia en 1910, prestando especial atencin al ascenso del pensamiento liberalburgus, la consolidacin del capitalismo, el avance de la Revolucin Industrial y los
romanticismos discursivos en el marco del surgimiento del nacionalismo.
Nemrava, Daniel; Rodrigues-Moura, Enrique (eds.)
Iconofagias, distopas y farsas: ficcin y poltica en Amrica Latina.
Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2015, 214 p., US$ 24.20
Ediciones de Iberoamericana ; 84
ISBN: 9788484899259
La formacin de las literaturas nacionales latinoamericanas fue un hecho poltico surgido a
raz de sus nuevas identidades culturales, que buscaban voluntariamente diferenciarse tanto de
las metrpolis como de los pases limtrofes. Este volumen replantea el compromiso poltico
de las letras latinoamericanas y aporta lecturas plurales sobre el tema.
Amar Snchez, Ana Mara; Avils, Luis F. (eds.)
Representaciones de la violencia en Amrica Latina: genealogas culturales, formas
literarias y dinmicas del presente.
Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2015, 250 p., US$ 26.40
Nexos y diferencias. Estudios de la Cultura de Amrica Latina ; 44
ISBN: 9788484899082
Analiza las representaciones de la violencia poltica en Amrica Latina y reflexiona sobre sus
implicaciones ticas e histricas, el nexo entre memoria y violencia poltica, y los dilemas
estticos que plantea su representacin literaria.
Sessarego, Sandro; Gonzlez-Rivera, Melvin (eds.)
New Perspectives on Hispanic Contact Linguistics in the Americas.
Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2015, 462 p., US$ 52.80
Lengua y Sociedad en el Mundo Hispnico ; 35
ISBN: 9788484898771
This volume is an edited collection of articles dealing with Hispanic contact linguistics in the
Americas. The project is composed of four main sections, organized according to the type of
socio-historical scenario that characterizes the nature of the contact situation: Spanish in
contact with indigenous languages; Spanish in contact with coerced-migration languages;
Spanish in contact with free-migration languages; and Spanish in contact with languages
outside of Latin America, but still within the Americas.

Lienhard, Martn (coord.)

Violencia urbana, los jvenes y la droga = Violencia urbana, os jovens e a droga : Amrica
Latina / frica.
Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2015, 412 p., US$ 44.00
Nexos y Diferencias. Estudios de la Cultura de Amrica Latina ; 43
ISBN: 9788484898337
Este libro centra su atencin en la realidad inmediata de la violencia y las drogas, as como en
sus elaboraciones testimoniales, mediticas y artsticas a partir de una perspectiva
pluridisciplinaria que aborda msica, cine y literatura. Sin olvidar los contextos socioeconmicos y polticos, analiza las complejas y a menudo ambiguas relaciones que existen entre
las culturas juveniles urbanas y la violencia.
Camacho, Jorge
Miedo negro, poder blanco en la Cuba colonial.
Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2015, 272 p., US$ 29.80
Tiempo Emulado. Historia de Amrica y Espaa ; 40
ISBN: 9788484897996
Este libro destaca cmo, junto con el temor de que se produjera una rebelin de esclavos
semejante a la de Hait, se originaron otras fobias en Cuba que incidieron en la manera en que los
letrados se refirieron a la esclavitud, a la raza africana y a la cultura criolla en general, y como
tales temores sirvieron como concepto bsico para construir la nacin.
Pastor Bodmer, Beatriz
Cartografas utpicas de la emancipacin.
Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2015, 248 p., US$ 26.40
Tiempo Emulado. Historia de Amrica y Espaa ; 43
ISBN: 9788484898405
Desde un enfoque transatlntico y transhemisfrico, recorre la intrincada red de trayectorias y
dilogos que enlazan, en una dinmica vertiginosa, el pensamiento de los grandes ilustrados
europeos con el de los grandes revolucionarios de Hispanoamrica: Miranda, Bolvar, Mier y
Colmeiro, Jos (ed.)
Encrucijadas globales: redefinir Espaa en el siglo XXI.
Iberoamericana, Vervuert, 2015, 366 p., US$ 26.40
La Casa de la Riqueza. Estudios de la cultura de Espaa ; 31
ISBN: 9788484898795
Anlisis multidisciplinar de los procesos de redefinicin acaecidos en el marco de la
globalizacin en Espaa. En estos ltimos aos, el pas ha atravesado un proceso de cambio que
ha desembocado en una profunda crisis, econmica, poltica, cultural e identitaria, que afecta a la
propia idea de Espaa y apunta hacia una nueva transicin poltica y cultural.
Hernndez Salvn, Marta. Mnima Cuba: heretical poetics and power in post-Soviet Cuba.
SUNY Press, 2015. cloth, $85.00

Hernndez-Salvn (Univ. of California, Riverside) delves into the complex and shifting
relationship between literature and power in post-1959 Cuba. Basing her discussion on a solid
theoretical foundation, the author elucidates how artistic and literary representations of the
revolution were transformed from utopian and allegorical in early years to dystopian and antirepresentational in recent decades. In the introduction Hernndez-Salvn provides background,
emphasizing intellectual movements in post-1959 Cuba and the ways in which these have
imagined and represented the revolution. In the first chapter she explores 1960s revolutionary
ideology, in particular Che Guevaras ideas on the "new man." In the next chapter she analyzes
works from the 1980s and 1990s to show both the influence and subsequent rejection of
Guevaras ideas on the subjects role within the state; in chapter 3 she looks at the revival in the
1990s of Jos Lezama Lima, positing that the push to recover this once-ostracized author was, in
fact, a new and effective government campaign aimed at controlling cultural production.
Hernndez-Salvn concludes by examining the post-1989 Diaspora(s) and Paideia projects,
movements that rejected aesthetic representations of politics, albeit in different ways. An
invaluable contribution to Cuban studies. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division
undergraduates and above.
--Y. Fuentes, Nova Southeastern University
Prez Rosario, Vanessa.. Becoming Julia de Burgos: the making of a Puerto Rican icon.
Illinois, 2014. cloth, $85.00; pbk, $25.00
This remarkable, thoroughly researched study of the poet Julia de Burgos (191453) comprises
five chapters, an introduction, and a conclusion. Copious notes elucidate the text. Photographs
and color plates enrich and reinforce Prez Rosario's thought-provoking portrait of this dynamic
woman. The poet's letters to her sister in Puerto Rico, reproduced in the second chapter, offer
fascinating insights and nuanced dimensions to her persona in her exploration of New York City
beyond the confines of East Harlem. A political and cultural activist who participated in efforts
for Puerto Rican independence, Burgos insisted in her "Poema para mi muerte" on being known
as a poet. Prez Rosario (CUNY, Brooklyn College) states in her conclusion, "Creating
Latinidad," that her intention in writing this study was to "read Julia de Burgos's life, poetry,
prose, and death from a Latino studies perspective." A phenomenal work by a remarkable
scholar, this absorbing volume is required reading for those intrigued by the relationship between
Latin America and the US. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Upper-division undergraduates
through faculty.
--F. Colecchia, Duquesne University

Memory and Trauma in the Postwar Spanish Novel Revisiting the Past Edited by Sarah
Leggott and Ross Woods, both Victoria University of Wellington The novel of the post-Civil War
and ensuing dictatorship period has received relatively little critical attention of late. The essays
in this study argue that such novels merit a fresh critical approach, and that contemporary
scholarship relating to the representation of memory and trauma in literature can enhance our
understanding of the postwar Spanish novel. 2014 182 pages 978-1-61148-530-1 $70.00
(44.95) Cloth 978-1-61148-531-8 $69.99 (44.95) eEBOOK

Henri Lefebvre and the Spanish Urban Experience Reading from the Mobile City By
Benjamin Fraser, College of Charleston In applying his sharp analysis of Lefebvres ideas on
urban development and everyday life to Spanish modernity, Fraser performs a theoretical tour de
force. The mindboggling range of written, visual, and digital cultural material here
underscores Frasers Lefebvrian prioritization of the mobile over the static in large-scale social
practices in city space. Highly recommended. Choice 2013 252 pages 978-1-61148-5233 $38.99 (24.95) Paper 978-1-61148-368-0 $75.00 (44.95) Cloth (2011
Forth and Back Translation, Dirty Realism, and the Spanish Novel (19751995) By Cintia
Santana, Stanford University Focusing on postdictatorship Spain and the meaning of nationness, Santana takes a welcome look at the effervescent translations of U.S. literature in Spain, in
particular of dirty realism. The sociopolitical and economic context affords the reader a
thorough understanding of the reception of translated U.S. dirty realism in the Spanish literary
market. Expertly documented and soundly written, this book challenges how nation-ness is
constructed vis--vis those readings. Recommended. Choice 2013 192 pages 978-1-61148460-1 $70.00 (44.95) Cloth 978-1-61148-461-8 $69.99 (44.95) eEBOOK
Post-Conflict Central American Literature Searching for Home and Longing to Belong By
Yvette Aparicio, Grinnell College Through the exploration of poetry and a select number of short
stories, this book contemplates the meanings of home, belonging, and the homeland in postconflict, globalizing, and neoliberal El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Aparicio analyzes
literary representations of and meditations on the current conditions as well as the recent pasts of
Central American homelands. 2014 182 pages 978-1-61148-547-9 $70.00 (44.95) Cloth
978-1-61148-548-6 $69.99 (44.95) eEBOOK. AVAILABLE AT ROANOKE COLLEGE
Counterfeit Politics Secret Plots and Conspiracy Narratives in the Americas By David
Kelman, California State University, Fullerton Kelman reassesses the political significance of
conspiracy theory. Through careful readings of works by Hemingway, Piglia, Pynchon, DeLillo,
Luis Borges, Reed, Volpi, Mench, and Rama, he demonstrates that conspiracy narratives bear
witness to an illegitimate/counterfeit secret that cannot be fully recognized, understood, and
controlled. This silence is nevertheless precisely what gives the secret its force. Series:
Bucknell Studies in Latin American Literature and Theory 2013 202 pages 978-1-61148-414-4
$80.00 (49.95) Cloth 978-1-61148-415-1 $79.99 (49.95) eEBOOK

Queer Iberia: Sexualities, Cultures, and Crossings from the Middle Ages to the
Editor(s): Josiah Blackmore,Gregory S. Hutcheson
Contributor(s): Gregory S. Hutcheson, Mark
D. Jordan,Benjamin Liu, Catherine Brown,Sara Lipton, Louise O. Vasvari,Roberto
J. Gonzalez-Casanovas,Daniel Eisenberg,Michael Solomon,Barbara Weissberger, Linde
M. Brocato, E. Michael Gerli, Mary Elizabeth Perry, Israel Burshatin,Josiah Blackmore
Published: 1999
Pages: 488
Illustrations: 3 illustrations, 1 table

Sales/Territorial Rights: World

Series: Series Q
Series Editor(s): Michle Aina Barale, Jonathan Goldberg,Michael Moon, Eve
Kosofsky Sedgwick
Paperback: $28.95 - In Stock
Martyred saints, Moors, Jews, viragoes, hermaphrodites, sodomites, kings, queens, and crossdressers comprise the fascinating mosaic of historical and imaginative figures unearthed
in Queer Iberia. The essays in this volume describe and analyze the sexual diversity that
proliferated during the period between the tenth and the sixteenth centuries when political
hegemony in the region passed from Muslim to Christian hands.
To show how sexual otherness is most evident at points of cultural conflict, the contributors use a
variety of methodologies and perspectives and consider source materials that originated in
Castilian, Latin, Arabic, Catalan, and Galician-Portuguese. Covering topics from the martydom
of Pelagius to the exploits of the transgendered Catalina de Erauso, this volume is the first to
provide a comprehensive historical examination of the relations among race, gender, sexuality,
nation-building, colonialism, and imperial expansion in medieval and early modern Iberia. Some
essays consider archival evidence of sexual otherness or evaluate the use of deviance as a
marker for cultural and racial difference, while others explore both male and female
homoeroticism as literary-aesthetic discourse or attempt to open up canonical texts to alternative
readings. Positing a queerness intrinsic to Iberias historical process and cultural identity,Queer
Iberia will challenge the field of Iberian studies while appealing to scholars of medieval,
cultural, Hispanic, gender, and gay and lesbian studies.
Contributors. Josiah Blackmore, Linde M. Brocato, Catherine Brown, Israel Burshatin, Daniel
Eisenberg, E. Michael Gerli, Roberto J. Gonzlez-Casanovas, Gregory S. Hutcheson, Mark D.
Jordan, Sara Lipton, Benjamin Liu, Mary Elizabeth Perry, Michael Solomon, Louise O. Vasvri,
Barbara Weissberger
About The Author(s)
Josiah Blackmore is Assistant Professor of Portuguese at the University of Toronto.
Gregory S. Hutcheson is Assistant Professor in the Department of Spanish, French, Italian, and
Portuguese at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

The Culture of Cursilera: Bad Taste, Kitsch, and Class in Modern Spain
Author(s): Nol Valis
Published: 2003
Pages: 424
Illustrations: 19 b&w photos

Sales/Territorial Rights: World

Cloth: $99.95 - In Stock


Paperback: $27.95 - In Stock

Not easily translated, the Spanish terms cursi and cursilera refer to a cultural phenomenon
widely prevalent in Spanish society since the nineteenth century. Like "kitsch," cursi evokes the
idea of bad taste, but it also suggests one who has pretensions of refinement and elegance
without possessing them. In The Culture of Cursilera, Nol Valis examines the social meanings
of cursi, viewing it as a window into modern Spanish history and particularly into the
development of middle-class culture.
Valis finds evidence in literature, cultural objects, and popular customs to
argue that cursilera has its roots in a sense of cultural inadequacy felt by the lower middle
classes in nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century Spain. The Spain of this era, popularly viewed
as the European power most resistant to economic and social modernization, is characterized by
Valis as suffering from nostalgia for a bygone, romanticized society that structured itself on strict
class delineations. With the development of an economic middle class during the latter half of the
nineteenth century, these designations began to break down, and individuals across all levels of
the middle class exaggerated their own social status in an attempt to protect their cultural capital.
While the resulting manifestations of cursilera were often provincial, indeed backward, the
concept wasand still isclosely associated with a sense of home. Ultimately, Valis shows how
cursilera embodied the disparity between old ways and new, and how in its awkward manners,
airs of pretension, and graceless anxieties it represents Spain's uneasy surrender to the forces of
The Culture of Cursilera will interest students and scholars of Latin America, cultural studies,
Spanish literature, and modernity.
About The Author(s)
Nol Valis is Professor of Spanish at Yale University. Her previous books include The Decadent
Vision in Leopoldo Alas and The Novels of Jacinto Octavio Picn.
Escudos, Jacinta. El asesino melanclico Alfaguara 6071135095
Halfon, Eduardo. The Polish Boxer Bellevue Literary Press 1934137537

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